Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

xYuuramx: yeah, I like it.
asialisek: I'm glad you liked the sex scenes, heh Yuuri…
Well, I did say that this fic is based on Wolfram.
We'll see how much good Wolfram's feistiness will bring him ^_~
Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 7
A low grunt crossed the sleeping tent and fled then it came back again, this time together with a strained curse. Kyota's sleepy eyes blinked open. Yawning, he rubbed them and wondered why he had woken up - it was still dark and silent outside. He turned to the source of a new noise. It was dark but he could make out some contours next to him.
“What's wrong?” he asked after seeing Wolfram in an unnatural position: his back bowed out, his legs drawn up, the sleeping-bag kicked to the side.
“Nothing,” Wolfram gasped out. “I just have a cramp in my leg. Go back to sleep.” He rubbed his right shin to ease the pain and pressure. He used to get cramps frequently but then Yuuri brought a bottle of what he had called vitamins from his world and made him drink the pills. The cramps had almost disappeared after that.
Wolfram yelped and fell on his back as his leg was pulled up by Kyota. Wolfram's head connected with something behind him painfully. The guard cursed and then the coppery smell of blood filled the tent.
“Look what you have done!” Wolfram snapped, wincing. With his other leg he pushed Kyota aside. “You okay there?” he turned his head to his right.
“Yeah, it's just a little blood,” Arachi muttered, holding his nose to stop the bleeding.
Kyota looked around for a rag then held out one to the guard. “I'm sorry.”
The brunette took the cloth. “It's nothing,” he mumbled.
“Can we finally sleep?” Asami complained from the other side of the tent.
In the darkness, Kyota waved his hands apologetically. He leaned over the prince again intending to massage his cramped leg but Wolfram pushed him away none too gently telling him to cut it out. Kyota moved away silently. He settled back into his sleeping bag. Wolfram wasn't shifting or wincing anymore and it meant that the cramp had lessened or was over. All he had wanted was to help.
When Asami woke up it was a bright day already. Stretching contently in his bag, he yawned. After looking around it appeared that the other men were already gone. A little alarmed, he disentangled himself from the sleeping bag, found his jacket and already intended to go outside but the hushed voices at the tent's entrance stopped him.
“It's five more days to Redek. Are we really going there?” Kyota's voice wafted from outside.
“Do you see any reason to stay here?” It was Wolfram's sarcastic tone.
“You know what I mean. If nobody has seen Yuuri here, then it means that he is in the opposite way of Redek.”
“And how do you imagine we get into Beshan, then? Just march into it and ask if anyone has seen Yuuri?”
“No, but…”
“I've been thinking, Kyota. I perfectly know that Yuuri is not in Redek. But it's risky. It's not clear how people in Beshan would treat us. We were lucky to get here while there was a battle and we earned the commander's trust by disposing of those riders. But nobody knows what the people in Beshan will do when they see us. We look completely different than them. Even if we dye our hair, we still have our eyes to cover. Hell knows what they will think. Maybe we will need to get the hell out of there because they might want to put us on stakes or simply burn alive. I say we stick to the situation we have right now.”
Silence followed then Kyota spoke again, “Wolfram, do you…” There was much heard disbelief in his voice. “Do you really plan on..?”
“But it's not our war!”
“Yuuri is my husband. I'll wipe this stupid planet clean if it's what it takes to find him.”
Kyota fell silent again. After a pause he asked, “How long will your power last?”
“If I don't use it, it will completely siphon out after three or four months.”
“Not that much time… It might be possible to defeat that Faraya, but we don't know many details, such as how many men both sides have or how or why the war started… We…”
Kyota hushed. “Yes, of course, I'll follow you,” he said after a second. “You know that I will never abandon you or my King.”
They both were quiet for some time but then Kyota spoke again, “I have questioned around and heard that Faraya lives in a heavily guarded palace in the very middle of Beshan city; the entire kingdom is called Bianlu. The city is huge, at least they said so. There are counties all around it and his reign reaches all across the land meeting the Haimano Sea in the East and Juon Mountains in the North. Each count was appointed by the King himself. The neighbors, Sahan and Dirushi kingdoms in South are on good terms with Bianlu and often send their troops to support them. Of course, it's obvious that they don't want Dakhra - yes, it appears it's the kingdom we are in right now,” Kyota explained, “-spreading further and threatening their borders. It's said - better the devil you know than the one you don't.
