Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 12
The next morning when Lasami came he was met with a not so friendly stare. The servant ignored the coldness of the green eyes and went to the table. He put the clothes and toiletries that he had been carrying onto it then turned to the servants who were carrying a tub and several buckets with water.
Lasami helped the others to carry the buckets inside then motioned for Wolfram to get up from the bed. Wolfram didn't even think about moving. He had been sleeping only in his underwear for several nights. And even if he didn't mind it that much - the nights were really warm, it still was inappropriate when he wanted to get up quickly or go to the toilet without changing.
“Why didn't you warn me about Torani?” Wolfram asked after the other servants were gone and he was left only with Lasami. Wolfram was still sitting in his bed while Lasami was squatting and busying himself with filling the tub with various perfumes, salts and gels, the water becoming frothy.
Lasami stayed silent until he finished the task. After he was done with his work, he stood up and turned his attention to Wolfram.
“So I gather you two had a small conflict?” he said approaching the prince. “C'mon, I need to get you washed.”
Wolfram crossed his arms over his chest.
Lasami rolled his eyes at the blond's childish behavior. “Torani is nothing more than Amae's lapdog,” he said. “He won't do anything that Amae won't approve of.”
“It didn't seem to me that they were very friendly…”
Lasami's dark brow rose. “And why do you think Amae keeps Torani close to himself, mm? Torani was brought to the King just after he has been sentenced to death for killing his last keeper. Torani is a bit…some of the concubines say that he's unstable and are afraid of him. He can be quite aggressive. Several times he was punished for attacking other concubines. But then he picked on one from Amae's circle and Amae can be vindictive… Torani spent a week in a med bay after that… Amae was punished but that didn't change the fact that Torani was put in his place.
“And the moral of the story is that Faraya has interesting tastes in men and that you need to be good to Amae…” Lasami finished. He extended his hand for Wolfram. “Now, if his highness finally vouchsafes to go to the tub, I'll give him a royal bath,” he bowed theatrically.
Wolfram ignored the play, threw the covers off himself and got out of the bed. “You could have said this beforehand.”
“I presumed that you will figure out the most on your own.”
“It would have saved me some time…”
“I think you'll have enough of it. To tell the truth, I can guarantee that soon you won't know what to do with your time…” Lasami said.
Despite his reluctance, Wolfram had to admit that Lasami's words might come true. But some of the that time he would spend trying to figure how Amae managed to deal with Torani - Amae was shorter and slenderer and overall didn't really seem the one to wave his fists about.
After he had been pampered and dressed, Wolfram went into the lounge where he could hear music sounds wafting from. The breakfast was over about an hour ago and Wolfram was grateful to Lasami that the man let him sleep longer instead of waking him up together with other concubines - he was not allowed to have breakfast anyway.
Some of the men were sitting in the lounge, others probably in their rooms. It was an ordinary hot day and to Wolfram's terror he realized that he was starting to get used to the dreadful thought about himself inevitably spending quite some time here. The windows were drawn and it was almost half-light in the lounge. Ashiba was playing harp. Wolfram found the sight of the large man sitting at the instrument in the middle of the lounge somewhat disturbing. The thick fingers were quickly flying through the strings, the man's eyes closed as he enjoyed the music he himself was playing. He was good at that, Wolfram had to admit.
Not sure how to react after yesterday, the blond chose the free couch near his door and sat down. Amae and his “followers” were sitting at the opposite side of the lounge.
Ten minutes had passed as Wolfram was sitting and listening to Ashiba playing then he saw Amae get up from his place and start walking towards him. He had also noticed everyone tense up.
Amae was giving the blond a light smile while approaching then sat down next to him. “Good morning, Wolfram,” he greeted.
Amae opened his mouth to say something then closed it at the sound of Wolfram's loudly growling stomach.
“Still no food?” he asked.
“Nope,” Wolfram shook his head. “Only the food Yasai had supplied me with.” Since it was no use denying and he knew that if wanted, Amae could get everything out of Yasai, he had decided to go with the flow.
