Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to the wonderful world of puberty ❯ No strings attached ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
TEN: No strings attached

The sun was slowly setting, the orange glow designing stretch out patterns on the beige upper halves of the walls. The sound of giggling children and splashing water came through the opened windows, accompanied by a conversation between adults sitting on their terrace enjoying the end of another summer day.

Sora watched the forms on the walls stretch themselves further as the light slowly started to fade out and the chirping sounds of the crickets became a sweet lullaby. All he wished for now was just to find the comfortable depths of sleep in his lover's arms and continue to enjoy his closeness, but his worries that had been present for almost the entire day prevented him to do so.

He sighed and turned his head to the other side so he was facing his partner's resting face.

His lower left arm was resting on the younger one's chest and his fingers were slightly touching the base of his throat. A few strands of silver hair were caressing his cheek and he smiled tenderly at the ticklish sensation.

Small tanned fingers rose slowly to touch this pale Adonis' sleeping features, attempting to detach him from his brief slumber.

Kairi thinks she can't lose with the situation she's putting us in, but what when she finds out that you and me are involved with each other? Will she be mad? Repulsed? Will she go and tell everyone? How are they going to react when they find out?

Sliding his fingers through Riku's platinum mane, Sora bit his lip in admiration for the elder teen's genuine beauty.

Sometimes I just wished that I was more like you, Riku; so self-assured, so pulled together… I just can't help but feel insecure when I think about all the things that you are and that I'm not…I would so much want to be like you…And I've been wondering about it these past three days… what do you see in me, Riku?


It all went so fast, just two days ago we we're just the best of friends, now I know every inch of your body by heart… come to think of it, how many times did we make love in these past 72 hours? Five, six times?

"Come on Riku."

No wonder you're beaten…

A low mumble resounded from where Riku's mouth lay near Sora's shoulder.

"Wake up, you lazy," Sora then giggled, putting a hand on the one that was on his chest, "come on."

"Sora… I'm not up for another round," came the grumbled response. It made the other giggle again.

"Me neither, love," he softly whispered back, pressing a kiss on his lover's fingertips.

Riku sighed, "Then let me sleep just a little longer…"

The brunette chewed on his lower lip nervously, "But I need to talk to you."

He waited for a response from his lover to only receive the sound of soft snoring. Pouting in annoyance the youth then grabbed a pillow that had fallen from the couch on the carpet next to him and whacked Riku over the head with it, "It's pretty urgent!" he almost whined.

"Ack! Ouch!" the blonde put a hand on his head, cracking an eye open to look at him in exasperation, "What, you pregnant or something?"

"Ha-ha, not funny." Sora sarcastically replied with a small pout and a hint of a smile, pushing the chuckling teen playfully.

"Then why are you suppressing that cute smile of yours?" Riku teased, moving closer to him and straddling his legs with his left one possessively.

Sora blushed an interesting colour of red at that but didn't answer.

Chuckling again at that endearing reaction, the blonde then nuzzled his throat lazily, feeling his eyes grow heavy with sleep once more.

"I'm sure that if I had been a female I would've been by now…if you had used the proper… you know…" the brunette mumbled, still blushing, "Seen the way we've been going at it…"

Riku smirked, his eyes closed and his face now buried in his lover's chocolate tresses, "I probably would've got knocked you up five or six times…"

"Ok, ok." Sora then chuckled, rolling his eyes and turning his head to face him once more, "We all know you've got amazing stamina, lover of mine," He ran a hand through Riku's hair, wanting him to open his eyes, his worries start to take the upper hand of his feelings again, "But let's not get off topic."

Sighing softly and opening his eyes to gaze into worried sapphire ones, Riku gently brushed his lips against his in a comforting way, "What's been eating ya?" he tenderly inquired, the tip of his free left fingers tracing the line of Sora's right cheekbone.

Sora's gaze dropped from his and his right hand took hold of one of his platinum locks cascading over his left shoulder, twirling the captured hair around his index finger before letting it go and repeating the movement.

