Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Between Two Worlds ❯ The Trouble With Fire ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kyou Kara Maou. Tomo Takabayashi does.
Summary: Young Wolfram's world is thrown into chaos when his uncle Waltorana attempts to gain his custody from Celi.
Title: Between Two Worlds
Ch3. The Trouble With Fire
It had been only three days since his uncle had come to visit and already Wolfram vonBielefield found himself extremely annoyed. Not by his Ojiiue, no, by his brothers. They had always been protective of him, but it seemed as if they were now taking it to an almost paranoid obsessive-ness. He couldn't go anywhere without one or both of them alongside him or non-discreetly following him. The only time they ever relinquished their stalking act was when he was in the presence of his uncle, which Wolfram thought strange, for they watched him like a hawk when their mother, herself, tended to him. Perhaps they simply didn't like Waltorana, something that depressed the young boy a good deal since he had often had entertained the notion of his uncle marrying his mother and becoming a permanent member of his family. It wasn't fair, he often speculated quite jealously, that others should have two parents, yet he and his brothers did not. In fact, fathers seemed to be something lacking in each boy's life. However, he seriously doubted his childish fantasy would come true. If he wasn't sure that Gwendal and Conrart didn't like his uncle, then he was absolutely certain that his Celi loathed Waltorana, and vica versa.
These were the thoughts racing around the young boy's mind as strolled down the western corridor of the Demon Castle listening to the soft footsteps of his pursuer behind him. Frowning, the young boy quickened his pace, turned the corner and streaked madly along the hallway, hurling himself into the one of the many rooms which occupied that level. Leaving the door open a crack, Wolfram pressed his eye to the narrow gap to view the identity of his stalker.
Conrart stood confused glancing down both directions which the hallway split with a worried look on his face. Finally, the half-mazoku made a decision and hurried down the opposite way from where his little brother was hiding.
Wolfram closed the door giggling at his own cleverness and reveled in that emotion for a short while before the euphoria ran out. Before boredom could completely settle in, however, a commotion outside captured the boy's interest. Wandering over to the floor-length window, Wolfram peered through the glass down into the courtyard below to see his uncle Stoffel's carriage stopping in front of the castle's main stairway entrance.
Wolfram stuck out his tongue at his mother's brother as he climbed out of the coach, even though his uncle wasn't looking his way. Unlike his uncle Waltorana, Uncle Stoffel hardly paid him any special attention at all and merely viewed his youngest nephew as yet another annoying addition from his sister's many love conquests. Not only that, but he frequently made trips to the castle and was always making requests to his mother which sounded more like demands. Stoffel was a big bossy airhead!
Wolfram watched as his uncle's subordinate Raven, followed him out of the carriage. The black-haired man was always at Stoffel's side; the boy wasn't at all surprised. However, Wolfram did jolt back in shock as Raven reached out his hand and helped the next passenger step out: a person about his height and age with long curly light brown hair and big violet eyes…
“Wolfram!” came a voice from behind him suddenly and Wolfram yelped startled, whirling around.
“Wolfram, you shouldn't run off like that! You could have gotten hurt and no one would have known where you were to help!” Conrart admonished, his face a mixture of anger and fear as he walked over to where his little brother was standing and laid a hand on his shoulder as if to verify that he was really there.
Normally, Wolfram would have been irritated at such suffocating over-protectiveness and would have warned against such an act with one of his infamous temper tantrums, but the young boy's mind was otherwise occupied at the appearance of the newcomer.
“Conrart,” he said without ever taking his eyes off the girl holding Raven's hand as she walked up the front stairs to the castle. “Who is that girl with Raven and Uncle Stoffel? I've never seen her before.”
Conrart directed his gaze towards the figures on the steps.
“That's Lady Elizabeth,” the boy answered. “She's Raven niece. He's fostering her.”
“What does `foster' mean?” Wolfram questioned, turning to face his brother as there was nothing now to look at, since the arrivals had gone inside their destination.