“Hmmm….” Amae drawled, giving him a puzzling smile. “Trying to tame you with a bone? I thought he was cleverer than that…”
Wolfram was pretty certain what Amae had meant by that, but wasn't sure where he was going with it. He turned to look behind Amae as the concubines hushed and someone's loud steps echoed in the lounge.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Kohar grinned at Wolfram.
“I see I'm quite popular,” Wolfram muttered.
Kohar grabbed the blond by his arm, tugging him up. “Get up, beauty. I have prepared something for you.”
Wolfram didn't even ask what and let himself be hauled out of the lounge. Just as he had presumed, while dragging him downstairs, Kohar started a presentation on his idea then continued with it while they were walking down the corridor on the lower floor.
“I have specially ordered to prepare a tiny hole for you. I can bet that after you will have sat in it alone for several dark days, you'll reconsider you priorities…”
Wolfram thought a moment and then started thrashing in Kohar's grip. “Let go! No! I don't want there! Let go you, fucker!” He tugged at his arm then tried to bite the superintendent but the man knocked him on his head quite painfully then seized his wrists. Wolfram saw that he was being led towards a door at the end of the corridor. Kohar opened the door and he saw that it was a small dark room with a wooden bunk that took almost the entire space.
Wolfram kicked Kohar in the shin but even if cursing and jumping up and down on one leg, the man showed Wolfram into the room then a sound of the key being turned was heard. Wolfram started pounding on the door with his fists.
“No! Don't do that! I'm afraid of darkness! No, don't leave me here! Please, god, no!”
Wolfram shouted and pounded on the door for several minutes after he was locked then rolled his eyes and left the door.
“What a moron …” he muttered while groping at the wall for the way in a complete darkness. “At least here I'll finally have some peace.” He quickly found the bunk. Lying onto the bare plank, he put his hands behind his head and yawned. It was all good and well but he was hungry. Deciding that he might as well use the time he had now, he concentrated on finding the way out of this entire situation. Several hours passed then he fell asleep.
He woke up at the sound of the door screeching. Since it was completely dark in the room, he had to shield his eyes against the light. Wolfram had no idea what time it was and was still half-asleep when Kohar dragged him out of the cell.
“And how did you like it?” Kohar said in a happy malicious tone.
Wolfram tried to make a very scared face. According to how the superintendent grinned, he decided that he had been quite successful.
“I'll do everything, only don't lo-,” Wolfram had to stifle a yawn, “don't lock me again! It was so scary!”
“I'll do what I want with you, bitch!”
Wolfram yawned. He had decided there was no point in that anymore. The guy was second on his `Must Die' list, anyway. Nothing he might do would change it for the better or worse.
Wolfram was lead back into the lounge and into his room. After he saw a bath being readied for him again, he sighed.
“Are you trying to take my skin off?” he complained. He smacked Kohar's hands away when he wanted to remove his tunic.
“I'll lock you up back there!” Kohar snarled. He grabbed Wolfram by his tunic when the blond frowned at him.
“I know that Sir is in a hurry. Sir can leave him to me,” Lasami sighed at the whole ordeal. “I'll just call in some guards if he doesn't obey.”
Kohar thought for a moment then nodded and left the room.
“Why are you washing me again?” Wolfram asked as soon as he was gone. He had a very bad premonition.
“The King is going to see you in an hour.”
Wolfram cursed mentally. He had known that it was not the end yet, but he hadn't expected himself to be such an interesting showpiece so that the king would want to see him every evening. He hoped that the king would get bored with him soon, but at the same time he knew that in that case it would bring nothing good to him.
Because of Wolfram he wasn't able to concentrate on anything today, his thoughts skidding aside from anything he tried to do and coming to the blond, to that face, unbelievable body and fiery eyes. He could hardly stop himself from standing up from the throne, leaving that nonstop-nonsense-babbling idiot from Symron alone and going to see his new concubine. The anticipation had been growing with each passing minute, keeping him hard the entire day.
