Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Watch out for the Green Eyes ❯ Part 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maou! I'm not making any money.
Warnings: Yaoi (male x male), Yuuri x Wolfram. Some other pairings.
Summary: The action takes place six years after Yuuri and Wolfram got together/six years after the events in “Working out the Paradox”. Yuuri and Wolfram have been married for four years.
A/N 1: Age: Yuuri - 22, Wolfram - who the heck knows?!
A/N 2: I hate Greta; she is nonexistent in this story, and Yuuri has never adopted her.
Watch out for the Green Eyes
by chayron (, beta-read by Redmarshin
Part 18
While Lasami was leading the blond downstairs to see the doctor, the uncontrollable trembling seemed to finally stop. Wolfram relaxed, his shoulders squared out. His step became firm again. He wiped the cooling blood off his face with the back of his hand. When they entered the doctor's room, Wolfram didn't resemble a victim much.
From the pile of documents the doctor's wizened face rose to Wolfram's with blood smeared one. Then his eyes went to the back of the blond's hand where the same mess was seen. The servant had the concubine wrapped in a white wide sheet - it seemed it was an emergency. Harui rose from his desk and turned to the sink while motioning for Lasami to seat the blond on the couch at the wall.
“What happened this time?” he asked while washing his hands. “You seem to love trouble…”
“Kohar tried to force himself on him,” Lasami answered instead of Wolfram. “He might have something broken. And it seemed as if he were in shock.”
The doctor didn't say anything. He rummaged in one of the cupboards for some time then found a small basin and started filling it with water. While it filled up, he found a cloth then took a bottle from one of the drawers in his desk and went to the couch where the blond was sitting. After having unwrapped the bed-sheet off the blond he found that he couldn't see any serious damage.
After wiping the blood off Wolfram's face and prodding at the bones carefully, he was assured that nothing was broken or hurt severely. Besides, after asking the blond, he said he had no complaints.
The doctor finished cleaning Wolfram then applied some herbal ointment on several bruises and scratches he had.
“Well, I don't see any signs of shock,” he said finally. “Nothing's broken or beaten too bad. He'll just have several bruises on his face in a few minutes. Except that he's tired, he's okay. And as for a man who should be dead, he's in perfect condition,” the old man said while gathering his tools.
“It seems Amae had been right - it had been the poisoning...” The doctor said while emptying the bowl with red water into the sink then he went to sit at his desk. “How is your stomach?” he asked after getting comfortable.
Wolfram who had wrapped himself into the sheet again, raised his head. “I can't keep down everything I eat yet,” he admitted. “But I always had a weak stomach and I suppose it's normal after poisoning.”
The doctor nodded then scratched his chin, thinking. “Well, it should pass soon.” He turned to the servant at the blond's side. “I'll give you some herbs.” He started ransacking in his drawers. “Make tea and make him drink a cup of it each morning before eating and evening just before he goes to sleep. Plus, watch it that he doesn't get any of latosa tea again. -If the King doesn't know the cause, he might try using it again.” He finally found the needed herbs and put the bundle of them onto the desk in front of him. “Is Sederu still taking care of him?”
Lasami nodded. “Yes, but Amae seems to have it tough as it is.”
The doctor sighed. “Well, as long as Sederu is on his side, he,” he pointed with his chin at Wolfram, “should be fine. Sederu is quite effective against Kohar,” he chuckled.
“Kohar is dead,” Lasami said. “The King killed him.”
The doctor sighed. “Figures. So you are in charge of the harem now?”
Lasami nodded to confirm
“Good,” the old man said. “Now bring him back to his room. Give him that tea and leave him to sleep it all of.”
Lasami gave a grateful nod. “Thank you, Doctor.”
“Thanks,” Wolfram nodded, too.
When they returned to the lounge it was mostly in order. The body was already gone, no sign of soot or water left, the carpet already replaced with a new, different one, the couches, statues and the harp still at the walls, waiting to be moved back.
Wolfram slipped into his room and Lasami went to make the tea. Only when he came back he found the blond already on the bed and wriggled among the sheets, his chest rising and falling in calm sleep. He decided to leave Wolfram sleeping and left the room thinking about getting more clothes for the blond.
“Mmm…?” Wolfram raised his head then shielded his eyes against the sun that hit them when Amae drew the curtains. “What are you doing?” he muttered groggily.
