Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Home Welcoming ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Home Welcoming
A "Kyou Kara Maou" Ficlet
By Andrea Readwolf [andrea_readwolf]
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG-13
By Andrea Readwolf [andrea_readwolf]
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Yozak + Conrad
Genre: Teasing before Smex
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Summary: Yozak returns after a long mission and is greeted by a visitor to his bedroom
Disclaimer: Story idea and any original characters are property of Andrea Readwolf. "Kyou Kara Maou" is property of....
Date Started: June 2005
Genre: Teasing before Smex
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Summary: Yozak returns after a long mission and is greeted by a visitor to his bedroom
Disclaimer: Story idea and any original characters are property of Andrea Readwolf. "Kyou Kara Maou" is property of....
Date Started: June 2005
Word Count: 417
Yozak exhaled gratefully, when he made it safely back to his room.
'His room', of course, was a bit of a stretch. It wasn't like he lived here or was even in residence long enough to deserve his own chambers within the castle walls, but he had long ago noticed when the maids stopped taking his belongings to the barracks and had, instead, consistently deposited him into this particular room, so he'd just started thinking of it as his.
It had been a long trip this time. Almost a full year gone to intrigue and masks and spying. It was nice to be back among people he could simply be himself with--whoever 'he' really was, and sometimes even he had to wonder.
"You could get yourself stabbed like that, you know," he said conversationally as he unfastened his belt and yanked his tunic off. He continued in an easy-going, teasing voice, "Stealing uninvited into a lady's rooms."
"Am I uninvited?" his visitor asked, amused. "I thought I had a standing invitation."
Smooth cotton pressed against his back, arms wrapping around his waist, and Yozak smiled as his eyes fell shut, and his head rested back against a strong, familiar shoulder.
"You've been gone too long."
"It wouldn't be so bad if you'd come along every once in a while," he retorted without heat.
"I could never pull off half the get-ups you can."
"It's still not as much fun without you. Besides, I'm starting to loose my girlish figure. I think old age is setting in. You know I actually found a grey hair the other day?"
"I don't believe it. I'll have to give you a thorough body inspection to see for myself," his visitor replied, hands skimming down Yozak's chest and stomach, and the redhead moaned as a tongue swiped slowly along his spine.
"You can inspect my body anytime you want, captain," he answered readily. And then he thought of something. "His majesty?"
"Already locked safely behind closed doors." A smile pressed itself to his lower back. "I don't think he or Wolfram will be coming out again before morning, unless they manage to get into another fight."
Yozak groaned, turning and pulling Conrad up straight so he could reach the younger man's mouth. "That sounds like a great idea."
"What? Fighting?" Conrad laughed.
Releasing another groan at the horrible comeback, he pulled the other man down onto the bed with him as he fell, responding simply with, "Is that what they're calling it these days?"