"Baby?" Riku whispered, his hand now cupping his lover's tormented face, his own heart starting to beat with concern, "Talk to me."

The next moment Sora was kissing him, the movements of his lips taking on a desperate tendency as his tongue found his own, his hand almost painfully taking hold of his shoulder, pulling him on top of him. He didn't fully grasp the meaning of this frenetic action and he needed an explanation for Sora's weird behaviour. Not that it wasn't pleasant, but as said before, he wasn't up for another round of one-on-one.

"Sora…" he gasped, pulling out of the kiss and looking down at him, breathing heavily, "What wrong?"

Turning his head to the side, the brunette bit his lip again, closing his eyes, "I'm afraid for tomorrow. I… I've changed my mind; we shouldn't have sex with Kairi."

Raising an eyebrow at that, the elder lowered himself next to him, so he could face him, "What made you change your mind?"

Are you still suspicious about something? Was that what the frantic kiss was about?

Sora sighed again and frowned, his ocean blue gems still closed, "I think that Kairi hopes that one of us falls in love with her by having sex with either one of us…" he started hesitantly, "And since I've made my feelings towards her clear, she hopes that…"

"Hey, come on…" Riku interrupted him, smiling reassuringly, "I already told you that I don't love her. I'm in love with you and I won't ever leave you, if that's what you're still worried about. Besides, I don't think that having sex with her will…"

"No, you don't get it!" Sora was now looking at him pleadingly, tears shimmering at the edge of his beautiful eyes, "I don't think I will be able to contain myself tomorrow. I mean, I won't be able to not touch you when we'll be with her… she'll find out… about us… And what if she gets mad? What if she tells everyone?" he sighed and sniffled, a tear rolling over the bridge of his nose and adding itself to the others that were escaping from his other eye, "I've grown to love you to the point that it hurts in just three days! I won't be able to bare it if you were to do her while I'm there too! I'll long for your touch, your attention. I told myself that I wouldn't mind sharing you, but I was so wrong!" He then sat up, pulling his legs up to his chest, "I don't want you to have sex with Kairi. Call me selfish; I don't care! I want you for myself. You're mine, and Kairi needs to keep her fucking hands off of you!"

Riku kept listening to him with a soft smile on his face, falling in love with his best friend all over again. As the young boy's voice cracked from the tears at the end of his rambling, the blonde sat up next to him and took him in his arms, kissing his forehead repetitively.

"You're mine… like I'm yours. Totally yours," Sora whimpered, "And I won't share you…" His small fingers dug into the flesh of his shoulders as he clung to him, kissing the blonde's lips again.

"Oh Sora…" Riku compassionately whispered at the amount of desperate love his little lover was expressing at the moment. He knew, even if Sora would never admit it, that he was still afraid that he would leave him for another. The young teen felt insecure about what the others would say, of course, and about himself.

"No matter what other people around us will do or say, it won't change the fact that I love you," Riku whispered back against his left temple, pressing a soft kiss against his soft skin, "I don't even care about them and you shouldn't either, baby."

Sora pushed himself away to look at him with a questioning look on his face. The elder teen smiled at him and wiped the remains of his tears from his eyes, "It's you and me against the world if it has to come down to that, Sora."

Taking a shaky breath, the brunette felt his tears come up again as he whispered; "But I'm… I'm not as strong as you are, Riku…" he finally managed to whimper out, lowering his head again.

Riku meekly smiled, he had expected him to say something like that, "I'm not asking you to be, Sora. I love you just the way you are." He answered, tilting his chin up with a finger.

"Weak?" the youth melancholically whispered, his eyes averting themselves form his again.

"Don't ever, ever say that about yourself, Sora!" Riku severely said, resting his hands on Sora's shoulders and making him look up at him anxiously. He then sighed deeply and took him in another embrace, "You're my source of strength, Sora." He whispered, feeling the brunette tense against him in surprise. He smiled then and continued, "I get my strength and confidence from you. When you trust me like you did when we made love before, you show me that you have faith and confidence in me, and that in return; I can put my trust in you."