Amae turned around. Wolfram couldn't see his face against the bright light. He yawned and turned to his other side, hoping that Amae would go away if ignored.
“Get up. You are in for the kitchen duty,” Amae informed him.
Wolfram groaned. “Again?”
Amae walked over and plopped on the blond's bed. He stifled a wince at the ache in his nether regions. “Faraya knows you provoked Kohar…”
Wolfram sighed and rolled over onto his back. “Well, it was to be expected,” he sighed. “Faraya is no fool.”
Amae gave a sniff at that. “It was too obvious. Plus, he knew you were informed about his visit at about that time.”
Wolfram only shrugged at that. “So what do I do today?” he asked instead.
Amae's face got serious. “The rain has finally stopped and he thought the sight of you chopping the wood would be nice…”
Wolfram stared at him then laughed. Then the grin died on his face. Amae wasn't laughing, he wasn't even smiling. Wolfram closed his eyes, groaning loudly. “Who the hell does he think I am? -A lumberjack?!”
“It's a punishment,” Amae said. “He said you are not to leave until you are done with a pile of logs outside the kitchen. I have sent Lasami to check it out earlier and he said that it's huge.”
The blond sat up. The cover slid off his chest. He looked at himself then remembered. “I'm stark naked.”
“Well, Lasami said he'd try to find something for you to wear,” Amae said, his interested eyes sliding over the blond's chest then down to his groin where a heap of fabric was covering his lap.
“Quit it,” Wolfram mumbled, blushing lightly.
Amae's blue orbs rose to his, the smile visible in them. “Oh, you have such a beautiful body. It's a sin to cover it,” he teased and was content when the color on the blond's nose and cheeks deepened.
“Should I parade through the palace naked then? -For some reason I don't see you doing that,” Wolfram challenged, trying to hold the scorching gaze but slowly realizing it was not so easy. In this field Amae could outdo him without any trouble.
“Oh, that can be arranged,” Amae grinned. “If you decide to walk around naked, I'll necessarily join you,” he purred, sliding closer to the blond, not lowering his eyes from those green emeralds. “Sadly I didn't see you yesterday rolling naked with Kohar,” he sighed with his face so close to Wolfram's that they were almost touching with their noses. “Some say you did quite some dramatic poses back there…” he chuckled, retreating just a fraction before Wolfram felt the urge to raise his hands to push the other man away.
“Are you trying to seduce me?” Wolfram asked after watching him for several seconds.
Amae gave him a wide smile instead, his fine white teeth showing. “You think so?” he asked then.
In unison they both turned to the door when Lasami appeared there. In one hand he was carrying the aforementioned clothes, in the other a cup of steaming tea. He closed the door with his foot.
“Amae, get away from the bed. You know the King gets jealous of you,” Lasami scolded as soon as he entered and saw Amae with a naked male in one bed.
Sulking at the remark, Amae slid of the bed and went to sit in the armchair at the window. Lasami approached the bed and threw Wolfram's clothes on it. After that he held out the cup for Wolfram to take. “It's those herbs Harui gave. Drink then dress and go to the dining-room.” He turned to Amae. He motioned for the younger male to follow him. “C'mon, go to eat.”
Amae sighed. He stood up and went to the door.
“The King wanted me to make sure you ate enough,” Lasami said softly after Amae approached him. “It seems he thinks that you've lost weight.”
Amae rolled his eyes. “So now I can't even eat peacefully…”
“He's just concerned about you.”
Wolfram watched the door close behind the two. He drank the cup in two big gulps. “Oh god.” Gagging, he covered his mouth, not sure if the disgusting liquid would stay down or go back up. When, after five minutes, despite the strange bubbling noise in his stomach, he was still alive, he dressed in the clothes that Lasami had brought for him. This time it was completely different clothes than he was used to wear: wide gray trousers with a wide white shirt with long sleeves. After putting the shirt on, he also found sandals. He appreciated that they had no long straps, were easy to put on and were low-heeled. The clothes were simple and comfortable.
At first he went to the bathroom then turned into the dining-room. All the talks and noise ceased at once at the blond's trousers and the shirt that he hadn't bothered to button and which was hanging just like this, showing his chest, and a few buttons at his stomach holding it on his frame.
“Oh, the enthusiast of the latest hind fashion showed up!” Asoka cheered, raising a glass of wine.