“Foster is when your parents leave you in the care of a guardian and let them raise you in the manner they chose. It's usually done to raise allies between the houses and families,” Conrart replied and Wolfram blinked at the harshness in his brother's voice.
A heavy weight came to settle suddenly in the young boy's stomach.
“Is that what Uncle Waltorana wants Mother to do? Let him foster me?” Wolfram asked in a small quiet voice.
“No,” Conrart stated bluntly. “That would mean Mother would still have legal rights over you. He wants full custody so there'll be no penalties of the law when he takes you to Bielefield and never allow you to see us.”
“Ojiiue wouldn't do that!” Wolfram screamed, coming to his uncle's defense furiously.
“Why don't you ask him yourself then,” Conrart said in an all-too calm tone of voice.
Wolfram scrunched his eyes shut and shook his head in denial, balling his hands into tight little fists as he stood miserably in front of window.
Conrart sighed, taking pity on his younger brother and rested a hand on top of the mop of blond hair comfortingly.
“Come on. Let's go down to the kitchens and have some tea and cake, all right?” he said softly, gently ruffling the boy's curls affectionately.
Wolfram nodded slowly and started his way out of the room without speaking.
Conrart narrowed his eyes as he turned his gaze back to the window and stared down at his uncle's carriage below. He would have to tell Gwendal about this.
He was sure it was no mere coincidence that Stoffel had shown up so unexpectedly at the same time Waltorana was visiting.
Wolfram wasn't too sure of what to think of the girl, Elizabeth. He had watched her across the table at dinner, hoping she would do or say something that he could reply to. There was a great shortage of children at the Demon Castle and the whole of the Great Demon Kingdom itself. Conrart was the closest person to Wolfram's age and even then, it was getting more and more difficult to play games with his little big brother everyday. It seemed Conart was not playing them because he enjoyed doing so, only that he was pleasing Wolfram, something which annoyed the young boy terribly. He wanted to have someone who was genuinely having fun!
This Elizabeth looked around his age. Maybe she wouldn't mind playing with him.
Even if she was a girl.
However, from what Wolfram had viewed of her, Elizabeth appeared pretty boring. She had sat quite primly in her chair and cut her food into perfect tiny pieces before chewing them delicately. She had said not a word and had not even looked up once she finished her meal, and merely stared at her hands in her lap.
All in all, she was picture of angelic perfection.
Wolfram crossed her off his list of potential candidates he deemed worthy to interact with him. He didn't have time to waste on a sissy like her.
The young boy frowned as his thoughts drifted from Elizabeth onto the rest of last night's
events. Although, he wasn't quite sure of what happened, he did recall Uncle Waltorana say something to Stoffel that made him turn red and sputter indignantly. The next thing he knew, Stoffel had addressed his mother quite vehemently which had sent Celi into a verbal spar with both her brother and brother-in-law. He and Elizabeth had been ushered off to their rooms rather quickly by the maids.
Wolfram wished he understood adult vocabulary better. They used it to an unfair advantage around children too often.
Wolfram sighed, his shoulders drooping. It was now morning and breakfast had been a letdown. Celi had taken her meal in her room, refusing to see or hear from anyone until her mood had passed. Stoffel had been too busy having a conniption fit at losing his sister's ear for even a short while to even bother eating, and Waltorana had not turned up at all. It had just been him, his brothers and Elizabeth at the table and there had been hardly any conversation. Wolfram had been quite glad to escape the dining room and flee outside.
The young boy found himself trekking through the gardens yet again, and glanced behind him knowing one of his brothers was trailing him even though he couldn't see who it was. Wolfram scowled, straightened his shoulder and marched onward, determined to prove that he wasn't as helpless as he they thought he was. Why did they insist on treating him like a baby? He was more than capable of taking care of himself!
And then he was suddenly attacked by a flaming orange beast!