A soft sob resounded through the room and he felt Sora grab him tighter, "You want to be more like me, while in fact I'm the one who's trying to be more like you." He loosened his grip on him so he could face him, "Passionate," he kissed his trembling lips briefly and felt one of Sora's teardrop roll onto his cheek, "Loyal, openhearted, responsive. Cute, naïve when it comes to some things…" With a finger he wiped away a tear, "So full of emotions."

Sora softly chuckled, despite the tears and took hold of the elder's head with both hands, making the tips of their noses touch, "Wh-what else?" he asked quietly, eyes closed.

"Oh God, you still need to ask?" Riku chuckled, kissing him again and laughing with him, "Sexy. Unbelievably sexy."

"Y-you think I'm…sexy?" Sora questioned, opening his eyes and giggling shyly.

"Oh God yeah…" Riku breathed out, adjusting his grip on him and nodding his head against his, his eyes never leaving those moist emotive blue ones, "And not quite as innocent or defenceless as you want people to believe of you."

The younger one giggled again, the tip of his tongue sticking out from between his grinning teeth, "And what makes you state this?"

"Ah," Riku said, one of his hands moving up Sora's back to caress the remaining of his tears off his cheeks, "An innocent and defenceless boy wouldn't be moaning so deliciously every time I did this…"

His lips found Sora's tender spot on his throat, making the boy moan throatily in his ear.

"Maybe… maybe he would because it feels too good and his lover knows just the right spots on his body…?" Sora whispered throatily, his lips brushing against Riku's right earlobe.

Riku chuckled at that, "But he wouldn't be so damn seductive at times like now, by making his warm breath caress one's earlobe like that and making his voice sound so arousing…"

"Maybe he doesn't know he's doing it?" Sora answered, moving his head so he was facing him, "Maybe the other is just too horny at times." The brunette bit his lips and put up his big innocent eyes to look at him.

"Or MAYBE," Riku tackled him, sending them both on the couch again, "the other boy just can't get enough of tempting him!"

"Ah! Riku!" Sora chuckled and squirmed underneath him as he felt Riku's hand start to tickle him on every ticklish spot, "S-stop!"

"Admit you're too damn sexy for your own good."

"Hahaha… I admit… hihihi…" he giggled, desperately trying to writhe away from his hands, "I admit… that I'm too sexy for you…" Sora then panted, casting him his most seductive grin, "And that you…you can't handle me!"

"Why you little…" Riku laughed, doubling his dose of tickles, determined to wipe that grin off his face and replace it with something else...

"N-no… don't go down there…ah! Hahaha…" the younger boy tried to push Riku's hands away so he wouldn't venture more southwards.

"Oh?" the blonde chuckled, pinning Sora's hands in one of his easily, "Why not, little boy?" he teased, his face now close to the younger one's.

Trying to catch his breath while glaring playfully at him, "Do you know… how many times we've made love in these past three days?"

"Probably not enough if you still can remember every time we did make love."

"Gah-ah! Riku-uhihihi…Will you stop for a moment!" Sora exasperatedly said, giggling after he had been mercilessly molested and tickled again, "We made love 6 times! What are we, rabbits?"

Riku laughed at that, "You know, if you're trying to make me stop touching you, it's not working. You should've got thought of that when you got so frickin' sexy and arousing. Hmm… I just love your skin… so inviting…" he caught his lover's right earlobe between his teeth.

"Oh God…" Sora moaned, feeling a hand stroke over his awakening shaft and Riku's erection pressing against his right thigh, "How do you…I thought… I thought you weren't up for another round?!"

"I thought you knew I recovered extremely fast."

"Oh why did I fall for a guy with a huge libido-ohh! Riku!"

"I don't hear you complain about it, do I?" the elder chuckled, grinding his body against his, making him arch up, moaning. "Thought so."