Turning to his usual place, Wolfram gave him the finger to show what he thought of his comment. It was a gesture that he had gladly taken over from his husband and which was very useful in situations like this. The concubine stared at the sign that was provided then his face frowned, showing that he understood the meaning of it.
In a complete silence Wolfram lowered his hand, sat down, grabbed his fork and dug in.
“Going back to the woods?” Asoka asked three minutes later. “It was time long ago to return to your biological roots…”
Wolfram opened his mouth but didn't have a chance to say anything.
“Keep your mouth shut, you brown shit,” Torani spat, meaning Asoka's brown eyes. “I'm even impressed you know what `biological' means, you cat's piss. One more word and you'll eat your sandals and for a dessert I'll shove that high heel up your ass.”
Barely holding his laughter, Wolfram lowered his eyes back to his plate. It was silent for a few seconds then he heard someone giggling. Then someone else's voice joined in, the table soon turning into a laughing ball. He could discern Amae's sonorous chuckle in it. The blond didn't feel glad or elated that Torani stood up for him - the red-head hated Asoka with all his essence and it was only one of the opportunities to insult the other man. Amae rarely interfered unless it became physical violence and while not allowed it, Torani always looked for a chance to humiliate Asoka verbally. Wolfram wasn't sure why the red-head hated Asoka so much or how it started, but the hate was mutual, the hatred burning clearly in Asoka's brown eyes.
Asoka kept silent during the rest of breakfast. Torani was an aggressive and strong man with a serious attitude problem; he was not someone one would want to go against. The biggest problem with Torani was that the man didn't care about anything. Brought here just before he should have been hanged for killing his previous owner, he didn't value his or anyone else's life. The only thing that kept some of his interest was Amae and even then the red-head sometimes gave the impression that he wanted nothing else, only to tear Amae's head off.
After Wolfram had eaten, he went downstairs. After yesterday's work he knew his way around, but this time it was outside the kitchen. The kitchen had its own entrance that was located near the training grounds. Once outside, Wolfram became aware of the curious looks given to him by the soldiers who were there. There was a fence that separated the kitchen yard from the training grounds but it wasn't high and the yard was plainly seen.
Just as Amae had said, a huge pile of logs strewn all around a stump awaited him at the end of the fenced yard near the shed where -obviously - they had to be stacked up. This was going to be hell. He wasn't even sure if he would be allowed to eat until he was finished with the task.
He had chopped wood earlier. Twice actually. Once when he and Yuuri got stranded on an island for several days in a village that consisted of a few houses. The two of them wanted to eat, so they had to work for their food. The second time was when Gwendal sent him and a squad of ten men for training into the mountains. Wanting to get a pig that was running around and looked very tasty for his stomach that had nothing lately except mush, he and several men had to chop a mountain of wood and weed two fields of potatoes. He could still remember the blisters on his palms.
Wolfram looked at his hands. Lasami had given him gloves. They were old and well-worn but it was much better than nothing. Wolfram looked at the axe that was stuck in the stump in front of him. Seizing the shaft, he tugged the axe loose.
The first chops were stiff and klutzy but then he remembered how it was done. Yuuri wasn't good at chopping wood at all, but the comrades he had been chopping the wood with in the squad mostly were simple lads from country and he had learnt quite a lot from them.
The day was sunny finally after long lasting rains. The dampness was all around, the wet pools strewn all over the yard. The ground was soft and muddy under his feet. The air was gratifyingly cool and had a pleasant after-rain scent to it.
As he was working the logs out of his way and from around the stump, he could feel the air warming up. He was glad actually, even though he found out that there were soldiers and guards all around the yard and that he had a fat chance to escape, he finally had a gulp of fresh air and some exercise. He had been locked up for too long.
He took off the gloves and rolled his sleeves up. Then he put the gloves back on and set his shoulder to the wheel. This was way more effective than push-ups or running laps around the training ground.
Half an hour passed, the sun climbing high into the sky, and he tossed his shirt away onto a not so small pile of wood that had already accumulated. The amount of logs had somewhat lessened but he still had a considerable amount of them left and, if the weather and the season here reminded that of Shin Makoku, he preferred to be done by the time some squall came.
Some time later he straightened, his back making a loud crack. He stretched and flipped his too long hair off his face. It was considerably longer than he was used to wearing. He guessed that now he could tie it up into a ponytail at the back of his head. Not that he wanted - he guessed that he would look silly. But the hair at the front was falling into his eyes and clinging to his forehead. He brushed over his sweaty forehead then leaned down to grab his shirt to brush with it over his sweaty chest.
