Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Over The Threshold ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sayo: Here it is at last, kids, the last part of this fic. Thank you to everybody who read the first few chapters. You can be sure I will write more KKM fics for as long as I am fascinated with this anime, and know that every single word is dedicated to all of you.
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Yuuri loosened his grip on the fabric of Wolfram's white chemise for a moment before tightening his hold upon it again with a vengeance. He then sternly looked into his flaxen-haired bridegroom's green eyes, practically searing them with his stare.
Wolfram fought against Yuuri, struggled to tear himself away from the strong grasp, those coal-black eyes glaring at him, cold and accusing. Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes, but Wolfram stopped struggling when he saw that Yuuri was closing the distance between them, and stood stunned looking at what he could see of Yuuri closing his eyes and tasting the teardrop with his tongue.
Yuuri inched his way from Wolfram's eye and made his way down to the knight's mouth, leaving little kisses in his wake. He felt Wolfram's hands clasping his shoulders and he waited patiently for the shorter man's grip on him to relax before he went on. When he came upon Wolfram's lips, he requested entrance by licking the bottom lip softly. Yuuri was then pleased to know that Wolfram was ticklish and took advantage of the ensuing smile by delving at last into the sweet wet warmth that awaited within.
Wolfram's mind brought him back to his coming-of-age ceremony for a second, when his soul had first been promised to the fire elements who gave him his power, but the thought was immediately quashed from his mind by the onslaught of sensations which had reminded him of the memory in the first place. All he knew was that his whole body was deliciously but also delicately aflame, and that what he wanted - no, needed - more than anything right now was Yuuri, even though at present it was Yuuri who seemed hell-bent on driving him insane with his inexperienced explorings of Wolfram's body and his tongue which seemed to want to taste all of Wolfram that was. At that thought the fright that possessed Wolfram earlier took its hold of him again and he started to push the King away again.
Yuuri stopped when he felt Wolfram weakly trying to deter him from his goal. He couldn't tear himself away from the blonde boy and whispered against his skin, “Please don't send me away. I'm begging you, don't send me away,” and fell upon Wolfram, who held Yuuri against him, and stroked the king's hair with his fingers after tucking his midnight-black head beneath his chin.
“Wolfram, it's me. Please don't be afraid. This is me.” Yuuri whispered as the truth of the night's proceedings suddenly dawned upon him.
Wolfram wept silently even as he played with the locks of pitch-black hair beneath his fingertips which then slid downwards to stroke Yuuri's cheek and tilted the king's face up so he could take a good look at him under the bright lights of the makeshift studio.
Wolfram was relieved to see that Yuuri had not changed. This was indeed Yuuri. The boy of eighteen that he had avowed to love, serve, and protect was the one he held in his hands, not the deified King Shinou. Wolfram collapsed into Yuuri's arms in both relief and shame. He was relieved, but he felt embarrassed about his behavior as well.
This time it was Yuuri who did the comforting. He held Wolfram to himself and rocked him like he did when Wolfram awoke all flustered after one of his nightmares, and spoke to him softly, reassuringly. “This is me, Wolfram. You're not going to be with the wrong man. I'm sorry if I was in any way rough, or if I scared you. No wonder you thought I was the Maou,”
Wolfram laughed weakly and wiped away his tears before he sat up, only to pull Yuuri on top of him and yanked on the collar of Yuuri's black suit to get a kiss. His arms held Yuuri fast and Yuuri laughed to himself, thinking that he couldn't get away now even if he wanted to.
“Where were we?” Yuuri asked Wolfram, his boyish grin widening again.
“This bearbee-star ceremony, wimp,” Wolfram spat back, a bit of his old self showing once more.
“Honeymoon, love,” Yuuri corrected, before he bent over again to kiss Wolfram, his hands fumbling on the fastenings of Wolfram's white frock that could only be sinful in its translucency. When he couldn't unravel the lacings he just gave up and, grumbling about having to take his lips off of his prize, just pulled the flimsy thing over his bridegroom's head. Needless to say, he was pleased with what he saw - pale skin the color of milk and just as soft and sweet awaited him, and he kissed at every inch of it as it was revealed to him, even as Wolfram desperately coaxed him on with moans and whisperings of his name.