He had planned to give the blond a little time to adjust, to tame him a little, but the previous conversation had shown that it probably would be no use. The only thing that would work was breaking him, showing him that there was no other way to survive only to obey him. He wasn't worried about the blond ending up killing him and then himself - that was hardly possible. As far as he had seen, the blond had a strong sense of self-preservation. But one could never know.
When he entered the room, the blond was sitting at the window, the chair pushed over from the table. At the sound of the door opening, the man's eyes left the window and concentrated on him. It was a pity that he couldn't see that unbelievable greenness against the light coming from the window. He had never seen eyes like that.
“Watching the sunset?”
Wolfram continued to stare at him silently. The green tunic he tore yesterday had been replaced by a black one. The yellow triangular ornament on the front of it was nicely corresponding with the blond hair. Black color suited Wolfram even better, highlighting the pale satin skin. Not managing to contain himself, he moved forward. The blond stood up as soon as he made several steps to his side. His eyes wary, Wolfram watched him approach then tensed when he extended his hand.
“Goddamn, how lovely you are,” Faraya murmured twirling a blond lock on his finger. His other hand moved to grasp Wolfram by his chin. He ignored the younger male's palms that were pushing at his chest and smashed their lips together. Gripping Wolfram's hair he muffled the blond's protests. The blond tasted wonderfully and smelled even better, the healthy young and potent scent mixing with that of his favorite perfume.
Faraya's head jerked back. A trail of blood ran down his lip then chin.
“You bitch!” Faraya backhanded Wolfram slamming him into the wall next to him with such force that Wolfram's head rattled against it with a loud thud.
Almost growling in anger and lust, Faraya wiped the blood off his chin. Grabbing the still dizzy blond by his hair, he shoved him towards the bed. The king could feel the sticky wetness in the silky locks and the sight of blood excited him even more. Wolfram's foot caught on the carpet and he stumbled, falling on his side, hardly being able to catch himself. The man was on top of him in a blink.
Wolfram bucked to throw the older man off but it didn't work, Faraya pressing him to the bed only tighter. While sparring with Yuuri he lacked strength, but managed to compensate it with his inborn ability as a full-blooded Mazoku, and Yuuri's bigger mass of muscle didn't mean that much against that and his agility, most of their spars coming off on equal terms. While sparring with Kyota, where they used only their physical strength, he never stood a chance, Kyota always being the one to win. And Faraya was much stronger than anything he had ever fought against. Faraya was almost twice as big as he was, the man's body made of sheer muscle.
Wolfram was squirming underneath Faraya, trying to hit, to kick or even bite him. The sharp nails were cutting through his skin and the dark-haired man made himself a mental note about telling the servants to cut them off completely. The resistance and threats not ceasing even for a second, he wedged himself between the blond's thighs. The blond's tunic rumpled up between them. He could feel desperation rising in those struggles.
“C'mon,” Faraya panted as much from exertions to keep Wolfram down as in lust. He cursed and grabbed at his face when, as soon as he let go of the blond's right wrist intending to get rid of the younger male's underwear, Wolfram's fist caught him directly on the nose.
Immediately seizing his chance, Wolfram punched Faraya again then managed to kick the man's heavy body off himself. Pulling his legs up, Faraya's fingers clenching just a centimeter lower from where his foot just had been, he smashed his sandaled heel into the man's face again.
Holding his bleeding nose and seething with rage, Faraya lunged after the blond who had just fled the room. The blond didn't manage to get far away, his way crossed by the guards. With his foot directed at his solar plexus, Wolfram knocked one of them out but soon Faraya was on him again. A loud tear echoed in the lounge when Wolfram turned and Faraya's hand grabbed only his black tunic. Half of his chest bare, the tunic hanging loosely, Wolfram ran towards the exit again but his way was cut off by more guards appearing.
Wolfram's curses and screams echoing in the lounge while he was dragged back into his room, the stunned concubines frozen in their places, some of the door opening to check what the commotion was about.