“Almost all of the other countries around Dakhra,” he continued, “support it. The King, Rean Jikra, has made many treaties with them to improve his position, he had also married two of his sons off on the daughters of the neighboring Kings. He's quite old, but he has three sons, the firstborn already taking care of many political errands.
“I asked about Rean but there's nothing particular about him; nobody has mentioned an element he might be wielding, although it might be that the soldiers don't trust us and didn't give all information on him. But to tell the truth, I doubt that Rean is the one we need. We need to seek out that Faraya.” Kyota paused then when he started again, his voice had a strange shade. “Faraya is known for collecting `colorful' concubines.”
“Colorful?” Wolfram asked, unsure.
“You have noticed that all locals have black hair and eyes, haven't you..? Not that much of variety, I would say…”
Wolfram let out a bitter chuckle. “And just how many men will I need to sleep with before I am accepted into the palace as a concubine?”
Kyota cleared his throat. “I didn't…”
“I think that at this rate it will be faster to form an army of our own and take him down by force.”
Kyota cleared his throat once again. “I wasn't suggesting anything like that. I just wanted to say that we should have that in mind. You know that your husband would kill me if I let you do something stupid like that.”
Wolfram snorted. “Since when do you…”
“Cut it out, Wolfram,” Kyota said seriously, probably knowing that if he didn't shut the prince up right now, there would be no end to this. “Your safety which,” he stressed, “also includes your lower regions, is my responsibility, so please, let's not come back to this again because I'll simply belt you.”
“How dare you!?” Wolfram hissed, agitated.
“If you behave like a child, then there's nothing left for me to do except to treat you like a child. Cut out these your smart-talks and bristling,” Kyota said seriously. “I know the only thing you have in your head is Yuuri but there are limits. Prince or not, you are my friend and you should know better than to talk to me in that way. You implying that I have just suggested to you sleeping with half of a country isn't something I'm fond to hear.”
“Friends don't…!” But Wolfram shut his mouth sharply, not finishing. It was silent for several moments again. “I'm sorry,” the blond's voice was repentant. “I went too far.”
Asami hardly heard the last part of their conversation. He was still thinking about the very beginning when there were months of staying here, on this planet, mentioned. Two days and a half were already quite too many, but months..?! And were those two planning to involve themselves in a war here?! Yes, Yuuri had to be found, but…
Nothing was said after that for a long time and Asami decided that it was about time to leave the tent. He greeted the two who were still standing at the tent's entrance. If they knew that he had overheard them, they didn't show that and greeted him quite cheerfully. Gloomily, he answered the greetings. Wanting to relieve himself he looked around then followed Wolfram's finger that pointed at some strange structure in the other side of the camp. After coming closer to it he saw that it was three sticks with a worn and holey cloth thrown over them. Luxury. Yesterday he was walking all around the camp and trying to find a bush. The food, especially the vegetables, here didn't seem to suit his stomach and his bowels were protesting harshly - at first he had constipation now there was something whirring and bubbling inside him and he couldn't wait to get it out.
There was a queue of three at that lovely construction. Asami fell in behind the last soldier. Pointedly looking at the clear sky or back at the camp or anywhere except at the men who were curiously staring at him, he had to admit that Wolfram was incredibly good at ignoring and pretending not to notice people gaping at him.
Thinking to himself silently, Asami had jumped two feet into the air when he thought that someone had suddenly dropped a bomb onto the camp. Then another loud roar seemed to tear the poor wobbling construction apart. A stinky cloud spread through the surroundings. There was a contented sigh inside it then some more musical noises followed.
Waving his hand under his nose, Asami wondered why the wind happened to blow from the toilet. Of course, they were all men here, but seriously - what had the bastard eaten?!
A minute later a round man left the structure. He blushed lightly after catching Asami staring at him. Asami ignored him and, even if with great reluctance, moved forward in the queue. Yes, they all were men, except him who, for some idiotic cultural reason, was considered almost a woman. The reaction had been the same. Idiocy.
