Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ When Light Becomes Darkness ❯ First Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Light Becomes Darkness
By: Katan Yue
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts and I'm not making any profit.
Categories: Alternate Universe, mystery, suspense, supernatural
Rated: Mature NC17 because of strong violent content, some cuss words, and strong vampiric content.
Summary: Sora is a normal person dutifully working on an investigative report with his best friend Tifa while working a graveyard shift as a DJ for a local radio station. Ever since the love struck Sora starts working with Tifa on a report about heavily mutilated corpses being found in the back alleyways of night clubs, houses, and mansions, our unlikely hero starts getting the faint notion that he is being followed. Little does he know that the report he's been helping Tifa with will be the last of his starting career in journalism.
The First Night: Nothing Out of the Ordinary
When light becomes darkness it is easy for us to loose our way in this world. To find our own path we must keep on fighting with all of our strength to leave a positive mark to this sick-ridden world. Will you be the one to fight for a better world, or will you be the type that does nothing to help our planet?
Wandering what to do? You can start by recycling, by polluting less, by turning off the lights you're not using. There are many way for you to make this world a better place for you, your children, and your children's children. So what if you won't be around to see a devastated world. Don't you want to leave a healthy environmental legacy for all of your descendants? I sure do.
Not an eco-friendly person, huh? You should be, but if you want to start on a small scale, say hello to your neighbor. Help someone in need. Be respectful. Take that old saying as your personal motto, “Do onto other's what you would like for other's to do onto you.” So what if your neighbor has a different religion, comes from another country, has different beliefs, or likes people from the same sex. Isn't our responsibility to treat other people with the outmost respect? You bet. Remember: “All men are created equal.”
And speaking of equal, it's time for our audience to give us a call and tell us what's on their mind. You can even give a shout-out to your friends and family if you want. All of this magic comes after these brief messages from our sponsor.
Just the click of a button and the DJ was out of the air. Whew……the small DJ heaved a sigh and got up for his routine stretch.
“Good job!” Came the compliment from the other side of the glass panel. Although he couldn't hear the words directly, the job had taught Sora how to read a person's moving lips. This ability came in quite handy when trying to decipher what other people were telling you behind the heavy glass window of the tiny studio.
“You're on in five.” Tidus signaled through the window by putting out his hand so that all five fingers were showing.
Five……Four……Three…… Two……One……You're on the air!
Good night tonight's last caller. What is your name?
“My name's Axel. A-X-E-L, got it memorized?”
You bet A-X-E-L my friend. What's eating you up tonight?
“Well, you're right about the whole “respect others” theme, but it pisses me off when they think they are superior to others.”
Why do you say that?
“Just this morning, I was walking with my boyfriend to school when a couple of old hags-”
Remember to be respectful, Axel. Tolerance is the key.
“Sorry……old ladies were coming out of a church. When they saw me and my boyfriend together they started making a great fuss over nothing.”
“Yes, really. We weren't even kissing or nothing like it, we were just holding hands -like innocently -whatever, to sum it all up, the women there said that we were sinners, that god hated us, and that we were going to go to hell for our sin -I mean, what the hell is wrong with them!? What pissed me even more was the way they were looking at us -like we had a disease or something. They made Roxy cry in rage and indignation. Some Christians they are!”
I'm sorry to hear such a horror story from you Axel. All of us here at the station hope Roxy is alright.
“Roxas!” came the shout from another male correcting the DJ sharply.
Good night to you too, Roxas. Pardon my mistake.
I do agree with you Axel, they had no right to judge you in any way. Is it not Christian belief that only God may judge you? I think so.
I want to reprimand all those judgmental Christians out there tonight that think other people are inferior to them. What happened to humbleness, forgiveness, and if somebody hits you, what about putting out the other cheek?
Anyways my faithful late night listenersit is now five minutes till midnight and it is time for me to say good bye, but before I go, I want to remind all of you about a special report on clandestine warehouse parties. Be on the look-out for the Deep Dive Chronicles newspaper because it is very important to every person who likes to party and have some fun -no, it is not about date rape drugs but it is life threatening. Okso enough rambling. Be safe, take care, and try to make a better day every day.
Off the air!
Stretching out his tired limbs for the nth time that night, Sora gave a happy sigh. He was done for the night. A call from his girlfriend and all would be all right with his nightly routine. Just a single look at his surroundings and the realization of just how much he loved his job blossomed inside of the petite DJ. He loved being able to communicate his feelings and ideas with the general public. He loved speaking to diverse individuals that could teach him many things that books could not. He did love books, but speaking to people through the means of the radio was much more important to him. Sora had to admit that he loved investigative journalism as well. The thrill of unveiling hidden information that was important to the general public was becoming a priority in his life as well. With so many things going on in his life he rarely got to spend time with his mother. I'll give her a call later…Sora planed with enthusiasm before heading out of the radio station.
