Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Pulled in Two Directions ❯ The Talisman ( Chapter 7 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Yuurimaoh 
"Just what is this?" Wolfram asked as he stared at the glowing item. It was in the shape of a circle with intricate knots around the edge. Peeking out from the mud was a small silver chain attached to it that reminded Wolfram vaguely of a necklace.
Anime/Manga: Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Shounen /
Romance /
Drama /
Adventure |
Type: Yaoi |
Uploaded On: 12.12.2012 |
Updated On: 01.14.2017 |
Pages: 9 |
Words: 4.9K |
Visits: 214 |
Status: Work In Progress
Chapter 7: The
After a while, Yuri and Wolfram managed to
shake themselves off the trance that they were in while they were
in the baths. The two of them dried themselves in silence, dressed
in silence, and walked to their shared room in silence. The silence
shattered with the sound of Yuri closing the door behind
"Yuri-" Wolfram began, but Yuri held up a hand
as a signal to be quiet.
"Please, let me go first," Yuri pleaded. "I
know that things haven't stopped being crazy. Orbs, dragon princes,
visions, and's enough to make my head spin. But, there
is something I want to clear up right now."
Though Yuri's voice was calm, Wolfram couldn't
help but wince a little. He could tell many things about Yuri from
the way that the other-worldian representative held himself, the
way he acted around others, and even the way sometimes talked in
his sleep. However, what he wanted to know the most about Yuri was
the same thing that he didn't want to know,
which was how the young man truly felt about him.
"Wolfram, how do you really feel about
Wolfram could have asked him the same question,
but he was afraid of the answer. And was the blonde brave enough to
answer that question? Wolfram didn't know, but he was about to find
out. "You are one of the most ridiculous people I have ever met.
How can someone be such a wimp and still be kind, determined, and
cute? You stand your ground for what you believe to be right. You
proved that when you tried to free me..."
Yuri found it difficult to keep his face free
from any expressions as Wolfram talked. He felt a little offended
when Wolfram once again called him a wimp, but he felt something
else when he heard the blonde's admiration for him. Before he knew
it, Yuri's heart began to beat a little faster.
"Yuri, I-"
A loud honking sound came from the door and
startled both of the young men. Yuri stalked towards the door,
thinking something along the lines of 'I'm getting sick and tired
of interruptions.' When he opened the door, he saw Varyx fluttering
his wings in front of him. The small dragon's head moved forward,
slitted eyes narrowed. 'Did I interrupt something?' Varyx inquired.
Yuri took a step back, not because he was
intimidated, but because the dragon was invading his personal
space. "You have no idea," Yuri muttered. He let out a sigh. "Well,
what happened now?"
'Sir Murata believes that he may have found
the current location of the Orb Chamber,' Varyx explained. 'He asked me to lead you to
him.' The group had been
looking for the entrance to the Orb Chamber for days, but neither
Yuri nor Wolfram could remember which hallway it was in. The castle
was like a complicated labyrinth.
"You are very loyal to Murata, aren't you,"
Yuri realized. The small turquoise dragon always called everyone by
a certain title, but never by their fist names. Regardless, Varyx
seemed to show so much more respect to Ken than to anyone else.
"Why do you treat him differently than you do us?"
"That better not be jealousy I hear in your
voice, Yuri," Wolfram threatened.
"I'm not jealous!" Yuri quickly countered. "I'm
only curious."
'The answer is
simple,' Varyx
replied. 'Sir Murata has a
"Oh you are asking for it," Wolfram growled,
his hands fisting and unfurling as if he was holding himself back
from strangling the creature. He didn't take back any of the grand
respect he had towards dragons, it was
just that dragon
which caused him grief. The blonde stopped and straightened up,
however, when he heard strange sounds coming from the hallway. No,
not from the hallway, but from even further away. "Something's
Yuri and Varyx watched as Wolfram ran down the
hallway for a moment before frantically following the blonde. They
had a hard time keeping up with Wolfram's speed. The young man
stopped in front of the dragon stables. Every single dragon mewled
and yowled in fear. "What could be troubling them?" Wolfram
wondered aloud, his face set in a worried frown.
Varyx swooped closer to the stables and started
to squawk questions left and right. 'They feel an ominous aura not too far
away.' The small dragon's
thoughts sounded tremulous. 'I
don't understand why they can feel this so easily and I can't. I'm
usually much more
sensitive to magic than my brethren.'
"Where are they saying that the aura is coming
from?" Wolfram asked.
'Somewhere in the
woods,' Varyx replied. He sent
Wolfram a look that neither of them could
decipher. 'How did you know that
they were trying to relay their bearings to me?'
"It's the obvious next step, seeing as how you
can't feel a thing," Wolfram answered in a dismissive manner. "Can
they pinpoint exactly where the aura is in the woods?"