After Asami finally had the business with the toilet done, he came back to his tent. He had wanted to go directly to the lake and wash himself but then decided to tell Wolfram about his plans at which the blond only nodded and sent Arachi with him.
Arachi's nose was fine, Asami noticed, a little bluish and swollen, but more or less okay. According to the sound that he had heard in the darkness, he had expected it to be broken or at least to be black.
“Are we really going to stay here for months?” Asami asked while walking through the fields.
The brunette looked at him, interested. “Really? I haven't heard about that yet.” He asked then, “Do you still have your dagger with you?”
Asami frowned but nodded his head for yes.
“Don't worry,” the elite guard clapped him on his shoulder friendly, “those two will do everything that is in their power to keep you safe.”
Asami frowned even more then pushed his glasses up his nose. “I hate this feeling - to be completely dependant on others… It's…”
“Don't worry,” the guard repeated. “You can't change the way you are. Your world is different than this. You are quite sharp, I've noticed, but you seem to pay too much attention to muscle. Look around. If you want to be of any help, you should stop complaining and do something - gather information, look for food or do other things that don't require much muscle. It is a different world and you can't afford to be depressed and do nothing. Just as the Prince had put it - we are a team.”
It was the first time when Asami heard Arachi saying so many words at once. He continued to walk beside the brunette silently. Arachi was right of course. The intelligence Kyota had gathered and reported to Wolfram probably hadn't been beaten out of the soldiers. They probably hadn't even noticed that Kyota was questioning them. He could do that. If it meant that that way he would be closer to Yuuri and home, he could be cunning and of some help.
Several minutes later they reached the river. The dark-haired man set on pulling his boots off. Watching the man fumble, Arachi cleared his throat. “You made a mistake then.”
His arm halfway out of the sleeve, Asami turned to look at the guard questioningly. He was a little surprised when he was met by Arachi's amused face.
“You shouldn't have freaked out and refused then,” Arachi grinned at him. “Docharo is damn good at kissing.” The guard couldn't help laughing at Asami's facial expression. Taking his boots off, he shook his head in disbelief. He waded into the cool water, leaving the younger man on the shore.
The four of them followed the army further to Redek. They had been three days on their feet now. It was a little easier now as they were following the river, the heat at least subconsciously seeming lesser. They had passed another village on their way where eleven men had left the ranks and gone back to their families. Now the army was heading straight to Redek. There was not much left from Asami's resolve, the youngest man was overcome by tiredness. Despite the stop at the second village, the scorching heat and that much of physical exercise was new to him and left him drained.
Wolfram didn't fare much better - he had always hated heat. The skin on his face had finished peeling and it seemed that it would start to peel for the second time. He never tanned, he just peeled off, which hurt. In addition to the heat the prince had gotten loose bowels, which right now was making him more snappish than he usually was and the three other men were trying to keep away from him and to not do anything that would anger him. Deep down Wolfram was thankful for that and only worried about himself losing liquids and the soldiers staring at his back when he rode up every higher dune for his business.
Even Moara had noticed that the blond's temper was sizzling as brightly just as the sun over his head, so the man would just smile or wave from far away instead of trying to approach the prince. It was safe only when the sun would start setting and the heat lessened. And even then, despite Wolfram's obvious struggle to be polite, one could see that he couldn't wait for him to go away. The blond was very whimsical it seemed, but that could be fixed. He wasn't sure about the other three concubines, but he was determined about this one. He just had to figure out what to do with the rest of them. That was a puzzle he had been working on for three days now.
On the fourth day's evening, when there was one day left to Redek, Wolfram sided to Kyota's horse.
“I have been thinking…” Wolfram drawled in a serious voice that made the blue-haired man alert. “Remember how in Yuuri's world time goes much slower than in ours…?”