Wolfram shouted in surprise and alarm and fell backwards, his hands extended outward defensively. The boy curled up in a ball on the ground, covering his face with his hands, fearing to even look. Where were his brothers? Where were his mother and uncle? Why weren't they rushing to his rescue?!
Why…why wasn't he getting attacked?
There was loud laughter above his head as a shadow fell across him; laughter which sounded shrill and high…like a girl's.
“Boy, I can't believe you got so scared! What a wimp!” declared a voice above his head.
Wolfram peeked through his fingers and saw Elizabeth standing over him a satisfied smirk lingering on her face. The young boy's blood boiled angrily and he felt his face flush red in embarrassment.
“I AM NOT A WIMP!” he yelled, springing up from the ground and shaking his fist at the girl. “TAKE THAT BACK!”
“You are a wimp,” Elizabeth restated, placing her hands confidently on her hips. “Any person who is afraid over their own element is a definitely a wimp!”
Wolfram blinked at her words, momentarily forgetting the slander against his name.
“You're…you're a fire elemental too?” he asked a little more than impressed.
From what little knowledge he had managed to remember from the Demon Castle's advisor and historian, Lord vonKrist, most mazokus possessed an element, the most common being Earth. There were a few uncommons such as Fire and then there was Water, a rare element indeed. So far, the only person he knew with an element was Gwendal who possessed Earth. Even Conrart didn't have one. But to actually meet someone who had the same contracted element as himself…well, this was quite an experience!
“Yes, I'm a fire elemental and I knew you were too the minute I saw you! What, you couldn't tell I was? Your wimpy-ness must be blocking your senses,” Elizabeth said, pushing the insult again.
“STOP CALLING ME THAT!” Wolfram howled furiously, doing a little dance of rage.
“No, you are a wimp,” Elizabeth retorted. “I bet you can't even make a decent fireball!”
Wolfram had about had it with this girl and her know-it-all condescending attitude. He'd show her!
“I can so make a fireball! I can make lots of them! Look!” he exclaimed heatedly, snapping his fingers and summoning dozens of blazing firey orbs out of the air to hover above them.
“See?” Wolfram bragged swaggeringly.
“Not bad for a wimp. But can you make a fire lion yet?” Elizabeth inquired, clapping both hands together and drawing up energy enough to form a huge flaming cat behind her, burning with a brilliance of red, orange and yellow colors, and expulsing heat in torrid waves.
“Wow,” Wolfram gaped in awe, letting the word slip through his mouth without thinking.
Then shaking his head to clear his mind, the boy narrowed his eyes.
“I can do that too! Just watch!” he proclaimed stoutly, copying the same motion he had seen Elizabeth doing with her hands.
Wolfram was very familiar with calling upon his element, perhaps a little too familiar for someone his age as he had often heard others tell his mother, however he was only used to summoning small balls of fire. He could probably summon a hundreds of them and never notice a flux in his power, but to summon so much fire at one time and mold it all into one massive form…Wolfram had never felt so much strain before!
The young boy bit his lip, feeling sweat break out across his forehead as he struggled to bend the fire elements into a bigger and more fierce-some lion than Elizabeth's. No girl was going to outdo him!
Elizabeth watched Wolfram's hands shaking at the intense strain and noted how pale his face had gone. Perhaps she shouldn't have goaded him so much, but he had annoyed her with his ignoring! Practicing her manners certainly hadn't impressed him. Her mother had been wrong in telling her that she must be a perfect lady to catch a gentleman's eye. It seemed the only real way to get attention from a boy was a physical assault. Well, it had worked, but now it looked like the stupid boy was going hurt himself at the rate he was going!
“You can stop now, wimp! I believe you!” Elizabeth cried, her hair whipping about her face as an unnatural wind picked up.
The fire elements merging into one above Wolfram certainly didn't seem to resemble a cat of any kind. Rather, they appeared to be forming one titan-sized burning sphere with red-hot tongues of flame shooting out and licking out at empty space hungrily.