“Let go! Let go, you sonovabitch! I'll fucking kill you! I swear I will! I'll cut your dick off!”
Faraya punched him in the face, sending Wolfram almost flying through the door where he hit the floor with his back painfully. “Shut the fuck up, you damn slut!” He slammed the door behind them.
His head still ringing at the just received hit, Wolfram scrambled to his feet. He looked around for something heavy. Faraya was cornering him. His eyes fixed on the king, Wolfram grabbed the first thing at hand which appeared to be a crystal tray. Smashing the tray on the corner of the table, he held the splinter in front of him.
Furious, Faraya snapped his fingers. Wolfram yelped and let go of the fragment which had suddenly turned hot. His palms burning, he pressed them to his chest to soothe the pain. He jumped back as the king reached out for him. His back pressed to the window behind him. There was the way only to his left, beside the bed. Turning there he gasped as a wall of fire jumped in front of him. Fire wielder, the man was really a freaking fire element wielder, just like him! It was no wonder he was not able to fend Faraya off!
The second of his distraction was enough for Faraya to grab him by his arm.
Wolfram tried to shake Faraya's hand off, but the man showed him onto the bed. After the kick to his chest, the king let go of him and Wolfram rolled over to the other side of the bed and off it. Faraya's patience snapping like a string, he motioned his hand to trap the blond in a circle of fire.
Wolfram shielded his eyes against the soaring fire. It wasn't burning him, but he perfectly knew that one step to one or another side and it would. He was familiar with the majutsu Faraya had used; he himself had practiced it from time to time. He was trapped with no way out, at least not the one he wanted to use yet.
Wolfram's eyes narrowed as Faraya emerged from the wall of fire just in front of him. He hated the man, he probably hadn't hated anyone in his life as he hated Faraya now, the hate was almost physical, making him shake in anger and disgust. His back almost touching the scorching flames, Wolfram shifted his arm aside as the king tried to grab him. The circle of fire became only tighter after that leaving no place for him to retreat.
Faraya grabbed the blond and spun him around, tossing him towards the bed, the prince thumping onto the bed with his stomach. Wolfram had enough time to turn around but was immediately pressed down. Locking his ankles, Wolfram huffed as Faraya's full weight fell on him.
The blond fought against him like a wildcat, shouting, hissing and cursing him. He could almost feel desperation and adrenaline coursing through the slender body underneath him. This was only enticing him more, the friction of their bodies being absolutely delicious. The blond still kept his ankles locked, but was already tiring.
Wolfram growled and bit the king's face as the man lowered his head to his to try and kiss him. The punch the prince received after that left him dizzy and gasping in pain; there was something warm running over his face and into his eyes, the taste at the back of his throat turning coopery. His nose was probably broken. He could feel Faraya fumbling underneath his tunic. But for that the man had to leave one of his hands free. Not really seeing much through the red mist in his eyes, Wolfram tried to hit the king. His fist only grazed the side of Faraya's face which infuriated him even more.
“Damn slut!” Faraya grabbed the prince by his hair shaking and pulling his head back into the bedding, Wolfram almost shouting in pain. “Open your legs!”
After another blow on his head, Wolfram struggled to prevent his consciousness leaving him. Fighting the dizziness, pain and panic, he tried to hit Faraya again. Locking his ankles together as firm as he was able, he bucked against the man continuously. He could feel blood pouring from his nose, half of it getting into his throat, making him gargle, the rest of it onto his face and down onto the pillow.
“Get off, you damn freak!” Wolfram screamed.
Faraya pushed Wolfram's hands over his head. After some effort he finally managed to grasp Wolfram's both wrists in one palm. He leaned his face closer to the blond's, his tongue darting out to taste the pale silky skin, avoiding the cooling blood on it.
“You have hands like a woman,” Faraya muttered in a husky voice, tearing the rest of the tunic off.
“I'm no woman, you blind fucker! Let go! Let fucking go of me! Let go!” the blond shouted.