The radio station's parking lot was very vast and very dimly lit. Unfortunately for him, his parking space was the farthest from the radio station, and although the parking lot was full whenever he got there, the lot would empty-out by midnight.
“Shit…” The semi-frozen brunette cursed under his misty breath. The night tonight was awfully cold, extremely wet, and extremely slippery. How much and how long had it rained since his job had started? He didn't have a clue. That was why he hated his late night working schedule, but he had to admit that it gave him the money to attend the local college in his quest of becoming a journalist.
Between his freezing body and the stinging of his eyes from the cold, Sora noticed how dark the lot had gotten. Some of the lights were flickering out while others were completely out. From the corner of his eyes he saw a shadow. Sora hurried his pace unconsciously.
Lately, he felt like he was being watched. But whenever he turned, whenever he strained his eyes to look clear into the darkness of the city, he saw no one. Now, Sora did not consider himself the paranoid kind. He was far from the loony-toon type, but ever since he had started aiding Tifa with her investigation, he had come to learn the meaning of being petrified.
When he got to his old Honda, Sora fumbled urgently for the keys. His hands shook; his heart raced a mile a minute, and now he could hear steps getting closer and closer to where he was.
Miraculously he managed to open the car door and he quickly jumped into the safety of his vehicle. His instincts told him to reach for the concealed knife he kept under his seat and have it ready in case anything happened. But when he resurfaced from picking up his trusty knife, he realized that everything was silent. There were no steps walking towards him. When he looked around him there was no one to make such a sound.
I'm going nuts……!
Warily, Sora rubbed the back of his neck in a meager attempt to relax. He closed his eyes while slumping back into his seat with a heavy sigh. Was he imagining things? Clearly the was no one there. Sora had managed to relax enough to drive when…
Bzzz….Bzzz….Bzz ….
his cell phone vibrated inside his pocket. He jumped in his seat and began to fumble clumsily for his cell.
“Hello?” He croaked hesitantly.
“Hi baby. Are you done yet?”
The jumpy brunette relaxed considerably after hearing his girlfriend's voice.
“Oh…oh, yeah…I-I was just -you know, it was nothing.”
“I startled you, didn't I?”
“Y-yeah…a little.”
“Sorry.” The voice on the other side of the line apologized sweetly.
“No. Don't be sorry, Kairi. It wasn't your fault.”
“Love you so much, babe.”
Sora smiled warmly after hearing his girlfriend's sugary love words and he tried answering in the same sugary manner.
“Love you too, honey-bunny.”
“Where did you get that old school word, Sora? Hey, are you still up for a movie tomorrow?”
“You know it.”
“Which one?”
Sora laughed merrily amused. “Let me get home safe first and then I'll think about it.”
“Fine, but make it a romantic one, ok?”
“Kairi, I'm going to choose a movie so romantic you'll have to watch-out for cavities.”
*Laugh. Kiss* “See you tomorrow, Sora.”
*Kiss* “See you tomorrow, princess.”
Sora snapped his cell phone shut and started the engine. The familiar, slow purr of the car's engine brought a smile to the edgy brunette. Ah……the simple joys of safety…Sora thought feeling a lot more relaxed. And just for that simple night, he was happy to feel safe inside of his own vehicle.
At length, Sora arrived home safely. See…Sora chided himself despite his ebbing nervousness…nothing happened. Stop being so paranoid! He urged himself. Sora was firmly predisposed to get over whatever was frightening him. He threw his keys in the nearby table with strong willed determination as he prepared himself for bed. On his nightly routine, Sora had the habit of turning on the television before anything else. By late midnight there was nothing exciting to watch on TV, however, those late night infomercials were so boring that they would instantly put Sora to sleep.
With a single click of the power button and the soft, mechanical whirr of the television's electricity, the living room filled with the sounds of foreign voices.
“Late at night -ten at night to be exact- Channel 23 News at Ten obtained an exclusive interview with renowned reporter Tifa Lockhart after her report on `Deathly Raves'. This investigative report was published on the evening edition of the Deep Dive Chronicles and it caused a great controversy due to its graphic content. Tomorrow at seven, we will have the full interview as a televised special. This is Jane Porter and you are watching Deep Dive Weekly Nights …”
The TV screen turned black temporarily before the barrage of infomercials came flooding into the screen.
Sora dropped his tooth brush in the sink at the mention of Tifa and the report Sora was currently helping her with. Weren't they supposed to investigate a few details before polishing up the report? What about the party they had been invited to? Sora had even put himself out as bait for crying out-loud! Oooh…he needed an explanation.
