Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
A/N 3: non-consensual sex.
Part 16
“A mouse in a harem is equaled to a natural disaster,” Lasami explained the next morning when Wolfram was having breakfast.
The prince poured himself a mug of tea. He shook his head, sighing. “It was one absurd sight. Well, I'd understand that the concubines might be afraid of mice. But servants?” Wolfram's hand holding a spoon filled with sugar faltered. “Oh right, most of you are former concubines…?” After mixing his tea, he took a biscuit from the table and sniffed at it. “I suppose it might be catchy, that fear,” he smiled before taking a bite.
Lasami nodded, grinning. He took a fruit similar to a tomato and started slicing it, the pieces falling neatly onto the readied plate. Today Wolfram was first to come again and the breakfast was still not ready.
“With several mice you could conquer this floor easily,” the servant chuckled. “It wouldn't work on the guards but they would be too busy dealing with the half-mad people and panic.”
Wolfram chuckled too. He shook his head again and then laughed as the image of Amae jumping up and down on the bed and screaming his head off popped up in his head. His eyes rose to the door as the aforementioned concubine swam into the dining-room.
“Morning,” Amae nodded, stifling a yawn.
“Hey,” Wolfram greeted. “You are up quite early,” he said while observing the long-haired man. Amae was wearing a similar light vest that he had been wearing earlier. This one though, was hardly covering his front, being just a decoration. The smooth, hairless chest, taut stomach and trim waist were on display from every angle. This time Amae was wearing quite baggy trousers. They were white with the same sign as there was on the bracelets beaded on them. The blue pattern was clearly seen and Wolfram again wondered as to what that sign meant.
Amae sat down onto his chair and shrugged. He brushed over his, this time loose hair behind his ear. “All night I have been having nightmares about mice chasing me.”
Wolfram looked at Amae more closely but couldn't tell if the man was joking or was serious. “It's a small defenseless creature,” he said then.
“…that carries various diseases,” Amae added, countering but he was grinning brightly. “I looked like a fool, didn't I?” he sighed leaning into his chair.
Wolfram shrugged. “Well, if it will be of any help, I'll say that you ALL looked like a bunch of fools.”
Amae grinned at him again. “Yes, thank you. It does help.”
Wolfram couldn't help laughing softly.
“And spiders, I'm afraid of spiders. Fluffy, nasty creatures with way too many legs,” Amae added, making Wolfram laugh louder.
Lasami finished cutting the fruit and vegetables and went to make sandwiches with salami, eggs and salmon to get them ready by the time the other concubines came into the dining-room. “Well, under Wolfram's care you wouldn't need to worry about that. I bet he knows what a man needs,” he said while giving the two a grin of a conspirator before drifting away.
Amae just stared at the servant's back while Wolfram's laugh simply died in his throat. “Well,” from the servant who was busying himself with the food, Amae's eyes went to Wolfram, “do you?”
“Do you know what a man needs?” Amae grinned at him. “I might consider your candidature… I do like pretty things that know their way around… My overly naïve and fragile personality needs a cool and smart guiding and this lithe delicate body needs a strong hand to defend it…” He poised himself on his chair in an overly dramatic pose. “I would be lost without a powerful, authoritative, strong and smart man such like you to look after me… ” Amae took a pause to flutter his long eyelashes at Wolfram who was almost choking on his laughter now.
“Oh spare me of this theatre. Speaking of pretty things,” he snickered. “Have you looked into the mirror lately?”
Amae's long eyelashes fluttered at him flirtatiously again. “Oh my, is it a compliment I hear?”
Wolfram pointed at Amae's plate with his fork threateningly. “Be a good boy, shut up and eat or I'll just make some more holes in your behind with my fork.”
Amae pouted in pretence. “You are no fun.”
“I'm here not for your personal amusement,” Wolfram muttered around his sandwich.
The grin on Amae's face faltered. “I guess not,” he sighed. “The two of us are here for someone else's amusement…” he muttered, lowering his eyes back to his plate.
“You are in a good mood today, Amae,” Lasami noted, not wishing for the good atmosphere to disappear. He had finished making the sandwiches with salmon and now was arranging them on a plate.
Amae reached for his glass with juice then shrugged lightly. “It's just… I think I have hope that this nightmare will end one day,” he said carefully around the brim of the glass.