The blond's desperate screams echoing in the room, Faraya started to work on his own clothes. Impatiently, he tugged and tore at them, until his and Wolfram's flesh met. Slipping his hand between them, he grasped the blond. The reaction was instantaneous, Wolfram's whole body jerking, something akin to a growl coming from his mouth.
“Get your hands off me! Don't touch me!”
Faraya ignored the endless tirades. His fist gave several quick strokes to Wolfram's penis, the shaft hardening at the stimulation. Wolfram was beside himself with rage, his body struggling and bucking against the king's who was panting loudly, his lust only increasing.
“Don't touch me! Get off!”
“So fucking sweet…” Faraya grunted. He let go of Wolfram's penis to slip his hand between his thighs to try to spread his legs. As Wolfram resisted, he growled in anger then grabbed him by his manhood again. The blond jerked and screamed at the painful grip but his legs stayed locked.
Craving for much more intimate contact, Faraya tried to turn the younger male around. That didn't work, Wolfram managing to knee him in the thigh painfully. Leaving the blond as he was underneath him and with his wrists in his hand, Faraya set to working his thighs apart. That was a delicious task, the blond's body squirming and writhing in desperation under his.
Wolfram gagged as suddenly he felt hot liquid spurt against his belly. Kicking the still dizzy man off himself, he shifted further into the bed and grabbed first thing that came under his palm to wipe the scorching sperm off his skin. Any other time he would not have passed this perfect opportunity to kill his opponent but he fought the urge to crack Faraya's skull open by telling himself that in that case he'd never leave this place alive.
His eyes not leaving the man who now was getting up from the floor, Wolfram tossed the soiled cover away. He'd have preferred to toss it into the king's face, but knew that there was a limit Faraya let him behave at. He had already tricked the man, making him spill beforehand.
To Wolfram's relief, Faraya didn't try to fix his failure in intercourse and, grabbing his clothes from the floor and quickly dressing, retreated from his room shamefully. But not before presenting him with several punches to his head and stomach.
Wolfram's head rose to the sound of the door opening. Wincing, he turned on his other side after seeing Amae enter the room. Wolfram's swollen eyes following every long-haired man's move, the visitor approached his bed. Surprised, Wolfram noticed a bowl of water in Amae's hands. There was something swimming in the liquid.
Wolfram looked bad. After seeing the commotion in the lounge and hearing the screams coming from the room, Amae had expected it to be bad, but what he saw exceeded his presumptions. The blond must have resisted with everything he had. With a sympathetic wince Amae lowered the bowl to the floor and put it onto the carpet then raised his head back to the blond.
Although it was hard to tell behind all that curdled blood, Wolfram's face was one big bruise, his both eyes swollen and quickly painting blue. He probably could hardly see anything from his left eye. His lip was also split and three times its usual size. The sheet was tossed to the side, some of the linen underneath Wolfram bloodied, the blood having just stopped flowing from Wolfram's nose recently.
Wolfram startled and his gaze slid from Amae to the door where Lasami stuck his head in.
“Amae?” Lasami looked at the long-haired man. Then he turned to the bed where Wolfram was lying. “Oh gods,” the servant gasped at the sight of Wolfram's face. “What did…”
“Bring some hot and cold water for the bath. Also some clothes. And tell someone to get some food for him: meat, something solid with much fat and proteins, fruits and juice to drink. Also bring new linen,” Amae said.
“But…” Lasami faltered.
“I'll deal with Kohar.”
Lasami nodded and closed the door.
“Can you sit down or at least squat a little closer?” Amae asked the blond.
From his half curled position on the bed, Wolfram gave him a puzzled look.
“Well, I could clean your wounds like that, but it would be easier for us both if you simply sat down. Well, if you can, that is.”
“Clean my wounds? Why?” Wolfram wondered. He faltered but then sat down and shifted closer to Amae who now was fishing for some cloth swimming in the bowl.