Kyota turned to Wolfram sharply, his mouth hanging open. “Shiiiiit,” he said after a second. “Then the time reserve between Yuuri and us coming to this world might be hours or days or even months or years…”
Wolfram nodded slowly. “We reached that burnt house about four hours later after Yuuri had disappeared in it. It has been bugging me, the fact that we didn't find any footprints on the sand after we came to this world. We came to the same place, yet there was no evidence about Yuuri even setting his foot there. All I can tell is that I am able to use his power, which lets me presume that he should be here…” He looked towards the horizon where the last rays of the previously sizzling sun were still seen.
“It might be that he has already come back and is just going back to Blood Pledge Castle while that short journey of his for us might appear like weeks or, as you have said, a much longer period of time…”
Kyota stayed silent for a long time, just thinking. “No wonder all locals look like Yuuri…” he said finally. “I bet he had scattered his children all around just to use opportunity while you had not been around.”
Wolfram cracked a tired smile. “Not funny in the least,” he said.
“But it's an interesting theory, ne?” Kyota grinned.
Wolfram urged his horse forward and left the grinning man behind. “Idiot,” he mumbled. “I'll skin him alive if he does something like that, the bastard!”
Behind him, Kyota chuckled, amused. Unlike Yuuri who took measures only if there was a serious threat, Wolfram was very territorial. He did trust Yuuri, but it took only a small fragment to blind him and Yuuri had to suffer his husband's wrath. Wolfram stopped making scenes in front of everyone quite a while ago, but Kyota could only imagine how Yuuri got scolded, shouted at and maybe even punched when they were alone in case Wolfram had assumed something earlier; he knew all about the burnt bedrooms after all. Wolfram was not the one to let it slide aside.
Smiling, Kyota cast a look over the prince who now seemed much livelier than several minutes ago. Jealousy had always worked on the blond that way.
They spent a peaceful night and on the fifth day finally saw Redek. The impressive huge walls with high turrets stood out from afar. The deep yellow color of the stones was the same as that of the sand they had seen all around during the week. The magnificent city was spreading on both sides of the river Tamlu, its walls enclosing a huge territory together with several villages around it.
The glory of the city left the four men astounded. It was bigger than Wolfram's home city and the blond acquired the feeling which made him rather feel as if he were from the backwaters. Frowning, he squashed it.
“I wish I had a camera…” Asami sighed. “It's like a Discovery Channel…”
“The river is called Tamlu,” Kyota informed him from aside.
Asami just waved that off, not bothering to explain.
“He's talking about television,” Wolfram sighed. “It was the only channel worth watching while I was staying at my mother and father-in-laws'. I wanted to take that box to Shin Makoku but Yuuri said it would be no use because… I didn't understand much of what he had said next,” Wolfram admitted, being a little uncomfortable about his ignorance of something that his husband was perfectly familiar with, “but that was something about some wave mechanics and some recipients missing in Shin Makoku…”
Asami rolled his eyes. At least here he was better than Wolfram. The prince might know everything about survival and leading armies, but he was studying computer science and was quite interested in mechanics and electronics after all. That made him feel better, although the chance of that here, in Redek, a computer was equal to zero.
Two hours later they finally reached the city. Once the huge gate closed behind them, endless streets and houses opened before their eyes. There was a huge square at the gate and there weren't many people but one could see them busying farther in the streets some of which in fact were markets with people hustling and praising their goods, negotiating, selling and buying. There also was another thing that they became aware of as soon as they entered the city - the stench.
The army moved toward one wide street and Wolfram immediately noticed that he and the other three men were suddenly surrounded by a circle of soldiers who isolated them from the rest of men and started to steer them towards another street. Questioningly, he turned to look at the commander.
“They will lead you to my residence,” Reden said, urging his horse again and riding together with other soldiers in another direction.
Kyota gave Wolfram a grim look. The prince had guessed right the man's intention towards them. Then Kyota cast his eyes over the soldiers trying to find Moara in that mingle mangle of them but he couldn't see him - either the man had decided that it was pointless to go against his superior or it might have happened so that he had been bought or threatened.
Wolfram looked around. If he let them to be lead into the commander's house, it would push them all several steps back. His gaze fell on the men surrounding them. “Make some room for me,” he said in Shin Makoku tongue. “Asami, fall back behind Arachi and stick to him.”
