Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ But I Don't Like Boys? ❯ A Daughter's Word ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
But I Don't Like Boys?
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and all its characters belong to Tomo Takabayashi. You know the drill.
Warnings/Spoilers: This does take place after the end of the anime series, but as of right now, there's not too much in the way of spoilers. This is a boy/boy love story, and therefore, two guys will be involved in a relationship together. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you find another story... Also, rating may or may not go up in later chapters.
Author yapping: I suppose I'm trying to go for the humor like the series does, but also add the romance. It's been fun!
Chapter 4: A Daughter's Word
Yuri stretched out his writing-abused arm, flexing his fingers. He bent down and touched his toes, feeling relieved as his cramping muscles moved with his little exercises. “All right, papers are done. Just a bit more studying with Gunter, and I have the weekend to myself!” Yuri tightened his hand into a victorious fist. “First, I'll get some long-needed sleep, and then play some catch with Greta.” He paused, looking up at Conrad. “Want to join us?”
Conrad smiled. “If Greta wants to share, I'll join, Your Majesty.”
Yuri sighed. “Conrad, it's Yuri. You named me after all.”
Gunter entered through the large double doors and nodded when Yuri glanced his way. “Ah, Your Majesty. Gwendel said I could find you in here.” He walked towards Yuri and clapped his hands together. “I had hoped to give you and Greta a joint lesson in advance writing today.”
“Sounds good, Gunter. If you can make today's work a little shorter, that'd be even better.” Yuri waved as he excused himself to leave. “I'll go find Greta and meet you in the library.”
“Oh, and Your Majesty.”
Yuri turned back to look at Gunter.
Gunter smiled. “Congratulations on your re-engagement to Wolfram yesterday evening.”
Unfortunately, Greta was not to be found in her room, Yuri's room, or out in the gardens. “Ah!” Yuri snapped his fingers. “She must be with Wolfram.” He wasn't too far from Wolfram's room, so he figured to check there first. Yuri knocked on the door. “Wolfram, if you're there - is Greta with you?” From behind the door, Yuri could hear a sudden shuffling of sheets and shushed words. “Wolfram?” Yuri reached for the doorknob. “Is Greta in-" He looked down.
The door swung open, and Yuri's red-headed daughter quickly shut it behind her. “What is it, Yuri?”
“What were you two doing in there?” Yuri inquired.
Greta stood in front of the door, as if she alone could block Yuri's entrance. “Wolfram says you can't see until tomorrow.”
Yuri chuckled and patted her full head of hair. “He's got you in on it, too? Everyone seems to be plotting against me.” He took Greta's hand, and they started to walk down the nearly empty hallway. “Gunter wants to teach us some advanced writing. Sound okay?”
Greta nodded. “I'll do anything if it means getting to spend time with you.”
“Well, since I don't have to practice or study for the next two days, I figured we could play all day tomorrow.”
“But tomorrow is Wolfram's day to be with you.” Greta frowned. “I promised him that I wouldn't bother you two.”
Yuri stopped and knelt down beside her. “Did Wolfram say you'd be a bother? `Cause if he did, I don't think you're a bother.”
Greta vigorously shook her head. “Oh, no, Wolfram didn't say that. He just doesn't want anyone to interrupt your da-" She clapped her hands over her mouth, nearly caught spilling the beans.
“My what?” Yuri titled his head.
“Oh, Wolfram told me not to tell, and I'm not going to.”
Yuri grinned. “Did he bribe you?”
Greta shook her head. “No. I want to prove that I can keep a promise.”
“So I won't be able to bribe you?”
“Nope!” Greta smiled.
Advance writing with Gunter went by much quicker since Greta was there, too. Yuri was amazed at how well she caught on and felt bad for himself for having to learn at a 10-year-old's level. She seemed to be doing better than he was. What kind of king did that make him? He brushed it off as she was born here, and he wasn't. It was a perfectly liable excuse.
When their study was over, Yuri stealthily followed Greta back to Wolfram's room. To his disappointment, Wolfram just told her to meet him in the kitchen after dinner. But it did give him something to look forward to later tonight.
But alas, the three head maids, Doria, Lasagna, and Sangria, were under strict orders to not let Yuri into the kitchen. So Yuri only had one thing left to do. He sulked back to his room and fell asleep.
End Chapter 4
Greta's such a cute little girl.
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