A rumbling growl that sounded a little bit like
a purr came from the third stall from the left. Three heads turned
towards the sound. A sea-green dragon with long whiskers approached
them. It held its head high, the dark green of the scales from
under his neck and torso reflected the sun's light as it
Varyx began communicating with the other
dragon, never breaking eye contact with the yellow eyes. After a
moment, he turned back to Yuri and Wolfram, his tail flicking in a
nervous gesture. 'He says that
if the blonde one wishes it, then he will more than gladly lead us
to the pulse of the ominous aura.'
"Tell him that I would be in his debt," Wolfram
'He claims that
he considers you a brethren and that there are no debts between our
kind,' Varyx translated with a
confused underlying tone.
Wolfram looked into the larger dragon's yellow
eyes and bowed. "I, Wolfram Von Bielefeld of the Demon Kingdom,
will never forget your kindness."
'And I, Seuriel, remind you that you there
is no debt between us,' Varyx
reiterated. He felt sheepish and childish to have ever treated
Wolfram rudely after such respect the blonde had showed toward his
fellow dragon. He made a silent vow to himself to stop being so
judgemental of others.
"So are we going to meet up with Ken after we
check out this evil aura thing?" Yuri wondered aloud.
Varyx sighed. He ammended his previous thought
of being judgemental of others. For some reason, Yuri Shibuya would
always be an idiot in his eyes. 'Discovering the source of an ominous aura that has
disturbed a group of rider dragons does seem
to be a more pressing matter at the moment, I
"Exactly," Wolfram agreed before another
argument began. He turned to the light green dragon. "Lead us to
Seuriel took off to the sky, leading the group
below into the woods. They walked through the woods for almost an
hour before the green dragon stopped to land. Wolfram Yuri, and
Varyx moved around the foliage until they came across a small
glowing object in the mud.
"Just what is this?" Wolfram asked as he stared
at the glowing item. It was in the shape of a circle with intricate
knots around the edge. Peeking out from the mud was a small silver
chain attached to it that reminded Wolfram vaguely of a
'A talisman!' Varyx shrieked.
"Argh!" Yuri whimpered before hunching over.
The pain in his stomach felt familiar, but he couldn't quite
remember when he had felt it before. He fell to his knees on the
ground and his mouth opened wide as a tumultuous scream tore from
his throat. "AAAAHHH!"
"Yuri!" Wolfram cried, running over to him.
When he touched Yuri's shoulder, the other man's head snapped up.
Wolfram was no longer looking at Yuri. The slitted eyes and
cackling power around this man was..."The Maoh?" Wolfram pulled his
hand back as if it were burned.
"No, not you," The Maoh whispered. "I
would not have you fear
A pained roar turned everyone's attention to
Seuriel. A dagger was embedded into his tail and the green dragon
bent his head to pull it out with his teeth. He roared something to
'It's a trap!' Varyx warned Wolfram and the Maoh. His mind was running
over several scenarios until his gaze fell towards the
'The talisman!' Varyx picked the talisman up with one of his claws and
examined it. 'It's a talisman to
awaken power. Just who is behind all this?'
"I have a feeling we're about to find out,"
Wolfram mumbled as the group became surrounded by at least a dozen
armed men. "What are all of you after?"
"We were sent to take your dark-haired friend
out of your hands," One of the men admitted. He held up a long
chain and tugged in between his hands. "And we were to be sure that
we weren't followed."
"Wolfram," The Maoh called. When he made eye contact with the
blonde, the Maoh sent him several mental images through his power.
Wolfram nodded once before grabbing Varyx and sitting down next to
'Whatever you do, don't let go of the
talisman,' Wolfram thought to
'What is he doing?' Varyx questioned.
'You'll see soon
enough,' Wolfram
Tendrils of silvery blue power surrounded the
Maoh. "How dare you
endanger the lives of my friends on someone else's whim! I do not
enjoy resorting to violence, but you leave me no
choice!" A large gust of wind
spiraled around the group, expanding to take on leaves and loose
dirt from the ground. Once the winds picked up speed, they became
one enormous typhoon with which the Maoh expanded to blast their
pursuers out into the woods and away from them.
Varyx clung to both Wolfram and Seuriel in case
the Maoh lost control of his typhoon, but he was surprised to note
a strange barrier surround them. As the winds pushed around them,
the talisman in Varyx's claws found its way around the small
dragon's neck. His slitted violet eyes snapped open when he felt a
stab of sharp energy go through his heart around the area that the
talisman touched his chest. ''
"Justice," The Maoh hissed in a whisper as the winds slowed down
to a light breeze. "Be
done." His silvery blue aura
waned the moment he fell to his knees.
Wolfram let go of the dragons and moved to him
fast enough to catch him before he fell to the ground. "Yuri!" The
blonde looked back at Seuriel as if to ask the dragon to help him
carry the other-worldian representative back to the castle. The
sea-green dragon nodded in response. They felt a strange pulse
coming from Varyx, so Wolfram's attention moved to the small
dragon. Had he known that the day was going to turn from one
disturbing event to another, he wouldn't have gotten out of bed to
begin with. For, where Varyx once stood, there currently stood a
man. And he was a very naked man with slitted violet eyes,
shoulder-length aquamarine hair, and pointed ears.