Amae observed Wolfram's body when the cover slid off his chest. It wasn't too bad, several small cuts made by Faraya's nails, but it didn't seem that anything was broken or bruised severely. The tattered tunic was still hanging on his frame, the blond probably still being in shock, having forgotten it completely. The skin that wasn't covered in bruises was white as sheets. The blond was obviously fair-skinned from nature but this wasn't normal.
“Let's say I know how it is to have a man you hate stick his dick inside you,” Amae muttered, leaning to the bowl again.
Wolfram blinked at Amae's back of the head. “Oh. It's…not like that. I fended him off. For now.”
Amae's head rose and his blue eyes concentrated on his face. “Really?”
Wolfram nodded slowly. What was that? -Relief in Amae's eyes?
Amae shrugged then. “Well, can't let it go waste anyway.” He squeezed the excess of the liquid off then pressed the cloth to Wolfram's face. The nose wasn't broken either. The blond was lucky.
Wolfram winced loudly at the sting. From behind the cloth, he looked at the door that opened to reveal Lasami with two buckets filled with water. He went directly to the middle of the room. Soon two other servants, carrying a huge tub, entered the room. The cloth getting into the prince's eyes, he closed them.
Amae was gentle and careful while cleaning his face but it still felt as if he were hitting him with it instead of just lightly pressing it. The cloth smelled of some herbs and medicine and it reminded him of Gisela and her professional treatment. Amae soon lowered the cloth back into the bowl and, his senses now much calmer, Wolfram opened his eyes to watch the servants filling the tub. Amae really had an authority here. He didn't really know why, but it seemed that the servants obeyed him just as they obeyed Kohar.
The blond turned to the door where another servant entered with a tray filled with various foods. His mouth watered immediately. Swallowing, Wolfram turned his head back to Amae.
“You'll get into trouble for that,” Wolfram muttered just as Amae pressed the clean cloth back to his face to wipe the rest of the blood. “Kohar is a bitch to deal with.”
“Kohar doesn't bother me. It might be a little worse if Faraya decides that I disobeyed him by helping you. On the other hand, he'll know why I did that… He's not that much of a bastard once you get to know him.”
Behind the cloth Wolfram frowned at that. “I'm not going to listen to you justifying that fucked up rapist,” he hissed, wincing at the pain in his split lip.
Amae laughed softly at that. “You sure have a foul mouth… Who said I am justifying him? I just said he can be human once in a while.” He leaned over to Wolfram's ear. “But that doesn't mean I wouldn't skewer him the first opportunity I get. You seem to be much brighter than you let on, sweetheart,” he muttered only for Wolfram to hear. “We could think of something together…”
Wolfram stayed mute while Amae was finishing washing his face. He grasped Amae's hand when he grabbed the cover intending to remove it.
“Tell them to leave the room,” Wolfram muttered. He'd have also preferred Amae to leave him alone to wash, but he wasn't very sure that he could stand right, besides he knew that the longhaired man had something further to say about Faraya. Even if right now he really didn't want to hear anything about that man.
Amae sighed. He doubted that the blond was that shy, it had probably more to do with him still being shaken up. He pointed at the door with his hand. As soon as the servants left, Amae wasted no time and pulled the cover off the blond. The tattered tunic having slipped to the side, the blond was naked underneath the covers. Several bruises here and there but it didn't seem that anything was broken. He could smell the strong scent of Faraya's sperm. Now he knew what happened between Faraya and Wolfram.
“C'mon, go to the tub,” he said. After raising his eyes, Amae noticed a faint blush on the Wolfram's cheeks. The blond was acting like a damn virgin. The situation wasn't something to get beet red about. On the other hand, the blond was visibly still in shock, his senses muddled and actions not that reasonable.
Wolfram frowned at Amae who rolled his eyes. The long-haired man moving off the bed, Wolfram swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He stood up and simply slumped back onto the bed, his legs not even thinking about keeping him straight. Quite surprised, he raised his head to Amae.
Amae couldn't help smiling at that honestly surprised facial expression. “It's okay; I'll help you to get into it.” He could see that the blond was quite worried, but also understood that very likely it was just because of the recent experiences; his mind and body now simply wanted some rest.