Sighing, Wolfram threw his shirt back onto the wood and decided to take a break. He hatched the axe into the stump and left it there then pulled off the gloves and threw them next to the axe. Ruffling through his hair to shake off the sawdust and cuttings, he turned to look at the ground to see what the soldiers were doing. His hand that was in his hair froze. The training grounds were deadly silent but not because there weren't any people. It was because half of the soldiers and guards were already at the fence that was separating the kitchen yard and the training grounds, and the other half of them was farther, sitting on the horses to see him better.
Silently, Wolfram pulled the hand out of his hair. That wasn't anything new, but he was mostly surprised at the absolute silence all around. In the hushed silence he stared at the soldiers and they stared back at him.
“Well, we just never have seen a concubine who is more skilled at chopping wood than some of the workers,” one of the guards said softly. “Not to mention that he is one of the best looking men we had ever seen…” he added and then continued to stare at Wolfram like all thirty of them.
The blond scratched his head then just shrugged and plopped down onto one of the logs to rest. He sighed contently and tossed his head back to look at the clear sky. He froze again as his gaze fell onto the front of the palace. There were faces plastered all around the windows. A short disbelieving sound left Wolfram's lips and, determined to ignore it all, he closed his eyes.
“My, my. What an appealing sight. Are you trying to drive the entire neighborhood crazy?”
Wolfram opened his eyes to see Amae approaching. The concubine was grinning widely. He was being followed by a guard and a servant whose face was familiar. Amae was carrying a jug and two mugs in his hands. As soon as the concubine appeared, most soldiers quickly drifted away and resumed their training, but the boldest ones stayed.
Amae walked over to Wolfram, told him to hold the mug then filled it with some nice smelling liquid from the jug. After that he filled his own, pushed the jug into the servant's hands and sat down onto another log next to Wolfram who was greedily drinking. The guard and the servant backed several respectful steps away.
“It's something Lasami made of wild berries,” Amae said before drinking from his mug.
“Hey, Sederu, it was enough of one beauty, now we sure won't be able to concentrate on anything!”
Wolfram turned to look at the same guard who had spoken earlier.
“Hey, Dario!” Amae laughed, waving. “It's only an excuse and you know it!” he shouted back. “I have never seen you doing anything useful since you came here!”
“That's an utter lie!” the guard shouted, laughing. “I am always ready to do anything for you, love, but you never let me!”
Amae shook his head, chuckling.
“You know him?” Wolfram asked.
“He's one of the clients that used to visit that brothel I stayed at,” Amae explained, sipping from his mug. “He had me several times,” he added.
Wolfram stared at him. He couldn't really comprehend that Amae had admitted it so casually. After noticing his stare, Amae shrugged at him.
“It's just how it is,” he said, turning to look at Dario. “And he was one of those rare ones that I liked. You know, I always dreamed that one day some rich but simple guy would come and buy me out from that hell. Someone like him - simple and not too bright but with some money. But it never goes as one wishes.”
Wolfram stayed silent. He finished his mug and held it out again. The servant hurried over to fill it. “I thought you weren't allowed to go outside…?” Wolfram asked after the servant stepped away.
Amae shook his head at that. “I'm allowed to go everywhere within the territory of the palace. Only that I rarely go anywhere - nobody else is allowed to go and it's just plainly boring alone. Plus, I'd be only the feast for those horny eyes,” with his head he motioned at the rest of the guards and soldiers that were lingering at the fence. “They'd fuck anything on two legs,” Amae snorted. He turned to look at Wolfram who knew too well what Amae was talking about.
“I was worried a bit,” Amae changed the topic, “but it seems that you are doing very well. I thought I might find them all laughing at you, but it seems that you might even get hired into the place of their usual worker,” he chuckled.
Wolfram nodded. “Well, I'll be quite sore later, but yeah, I'll manage.”
“Good. Then you might want to finish it faster,” Amae said. He then leaned to Wolfram. “I have a letter for you. From some guy named Kyota,” he whispered.
Wolfram's heart skipped a beat.
“Lasami went to meet with a passing merchant to buy some fabrics as Kohar was used to,” Amae continued. “The merchant appeared to be someone he knew. They found the common ground immediately. Are you interested?”
Wolfram managed a meek nod.
“Good then, I'll wait for you in my room after you are done.” Amae stood up. He took his mug but left the blond's and ordered the servant to leave the half-full jug on the ground.