Wolfram watched Yuuri and took in the sight of broad shoulders and chest, a lean torso… he felt shy but he wanted to touch Yuuri so he did. His fingertips outlined the every curve, every plane, every fissure, and soon, he thought he'd want to taste Yuuri as well, see how he could incite in him those same fires he was being burned in.
Yuuri felt he was about to snap when Wolfram started to kiss his neck and leave little love-bites at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, and he crushed his lips against Wolfram's to distract the blonde while he fought for control. But Wolfram had managed to dip into the waistband of his trousers and from there, there was no going back. He stood up and divested himself of all his garments, not caring that Wolfram was staring from him. Yuuri sensed that Wolfram liked what he saw anyway, as the look on his face was like that of a hungry man who suddenly found himself seated in front of a feast.
Wolfram mouth was agape when he saw Yuuri's bared manhood, proud and erect. How could he possibly take in all of that. Wolfram fisted his hands at his sides and decided he was not going to run away. This was Yuuri, not the Demon King. He would have nothing to fear.
Yuuri saw the look in Wolfram's eyes when he'd finished disrobing and for a moment was afraid that he would need to chase after the blonde prince again. But he saw something else in Wolfram's eyes when he lay on top of him again, supporting his weight on his elbows so as not to crush the beauty beneath him. Yuuri saw desire in those eyes. Need. Wolfram needed him, and he was only too glad to comply.
Yuuri beheld the expanse of pale flesh before him adoringly and as before, he proceeded to kiss every inch of it he get his mouth on, but this time he also tasted what was offered, and used his tongue to draw increasingly narrow circles around one hardening nipple and then the other, before kissing and licking his way down a veritable treasure trail that led to Wolfram's own desire, his questing assured triumph if Wolfram's litany of his name was to be taken as any indication.
Wolfram placed his hands on Yuuri's head and gripped his hair, pushing him downward, telling him exactly where he wanted to be loved, but he had no way of knowing just how Yuuri would show him how cherished he was.
Yuuri took Wolfram in his mouth slowly, being very careful to hold back his teeth lest he hurt him. Yuuri then let his mouth slide up and down Wolfram's manhood again and again, trying suction time and again, and, having established that it was the way to go, proceeded so, taking his cues from how Wolfram would buck against him, pushing himself at him. Every time Wolfram pushed up, Yuuri prepared for it, and caught him every time he fell until it was all too much, and Wolfram fell in a helpless heap beneath a leering Yuuri, after having decried his ecstasy loud enough for almost all the kingdom to hear. In his mind, Yuuri thanked the powers that be that the wedding feast was still going on as loudly as it was downstairs, or he would never live this feeling down. But another look at Wolfram and he thought that then again, he might.
Wolfram stole a look at Yuuri, and then went on down to that of Yuuri's midsection and then, where his stare had been previously. Yuuri's cock was still erect, and Wolfram frowned to himself that he'd been selfishly enjoying Yuuri's talents while he'd let his lord be. Shyly he reached out and stroked Yuuri's manhood as if it were an animal he was petting, and then gently guided it towards…
Yuuri didn't need any more instruction when he felt, not so much as saw where he was being led. He'd closed his eyes long ago and the sensations of pleasure that coursed through him left him a mostly feeling creature by now, so that what followed was a synchronous opposing excitation, new and yet familiar to them both, as though they had done this many, many times before. Yuuri took hold of Wolfram's hips and, when he at last managed to open his eyes, looked in wonder at himself as he saw himself disappear over and over into Wolfram, knowing in his heart that this was how it should be, with Wolfram's head thrown back in ecstasy and screaming his name over and over, mouthing words of eternal love, repeating over and over their promises of forever in this most truthful of ways. Yuuri marveled at how snugly Wolfram embraced him, and he dove over and over into his bridegroom's smoldering core, letting them both be consumed by the heat that traversed both of their groins, and which poured over their bellies at the very last moment before they fell from the heights to which they were flying.
When Yuuri awoke a few minutes later, he found Wolfram had been holding him tight against himself, his breathing even and soft. He had fallen asleep without disengaging himself and while this certainly felt weird at the least, he felt oddly at peace, surely whole. At the back of his mind though, a small blinking light nagged at his thoughts. Yuuri brushed it off, and lay his head on Wolfram's chest to listen to his heartbeat, and it was that rhythm that he listened to before he himself dozed off.