Wolfram let Amae draw his arm around his waist and they both staggered towards the steaming tub.
“You are quite heavy, do you know that?”
“Liar. I haven't normally eaten for a week.”
Amae laughed softly. They stopped at the tub and Amae assisted Wolfram in getting rid of the rest of the tattered tunic then helped him climb into the tub. The blond was hardly standing on his feet and it took much more effort than they had presumed.
“Shit,” Wolfram cursed as his foot slipped. Grabbing anything that was at hand, he tried to keep his balance but it was too much strain for his other leg and he flopped ungracefully into the tub, smacking the side of his head against the edge of it. Water sloshing all onto the carpet, Wolfram heard Amae curse then something heavy fell on him, plunging his body, including the still ringing head, under the water. Coughing and spluttering, Wolfram pushed the weight off him until his nose and mouth finally were free out of the water.
“Goddamnit.” Amae gripped at the edge of the tub. Cursing once again, careful not to slip or trip over Wolfram again, he climbed out of the tub, water running off his clothes and onto the carpet which was already soaking wet all around the tub. “Lasami!” He yelled at the door where he knew the man was.
The door fell open immediately. “Yes?”
“Get me a new set of clothes. And another bucket of hot water would be nice.”
Lasami's alarmed look flew to Wolfram in the tub who was rubbing the side of his head. Not noticing any aggressiveness in the blond's actions, an amused facial expression appeared on Lasami then he nodded and closed the door.
“You sure helped me to get into the tub. I bet I couldn't have done better myself,” Wolfram muttered while still rubbing his head.
Amae turned to him.
“I'm heavy?” Wolfram muttered again. “No shit. Can you even lift anything heavier than a pillow?!”
Gritting his teeth, Amae glared at him. But his lips stayed pressed - everything that the blond had said was true, and both of them knew that.
“I'll give you no food if you criticize me too much,” Amae couldn't help saying as he saw Wolfram's mouth opening again. He was amused to even hear the snap with which the blond's mouth closed shut. Wolfram winced at the pain in his lip it had caused.
Amae turned to the door that opened again. “Thanks. Put them on the armchair.” He motioned to the side of the room it stood. Lasami left them there then Amae watched Lasami walk over to the tub and pour the water into it.
“Hot!” Wolfram jerked in the tub. “Hot!”
“Put the basket beside the tub,” Amae sighed. “Our princess is too hot.” He would have chuckled when Wolfram glared at him but with his left eye completely swollen and already black, the glare was nothing but pitiful and it only angered him instead of amusing.
“Leave us,” Amae said to Lasami while already peeling his soaking wet shirt off then pulling his trousers off his legs. Only with his sparse underwear, he went to the side of the bed where he had left the bowl filled with herbs. He took a sponge from it and came back to the tub.
He rolled his eyes as the blond looked at the sponge as if it were his most hated enemy. “Oh, c'mon. You can't even stand, how do you intend to wash yourself?”
Wolfram stayed silent. Seeing that as surrender, Amae rubbed the soap he had brought with himself into the sponge. “Lean forward,” he said after having moved behind Wolfram. He started rubbing Wolfram's back after that leaned forward.
“You could have told any of servants do that,” Wolfram muttered.
Amae brushed a lock of dark hair off his face and put it behind his ear. “Yes. And you would have simply let them wash you, wouldn't you…?”
Wolfram fell silent again. Sure, he wouldn't have. After Faraya had left, he would have gone hysterics at any forced contact. He started wondering now why he let Amae touch him and it didn't even bother him that much. Maybe it was because of what he said about being raped by Faraya but he also knew that Amae could be simply lying through his teeth. He had no idea why he let Amae handle him just like that. Probably it was simply because he was a calculating bastard and saw no harm in someone taking care of his wounds when he himself wasn't able to. He was amongst enemies and until he found Yuuri, he had to put his pride aside and use any means to survive. Besides, the herbs really, really reminded him of Gisela.