"Wh-why am I in this form?" Varyx's voice
sounded a bit deeper when it was spoken aloud. "I haven't been in
this form in over five hundred years."
"The talisman?" Wolfram nearly choked on his
words as he averted his gaze. The typhoon of questions and
puzzlement in his mind was enough to rival the one that the Maoh
had created earlier. The blonde swallowed his worries of what the
day's events could mean in order to do what he had to do. "Don't
just stand there! Help me get Yuri to Seuriel."
The two of them heaved Yuri, one by the
shoulders and the other by the legs, and carefully swung him onto
Seuriel's back. Wolfram dusted his hands in a gesture of a job well
done. He began looking around for one of their unconscious pursuers
to strip him of his clothes and handed the garments to
"What makes you think that I would ever agree
to wear a stranger's clothing?" Varyx questioned, his nose
scrunched up in distaste.
"Listen," Wolfram reasoned. "It's only until we
get back, unless you want to arrive at
the castle naked and with blisters on your feet. I swear, you had
more common sense when you were a dragon."
"Yes," Varyx huffed as he put on the other shoe
that Wolfram handed him. "I can feel my intellect diminishing in
this form as we speak."
Wolfram turned around so that Varyx wouldn't
see the sad smile on his face. He actually felt pity for Varyx. He
was worried over Yuri. And he was confused about the trap that was
set up for them. If he had to guess, he'd say that the trap was set
for Yuri. Neither Seuriel, Varyx, nor Wolfram were a threat to
anyone. He could only think of one person behind the assault and he
didn't like the idea. "We should head back now," He mentioned
aloud. "It'll get dark soon."
Unseen by anyone, a lone black adder slithered
out from behind a nearby tree and cut ahead of group to give the
report to his master.
The Demon King smiled as he stroked his Raven's
head. He was the one that had sent for the talisman to be thrown in
the woods in order to lead the other-worldian representative there.
And he had only sent the band of assassins-for-hire to test his
power. Though he had felt a stab of jealousy at Yuri's show of
power, he was also very satisfied. He knew that Yuri would be the
only one that could retrieve Earth's relic for him.
What had occured afterwards with the talisman
and the small dragon were of no consequence to him. He only cared
about the relics. The Earth's relic along with their own relic, The
Orb, would make it easy for the Demon King to combine both worlds
and reign over them both. He would go further than any of his
predescesors. Afterall, who could stop him from taking over an
entire galaxy after his goal was acchieved? "Things are
becoming interesting again,"
the Demon King practically purred. "I can almost feel Earth's relic
in my hands."
Varyx sat by the windowsill in Ken's room. He
wore a white long-sleeved blouse with the first few buttons undone
and a pair of kakhis. The clothes were Ken's, because Varyx could
barely stand being in any other stranger's clothing. He took a bath
the the minute the group had arrived at the castle. Just as Wolfram
had said, by the time they had arrived, it was already nightfall.
They had worried that Demon King would surely question just how the
hell Varyx had changed forms, but their worries had been in vain.
The Demon King didn't care.
Conrad, Yozak, Günter, and Ken had rushed
over to them. Like mother hens, the four men took care of the
group. Yozak took Seuriel to the stables, Conrad carried Yuri to
his room while Günter hunted down his Healer daughter, Gisela,
and Ken rushed to get Varyx towels and a change of clothes. Varyx's
slitted violet eyes narrowed when he felt a hand flick one of his
pointy ears. He didn't bother to turn around, for he knew who it
"I already miss knowing what you're thinking
about," Ken told him with a smile that the other could feel more
than see. "Hey, at least all of you came back in one
"How's Yuri?"
Ken's face was free from any emotions, but his
hand clenched in his lap. 'So
it's just plain "Yuri" now?' He
thought to himself. He didn't let any of his jealousy bleed into
his words, however. "Last I heard, he was coming to. Wolfram claims
that he had seen Yuri's power manifest like it did in the woods
"I can see why the Demon King summoned him,"
Varyx decided. "But, I have yet to understand what he wants with
Yuri's power."
Ken sighed. "What's troubling you?"
Varyx shifted to allow Ken enough room to sit
down beside him. "A lot of things," He said softly. "The Demon
King's lack of reaction to what happened. Julia's vision. Yuri's
power. You."
"Where do I fit into the equation?" Ken asked,
struggling to keep the words neutral.
"Just..." Varyx thought for a moment. "...your
safety. In general."
"Oh," Ken replied, trying not to sound as
disappointed as he felt. "Things will sort themselves out before
"For all our sakes, I hope so," Varyx agreed.
"But, be ready to brace yourself for the worst."