Wolfram looked at him but whatever he wanted to say was left unsaid as the dining-room door opened and Asoka stepped inside. The man's lips pressed into a tiny dash and his hostile glance slid first over the long-haired male then went to Wolfram. On his way grabbing a sandwich with salmon, Asoka crossed the dining-room with demonstratively wide strides and went to his seat.
Not waiting for Torani to come and start the usual exchange of insults and gnashing, Wolfram and Amae finished their breakfast quickly and left. Torani was probably the only one who didn't seem to be very affected by the rainy weather.
For an hour Amae and Wolfram played cards then, after all concubines got up and had their breakfast, Ashiba showed up in the lounge and started playing harp. About two hours later Wolfram and Amae went to Wolfram's room where the younger man started reading a book for Wolfram. The blond felt a bit silly, but as he had nothing else to do, he considered it a useful pastime.
After half an hour of Amae reading the book, Wolfram looked at the window. The weather was still drizzly, but for some reason it was very warm in the room. He tugged at the front of his tunic trying to ventilate himself.
“Why is it so hot in here?”
From the armchair where he was sitting with his legs drawn to him and tucked to his chest, his back digging into the soft backrest, Amae raised his head to look at him then shrugged. “It's not hot,” he said and continued reading.
After sitting and listening for about five minutes Wolfram stood up and went to the window to open it. After fumbling with the handle, he had it open and simply stood there while passing wind gusts sprayed and sprinkled the drizzle inside and on Wolfram.
Amae's brow rose. “You'll get sick that way.” Wolfram didn't react to him and Amae just shrugged for himself and continued reading loudly.
Wolfram leaned on the windowsill with his back to Amae. The blond stayed there for a few minutes then, just as Amae had predicted, turned back to his seat opposite the long-haired male, but then changed his mind and went to fill himself a glass of water. After finishing it in several big gulps he went to the bed.
Amae shifted in his armchair to lower his legs to the carpet, his sitting position now turning proper. He closed the book after seeing Wolfram's face. “Are you alright? You look flushed.”
Wolfram dropped onto the bed, nodding. “It's really hot today.” He rubbed at his chest. “It's a pity I don't have something like your vest. All I have are several tunics. They are quite long and warm.”
“You should talk to Lasami about that. He really would find something,” Amae advised. “Although, tunics do suit you tremendously.” He gave a short smile to Wolfram. He got confused when the blond didn't say anything or shrugged it off as he was used to doing. Instead of that Wolfram was gaping at his face with a weird look in his eyes.
Wolfram caught himself staring at that smile. What was that about the clothes? Something about tunics. He had to ask Lasami for something normal. Amae had a nice mouth, Wolfram decided. Not too big, not too small. Normal, just as he liked. And the lips were very nice, just as Yuuri's - full and with that enticing pink color. He really loved Yuuri's lips. They could drive him crazy. He could imagine this mouth doing so many things… Even his heart was beating faster.
Confused, Amae stared back at Wolfram. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Wolfram's head lifted and he blushed as his and Amae's eyes met. “No reason,” he shrugged. “Just remembered something.”
The other man shrugged. “Do you want me to read further?” he asked while leafing through the book to find the page he had finished at.
Wolfram thought for a moment then nodded. He didn't have anything else to do anyway. After he had finally found the page, Amae started reading further and again Wolfram found himself captivated by that opening and closing mouth. It was as if he were captivated by those full lips, that mouth.
Amae raised his head, frowning at the blond's behavior. “What the hell is wrong with you? Stop staring at me. You are disturbing my reading!”
Wolfram blinked and tore his eyes away from that luscious mouth. “What?” he asked.
The feeling that suddenly appeared in Amae's gut was that of concern. He looked around then his eyes set onto the cup that was standing on the table. He remembered Wolfram drinking from it just as soon as they entered the room. He couldn't remember Wolfram bringing a cup into the room; it must have been left in the room. Amae closed his book and put it aside. He rose from the armchair and went to check it.
Wolfram watched Amae walk over to the table. He liked Amae's smooth hair. Really did, especially the way it bounced around his hips and the color. He also liked those swaying hips. So round.