"Promise me we won't go through with Kairi." Sora then said, panting and locking his eyes with his lover's azure ones, "I don't care if she finds out; I won't share you. With no one."

Riku let go of his hands and gave him a worried look, "Are you serious?"

"I don't want to hide anymore, Riku." The youth then whispered, licking the blonde's upper lip, "It's you and me against the world."

"Sora," Riku tenderly whispered back, not convinced, "You absolutely sure?"

"Yes!" Sora said relentlessly before giving him a suspicious look, "You WANT to have sex with her?"

"Oh no, no!"Riku immediately whispered back, realising he was venturing himself into dangerous waters. The last thing he wanted was for Sora to get mad and hurt again, "I'm just asking, because it will get difficult with people knowing, Sora. You don't even know how your parents will react."

The boy shook his head, "I don't care, I'm old enough to choose the one I want to be with. Old enough to know that I love you and that they can't do anything to stop that. I'll be alright, as long as I'm with you. You and me against the world, right?" he put one hand on Riku's cheek, "Now promise me about Kairi."

Riku nodded with growing determination, "You and me against the world, Sora." He intertwined their hands, "And I promise we won't have sex with Kairi."

Smiling contently, Sora than moved both of their joined hands above his head and wiggled his hips.

"Well then, are you just going to leave this defenceless boy like this?"

"Ohh… you're good." Riku panted; the sensation of their pressed groins sending electricity down his spine, "You're good and you fucking know it…"

Sora just giggled and wrapped his legs around him, "Do go slow on me this time, sir…?"

"But I thought this boy liked it rough…" the blonde teased back, rubbing the tip of their noses together and breathing in their scents.

"Oh sir, I do… I really do, but I'm not quite used to it yet, and my body is now a little sore," Sora shyly whispered, blushing, "And if I may say, sir, you didn't give me much time to recover…"

Riku raised an eyebrow at that, "Can you blush on command or something? How do you do that?"

"Riku, I'm serious. I would like to be able to walk straight tomorrow." He pouted, blushing even more.

"Okay, okay." Riku thought about it for a moment, "Time for you to learn a new position. One I know you'll enjoy very much."

Blue eyes widened in curiosity, "I will?"

He nodded, smiling mischievously "It's called sixty-nine."

Sora frowned, "Sixty… nine?"

"Uh-huh. Get on top of me, I'll show you." Riku grinned now, loving how Sora could be so adorable.

"Okay, like this?" the brunette asked, sitting on top of him now, straddling his legs.

"Now turn around, with your legs on each side of my head." The elder instructed, laughing silently at his lover's obliviousness.

"Oh, I get it. And now I give you head, right?" Sora said, turning his head, trying to look at him, "Okay, but how will I enjoy this?"

"Like this," Riku tilted his head up a little so he could reach Sora's erection with his tongue, licking it briefly.


"Yes. And you do the same for me."

"That's… that's going to be difficult… it feels… ohhh!" Sora breathed as Riku engulfed his member, letting his tongue work on him.

He bent over though, eyes closed and hands wrapped around his lover's erection as he slowly pumped him, "Oh Riku… oh baby…"

"Don't stop, Sora… oh fuck, that's good." Riku groaned, resting his head back on the couch as he felt Sora take him into his mouth, his moans sending quivers throughout his whole body. Wetting one of his fingers with saliva, Riku then inserted it carefully into his lover's entrance.

"Ah…" Sora winced, tensing up briefly, "R-Riku…"

"Am I hurting you?"

"J-just a little…"


From then on they kept it purely oral, Riku not wanting to cause anymore pain to his lover and soon they both climaxed, making sure that not a single drop reached the newly acquired piece of furniture.

Slowly resurfacing from the depths of his sub conscience, Sora opened his eyes, feeling remarkably rested and satisfied, and the soft blue of his covers greeting him. Curling his fingers over the borders of the sheets, he peeked to see the bright rays of the sun shining straight into his room.

