Kingdom Hearts ❯ My Glass Heart ❯ Shattered Pt 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters. All Kingdom Hearts properties belong to Square Enix and I am not, in any way whatsoever, making money from this fanfiction.
Author's Notes: Well, here's the new and shorter chapter three. You'll notice that I cut the super-long chapter two in half. I thought that chapter two was way too long; 5,000 words? Jeez.
Riku was stunned, to say the least. What did Sora mean by that? He contemplated the words in his head. Confusing thoughts entered his head, and he couldn't seem to sort them out. Did he like Kairi? Sure, she was pretty and attractive; kind and caring. But did he really feel any feelings for her besides friendship?
He sighed. He was so confused.
What he had said a week earlier. He said that he had loved her, too. But now… now he was rethinking his decision. It was merely the heat of the moment that day… he hadn't expected Kairi to confess her love for him. He supposed he had felt a little guilty and didn't want to turn her down.
He let out an exasperated sigh and threw his hands into the air, “I don't know!”
His mind was set: he was going to find out if Kairi liked him and vice versa. He lifted himself off the ground and walked calmly to the exit. He was going to put her through a little test. If she didn't pass… it was over.
Riku automatically lifted his hand up to shield his eyes from the bright evening sunlight that still illuminated the small island. He looked up to the sky and gasped. It was almost dark! The sky was now a palette of orange, red, yellow, and pink hues, all mixed together to create a serene and beautiful sunset. The waves sparkled with the dying light of the sun as they splashed gracefully against the sandy white shores of their play island. He sighed as a gentle breeze wafted through his silky hair.
The sound of voices brought him out of his daze. He looked out over the island. Kairi was nearby, watching a rather boring duel between Tidus and Wakka. She would cheer them both on occasionally, clapping her hands together when one of the two boys would fall and spring back up, ready for another attack. They were so locked in battle that they probably didn't notice Riku standing there. He looked out further and noticed Selphie standing on the dock, and by her stance, she was distressed about something. He noticed with a small start that Sora's boat was gone.
Remembering his mission, he made his way slowly down to the small battlefield. He slowly and quietly walked up behind his girlfriend, his intent to scare her. He was upon her, mere inches away when…
“Gotcha!” he yelled as he grasped her shoulders, and the auburn haired girl let out a surprised squeak. She spun around, a glare upon her features at the one who dared to scare her. When she caught sight of aqua eyes and shining silver hair, however, her expression softened slightly. She giggled, putting a hand over her mouth shyly. She then punched his muscular arm playfully.
“Took you long enough, you bum!” she laughed.
Riku also laughed out loud to this. He almost regretted putting his girlfriend to a small test, just to ease his curiosity. He smiled at her, offering her a gloved hand. She mirrored his smile and took the outstretched hand, and he pulled her to her feet with ease.
“What took you so long, Riku?” she asked.
Riku's smiled vanished. There it was again; evidence of his suspicions. Kairi never called him any pet names, like most couples do. She always called him by his name. That only further fueled him to put her to this test, and to find out his true feelings.
Kairi, noticing her boyfriend's sudden seriousness, cocked her head to the side and looked at him quizzically.
“Riku? What's wrong?”
Riku only sighed in response, “Kairi. We need to talk. Let's go somewhere where no one can interrupt us,” he said simply, leading the confused girl away.
Once out of sight of everyone, on the other side of the island where he, Sora and Kairi used to go to build their raft, he stopped. He looked around. This is where most of his memories of this island resided, besides those of his small islet. Remnants of the raft, which was now nothing but small pieces of wood, were littered here and there. The pulley rope connected to the tower had long since snapped during a storm, and now hung loosely from the posts it was tied to. He sighed.
“Riku?” The small voice of Kairi broke into his thoughts. He turned to her, silver hair slinging slightly, a now serious expression on his face. He took her by the shoulders, and she gasped as she felt his lips press against hers in a sudden urgency.
Her surprise gradually melted away as she gave in to the kiss, letting her eyes slide shut. She relaxed, and began to return the kiss. Her hands instinctively reached up to grasp his silky locks as she felt his hands travel down her sides, trying to get the best out of the kiss. It was clear that she was thoroughly enjoying this.
Riku, on the other hand, had other thoughts. His previous suspicions were beginning to confirm themselves. As he deepened the kiss, begging for entrance with his tongue, he realized that he didn't feel the same feeling as he felt with Sora. This display of passion was nothing like the intimacy he had shared with the other boy. Now, he realized that kissing Kairi didn't feel right. In fact, it felt wrong. He and the redhead didn't belong with each other. That much was clear. And that was enough for him.