“Going so soon?” Dario shouted from the opposite side of the fence. “Aww, c'mon, stay for a little longer. I'm just waiting for a stronger wind gust to lift your tunic!”
Amae rolled his eyes. He grinned. “Dario, sweetheart, there's nothing you haven't already seen, but my underwear is my business, and all of you need to cool off a bit.”
A sudden wave crashed into the fence and over it, the muddy water pouring over the guards and soldiers, knocking some of them off their feet, leaving them soaking wet.
“Here you go, guys,” Amae shouted, laughing. “No thanks needed!” He waved and proceeded into the kitchen.
Wolfram watched Amae go, the drenched guards and soldiers cursing him softly behind his back. His head was one big buzz, the thoughts jumping and mixing, but all of them were about the same thing - the letter.
Wishing to be done as soon as possible, he started working with three times the fervor than before. Three hours later he was done. His body was sore, his arms hurting but he was very quick to go into the kitchen and then run upstairs.
Amae lowered the book he had been reading to his lap and frowned at the messy and disheveled blond who had burst into his room. Even if sitting at the window he could smell sweat and dirt wafting in waves from the man.
“You could have bathed first,” Amae complained.
“The letter?” Wolfram extended hand.
“Here,” Amae sighed, lifting the book. He leafed through it then held out an envelope. In three strides Wolfram was in front of him. He grabbed it.
“You read it?” he rather stated than asked after noticing the torn paper.
“Well, of course,” Amae nodded. “But it is written in one of Shin Makoku dialects and as my father only taught me the official language, I didn't understand much.”
Wolfram only nodded at that. He had already pulled the letter out and was holding it in his shaky hands, starting to read it. I didn't say whom it was addressed, it was just two sentences but it was undoubtedly Kyota's writing. He would recognize that chicken-scribble everywhere. The sentences said: `Explain the situation. Shibuya is not found yet.' And there was Kyota's name underneath them.
“Tomorrow Lasami is going to the bazaar to buy a new carpet for the lounge; one has to be always spare. He and the man who gave this letter had arranged to meet there. Write your answer,” Amae said.
Wolfram lowered the letter. “He might be caught.”
“Do you think he doesn't know that?” Amae sneered at him. “We are big boys to know that it's a treason what he and I are doing. We'll be both killed if found out and...”
Wolfram's tone made the younger man to trail off. He looked at the blond questioningly.
“He won't kill you and you know it,” Wolfram said. “Maybe he'd beat you or something but…” He sighed. “In some sickly twisted way he loves you. Practically, in the palace, you are allowed to do everything you wish. I understand that one day it might change, but for now it's safe, luxurious and assured present. Outside the palace you'll be nothing more than a commoner; he will forbid you to use your element.” Wolfram faltered then lowered his eyes to the letter that he was still holding. “I don't know for sure, but I'll let myself presume that you know no different way of earning for a living except for selling your body. Running away with me might prove to be not the best idea…”
Amae listened and accepted it all silently. “Do you think I don't know this?” he asked then softly. “I know all of this, Wolfram. I know for sure that in a physical sense I will end up much worse than I am now. But it's not about that. It's… For once, for once I want to make the decision on my future myself.”
Wolfram shook his head but didn't say anything. He had warned Amae and if the younger man was still on, he wasn't going to try and talk him out of it - he didn't need Amae deciding to be faithful to Faraya and give him away in the end.
The blond walked over to the desk where Amae sat at and took another chair. “Do you have a pen?”
Amae nodded. He stood up and went to the cupboard near the huge mirror and squatted down. After opening it, he retrieved a sheet of paper, a pen and a small bottle with ink. He went back to the table and put the sheet of paper in front of Wolfram. He unscrewed the bottle and it joined the pen near Wolfram's right hand.
“Will you tell me what is in the letter?” Amae asked while sitting back into the chair.
Wolfram dipped the pen into the bottle then shook it a little to remove the excess of the ink before taking it out. “How much did you understand?”
“There was something about situation and not finding. And the name - Shibuya,” Amae said while watching Wolfram forming neat letters and words on the paper. “I presume that they were whether talking about their or asking about your situation but the latter is more likely. And they can't find some Shibuya. Or maybe they are asking if you found him.”
Wolfram nodded. “Yes, I was asked about my situation and informed that my husband is still missing.”