Elizabeth felt the odd tug below her stomach and braced her feet against the ground so she would not answer the invisible pull the blazing giant fireball was drawing towards it. Her eyes widening, she glanced around her to see flowers, shrubs, and even small trees ripped up from their roots and sucked into swirling orb up ahead.
“Stop! Stop! Wolfram, stop it!” she screamed in horror, realizing something had gone horribly wrong.
But Wolfram's concentration was far too focused on his summoning and the only response the girl received was the welcoming roar of the cataclysm above.
“Supreme Super Genius to Frowning Frump! Repeat! Supreme Super Genius to Frowning Frump! Do you copy?” the persistent voice spoke into Gwendal's ear through a small device called `Hear-And-Be-Amazed-At-My-Voice-No-Matter-How-Far-Apart-kun'.
Gwendal's knuckles whitened as they clenched tightly around the railing on the Demon Castle's second level overlooking the gardens. Several veins sprang out across his forehead as the voice began again.
“Supreme Super Genius to Frowning Fr-”
“Shut up, Anissina,” Gwendal growled into the handheld gadget that came along with `Hear-And-Be-Amazed-At-My-Voice-No-Matter-How-Far-Apart-kun's earpiece and ground his teeth in irritation. “I can hear you just fine!”
“Supreme Super Genius to Frowning Frump,” the voice replied. “Non-usage of code names is restricted! Waiting for confirmed sighting and report! Over!”
“Will you just put Conrart on the other side?” Gwendal hissed, giving the handheld gizmo his most fearsome Intense Silence and Grumpy Glare, even though it was an inanimate object.
WHHFFFTT, went the static in `Hear-And-Be-Amazed-At-My-Voice-No-Matter-How-Far-Apart-kun's earpiece before his younger brother's voice broke through.
“Smiling Swords Master to Frowning Frump, what's your position and status?”
“Oh, Shinou, Conrart, not you too!” Gwendal groaned, pressing the palm of his hand to his forehead in exasperation.
“Sorry, Aniue,” Conrart's voice said sheepishly. “But the code-names sounded like fun!”
“It wasn't as easy to think up as yours though, Frowning Frump” Anissina's voice interrupted. “But nothing is never too difficult for the Supreme Super Genius! OHOHOHOHO!”
“Conrart, do me a favor and whack her a good one,” Gwendal ordered, wishing he was there to do the act himself.
“Not on the left cheek now, Smiling Swords Master! I want to leave that option open for Frowning Frump when grows up and becomes more cheerful! OHOHOHOHO!” Anissina laughed gleefully.
Gwendal felt his face heating up and was glad there was no one around to see his left eye spasm into twitches and his hands involuntary jump into knitting motions.
Dammit, where were his knitting needles when he needed them?!
“Gwendal, where's Wolfram? Can you still see him?” Conrart's voice questioned, politely evading Anissina's last remark.
“Yes, he's in the gardens,” Gwendal said without looking, grateful that his younger brother was not one to join in teasing. “He ran into Elizabeth. They're trading insults and showing off their fire elements. They're going to be best friends before the day is out.”
“Have you spoken to Mother yet?” Conrart asked abruptly.
“No, and it wouldn't matter when she's like this. Let her sulk for a while, all the good it will do her. She's just putting off the confrontation for a later date and stalling for time,” Gwendal stated, unable to keep the disgust out of his voice.
Celi was their mother and her sons loved her, but her actions for dealing with important matters could be better done by a servant. No doubt, she had some childish notion that if she hid away for a short time, her unpleasant situation would vanish completely.
“Uncle Stoffel's here to make sure his control over her hasn't slipped, isn't he?”
“Yes, and perhaps to make sure Waltorana isn't making a grab at the throne for himself,” Gwendal spoke daringly.
“Aniue, what-” Conrart sounded shocked to hear such a dangerous accusation coming from his brother's lips.
