Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Boundaries ❯ Chapter 1 - Uncovering the Feelings ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
WARNING: This is Yaoi, k'z? If you whine about this stuff being boy x boy love, it's not my problem because...I am warning you now?
Also, there will be expletive words and such, and throughout the book, love scenes will be described "thoroughly". Please rate the worst you can xD
Summary: Yuuri and Wolfram are finding things tough, for each doesn't know if they really like on another or not. Containing their lust for each other, they find out through a series of adventures of who they really love, what love really is, and finding the ultimate happiness of their life. Takes place when Yuuri is 16 years old (Yuuri x Wolfram)
End Of Summary
Is that a good summary? I dunno, this my first time writing stuff like this P Please rate and review k? Kthxbai.
Extra Info About the Author: Im a girl, but this is my first time writing this type of stuff. Age: 16. If you wanna hit me up or if you wanna be friends or some shit (xD trying to act gangsta P), my xfire is fosxmusex and my aim is xMusExDrEa. Peace out 3
By the way, this story will have multiple chapters, most likely going into a full line sequel. Hope you enjoy
Unknown Boundaries (Preview)
Chapter 1
by xMusEx (if you want to, go ahead and review plx. any private questions can be sent to )
"How much longer will I be sitting here goddammit!” yelled the king, waiting impatiently for his time to be up.
"Ten more minutes, Your Majesty", replied the dormant guard, startled by the yell of His Majesty.
Goddammit, thought King Yuuri. He was sickly worried about Wolfram. He hadn't seen him at all that day, and this was unusual, for Wolfram was probably out checking his horses the guards, and his skills in check. As he stared at the papers before him, he realized he hadn’t been this angry for a long time. For the whole day he had been sitting down at the table, not being to talk to Conrad, Gwendal, hell, he would have even talked to Günter. The annoying teacher got his kicks from him just by seeing his face. Ignoring him most of the time, he mostly daydreamed of his life and what was to happen in the future.
One person sticking out at the core of his mind however, was Wolfram. He couldn't explain how he was and how he felt around him. Though he really preferred to be with a girl, something couldn't escape his mind about Wolfram. His slender body, round hips, gorgeous blond hair, and overall look astonished anyone who standed on the ground he standed on.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, yelled his mind. He couldn't accept the fact of Wolfram being a man. He wanted to like him, he wanted to love him, but the fact that he was a man was intolerable. What would the people think about this? Although he knew being gay was O.K., it wasn't accepted much on his home planet Earth. Even more importantly, WHAT WOULD WOLFRAM THINK?!
He knew about him calling him his fiancé, saying he would protect him for life, but he didn't know if that came from his status of a soldier, or if it was from the bottom of his heart. He loved the way Wolfram complemented and how he caressed Wolfram when he was hurt, but...
"Your Majesty!" yelled Gunter; "Your Majesty!!"
Startled by his yelling, he turned toward Gunter.
"Jesus Christ, Gunter! Don't scare me like that! Is anything wrong?"
"I have been calling you for some time, saying that it has been over for your job. In fact, I think you have been working 30 minutes 'overtime', but I know it's not for your passion of work, now isn't it, Your Majesty", smirked the purpled hair man.
Replying back with one of his 'whatever' looks in his face, Yuuri went to the bathing room, hoping with all of his heart that Wolfram was there.
Oh God, thought Wolfram. He couldn't stop himself from thinking. He had been pacing around the castle thinking, but most importantly so Yuuri wouldn't see him. When Yuuri came around after his tired ways, his body had seemed to be calling out to Wolfram, as it shook in all its majestic pleasures around him. It always looked as if Yuuri was taunting Wolfram, but Wolfram himself knew about Yuuri's true feelings about love between men.
He never got it, and never will. Apparently, it seemed as if Yuuri's world was fucked up enough to not even accept man to man love. Wolfram's Shin Makoku was understanding however, for they knew that loving and caring for someone should not only restrict to one gender.
As he got from his chair, he felt as if he needed to go to the bathing room, for his legs were too tired from walking around and ignoring Yuuri. Half of his heart wished to see Yuuri's curving, lustful body while his other half wished he wouldn’t so he couldn't embarrass himself. Not knowing what to expect, he got off the top of his comfy bed, took his sleeping gown with him, and headed carefully toward the bathing house.
Silently in the night, an empty room filled with water is suddenly disturbed. As Wolfram interrupted the peace of the room itself, he found out with mixed emotions that King Yuuri wasn't there. As he sighed, he took off his clothes and rested unassumingly for the future. Was Yuuri coming? What did Yuuri fell about him? As he fell into the gracious and opening bath "tub", he took the shampoo in with him.
Oh man, did these full moons make his mind imagine. The sheer beauty of the King was too much he could take. Was it his personality, he looks, or both? He didn't really know if he actually loved him, but he knew he could have all the thoughts he wanted about him. The striking eyes, black glossy hair, beautifully toned body, there was enough of him to keep his mind occupied for days in and out.
"Why can't I do anything towards him?", thought the prince out loud. "I can't keep this up any...ughhhh."
He noticed his manhood had already been hard. When seeing it in the mist, he couldn't stop himself. Stroking up and down, the young prince took in all the bliss that followed.
S lumping on the bed, he thought about if he would ever jump away from the comfort. As he shrugged off his grogginess, he got all his bathing robes and clothes and got his personal shampoo, scented with blackberries. Of course, Yuuri was wanting to go to sleep, but he wondered where Wolfram was the whole day and he needed to soothe his worn out bones in the hot, soothing water.
“Wolfram, I worry for you…….”