Amae took the cup and smelled the small amount of tea that was left there. Frowning, he turned back to Wolfram. He wasn't that sure, but it seemed that he was able to feel that faint but distinctive scent. He put the cup back onto the table.
Wolfram not lowering his eyes from him, Amae approached the blond. “Wolfram,” the long-haired male asked, leaning over the blond, “…what are you thinking about right now?”
“Mmmm?” Wolfram hummed questioningly. It didn't seem that he had even heard what was asked, his gaze locked on Amae's bare chest.
“Do you want to touch me?” Before Wolfram could say anything, Amae took his hand into his and splayed his palm onto his bare chest. Slowly, he guided Wolfram's palms down over his skin.
It was hot and smooth and the scent was just right and he almost moaned at the feel underneath his palm. As soon as his mind caught up with his thoughts, Wolfram snatched his hand back as if it was on fire. Stupefied, he stared at the other man.
“What the fuck was that?! How dare you?!” he hissed a moment later at Amae's back who for some reason went back to the table and smelled the contents of the lonely cup again. His cheeks flaming in embarrassment, Wolfram brushed the sweat off his forehead, angrily. What the fuck was wrong with Amae?! What the hell was wrong with him?! What was this heat?! And why the heck was he getting…hard?
Amae raised his head from the cup and turned to him while wearing a scowl on his face. “You were drugged, Wolfram. Why the hell do you drink everything what comes under your hand?!” He cursed. “I should have noticed this earlier. It's latosa tea. Who left it here?”
Wolfram stared at him, his mind quickly adding two and two together. “You mean I have just been given some fucking aphrodisiac?!” he almost shouted in shock, his breath choking at the thought.
Amae grabbed a decanter and quickly filled a glass with water and brought to him. “It's not just some fucking aphrodisiac,” Amae said, seriously. “Ten more minutes and you will spread your legs for anyone who comes into this room. Drink it up and fast,” he raised the glass to Wolfram's mouth. “Drink as much water as you can. Just don't drink anything from liquors - they will only make it worse.”
Obeying, Wolfram emptied the glass and Amae went to fill it again. “If you are unbelievably lucky and it's Kohar, I won't let him touch you and I'll inform Faraya about this - he won't see another day. But if it's under Faraya's order…” Amae shook his head, not finishing. He held out the filled glass for Wolfram to take. “You must have really pissed him off to do this… Usually he uses latosa only to heighten sensations, but I can tell that the amount you drank is way above that.
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” he asked as Wolfram just sat there, the glass pressed to his lips, staring at the bottom of it, but not drinking anymore. “Wolfram, do you hear me?”
When he raised Wolfram's head to look at his face two blurry eyes looked back at him. “Shit,” Amae cursed, taking the glass away from him before Wolfram could slosh it all over himself.
“Mmm?” Wolfram brushed his hand away. “What is… It's too hot here.”
“Shit,” Amae cursed again. “How much of it did they give to you?! C'mon, let's go,” he tugged the other male, trying to make him stand. “Maybe someone will have something for it.” He had made a mistake by touching the older man. At the touch, Wolfram's pupils almost overflowed the greenness and his eyes locked on his chest. This was bad. It didn't seem that Wolfram was even there anymore. The blond was torn between pushing him away and the urge to touch it.
Amae started leading the other man towards the door but the blond didn't want to go there, Wolfram protesting and obviously confused and discontent at the feelings the contact had aroused in him.
“What… What are you doing?” Wolfram tried to push him away. “Get your hands off me!”
“For fuck's sake… There's no time for that!” Amae grabbed him firmly by his arm then jumped back when Wolfram took a swing at him. “C'mon,” avoiding Wolfram's hands he pressed his whole body to the blond's. Rubbing himself against the hardly coherent male, he got Wolfram distracted immediately. The blond forgot all about pushing him away. His breathing had turned into short pants and he didn't seem to orient in his surroundings anymore. Amae could feel and smell the heat and pheromones pouring off the blond in waves.
