Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Threshold ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summary: Just general YuuRam fluff. No big =D
Disclaimer: I do not own KYOU KARA MAOH. I wish, but I don't.
Yuuri was in heaven. His wedding to Wolfram had been serene and beautiful, and both their families had been in attendance -- their families and the whole darn country. Sure he'd only worn his black school uniform, but to the citizens of Shin Makoku, it was his royal attire, so what the heck. Besides, Wolfram didn't wear anything special either, just his usual blue military uniform, because he was representing the Bielfeld lands. So Yuuri was beside himself with happiness. The scent of Wolfram's bearbee honey-scented shampoo that wafted through his nostrils as he carried Wolfram in his arms at that moment, as he willed to support his consort for the rest of their married life. It was almost enough to bring tears to anyone's eyes and --
"Ouch! watch it, you wimp!" Well, he sure wouldn't be crying them right now, Yuuri wanted to mutterunder his breath, although he was still wearing the biggest, goofiest smile. after all, he'd married Wolfram, and crying just won't do.
Wolfram continued his tirade. "You wanna knock me out so we can't push through with this "honey-moon" tradition of yours! Is part of this "honey-moon" knocking them unconscious by pushing them through rock-hard wooden doors! If so, I want none of it! I'd already washed my hair in honey shampoo!" Wolfram yelled at his new husband, his emerald-colored eyes flaring. Yuuri was carrying him as was traditional on earth for a groom to carry his bride, and Yuuri had pushed at the door not quite having thought he might hurt the new Royal Consort.
"Don't worry Wolfram. You can be sure that there will be a lot of pushing through WITH rock-hard things that'll happen tonight!" Yuuri joked, making Wolfram blush. little did Yuuri know that Wolfram blushed from embarrassment, not anything else, as even now, Wolfram still had no idea what Yuuri was getting at.
"Well, at least be sure not to drop me, wimp! Ugh! Such weakness! I can't believe I just married you!" Wolfram yelled, seeing that his husband might fall under his weight anytime.
"Well excuse me for wanting this to be memorable for you! On Earth, men carry their brides across the threshold of the bridal suite! I wanted you to have that, too!" Yuuri whined.
Wolfram's expression softened and, as his arms were already around Yuuri's neck for support, he just tightened his embrace around him and planted a kiss on his spouse's cheek when Yuuri carefully set Wolfram down on the canopied bed. Yuuri returned the gesture, but his kiss he placed on Wolfram's lips. Then he sat across his new "bride" on a chaise beside the mattress.
Wolfram eyed his new husband worriedly. It was a good two hundred paces or so from the main banquet hall from whence Yuuri had borne his weight, and Yuuri looked a little winded. Wolfram reached out and took both of Yuuri's hands, placing them against his chest, over his heart.
"You didn't have to do that, you know," Wolfram began. "I am not a woman, Yuuri. I want you to remember that you need not ever carry me. My vows were to love, honor, obey and protect you as well,"
"True, but I love you Wolfram, and I wanted to share with you a custom married men on Earth do for their wives on their wedding day. Erm, spouses," Yuuri checked himself. Wolfram smiled at the correction. Yuuri had struggled with the fact that Wolfram was a man so that it was a long time before Yuuri was able to confess his love for the blonde-haired knight.
"Very well. I can't call you a wimp on that one," Wolfram said, his hand now toying with the King's jet black hair, while he looked into the depths of Yuuri's onyx-colored eyes.
"Nope, nor should you ever call me one ever again," Yuuri warned in jest, his voice laced with mock authority.
Wolfram grinned evilly. "And why not, wimp?"
Yuuri whispered "Well... nothing. You can call me whatever you want. I'm married to you now. You'll probably start calling me worse names by the end of the year!" as he drew his face closer to Wolfram's, his eyelids slowly sliding shut.
Wolfram was suddenly pensive though, and did not even notice the look on Yuuri's lovesick countenance. "Nah... but, before we carry out this "honey-moon" custom, can you please explain to me what needs to be done? I have no idea --" but he was cut off when Yuuri placed his lips over his.
"Oh, you... will... when... we're... done..." Yuuri said between kisses on Wolfram's smiling lips. Wolfram flushed beet red, finally realizing what a honeymoon was, but he also started thinking he might actually like THIS particular Earth tradition.