Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Wondering ❯ The other side ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A small continuation to `Questioning'
In a town where the sky is always orange with the setting or rising sun, one was never too sure, resided a teen with unruly blonde hair. For all this boys short life, he felt there was something missing…something that showed itself in his dreams…though in the morning he forgot, his subconscious lived for those dreams…
There were his eyes again. Bright vivid green...I only see them when I sleep,but at the same time they seem so familiar.
“Who are you?”
“The name's Axel, got it memorized?”
Who's Axel? Is he the one with the green eyes? Got it memorized...don't worry. I have it memorized. How, I don't know. I have a stranger memorized. I don't want him to be a stranger. Is he real? Or just a figment of my imagination…I can't distinguish fantasy from reality anymore. It feels so real…
Hayner thinks I've lost it. Maybe I have. I shouldn't have told him anything, but that dream…He just looked so sad. I can't have done anything so cruel to him!
“No one would miss me.”
“That's not true! I would…”
I never want to see his eyes full of tears. Or see that mess of spiky red hair go limp. I feel as though this is what he would do, if I left. This fictional being from my dreams almost feels real. I wish my hardest to be able to touch him…but he's far beyond my grasp. If it were real, I'd never leave. I know I wouldn't!
I can't concentrate anymore…I look forward to the night where I can close my eyes and imagine he's next to me. Touching me softly…lovingly, like I'm his only treasure and I always will be.
“Never leave me, Roxas.”
A laugh. “Silly Axel, why would I leave?”
Shrug. “I don't know…you wouldn't love me anymore?”
A soft kiss was placed on the red-heads thin lips. “I love you more than anything, Axel. Never doubt it.”
There was a soft smile rarely seen on Axel's face. “I never have.”
I longed for that image to be real…
And I wonder, if he's real, where is he? I'd travel the worlds to find him. And hold him, ask if he dream of me too. Ask if he wished I was there too. Is it strange to love an image that might just be the creation of a lonely teen?
Sigh…Axel, I wish you were real. I love you.
Every night Roxas dreams of Axel, and everything they've been through. Locked away somewhere in the back of his mind, the memories play in front of his subconscious. While he sleeps…he can reminisce…on these memories he takes as a fantasy.