“That's right. Good boy,” Amae said, pushing Wolfram with his body backwards, maneuvering them towards the door. His eyes widened when the other male suddenly lowered his head to suck on his throat. Wet tongue lapped at his skin, it pricking at the unexpected but pleasant treatment. Amae's step faltered. He grabbed Wolfram by his hair and lifted his head to look at his insensible face. Despite Wolfram was hardly standing, his lock on his arms were surprisingly firm. “Wolfram, sweetheart, I'm very glad you have finally decided I'm worth your time, but…”
The long-haired male gasped as the blond's teeth locked back on his neck but they only teased his skin, Wolfram's mouth sucking on it instead. Amae let go of the hair and pushed at Wolfram's chest instead. “Don't leave any marks on me, you idiot!”
“But you smell so nice…” Wolfram muttered, his burning eyes fixed on Amae's throat.
“Wolfram, quit it!” Amae hissed as the blond leaned forward again. “Gah!” He yelped as the blond's body suddenly pressed to his flush and his back hit the wall next to him, their hips meshing. Grinding himself against Amae to get more friction for his swollen nether regions, Wolfram came back to sucking on his throat.
“You do that with everyone anyway,” Wolfram grunted against Amae's lips. “And I'm so…” A groan slid past his lips, not letting him finish.
Amae turned his head to the side, growling. “How dare you?!” he yelled. “Get off, asshole!” He held the blond's hand that started clawing at his clothes. He tried to hold the older male back but Wolfram was way stronger than him. Only now he realized how strong the blond was, his struggles meaning almost nothing to him even in this weakened state.
“Amae, quit it, we'll be fast and…” Wolfram panted out. With that bestial facial expression and the mad flame in his eyes Wolfram didn't look trustworthy at all and Amae shook his head.
“Wolfram! Get off me!” Amae yelped as his hand was twisted, the blond turning him around and pressing his chest flush to the wall. “Wolfram!” he yelled, angered, feeling the other shamelessly humping his backside through the clothes. “Quit it, I tell you!” Wolfram leaned away for a moment and he felt that the blond brushed the front of his tunic out of his way.
Amae's head turned to the door. The relief that he felt almost made him sink to the floor which he would have probably done if not for Wolfram's hands digging into his sides. “Get him off me!” he shouted to Lasami who entered the room. “For fuck's sake, get him off me!”
Lasami gaped at them in astonishment. The sight wouldn't have surprised him that much but the fact that Amae was calling for help didn't settle in his head well. The black-haired male's right hand was trussed up behind his back, his other trying to push himself off the wall fruitlessly. Amae's struggles didn't seem to work on the blond at all, actually the opposite. All Amae was doing now was while trying to escape rubbing against the blond's front, enticing him even more. Wolfram was saying something to Amae, trying to talk him into it obviously. Lasami's ears pricked at the sound of something being torn up.
“Why the fuck are you standing there?!” Amae yelled. “He has just shredded my favorite underwear!” He cursed again as the said garment slid down his legs and fell to the floor. “Hurry up, will you!”
Lasami rushed to them. “What the hell is going on here?”
“I think it's pretty clear what is going on here!” Amae snapped at him, hating the delay. “Someone gave him latosa, and the amount of it seems just right for a horse! Gods, Lasami, will you move it?!” he screamed when Wolfram, to prevent him from wiggling out, smashed him against the wall again. “I promise I'll fucking set you two on fire if he penetrates me!”
Lasami grabbed Wolfram by his collar and attempted to peel him away from Amae. Wolfram's head snapped to him, he growled and tried to elbow the servant. Lasami jumped aside, caught him by his arm and tugged forward, grabbing Amae's shoulder by his other hand. After peeling them both apart, without any ceremonies, he tossed the blond onto the bed where he fell heavily.
Gasping for air, Amae leaned on the wall then slid down to rest on the floor. His head fell back with a thud to rest on the tapestry. His heart thumping loudly in his chest he turned his head to the side to look at his underwear lying next to him. “That was close,” he muttered. He took the garment and tossed into the bin in the corner. Rubbing his aching wrist and sure of colorful marks on it tomorrow, he raised his head to look at the bed where Wolfram was struggling to get up. The servant was much better at dealing with the aroused male, simply pushing Wolfram back into the bed each time he tried to get up. Wolfram wasn't even trying to speak now, his mind probably being one big muddle.
“Just tie him up,” Amae advised.
“That fucker!” Lasami swore.
“Well, I don't think he can help it,” Amae said, getting up from the floor. He frowned. “Hell, it's not enough that he almost fucked me, he also made a mess out of my hair!” He started brushing over it with his fingers to disentangle the locks.