“Think about it,” Gwendal said. “Everyone already knows Mother is unfit to rule. I don't care what Shinou's word is. If Mother keeps acting the way she does, the aristocrats are going to storm the temple and demand a new Maou. Waltorana is always boasting about how much Wolfram looks like Shinou, not too mention how proud he is over the fact that the Bielefields are cousins of the Great One. It may not just be familial concern that brought him here. If he plays his cards right, he can probably twist this whole situation to his advantage. Don't forget, if the new Maou is too young to rule for a while, he'll need a Regent…”
“Stop it, Gwendal!” Conrart's voice shouted, sounding panicked and distraught, his breathing coming over `Hear-And-Be-Amazed-At-My-Voice-No-Matter-How-Far-Apart-kun' ragged and shaken.
Gwendal halted his treacherous tirade against Waltorana, taking pity on his younger brother, who obviously hadn't elaborated further on why Lord vonBielefield was fighting so viscously to gain custody of his nephew other than the reason of petty jealousy. But then, Conrart who had far too kind a heart, would never understand why people used others as pawns to succeed their goal.
“Stop! Stop! Wolfram, stop it!” screamed a child's voice filled with horror.
Gwendal snapped his head towards to the gardens below, instinctively searching for his little brother, cursing inwardly at himself. He had gotten so involved with trying to convince someone else of Waltorana's premeditated schemes that he forgotten to keep an eye on what was important!
Wolfram wasn't hard to spot. He was easily recognizable: a small blond figure…directly beneath a blazing elliptical vortex already at so an immense size, it was a miracle it hadn't swallowed its own creator up yet.
`Hear-And-Be-Amazed-At-My-Voice-No-Matter-How-Far-Apart-kun's communicator slipped numbly from the mazoku's fingers and fell to the floor with a clatter.
“Gwendal, Gwendal, what's going on? Gwendal!” Conrart's voice exclaimed anxiously out of the receiver.
“WOLFRAM!!!” Gwendal yelled terror-stricken at the ghastly sight.
The mazoku braced both hands on the railing and leapt over the side without a second thought, not caring the he was on the second floor. Nothing mattered.
Nothing mattered except getting to Wolfram.
Gwendal hit the ground hard and staggered at the rigid impact before rushing forward, one arm out reached towards his brother, and even then, he knew it was too late.
He could only watch helplessly as the fiery maelstrom finally broke completely free of Wolfram's control and inhaled its victory with one large surge of energy, picking up its nearest victims and sucking them towards its smoldering core.
Then like a star suddenly winking out of existence, the blazing vortex heaved a final mighty moan of disbelief before it folded inward on itself and scattered miniscule fire elements every which way, while the repellant force hurled back its would-be victims down to earth.
Elizabeth hit the charred remains of the garden grounds screaming in fright and lay there sobbing as violent tremors racked through her body.
There was a sickening thud as Wolfram plowed head long into the dirt and lay unmoving.
Gwendal flung himself down beside him and enveloped his little brother in his arms, calling his name frantically.
There was no response and the young boy remained unconscious with a deathly pallid color in his complexion.
Something made Gwendal look up and there he saw across the now destroyed gardens stood Waltorana, sweat shimmering on his face, one hand still raised with small flickering flames dancing around it, and looking far more furious and outraged than Gwendal had ever seen him.
“Thought you an immoral and negligent woman, I did. However, an utter idiot never once crossed my mind!”
“How dare you call me such things! I will not stand here and listen to you accuse me-”
“I can accuse you to the fullest degree now, Cecile! You haven't had the boy properly trained in his elemental skills! Even an infant knows how to manipulate his own element! If I hadn't stumbled onto the malignant scene, you wouldn't even have a third son anymore!”
“Wolfram was doing just fine with his summoning! I saw no need-”
“Summoning and manipulating are two entirely different fields! Oh, but of course, I forgot, the Great Demon Queen doesn't possess an element. She can't even hold on to her consorts for very long.”