Wolfram finished writing then took a look at the text again. He tried to make it short and clear and not suspicious. Lasami might just pretend that he was exchanging love letters. Although, there was a fat chance to pull it off. He had assured Kyota that he was fine, just waiting for the opportunity to escape. He also told him to buy two horses and supplies and wait until he was informed when it would happen.
Wolfram blew onto the paper to dry the ink quicker. Interested, Amae watched the letter.
“What did you write?”
“Do you want me to read it for you?” Wolfram asked then blew onto the letter again.
“Will you?”
Wolfram chuckled. “Sure. There's no danger in that. Lasami already knows the man and this letter won't change anything. It's rather about the next ones…”
Amae graced him with a short smile. “You are a stingy man, Wolfram.”
“Until I'm away from here with all my men safe, I won't trust you or anyone else for that matter.”
Amae sighed. “So what did you write?”
Wolfram lowered his head back to the letter. “My love,” he started reading, “you can't imagine how I miss you! Although, I'm fine and everything is okay, I can't wait to meet you. When I think of you, I always remember our picnics. Are Koshi and Rhon okay? I miss them too. I have so much work here and I'll just have to wait until I am freer to meet with you. You will wait for me, right? Miss you terribly. Love, Jeri.” He raised his head to look at Amae who was grinning like an idiot. “What?”
“Well,” Amae couldn't help giggling, “I don't know who those Koshi and Rhon are, but it sounds like a foursome to me. And even if you used the maid's name that works here, wouldn't it be suspicious that the letter is written in an unknown language?”
Wolfram stared at the letter. He frowned. After a second he grabbed the letter and smacked it onto the table in front of Amae. “Then you rewrite it!”
Amae burst out laughing. “And what if he can't read in our language?”
Wolfram frowned again. “Whatever. He'll find someone who can. Any tavern would do. They'd probably laugh at him, but he'd get it read.”
Amae finally got his laughter under control. He pushed the paper away then went to get another sheet. “I can't read it, remember?” he said after returning. “You'll have to dictate.” He took the pen. “Okay, so,” he started writing, “My love…” he raised his head to Wolfram, “what goes after that?”
Ten minutes later they were done.
“You do realize that if something happens, your writing will be recognized?” Wolfram asked.
Amae shrugged. “I doubt that - I have never written anything while in the palace.”
Wolfram looked at him surprised. “Then why do you keep the pen and ink?”
“I like drawing.”
Wolfram blinked. “Oh.” He blushed remembering his own pathetic attempts at becoming an artist. He had no talent whatsoever but had been too stubborn to admit it right away and had tortured everyone with his horrible drawings. Not to mention that they used to stink unbelievably. “But ink isn't the best for that and the pen… charcoal for example…”
Amae shrugged. “It's enough for me. It's just to pass the time.” A mischievous smile appeared on his face. “So who are those Koshi and Rhon? Don't tell me you really are into foursomes!”
Wolfram rolled his eyes at the teasing. “Those are horses. I had Rhon and he used to have Koshi. We used to go for small trips while children.”
“Oh. So you said him that you need two horses? And the picnic meant food?”
Wolfram nodded. He watched Amae fold the letter and put it into the same envelope that he had gotten from Lasami. Amae probably didn't have another one and while searching for one, they might cause suspicion. Not that an envelope mattered any. After that Amae took Kyota's letter.
“Do you still need it?”
Wolfram shook his head and a surge of fire in Amae's hand turned it into char. After that the younger man put Wolfram's letter into the book that was still lying onto the table.
“Since yesterday I have wanted to ask you about your element,” Wolfram said.
“Mmm? What about it?”
“It's quite strong, especially for a half-blooded Mazoku. You don't even seem to exert yourself too much… When did you start using it?”
“My water element?” Amae wondered. “Four years ago, after Faraya allowed me to use it. From my father I knew that originally all Mazoku or at least those half-bloods are able to make a contract with one of the elements but no one on Ekara is allowed to use their power. I didn't even have a contract before getting into the palace. Faraya was the one to show me how it's done. He also taught me and other concubines the basic things on using our elements. I tried to pretend that I didn't manage to make any contact and so on, but he wasn't fooled.”
“You are quite good at it.”
Amae shrugged. “Faraya also said that he was surprised that I managed to gain control over it so fast. Actually I like healing majutsu the most. It's really useful. Faraya can't create one for some reason.”