“Not Wolfram!” Lasami snarled, pushing Wolfram back into the bedding when he tried to stand up. “That idiot Kohar! How much did he give him?! The King said only to make him more compliant and willing! He'll be out at this rate!” He shoved the blond back into the bed and this time Wolfram stayed there, wiggling among the sheets and moaning loudly.
“So you knew!” Amae pointed his accusing finger at Lasami.
Lasami shrugged. “So what?”
Amae sighed and lowered his hand. “You could have told me. I wouldn't have come into his room, then.”
Lasami shook his head then sat down onto the bed next to Wolfram. “Amae, in this state he's weaker than most men and you still almost got raped. You should concern yourself about your physical shape. When there is time like this when you can't use your power, you should at least know how to protect yourself otherwise.”
Amae rolled his eyes. “Yes, I can already imagine that. If Faraya gets wind of you telling me this or me doing something like this, I'll end up without his permission to use my water element at all and you'll end up…probably dead.” He shook his head. “So don't say useless things. Besides, if under different circumstances, I wouldn't have minded that,” he winked at him while motioning with his head at half-asleep Wolfram. “…Or maybe even encouraged…” He grinned.
Lasami looked at the blond. “You really like him, huh?”
Amae smiled at him, shrugging. “He's better than the most, I suppose.”
“He's dangerous,” Lasami said then.
Amae's smile became even wider. “So am I.”
Lasami didn't say anything to that. He lowered his eyes back to the dizzy blond. “The King will be here in a minute. You should leave. I have to prepare him.” With that said he started undressing the blond.
“Amae,” Lasami said more sternly when the younger male didn't move, “do not act like a fool. Do you think you can talk him out of it? It's pointless and would be even worse. You can't help Wolfram any and you'd also be punished. You perfectly know that Faraya doesn't tolerate disobedience. Even if it's you. Especially if it's you, Amae. He's possessive over you. If you start giving Wolfram too much attention, you both will suffer. Besides, in the state he's in right now, he would hardly remember anything at all.”
Frowning, Amae crossed his hands over his chest. All of it was true, but it didn't mean that he liked it. This was really nasty. “Do you think he'd believe me if I made a scene telling him I'm jealous?”
Lasami laughed softly. “No, he wouldn't. He knows that you hate him. Go now, Amae. Just go.” He sighed after hearing the door close behind Amae.
The pleasant sight greeted him as soon as he entered the room: the blond was lying on the same huge four-poster bed. He was sprawled between the sheets, his upper half bare, the other half-covered. It was obvious that the blond was naked underneath the light cover. The only things the blond wore were concubine's bracelet on his wrist and a brand-new headpiece that he had ordered for the blond specially; he liked to show off his goods. It looked tremendous on the blond. The white gold chainlet was encrusted with five tiger-eye gems, the biggest of them resting on the blond's forehead. The color perfectly matched Wolfram's hair.
The blond's smooth chest was rising and falling, the movement rather heavier and erratic than usual. The pert pink nipples lured him further towards the bed. The eyes were closed. Was the blond sleeping? The pale sprawled figure didn't seem to be moving until he approached. The eyelids slid open to reveal hooded greenness behind them. There was hardly any awareness in them. The blond brows furrowed and the emerald eyes stared at him for several seconds as if he were trying to remember who he was then closed again.
Kohar must have put too much of latosa in his tea. Kohar would get it for that - he didn't care if the servant had personal issues with the blond, self-management was not acceptable. He needed the boy aroused and not sleeping. Well, he was noticeably aroused under that cover but it seemed that he was rather sleepier that turned on. That could be fixed, of course. Even if the plan didn't go as well as intended, one could always make the best of it.
Faraya started unbuttoning his shirt then tossed it farther onto the empty and lately not required divan. He sat down onto the wide bed at Wolfram's side. The weight shifting on the mattress made the blond open his eyes. The emerald eyes watched him with a slight confusion then the blond shifted away. A loud yawn was heard and the blond settled back into the bedding as if he had forgotten why he had started moving in first place.
Chuckling softly, Faraya took the cover by its hem and drew it off slowly to reveal the pale naked skin. Letting the fabric fall onto the carpet and furl there loosely, he let his eyes caress the blond.