Rinsing his mouth quickly from the minty flavor of his Colgate tooth paste, he didn't even think to follow-up on the traditional floss and mouthwash, instead, his eyes started to look for the cell phone he'd left on the dinette table earlier that hour. When he finally found what he was looking for, he darted straight for the thin red cell phone. Anxiously and bitterly sour at not being informed, Sora flipped his phone open and pressed his finger on the eight key for a quick speed dial.
The phone went quickly to work signaled by the rapid number sequence beeping in the brunette's sensitive ear. After a couple of rings the machine instantly transferred to voice mail.
“Hi, this is Tifa Lockhart. If you got this message it means that I'm unable to take your call. Leave your name, phone number, and a brief message after the tone and I'll get back to you A. S. A. P. Thank you!”
“Shit…!” Sora cursed into the phone after the fifth try. *Beeeep* the sound prompting a massage rang through Sora's ears like a piercing sonic blade.
“Hi, this is Sora. Give me a call back, ok.” He mustered with a patient voice despite his impatience. He shut the phone and gave up for the night.
In his dreams Sora saw nothing but darkness. At first, he saw a mansion materialize before him. Come…it would silently plead to the uneasy brunette. Somehow, he vaguely recognized the place -it looked like one of the dwellings he had accompanied Tifa to investigate, but this mansion was different -the colors were off. The solid brick structure had become a cold stony structure. The hydrangeas that covered the humongous house were dried as if poisoned on purpose. The whole house had an eerie feeling oozing from it. In his state of unconsciousness Sora remembered the house where Tifa had taken him. That house had held a cozy feeling despite of its turbulent past. Wide halls and sunlit rooms made the house even more welcoming. They had gone through each room while looking at the official police reports and pictures that showed where the mutilated bodies had been found. The house had decreased in value because of that incident, so Tifa called the local realtor posing as a seemingly interested buyer. But the house in front of Sora -he was positively sure that no one would want it even if it was for free. Yet, despite of that eerie feeling causing his body to freeze with unknown terror, he ventured inside the creepy place.
The floors were creaky and cold beneath his cautious feet. The air reeked of humidity and staleness so much that it choked him. Without realizing, Sora had gone though every room in the entire mansion until he was standing before the last door that would surely lead him out of that godforsaken place. Tentatively Sora reached for the brass door knob. When he looked at his hand he realized that it was shaking uncontrollably as if sensing something demonic behind the last door. With determination set on his delicate features, the petite twenty-two year old closed his eyes and yanked the door open. The stench of blood and decay flared up into his nostrils until it made him queasy. Instantly he shot his eyes open in fear just when a heavy mass of limbs fell right on top of him.
Urgently he fought hard to get the dead body off him until he was able to reel away from the rotten corpse. Curiosity got the best of his actions as he went to investigate the body that had been trapped inside the closet. He recognized the raven colored hair, that unmistakably curvy silhouette. When he turned the body, a horrified sounding shriek escaped his lips.
It was Tifa…….
She was dead and decaying at and abnormal rate……
Some of her limbs had been severed, too…….
Creak… Sora realized there was someone else inside the mansion…Creak…the floorboards announced somebody closing in on him…Creak…and Sora fled out of the room in sheer panic. The reverberating sound of slamming doors was proof of that. Sora kept running like hell until there was nothing but darkness surrounding him.
Inside that darkness, Sora saw the silhouette of a man with indistinguishable features. Everything was engulfed in darkness for the exception of two amber colored eyes. The tawny colored eyes were cold and calculating. They seemed to glimmer with a sadistic glee that made Sora's skin prickle from head to toe. Evil was the only way the trapped brunette could describe such an intense presence, but when Sora tried to flee, he found out that he has rooted to his spot near the mansion's exit. Sora desperately tried looking for another exit.
Don't fight it………give into it……
Such silent, commanding words seemed to come out from that cloaked figure. Sora became instantly entranced by the soft, alluring voice. Working like a charm, the voice took an immediate effect on Sora who could only watch with tired eyes how the dark figure approached him. With each step from the stranger, Sora's eyes became misted by comforting darkness. Calmness washed over Sora. He no longer felt afraid and he was content with loosing consciousness. Sora remained like that until everything turned black and his eyes opened from that violent dream. His bleary eyes instantly focused on the alarm clock in front of him displaying 3:27 a.m. in large red digits. Then, by some rich benevolent miracle, Sora realized he had stopped breathing. That was why his body had gained enough strength to slowly awaken him from his dream as if urging him to consciousness so that he could breathe again.
That had been Sora's closest encounter with death so far……