Heading down to the bathing room, he was hearing something get louder and louder. It first sounded like screams. Hearing them, he went rushing down with anger in his mind. However, just before the door, Yuuri realized it wasn’t screaming, but………….moaning? What the hell was happening in there.
“Oh shit” thought the prince.
He had heard someone coming, but he didn’t think they would be coming to the bathing house this late. There was only one explanation; this was Yuuri. But he couldn’t see him like this! And he can’t bear to lie he was masturbating to someone else; it wasn’t in his heart to do it.
And then he looked down in the water.
“Ahh fuck!”
It was all white around his area! And then the door slowly turned.
“Wolfram?!” exclaimed the King.
“Oh, hi Yuuri” said the prince.
Yuuri was standing next to the door while Wolfram was farthest from the door, on the opposite side of the pool.
“Wolfram….why are you blushing so hard? Are you sick? I can call Gisela if you want...”
“No, it’s O.K., it just got so hot all of a sudden” responded Wolfram.
CRAP! That was the stupidest thing to say. It got “hot” when Yuuri came around; great excuse.
“Why are you out here all on your own at night?” said Yuuri, interrupting Wolfram’s trail of thought. It appeared that Yuuri was really worried about him.
But dammit! How did he get in this situation? How could Yuuri be working his late? Oh yeah, the question.
“Mm-hmm” coughed the prince. “I just can’t go to sleep. These days have been weird for me. Anyways, why were you so late working Yuuri?”
“Well, normally I would have been done by 7 but.....”
“But what?” Wolfram noticed that the King was blushing...pretty hard.
As Yuuri was facing down at the pool, he replied, “I spent 6 hours on foot looking for you; to be honest, I have been terrified.”
All of a sudden, Wolfram heard the movement of water. Swiftly, Yuuri had already taken his clothes off and was in the pool. However, he was about 1 foot away from Wolfram..... leaning in.
“Wolfram, look at me...”
Turning around, he looked at some seriousness in his man’s eyes; however, there was a slight amount of shyness in them too.
“I have to ask you two things, and they are pretty important....”
“F-fire away.”
Jesus, was Yuuri trying to turn him on? With the moon shining against his shiny, lubricant body as he was leaning down, he looked like an angel. A beautiful angel that he could never have...
“First, you have been tense towards me. You aren’t really open and I haven’t been able to see your happy gaze in your eyes. You are my friend, Wolfram, and I hate to see you acting so cold towards me. You are now trying to get conversations over with as soon as possible, and try to leave me.....this brings me into my other question...”
No Wolfram, don’t torture me with the tears...
He couldn’t stand to see a friend, especially Wolfram, crying to him.
“Wolfram, why did you try to avoid me today.”
Gasping in shock, Wolfram looked up at Yuuri. “How did you....”
“Wolfram, please!”
Why am I crying...
“Please, answer me now! I don’t want any bullshit, no long ways of telling me; tell me NOW!” yelled Yuuri, gagging on the tears
I can’t stop crying.....why?
“Yuuri.....are you O.K?”
Looking right at Wolfram with his innocent, tearful eyes, he asked,
“A-ans-wer me now......”
“Yuuri.......I am sorry. Lately, I have been acing weird towards you. I don’t know why but...but....”
Please Wolfram, tell me the truth...
“I can’t focus on anything.....but......”
Don’t torture me anymore....WOLFRAM!
“I can’t focus on anything but you, Yuuri...” blushed the prince.
“Wolfram....I didn’t....”
“No, it’s O.K. I needed to spit it out sooner or later...”
They looked at each other for a long time, not knowing what to do.
I cannot believe I just came clean about that...
“WOLFRAM.....” gasped Yuuri.
Wolfram looked up at him.
Don’t tell me he’s found the....oh, come on!
Yuuri was looking around where he had been standing. It was all the white stuff...
“Don’t tell me that you were......Wolfram!”
“Please, Yuuri, don’t kill me for this”
“But how can you stoop down to such a level as to...”
“You know why! Stop bullshitting me Yuuri, you know the whole reason why!”
Shocked, Yuuri stared at his partner, dazed.
I wish I could take back everything I just said. How will he take this....I am sorry Yuuri, but my anger can only be kept down for so long...
“But Wolfram, I didn’t think that you would....”
“Oh, don’t give me that! You know my feelings toward you! I know your little ‘principles’ on the love of men, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be angry! I haven’t even gotten one sign of affection from you, not ONE!”
“But Wolfram...”
“I would kill to have you...I would kill everyone on this fucking planet for you Yuuri. But you know what? I really don’t think you give a shit about me! I really do think I am one of your playmates, just giving you advice, little pep-talks, but I am nothing more! You are my fiancé Yuuri. But if you can’t give any love towards me just because of your little laws on your planet fucking Earth, then fuck you and fuck Earth!”
And with that, Wolfram walked out, slamming the door shut. He had huge mixed emotions inside of him, but no more. No more of shutting down his feelings, no more of being his special pawn. He was only going to be a normal pawn to the King now.
Oh shit Yuuri....I guess these are my true emotions huh?
Back in the bathing pool, Yuuri was standing where he was, staring at the liquids.
But no more Yuuri...
I can’t take anymore...
“If only....”
From now on...
I will...
Not be yours...
Love you.....”
~End of Chapter 1 – Uncovering the Feelings~
xMusEx: Hey guys! I got enough reviews so I am going forth with the plot! ^^
How was the first chapter! If you got any raves, comments, questions, reviews, or maybe even suggestions, click that button down there to send me your thoughts!
I will be answering to some reviews at the beginning of each chapter from now on.
See ya guys later! ^^