The fair pubic hair at Wolfram's crotch indicated that he was a natural one. Wondering, Faraya trailed his fingertips over the blond's stomach then cupped the full sacks, the blond squirming at the touch but not protesting. Any different than dark hair and eye color was unusual. He had several men of that kind in his harem and he knew to watch over them. The blond was obviously a Mazoku. In addition, the blond belonged to that blue-haired man. Did the blue-haired one himself sought out the blond or had they been together from the very beginning?
Letting go of the testicles, Faraya raised his eyes to the blond's face. The man didn't seem perceiving at all. His clouded eyes opening and closing without any pattern, he seemed to be half asleep.
Faraya moved in closer and the emerald eyes concentrated on him, his movements being registered. But there wasn't any coherent spark in those eyes. They had rather reacted on instinct. Reaching out his hand, Faraya cupped Wolfram's face and lifted to study the regular features.
There were hardly left any traces from the previous time. He had to admit to himself that he had been a little afraid that he had marred the blond's face permanently. Hard to believe, but seeing only several almost healed yellowish spots he was relieved. That would have been a shame to scar such a face. Amae had worked well. Any other time he would have punished Amae for using his power and taking action without permission but he would have ordered Amae to heal the blond anyway.
He let go of the beautiful face and lowered his eyes to the blond's chest. He slid his palm over it. A fine layer of muscle and hairless, smooth skin covered the strong ribcage, the pink pert nipples hard and sensitive to the touch. The blond had quite some muscle, just the right portion of it and he had experienced that Wolfram was way stronger than he looked in clothing. He could bet that Wolfram had inherited his looks from his mother. Despite there was no that feminine tinge to him, he still was unbelievably handsome in a way that didn't really scream `male'. He wanted to see the woman who had given birth to this beauty.
Faraya chuckled as the blond murmured something and arched up into his hand, his eyes shutting. His hand gliding down the younger male's fine stomach, he approached several fair curls. The erection was standing proudly, the tip reddish, several droplets of dew concentrated on and running down the length. It wasn't that big or impressive, being that of common size and rather longer than thick it was a lovely piece of flesh, like the entire blond.
He ran his fingers over the length slowly which elicited several quivers and meows to spill from the blond's throat. Dipping his thumb into the slit he rubbed. The blond's body tensed, his lips opening to let out a sound similar to a sigh. Lovely. He tapped his digits on the oozing slit several times more then, with his fingers smeared with pre-cum, he stroked the length. He watched the younger male's brows furrow, his face reflecting confused pleasure. Several more strokes and the blond's hips gave in into the guiding hand, following the up and down motions of his wrist.
The entire time the blond's eyes were closed, the drug seemingly working not only as an aphrodisiac but also having an effect of sedatives. Latosa was a rare and expensive drug, managing to mess with one's head and body completely and still make a man needy and capable of sexual act.
Faraya reached to the blond's head again and stroked the flushed cheek. The cloudy emerald look concentrated on him. When he leaned in to kiss the blond, it seemed that a flicker of recognition appeared in the man's eyes but instead of trying to push him away, surprisingly, the blond's fingers curled into his hair to bring his mouth closer. The kiss was sloppy and there was hardly some fire in it.
After breaking away and looking at Wolfram again, the king saw that the blond was on the verge of dozing off. Slipping his palm beneath the blond head he cradled then lifted it. The hooded emerald eyes opened wider, the fair brows furrowing. Another flicker of recognition passed over the blond's face. Faraya caught the pale wrist easily as Wolfram tried to punch him. He needn't have bothered - the blond's hardly tight fist swam into the air about ten centimeters away from his face then fell back onto the bed limply.
“Shush…” The king pressed himself to the blond to cut out the mindless wiggling that started. He lowered the pale wrist back to Wolfram's side. Something akin to a whimper came through the blond's lips. Such a beauty…
“Hush,” Faraya repeated when the blond tried to push him away. He held Wolfram down underneath him until the struggles lessened and the blond's face seemed relaxed again, the eyelids half-closed. He caressed the pale cheek and couldn't help smiling when the blond leaned into his palm. Faraya's hand slid down to the pale chest to play with the pink nipples that were already hardened in a silent invitation.
