Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes CAN Come True! ❯ Visitor. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, or any of the characters assossiated with it. I do, however, own Selena, so if you use her in a fic ect, it better atleast have something like "cherryblossomgirl made this character", or I have the right to sue. :)


Selena's eyes shot open. To her astonishment, she saw a face, nose to nose with hers. She gasped, and her face reddened. "What on earth...?" she thought to herself.

Selena lay still, rubbing her eyes, trying to prove that nobody was there. Finally, she dared to touch the face. Selena slowly moved her hand to his nose and gently tapped it. She gasped a second time, realizing this was not a dream.

"hmmm..." The person sighed in his sleep, and as Selena's face reddened more and more, his eyes fluttered open, revealing the most beautiful shade of blue she had ever seen.

He blinked a couple times, and both their eyes widened.

"Holy shit.." Selena whispered, thinking outloud.

Selena quickly got out of the bed, and immediately regretted her decision to take off her flannel pajamas(she had woken up in the night because the pajamas were making her hot), and now she was standing in her underwear, only her long hair covering her top half, in front of a stranger. Luckily the mystery-boy seemed dazed and just lay there with his back to her, and Selena used the time she had to quickly grab her pajamas and put them on.

She walked slowly up to the stranger and tapped him on the shoulder lightly.

"Um, excuse m-me, but, w-what... Who are you and.. whatareyoudoinginmybed?!"

The boy turned over and sat up, and finally Selena could see the whole thing.

He had spiky brown hair, and.. Hey wait, he looked a lot like Sora from Kingdom Hearts! Although she had to admit, he looked a lot cuter than in the game...

"Huh...?" 'Sora' said, still a bit dazed.
"Well.. Um.. I just woke up, and, you're in my bed!" Selena stammered.
"That's weird.." 'Sora' said, crossing his arms and blushing slightly.
"Uh, yeah.. umm..." Selena trailed off, staring at her feet.

For a moment, there was a strange silence, but it seemed like the most peaceful moment Selena had had in a long time.

Finally, 'Sora' stood up.
"Sorry if I scared you, I don't know what happened.. I was on my island, taking a nap and.. Then I woke up here.. I'm Sora, by the way."

"H-hi, Sora, I'm Selena.... Umm, I've never seen an island around here.." Selena replied.

"What..? We're not on Destiny Islands?!" Sora blurted out.

"What's Destiny Islands? This place is called Hiroshima, it's a city in Japan, and, according to my geography teacher, 'Destiny Islands' is not a place in the world.." Selena said.

"Oh.. My.. This is strange, very strange.." Sora said. how did I suddenly just, appear in another world..?

It looked like Selena was going to say something, but after mentioning her geography teacher, she remembered school.

"CRAP!! Crappity-Crap! I'm late for school! Uh, I'm sorry but.. I gotta go, just stay here until I come back.. There's some ramen in the cupboard downstairs, if you're hungry.. But I gotta go to school, bye Sora!" Selena exclaimed. She quickly grabbed her school uniform, ran in the bathroom, and in five minutes she walked out ready for school. She glanced at Sora, who was sitting at the kitchen table, and said "bye" once more before running out the door.