Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Will I See Morning ❯ Will I See Morning ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is from Axel to Roxas. From Axel's POV. I wrote this poem a while back to appease me, because I had wanted to write this one AkuRoku fic for a long ass time. And now, I don't think it will happen. >.< Rated for a few lemony stanzas and nobody angst.
~Will I See Morning?~
The first time I saw you
You smiled into
Eternal night and asked
If morning will ever come

The hope of your future
Was bathed in the clear sky of morning
As for mine
In the clarity of your smile

So pure, if the heartless cannot love
Then what? I have often mused,
Was making me fall prey
To you?

The intensity of your gaze
Your lips pressed onto mine
A kiss as soft as a whisper
I felt our souls intertwine

Tongues ardently meeting
Your passion felt like fire
Hands searching longingly
Your eyes had ached with desire

So wanting, a need so searing
Gasps, whimpers, moans
A fleeting voice so pleading
Surrendering completely

Embraced by quivering thighs
A kiss interrupted by a gasp  
Fused for that moment, catch your breath
All thoughts completely aside

Our thirst, quenched by the intoxicating nature
Of complete union
Insight of true feelings surface
I did not want to lose you

If our existence is so wretched
Then why should we feel?
Why did I have to fall in love with you?

Destined to return to darkness
It`s dizzying
To try ignoring the fate of a nobody
It's impossible

When morning graces the sky
Of everlasting darkness
We will meet, hearts found
That is all I ever wanted

You made me feel like I had a heart
This was why, on that rainy night
When you left to seek your other
I thought I could feel my heart bleeding

No one would miss you?
My knees struck the ground
I watched your figure vanish
Running into the night

How could such a thing
Even escape those loving lips?
How could I
Have just watched it happen?

Once denial pushed me from its hazy grasp
Contemplation of what could have been
Clouded my senses and I have yet to understand
How numbness can tear so painfully

If I ever wanted to find my heart
The next time we meet
One of us will be shattered
Why did I have to fall in love with you?

Love, like glass, is easily broken
And perhaps it's better to leave it be
Than hurt myself, trying to fix it
How could a force so profound be so frail?

Basked in twilight
Golden hair, shining in the mild glow
Deep blue eyes, soft and intense
I found you

So close, and yet so far
Crushed by the distance between us
What was the point of finding my heart
If I will only love you?

You did not reject me, rather, you forgot
What can stab more painfully
Than looking into your lover's eyes
And seeing indifference in return?

Clear but disconnected
Your memories came like rain
And tears would burn your cheeks
Time and time again

A tentative kiss
You responded with a sort of yearning
As though you have been searching desperately  
And now you can finally stop looking

For that moment, time was lost
Desire fueled by something forgotten
We were just two raindrops in a storm
Collected as one and lost in the midst of being

You wanted me to promise
That I will return to you
And I did, knowing where I was
Forgotten but not lost

Each time you saw me
I was a stranger again
This agonizing and unyielding cycle
It was more than I could endure

Orders to take you back to nothingness
Orders to destroy you
Ties to the Organization dug into me
I cut them

Now with nothing certain
Even in my nonexistence
I could only hope
We'll return to one another

Refuse to go back to darkness
With nowhere to go
We're defying fate
We've got a lot to prove

Trembling, I held on to my memories
As long as I could
But even without breathing on them
I could feel them crumble

It seems fate will prove hard to defy
If we were to seek solace in the afterlife
We would have a chance to reunite
But to destroy you is unthinkable

Send me back to darkness
Thankfully you couldn't remember
Who I was, that is
Until the flames had died

I gazed at you, uncertain of the future
Will I see the afterlife?
You reached out to me
And said you'll wait

This tie I still had
Kept me from going on
Now, with truly nowhere to go
I held onto on the edge of nothingness

Imagine how I felt
When I heard you were broken
To complete the memories
Of your other

Will I see you again?
I could only try
But when I met your other
I couldn't think

If he perished, so would you
But there was nothing I could do
Either way
It can't have been for nothing

Now as I lay here
In the place between
Existence and nothingness
I could only feel whole

Fading back to darkness
It seems I was just
Like any nobody
And I will never see that morning

Despite whatever lies in store for me
I will never forget you
Roxas, for making me feel
Feel like I wasn't nothing
*glomps you for actually finishing and getting to the bottom of the page*
Well? What did you think? Reviews are GREATLY appreciated. Seriously.