“You had better be glad that was the right cheek you slapped, Cecile. Any man who gets entangled with the likes of you is a fate I wouldn't wish on a dog.”
“There's no need to rush into a fit of female hysterics. I'm leaving, but only until you clear you head enough to see the full picture. You can bring up your other two children however you like; it's far too late to save them from your influence. But Wolfram needs a father figure and a professional tutor for his elemental skills. I suggest you mull that over until the truth seeps into that empty head of yours. I'll be ready to return and take him to Bielefield at the moment's notice when you finally decide what's best for Wolfram and not for yourself!”
The sound of a door slamming and a woman sobbing was woke Wolfram vonBielefield up out from the warm darkness he was drifting in. His senses not fully awake, the young boy frowned at the amount aches and dizziness he was experiencing. His mind reeled wildly, trying to recall exactly why he was lying in bed when the sun was shining brightly outside the window in the room.
What was the last thing he remembered?
Oh, yes: walking through the gardens, Elizabeth and her fire lion…
Fire lion…
Had he made one? There seemed to be a gap in his memory from where he summoned the elements and then started to mold them together. He was drawing a large blank
A lady's crying brought him back to the present again.
Wolfram turned his head, wondering why he felt so tired at doing such a little motion, and viewed the person sitting in the chair next to his bed, her face buried in her hands and long blonde hair streaming across her shaking shoulders in wavy curls.
“Hahaue?” Wolfram asked hesitantly, not sure if he should bother her.
Celi looked up and managed to smile through her tears.
“Wolfram, darling!” she said softly, bending over him and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. “How do you feel?”
“What happened, Hahaue? I feel so tired.”
His mother said nothing for awhile, merely smoothing out the wrinkles in his sheets, before she finally spoke again in a quavering voice.
“W-Wolfram, honey, would you like…t-to stay w-with your uncle Waltorana for awhile?”
“Ojiiue?” Wolfram said, his eyes brightening as the corners of his mouth struggled to turn up. “Yeah, I'd like that! For how long though? Aniue's birthday is coming up. I don't want to miss it!”
Wolfram blinked in surprise as his mother reached down and embraced her youngest child as tightly as she could without fear of hurting him.
“Hahaue?' he whispered, not understanding why so many crystal teardrops kept trickling down her cheeks to drip onto his face below.
Straightening back up, Celi stared down at Wolfram's face, running her hands across every delicate feature on it as if trying to memorize it.
“You won't forget me, will you, Wol-chan?” his mother asked more to herself than to him. “No, no, of course not. You're too old not to remember. You'll come see me and your brothers again when you're of age, ne? Your uncle can't keep you away from us forever.”
Wolfram felt the throes of sleep creeping back, threatening to draw him under again. The young boy fought to the best of his ability to stay awake.
There was…something he needed to ask…something….
“Hahaue, did I…make a fire lion? Was it…bigger than Elizabeth's?” Wolfram murmured, his eyelids drooping.
“Yes, Wolfram,” Celi said softly. “It was the biggest, the best, most beautiful fire lion I have ever seen. I am so proud of you.”
And the last thing Wolfram saw before blissful oblivion overtook him, was his mother's face smiling down upon him, still glistening with the vestiges of her tears.
To Be Continued..
A/N: Oh, lawsy. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. But yeah, wow. (Rereads chapter). I meant for this one to be funny. The angstbunny kidnapped my muse.
My god, I think I nearly brought myself to tears at the end. And I probably butchered the whole elemental contract, but I only watch the anime, and everything is not crystal clear on that, so I used fanfiction allowances to my advantage.
Please don't hate Elizabeth. It wasn't her fault Wolfram got hurt. She had been trained and he hadn't. True, she was a little stinker here wasn't she though? Well, now you know where Wolfram learned his greatest insult from (at least in my version)! Hahaha!
There's more to come! Please review and shared which parts you enjoyed the most or what touched you. Thank you!