“Nahi Reden!” Wolfram shouted toward the backs of the soldiers who had already receded. He drew his sword when soldiers' heads whipped around. He tugged the reins when he saw the commander looking at him. Wolfram pointed his sword at him. “I'm the crown prince of my country and a day when I'm your whore will never come!” He kicked the stunned soldier next to him, who was gapping at him, out of his way and urged his horse forward. Behind himself he heard shouts and hits; Kyota and the guard were taking action.
“Fight me and I'll prove to you that here the only whore is you!”
He heard the commander's loud laugh. “You have been too long under the sun,” he shouted towards Wolfram chuckling.
Wolfram stopped his horse in the middle of the empty square, grinning. He squeezed sword handle in his hand then jumped off the horse. Standing all too wide and wrong, he beckoned the man with his other hand. “Come here you, coward. Are you that worried I might be more than you've bargained for?”
“Me? Afraid of a whore? What should I be afraid of? - Of that your stick that you don't even know how to handle?” the commander chuckled. “Get him back onto the horse and into my house,” he motioned for several soldiers.
Wolfram's emerald eyes narrowed. “Do you hear that?! Do you hear how he calls the ones who help him win the battles?!” he shouted, his voice crossing the air like whip, his eyes counting every soldiers face before him. “I'm no whore! I'm your comrade-in-arms! I fought the same battle as you! I destroyed the same enemy as you!” His burning eyes set on Reden's back. “Do you always sell out your comrades-in-arms?! Do you even have the right to call yourself a man, a soldier?! Come here and fight me like a man would!”
“I'll shut that trap of yours!” gritting his teeth in anger, Reden plowed his way to the blond. Motioning for the soldiers whom he had sent to get the blond earlier to stand aside, he drew his sword. “Little slut, you'll regret your every word!”
Wolfram smiled. “Make me.” His awkward fighting stance suddenly turned into a honed one, the tip of the sword pointing at the commander. “You'd better win this one or I'll have all of your army following me in a wink,” he said with a smile that made the other man's blood run cold. The eyes and the smile that Reden was seeing before him right now were those of a killer.
Wolfram attacked first. His sword was blocked but the sheer power of the impact pushed the other man several steps back, leaving him unable to counterattack and his hand numb. Wolfram used the opportunity and slashed his sword at the man's side. The commander jumped away avoiding the blow and thrust his sword forward at the blond's unprotected stomach. Wolfram whisked out to the side. He fell to the ground and kicked his opponent's feet from under him. The prince's sword cut at the ground where a second ago the commander's neck was.
The older man rolled over and jumped to his feet. Assessing the situation, he circled the youngster. Despite much younger age, the blond was a formidable opponent. The blond was serious, deadly serious and unbelievably strong, his shorter height being supported by the sheer strength and accuracy of his blows. He had not expected that.
Wolfram outwatched the commander's movements. The man was hardened in battles and already before challenging him he knew that it would be not that easy.
The swords clashed again, the commander being tossed back, Wolfram coming after him in a second. The man defended himself but was too late to parry the other slash and the prince's sword left a gap in his shirt, the tip coming out from his side splashed with several droplets. Reden managed to avoid the next one then ducked again and the blond's sword swept above his head while Reden slashed at his side. Wolfram dropped to the side and rolled over being just in time to deflect the sword directed at his chest. The swords screeched against each other again.
The commander gasped in pain as Wolfram's foot caught him in the stomach. Doubling, he was forced back and didn't manage to even orient himself as another high kick to his jaw tossed him backwards. Trying to land in a crouch and not succeeding, he fell on his side. In a second the blond's boot was squashing his wrist, the bloodied tip of his sword pointing at his neck. Still blinded by the pain in his jaw, Reden wiggled, but then felt the tip pierce his skin and stilled.
“And how do you like my stick from below?” the prince asked casually, reminding Reden of his earlier mockery. “I won,” the blond said then. With his other foot he kicked the sword the commander had let go of farther.
Reden was glaring up at the prince. “So what now?”
“Bring me to your King,” the blond demanded.
“Aren't you jumping too high?” the commander spat. “It's not that easy to get into the castle. I myself have seen him only once.”