“Fire wielders aren't able,” Wolfram explained. “It's just how it is. I can't create one either. I suppose fire doesn't have any particles required for a healing process…” This was just one of theories. There were many of them but nobody knew for sure how it worked. One of theories was that the control over elements mostly depended on the person himself. The more conspicuous and stronger character he possessed, the better control he had. He found that to be a quite truthful theory - some people spent unbelievable time on training with their elements and still could do only as much as stir coffee in a cup or heat it up. He for example, even if trained, hadn't actually spent so much time on his fire element or any of Yuuri's and still was considered one of the best element wielders in Shin Makoku and around it.
“You stink - go to wash,” Amae said. “The dinner will be in two hours but I'll ask servants to bring something. You haven't eaten anything all day, right?”
Wolfram stood up, nodding. After going to his room, he found some clothes, a towel and toiletries on the bed. He thanked Lasami and Amae mentally and went to the bathroom. Not wanting to occupy it for too long, he was done quite fast. He dressed and returned into Amae's room. The food was ready for him, the plate of something that reminded of goulash steaming on the table. There also were some buns and fruit on the table.
“We had this for lunch,” Amae said while Wolfram was seating himself at the plate. “Wolfram?” he asked after three minutes of the blond inhaling the food.
The tone made Wolfram look at him. He swallowed quickly what was in his mouth. “What?”
“You got the note saying that your husband was missing. Where the hell did he go?”
“I wish I knew,” Wolfram said and continued eating. “If I knew, he wouldn't be missing,” he mumbled.
“Umm… Did he run away from you?”
Wolfram almost choked on the morsel of meat. “No, I don't think so,” Wolfram muttered after having swallowed finally. “It wasn't really how it went.” He reached his hand out for a glass of juice to clean his throat.
“How long has he been missing?”
“For about a month now, maybe longer.”
“Did he go missing after you came to Ekara or did you come here to look for him?”
“The latter,” Wolfram said.
Wolfram had noticed that Amae would let that sound out when he got to know something which gave him some thoughts at the point he still wanted to ask but didn't consider it a good idea.
Without Amae disturbing him, Wolfram soon was done with his meal. Full and content, he left the table and dropped into the armchair near the door. Amae raised his eyes from the book that he had been reading then concentrated back on the reading.
When Wolfram woke up it was from some noise. Sleepily, he looked around to see Torani in the room. The red-head was standing in front of the bed where Amae was sitting. The younger male pushed some wide square object behind his back and Torani grabbed him by his hair. Amae let out a yelp filled with pain but he kicked and Torani let go of the hair and doubled while holding his stomach. Amae jumped to his feet, fire springing up in his right hand.
“Get the fuck out!” he yelled down at the hunching man.
Torani's hand shot out to grab him by his ankle and Amae plummeted down with his back onto the bed, the mattress, pillows and covers bouncing all around him. In two seconds the older man had Amae by his throat. He pressed the younger male into the bedding.
“Now you have done it!” Amae hissed out, his eyes watering at the constriction on his throat.
A moment later Torani's hair and clothes were on fire. The screaming man jumped away while trying to put out fire. He started peeling his clothes off. Amae shielded his eyes and backed away as the bed caught fire. He was rubbing his throat and coughing. After a few seconds the end of the bed was soaking wet.
Wolfram watched the red-head rolling on the carpet and wondered if he should do anything. He wasn't very keen on getting himself into this. It was finally over when Amae decided to put out all the fire. Just a fraction later, guards and servants and some of the concubines tore into the room to look what the scream was about. Half-conscious Torani was carried away carefully to his room while one of the guards dragged a still coughing Amae off the bed and hauled him away somewhere. A few minutes later two servants came and started cleaning the mess.
As nobody had even touched or said to him anything, Wolfram was still sitting in the armchair and wondering about it all. Then his eyes caught the same square object that Amae had pushed farther behind him earlier. He got up, walked over to the bed, crawled on it and took the object which appeared to be a sheet of paper pinned to a thin board. There was a drawing of him.
Wolfram blinked, staring. It was him in profile. It was a nice drawing, not a professional one, still lacking accuracy and practice, but it was quite good. He wasn't sleeping in it, but Amae must have started drawing after he had fallen asleep. So this was why Torani had lost it.
He thought for a moment then tore the paper off, climbed off the bed and turned the drawing into crisp. He shook the chars off his palm and onto the already burnt carpet and left the room.