As suddenly as he had engaged in the kiss, he broke away, leaving Kairi extremely confused.
“Riku? What…”
“I'm sorry Kairi. I can't do this anymore. I…” Riku turned away from the girl, unwilling to see her expression at his next words.
“I don't… I don't love you. I don't even like you. Not that way. It's just not working out for me,” he said quietly, “You're like a little sister to me. Nothing more. I… I like someone else.”
Kairi was speechless. Tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. An uneasy silence befell the two, and only the wind's soft howl was heard. They stood like that for a few moments… but the moments felt like an eternity to them. The waves splashed against the shore, and the seagulls that flew lazily above called out, but neither of the two noticed. Time seemed to be at a standstill; neither moved. Finally, the silence was broken.
“Then… if you don't like me… who do you like?”
Riku sighed, preparing himself to explain. How was he going to tell her that he liked someone else; another guy? That he had kissed him behind her back and enjoyed it? That the relationship that lasted a whole week was nothing but a mistake? He took a deep breath. He turned to face the redhead, a solemn look in his eyes. This was going to be the second time today that he would have to reject someone. Well, he had nothing to lose…
“Kairi… I'm sorry. But… after I talked to Sora… He kissed me.” He paused when Kairi audibly gasped, covering her mouth with her hands, “And… and I enjoyed it. It felt so right, Kairi. Sora likes me… and I like him.” He stated matter-of-factly.
Kairi now couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. But this time, they weren't tears of sadness, but bitter tears of sorrow and anger. Her now-balled fists shook, and her shoulders trembled in rage. Her eyes burned in sudden hatred for the silver haired boy before her. Riku gulped. She looked pretty scary like that…
Finally, Kairi exploded, “So! You're leaving me for another guy? And Sora, of all people! I knew he was a fag all along! You're disgusting, Riku! I can't believe you would leave me for that stupid, skinny, sad excuse of a fagot boy!”
She stopped her outburst when she noticed the dangerous look in Riku's aqua eyes. He growled slightly, and quickly strode over to the girl, who was now trying to shrink away. His face was twisted into a look of pure contempt as he loomed over her. His fist was shaking, as if he were trying refrain from punching the girl right then and there. His usually calm and smooth voice was now a low growl as he spoke.
“Don't you ever… ever say that about Sora again, you filthy, skanky little bitch!”
With that, he walked away, leaving a very afraid and trembling Kairi behind to sink to her knees into the sand, a blank expression on her face.
As Riku emerged from the big wooden door that led to the other side of the island, he was dimly aware that someone was calling his name. Deciding to take his time, he stomped out, anger evident on his face. How dare that bitch say those things about Sora? He knew she would be angry, but he never expected her to say such things about him. As he rounded that corner near the Shore Shack, he was nearly knocked to the ground by a very worried Selphie. She was rambling at a mile a minute, and he couldn't understand a word she said. He held up an impatient hand to silence her. She quickly quieted.
“Okay, now Selphie… calmly tell me what's wrong,” he said simply. He didn't bother to hide the agitated tone in his voice.
She nodded, “I've been looking all over for you! It's Sora… he left a little while ago; he looked really sad…” Selphie trailed off, turning her head to look sadly at the water.
Guilt tugged at Riku's heart at hearing those last words. Nonetheless, he nonchalantly waved his hand, “And? Is that all that's got you so worked up?”
She turned back to him, an impatient look crossing her features. She huffed.
“Riku! Don't you even care? And no, that's not all! It's the last thing he said before he left today that scares me!” She had urgency in her voice that Riku had never heard in the girl before. It worried him. He nodded slightly, telling her to go on.
“He said `bye' like he always does. But he said that if I happened to see you before I went home to tell you that he was going to set things right for you tonight… or something like that…”
Riku blinked. Set things right? What did the other boy mean by that? What was there to-
Realization dawned on him. Sora wouldn't… would he? Then again, the person he cared immensely for did reject him rather harshly. A look of horror crossed Riku's face, and before Selphie could inquire as to what the look was for he was sprinting away toward the dock.
Sora… don't you dare!
End Chapter 3
Author's Notes: Yes, this is much better. I have nothing really to say about this, and I also had to cut out the review responses. I don't want my story to be deleted. I apologize, I still love all my reviewers!