“Then you'll think of something to get me there, won't you?” Wolfram smiled at him. “And meanwhile we'll be your most honored guests.” His emerald eyes looked right into the dark ones beneath him. “Right?”
The commander gritted his teeth. “Right.”
“Good.” Wolfram lifted his foot off the commander's wrist then removed the sword off his neck. He looked for a handkerchief in his pocket, wiped the sword quickly and sheathed it.
Reden stood up slowly. Glaring at the blond he passed him and went to gather his sword. It was silent in the ranks, the men following the events in the square. But once farther from Wolfram, the commander indicated with his head for his soldiers to seize the blond.
“You are under arrest for treason,” Reden said.
Wolfram's face was sour. “You really are a lowly coward, aren't you?” He saw the commander spilling orders and about ten men separated from the army's tail to intercept him. He raised his sword higher and closed his eyes shortly.
The city fell silent.
When Wolfram opened his eyes, there was a huge dragon hovering over him. The flaming beast let out an ear-splitting screech and flapped its wings soaring higher into the sky. It opened its maw and Wolfram raised his hand. Panic shouts followed and people in the further streets started taking cover and running away from the dragon. But the soldiers were still staring at the flaming beast.
“I can turn this city into a pile of ash in a wink,” he said to Reden in a complete silence that reigned in the square. “If you do not wish it to happen, lead me to the King,” he said to Reden. Then he cast a look over the soldiers. “I'm no whore! -I'm your comrade-in-arms! I fought your enemy! Can you still follow this man?!” With his sword he pointed at the commander. “The man who can't keep his word?! I won fairly and squarely! He showed today that he is a coward and liar! Can you still trust him?!”
Wolfram's emerald eyes flashed over the hushed soldiers. “He had led you to the victory, but can you trust your lives into his hands for the second time knowing that he has no pride and can sell you out any time to the one who will offer the highest price?! Just as he was trying to sell us!” he motioned at himself then behind him. “Can you follow him knowing that there's no justice to his actions?!” His sword rose back to the sky and the flaming dragon roared loudly.
“The ones who hunger for justice, fortune and fame,” he shouted, shaking his sword, “stand beside me and with this power I'll lead you to the victory! I'll destroy Faraya!”
It was silent for some time, the dragon's heavy breathing and flapping wings heard during the soaring wind and dust in the square.
“All hail Wolfram von Bielefeld, the new commander!”
Wolfram recognized Moara's voice; the man was quick for his own good. Soon his voice was joined by others, hails shaking the air.
Casting his green eyes over the ranks, Wolfram greeted his soldiers.
Kyota plopped onto the bed. Still bouncing, he took a look around the room they had been accommodated in. He whistled. Luxury. It was so different from the tents they had spent the last week in. The huge room had four enormous windows covered with cream-colored curtains. The heavy draperies were almost shutting out all the light to the room, keeping it cool even there was such heat outside. The expensive bluish tapestry was coating the stony walls.
There was an oval table made of heavy dark wood in the middle of the room. It was holding several decanters with strong drinks and a vase with a bouquet of varicolored flowers.
There were only two beds so far, one of them double, but they had been promised two more; they had been suggested a room each, but for safety's sake they had decided to use one. A soft sand-colored carpet was laid out on the floor and Kyota with Wolfram had previously kicked their boots off and already were using their feet to feel the softness.
Kyota turned his head to look at Asami and the guard. Asami was looking around in admiration meanwhile the elite guard was longingly looking at the decanters on the table. Motioning for the guard to get himself one, Kyota turned his attention to the room again.
With a red dragon hovering over the city they had been accepted into the castle without any questions, however they were told that the king would grant the audience only tomorrow morning. Wolfram had accepted that as a natural thing and dispersed the dragon - a king was a king after all and also had his principles.
Surrounded by a handful of armed guards they were led into the castle and showed into this room.
Falling down onto the bed onto his back, Kyota rolled over between the silky covers and turned to look at Wolfram who was browsing through the drinks on the table.
“We were lucky that they didn't ask you to prove your words… That illusion was pretty good. I had no idea you can do that…”
From the glass where he was pouring some water for himself, Wolfram raised his eyes to the blue-haired man. “Walls have ears,” he said.