“You are a very prudent guy, Wolfram,” Amae leaned to the blond while washing his arm. “All you want is to survive, isn't it? So do I.” He badly wanted to discuss so much more with the blond but this was a bad timing - Wolfram was dazed, weak and almost sleeping and really not ready for a serious discussion about his leaders and armies.
Amae finished washing Wolfram then helped him out of the tub. Wrapping the half-sleeping blond into the towel like a baby, he dried him then helped him put on the pajama. He led Wolfram to the bed then carried the tray over to it. Despite the blond was almost sleeping, the smell of food had him open his eyes. While Wolfram was eating, Amae called for servants to carry the tub away and clean all the water.
When Amae came back into Wolfram's room with a med kit from his room, the chip from the tray wasn't on the floor anymore. He could have presumed that it was taken by one of the servants, but he didn't. Besides, the pillow behind the blond had obviously been moved. He wondered how Wolfram was able to walk but then decided that the blond simply had one of the servants to pick it for him.
Wolfram was just about to finish eating when Amae sat down onto the bed just next to him and unscrewed the bottle he had carried into the room. The smell of some fatty ointment and herbs filled the room.
“You are good at this,” Wolfram observed.
“Well, long ago, just before this became my main profession,” he snickered, motioning his hand at the room, “I wanted to become a healer.”
“We could always use some healers...”
Amae blinked at Wolfram. “Aren't you a bit too fast?”
“And wasn't this the real reason you have been licking my boots today?”
Amae laughed softly and leaned in to splay some of the ointment on Wolfram's forehead. “I'm glad we understand each other so well.”
“I don't trust you.”
“That's why you hid that chip under your pillow?”
“And you are quite observant, I see.”
“That's why I stay alive.” Amae reached for Wolfram's right wrist where the skin was raw and bruised from Faraya's heavy lock. “Have you finished eating yet?”
Wolfram nodded. Amae took the tray from the bed and put it aside. Amae could see that the blond could hardly keep his eyes open. He finished rubbing the ointment into all bruised places, which made almost entire Wolfram's body glisten with fatty layer.
“Lay down now.”
The blond didn't utter a word of protest and shifted down onto the bed. He was almost asleep. Amae held his hand over Wolfram's face.
Wolfram startled at the sight of green light seeping from Amae's fingers. Stunned, he raised his eyes to look at Amae's face through his fingers.
“It's okay. It will help your wounds heal faster. It also prevents wounds from scarring.”
Wolfram's right eye blinked at Amae. He perfectly knew how healing majutsu worked. He had it done on himself plenty of times after all and after starting to sleep with Yuuri he was even able to create his own. But he couldn't understand how Amae was able to create one. As far he had seen there was only one person who was able to use one of four elements in this world. It had been fire element. Was Amae's body able to accept it from Faraya? How? -One at least had to have some Mazoku blood to be able to… And even if Amae got it from Faraya while sleeping with the man, there was no explanation in him using healing majutsu. Fire wielders weren't able to create one. Or maybe this rule didn't apply in this world?
“Mmmm… Okay…”
Amae watched Wolfram's face. The blond had been surprised, there was no wonder about that, but it seemed that he was surprised for some other reason. Besides, farther into the healing process he started noticing a strange phenomenon: the blond's body accepted the healing majutsu so easily and readily that he wasn't even able to create it at such speed. The blond's body was clearly familiar with healing majutsu and was used to even much bigger amounts of it.
Wolfram fought to keep his intact eye open. Healing majutsu always had that effect on him, his body would relax and set itself to use all the accepted healing energy and this time he could feel he was on the verge of shutting down.
Noticing the blond struggling desperately to stay awake, Amae smiled to himself. Several seconds passed and the blond's head hit the pillow, Wolfram soundly asleep. He finished spreading the healing majutsu then kicked his footwear off and climbed into the bed behind Wolfram to have a nap. He'd have preferred to sleep in his own bed but he suspected that one or two concubines might try to take revenge on the blond while he was in a weakened state.