"Morning…?" he whispered, frowning a little, not remembering falling neither asleep nor coming up here. He looked around him and sat up slowly, wincing slightly at the soft pain in his lower back. His room was empty and the door to his bathroom was open revealing an equally empty shower.

Where was Riku? Didn't he spend the night?

"Riku?" Sora called, but received no answer whatsoever. It wasn't until he put his hand on his other pillow to get out of his bed that he saw the sheet of paper lying there. A small pout formed itself on his lips. Good morning baby, I'm sorry I'm not there to see the pout you're probably wearing right now, but I needed to get home before my parents started to wonder where I had gone without telling them. And I also didn't want to wake you up since you looked so adorable and peaceful. You were wonderful last night, and I will make sure to take account of your beautiful and delicate body next times. The pleasure you procure me is heavenly, but you shouldn't be the one suffering because of it. I'll probably be over at your house around 2pm; I have a lot of things to take care of before tomorrow tonight. I know you're starting to get all suspicious about it, but you will have to wait until the party to find out. Take care of yourself, love and I'll see you soon. Riku.


A smile replaced the pout and he got out of the bed, preparing himself for the day ahead of him. Glancing at the clock on his desk, he groaned slightly as he realised that it would be another five hours before he'd see Riku again.

As he stepped into the shower he decided to go to the island, in the hope to see his silver haired lover there or on the way over there.  

"Hey Sora! Sora!"

Twirling around at the sound of his name, Sora watched as Tidus and Wakka came up to him, "Hey guys." He was just stepping out of his house and closed the door behind him.

"Hey. So tonight's the big party, ya?" Wakka grinned, his arms tucked behind his back, "I hear there will be a lot people coming."

"Yeah, I hear you've got Dj Yuffie playing at your party!" Tidus excitedly exclaimed, punching the brunette playfully on his shoulder, "How'd you do that?!"

Sora grinned amenably, "Truthfully told, I don't even know who Dj Yuffie is, it's Cloud who arranged her for me."

"Man, she only plays in the hottest places! My brother, Shuyin, told me that, and he goes to the big island all the time. He says the clubs in the city are so wild, there are some people spending entire weekends just dancing there!"

"So where are you going now?" Wakka chuckled, pushing Tidus out of the way to stop him from grinning stupidly at the brunette.

Sora laughed, "Oh just to the island, chill out for a while."

"Cool. Hey, you've seen Riku around?" Tidus said as the three of them started to walk towards the docks, "I haven't seen him since Monday. Did you know he and Kairi were together?"

"Kairi and Riku, man?" Wakka asked, his voice holding a strange undertone. "You sure?"

Sora watched him for a moment, realising something about the redhead, "Must've been a very short relationship then." He then nonchalantly said.

"Why? You know more?" Tidus asked, kicking his blitzball up into the sky before catching it. He gave Wakka a knowing grin, which got returned from the other teen. This all went on without Sora knowing.

"Riku broke up with her." Sora shrugged, walking over the wooden dock and up to his small boat.

"Why?" Wakka asked, taking seat in his own boat.

"It just wasn't working." The brunette answered, sitting down and taking out the oars to start rowing.

"Hey, wait up, Sora! You're not telling us something!" Wakka called after him, starting to row too, closely followed by Tidus.

Sora knew that he wanted to tell them about him and Riku, he wanted them to know. Tidus might understand, since he always was a broad thinker, but Wakka was more the religious type with strong beliefs. He'd maybe make a problem out of it, but if Tidus was okay with it, he wouldn't last long. The brunette had always known that Wakka had had a thing for Kairi. But he probably never acted out on his feelings because of her closeness with him and Riku.

If Kairi so desperately wanted to be loved, why not by someone who actually loved her back?

He was already walking onto the sand when he heard Wakka and Tidus running up behind him.