Kyota nodded, although he doubted that someone would listen to them, less would know one of Shin Makoku tongues. Besides, instead of using only a fraction of needed power to recreate the contours of a dragon, Wolfram indeed was able to summon one and turn the city into ashes. It hadn't been only an empty bluff. It was the way to get attention and give them the status they needed to start acting finally. Wolfram had caught the opportunity just in time.
Wolfram churned the water in his glass then sat down onto the chair. “If we were given the army to command, it would be a good thing that you would be in charge of it.”
“But y-”
“You are much better at it than me, General,” Wolfram said, looking at Kyota and raising his glass with water to salute him.
Kyota cast his look at the ceiling. “Fine,” he sighed. He knew that he was better than Wolfram at managing an army. Wolfram could spout nice speeches and raise spirits but even if he was a good strategist, he lacked warmth and was too aggressive. Wolfram had never been the one to communicate much and one needed to find a way around him or learn to tolerate his character. The prince could communicate and knew all the possible etiquette but soldiers needed to follow someone real, someone they could touch. Wolfram always seemed to be on a pedestal. That was all good and well but soldiers would fight for him but not with him because he just felt different than them, too…beautiful, too pure.
The four of them turned to the door where the servants carrying a bed appeared. A second later another bed swam in after the first one. The servants followed Kyota's directions and put them near the other two. Once the beds were set out, Wolfram was asked if they wanted anything to eat. After getting an affirmative answer they left.
Asami crawled onto the newly fetched bed and threatened to fall asleep. Arachi sat down near him then Wolfram and Kyota walked over to them. By the time the food was brought they had enough time to discuss their further actions. They had dinner then went to sleep.
When Kyota woke up it was the early morning, the sun just showing itself from under the heavy curtains. Sleepy, he rubbed his eyes and yawned. Wondering about what had him woken up, he looked around. Asami was sleeping soundly, the covers all but wrapped up around him. The elite guard had taken the bed closest to the door; he also seemed to be asleep. Wolfram's bed was empty, the linens all rumpled up and left without care.
Disturbed, Kyota slid off his bed and snuck out of the room. There was no one outside the door. Alarmed, he quickened his pace. The first thing where he wanted to look at was the bathroom. It was at the end of now seemingly unending corridor he was walking down. After finally approaching the door, Kyota pushed it open. It was quite dark in the bathroom, the rising sun hardly sharing its light. The water-closet stood lonely in the middle of the room surrounded by buckets of water. He had been in here earlier and knew the way it worked now.
Another door that was leading into another small room behind this one was open a crack. Kyota knew that there was a huge window and a mirror with a dressing-table that was filled with various perfumes, soaps, combs and other toiletries. Kyota reached for the doorknob but his hand faltered at a soft sound coming from the other side of the door. His heart pounding, he stood there rooted for a moment. Swallowing involuntary, he looked through the crack. Yes, it was Wolfram. He was sitting on a stool with his pants down, his hand moving up and down his length. His back was leaning on the wall behind him, head was thrown back, mouth open and eyes closed. Wolfram was far gone already - his wrist was moving faster and faster, his breath turning into short pants. Wolfram's left hand slid down deeper between his thighs.
Kyota stood frozen. He knew he should have turned away and gone back to their room. He knew but he couldn't look away, his eyes following every movement. His breathing caught in his throat, he stared, transfixed at Wolfram's left hand, at the fingers that now…for some reason suddenly slipped out from between the blond's thighs.
“Close the door, Kyota. -We are not kids anymore.”
From the hand that now was resting on the blond's thigh Kyota's eyes jerked up to Wolfram's face. His cheeks flaming, he stared at Wolfram. The blond's half-lidded eyes stared right back at him. Despite he was panting and still in that lustful daze, his body denied relief, Wolfram's emerald eyes were serious. Then they closed and Wolfram's right hand began to move up and down again.
Kyota closed the door quickly. His red face rapidly bleeding into pale color, he left the bathroom in swift strides. Almost running, he entered the room and, kicking his boots off, flopped into his bed and tried to sleep.