The body underneath his tightened and jerked under the touch. A soft moan floated into the air as after playing with the nubs, he trailed his hand south. The blond's body wiggled, his hips pushing up to search for contact blindly. Faraya grinned contently at the sight. He removed his hands and started unbuttoning his trousers then slid off the bed to pull them off. He wasn't going to make Wolfram wait. The two of them had been waiting long enough.
As soon as he was as naked as the blond, he slid back into the bed to the blond's side. The younger male's body was hot to the touch, looked needy, the chest falling and rising much faster now than it had been before. The green eyes were open now, the reflection in them somehow going between lustful and confused and then changing back and after that repeating itself again.
His lust flaring at the sight, he caressed that eager flesh to entice it even more then reached out for the small bottle on the beside-cabinet that had been conveniently left there by the servants. After getting it, he settled between the blond's legs. He poured some onto his fingers and slipped them in between Wolfram's legs. The younger male didn't protest, quite the opposite - almost purring, he rocked onto his finger and was eager for more. After getting more, it was obvious that it was not enough for him.
Not managing to contain himself anymore, he reached for the bottle again to get a generous amount of oil. With his hands still slick, he lifted the blond's hips and pushed one of the pillows behind his ass. Shamelessly, the younger male let his legs drop at his sides much wider. The inviting gesture undid him completely.
He slid in slowly, the blond brows furrowing, that luscious mouth opening to grunt and draw several quick deep breaths. Really, the blond was no virgin, spreading his legs even wider and taking him in without too much discomfort. A true slut, a luscious, gorgeous slut.
His lower body on fire, Faraya thrust forward to be sheathed fully and to enjoy the consummation. The blond shifted underneath him but made no further objection.
First thrusts made the blond frown and try to push him away. The blond's eyes cleared to reveal confusion after seeing the face above him. Faraya noticed that it was as if he were expecting to see someone else. He held the blond underneath him and pressed to the bed until the unwanted movements stilled. Several caresses were enough to make the blond compliant and willing again.
The thrusts were increasing now, the blond's head lolled back, his mouth open to spill moans, his hips meeting his thrusts and matching them. As the desire and need were heightening, the blond was showing signs of wanting to touch him back. He let him of course and the blond's arms wrapped around his to grip them tightly.
The lust overwhelming, he pulled out and flipped the blond over onto his stomach. Wrapping his arm around the man's midsection, he pulled him to his knees then spread the cheeks and pushed back in. A soft moan came from Wolfram when he thrust against the blond's prostate. It was obvious the man was more comfortable with this position.
Several thrusts later the younger man leaned back into him, his hips starting to follow the rhythm. He could hear soft pants that were mostly swallowed by the pillow the blond's face was buried in. The blond was moaning something, the words that sometimes were being repeated, but he couldn't make it out, nor did he care right now. But as the blond neared his end, the voice now louder, he was finally able to distinguish it. It was a name obviously. Not the one he had heard before. Ignoring, he continued to pound the blond into the mattress.
The blond's soft sigh finally marked his orgasm. He came, his body tensing but it lasted only several seconds, the blond relaxing almost instantly, turning into a soft puddle underneath him and not wishing and not showing any sign of desire to help him finish or draw it out.
He finished a minute later, drawing back and mostly spilling himself over the limp body then collapsing onto it. It took him a minute to gather his breath. After getting his senses back, he slid out of the blond. As not to harm the blond too much, he brushed some of his semen off the blond's crevice. He turned the limp and sleepy body around. Thinking, he watched the Wolfram's relaxed face then, just in case, pressed his palm to the younger male's head. It would be a waste to let the foolish blond die.
The blond didn't even react, the newly received ability to use his fire element not disturbing him in the slightest. The relaxed, handsome face stayed unresponsive, eyelids closed, the blond asleep peacefully. His displeasure, anger and disappointment bursting into the surface, Faraya slapped Wolfram hard on his face. The emerald eyes opened but there was only a dizzy and confused vapor in them, not even directed at him, and then they closed again, the blond falling asleep again. Snarling, he retracted his hand from the blond's now burning cheek. The coupling didn't bring the satisfaction he had expected - he wanted Wolfram to know that it was him taking him and right now the stupid slut couldn't tell him from some Yuuri whose name he had been repeating.