The next thing he knew was that he had sand in his mouth and that he laid sprawled out on the beach with Tidus sitting on him. Before realising he let out a painful cry, pushing the blonde harshly off of him.

"Hey, dude, sorry okay? No need to get so angry."

Sighing and standing up while brushing the sand off his baggy jeans and t-shirt, Sora looked at him apologetically, "No, I'm sorry."

"What happened to ya, man?" Wakka then worriedly asked, "You seem to be in pain of something."

"Well," Sora started taking a deep breath, ready to tell them everything.

"You and Riku finally banged each other?" Tidus chuckled, elbowing his redheaded friend who snickered in response.

"Eh?!" Sora was dumbfounded and just stared at them with his mouth slightly ajar, "You guys know? H-how?"

"Uh, well…" Wakka started, slightly blushing and avoiding his gaze, "We kind of… heard you."

"What?!" Sora exclaimed, the horror written all over his face. He wasn't ashamed of his relationship with Riku anymore, but what they did behind closed doors was supposed to stay behind those doors!

"Yeah, yesterday evening." Tidus chuckled, "Oh man, what was he doing to you?"

"Oh my god!"Sora started to back away from them, embarrassment now taking over, "We were that loud?"

The blonde laughed at his face, nodding, "But hey, we don't mind." He looked at his friend who was shaking his head to emphasis his words, "It's okay, we understand."

"Y-you do?" Sora whispered back, blushing a little, "But what were you doing around my house yesterday?"

"We came to talk to you about the party. We first stopped at Riku's to see if you were maybe there, since his house is closer to Tidus' and mine's, but he wasn't in either." Wakka answered, smirking, "We figured he was with you as we heard you call his name in a rather… eh passionate way…"

"Dude, we were just standing outside the door." Tidus laughed again.

"Stop, I get it!" Sora groaned in an annoyed way.

"Might want to keep it down a little next time, ya?" Wakka advised, taking Tidus' blitzball from him.

"Guess we found the reason for him to break up with Kairi, huh?" Tidus said, watching his friend play with his ball.

"You guys," Sora started, biting his lips nervously, "Riku and I decided just yesterday to reveal our relationship, so I would appreciate it if you don't tell it to every person you see, okay?"

"How long are the two of you together… Like that?" Wakka asked.

"Well, officially since Tuesday night." The brunette responded, smiling proudly.

"I see you're really happy about it, huh?" The blonde smirked, watching him amusedly, "Does Kairi know?"

"No. At least, not yet. I'm pretty sure she'll figure it out tonight." Sora nonchalantly said, "I don't really care."

"You mad at her or something?" The redhead asked, catching the ball he had previously thrown in the air, "What could she have got done to you?"

"Wakka," Tidus groaned, "Her little thing with Riku?"

"Oh man, you're jealous?" Wakka said, smirking.

"Not at all, Wakka.She'll never have Riku anyway." Sora chuckled, "You should try and ask her out, man."

"You think so?" Wakka immediately asked before realising, "I mean, why?"

Sora and Tidus laughed, "Right. We all know you've had the hots for her for quite a while now." Tidus chuckled.

"Hey, Tidus."Sora then suddenly whispered, remembering something. He took him by his arm and led him at a safe distance from Wakka, "Does he know about you and Kairi?" he made a subtle movement of his head towards the training redhead.

Tidus blinked, "Me and Kairi what?"

"She told me you two… at Riku's party last year…?"

"Oh. Oh!" the blonde raised his eyebrows, "Nothing happened man; she wasn't ready."

Sora frowned, "You didn't do anything?"

"No, man. She told you we did?" Tidus asked smirking, "Believe me, I wanted to, but we didn't. Wakka doesn't need to know THAT, though."

The brunette smirked in response, "Sure."

Sora watched his friend walk back to Wakka before turning around and walking to the sea-side shack. He made his way to Riku's small island and could feel a feeling of anger taking over in him.

She had used him. Tricked him into having sex with her.

To be continued… -Backdiamond Princess-