Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Wolfram's Eleventh Bruise ❯ Wolfram's Eleventh Bruise ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wolfram’s Bruise Written by:chochowilliams Disclaimer:I do not own Kyo Kara Maoh!or the characters from it.  I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Summary:An errand leads to much more. Chapter summary:  Yuri and Wolfram finally get married. Warning:drama, romance, fantasy, language, M/M hentai, MPREG, Yuri/Wolfram Inserts:  --- A/N:  Thank you TenshiGosuperu, anon azure, lilgurlanima, dela1, Xeohe, pandawolf, Vicky Valross, Becca Patty, dawn, fahaar, Izolda, XZanayu, XOiHeartMiloOX, Nikkie23534 for your reviews.  Thank you to those who put me on alert and those who favored me.  I want to thank you guys for being so patient with me.  I know it took forever for that last chapter to get and for that, I apologize.  So, here it is.  The next installment.  Enjoy!    +---+---+---+
Chapter 11: Wolfram’s Eleventh Bruise   Templeof the Water Dragons   “Among the Humans, handfasting is an old pagan ritual of marriage and it remained legal in some countries until only recently, even after several acts were passed banning it as being ‘an instrument of the heathens’.”   Yuri gulped.  “You mean…”   “Yes,” Lady Alese said with a nod as she strolled up the aisle with the King and his fiancé.  “Because of its association with the Demons, it was outlawed, but among much of the Human population it remains the only way that couples can get married.”   “Why’s that?” Yuri asked.  “The only way?”   “Because, Your Majesty, only the wealthy and affluent can afford a church wedding among the humans.”   Yuri blinked.  That was news to him.   “It was even used as an instrument through which couples became engaged.”   “An engagement ceremony?  I’ve never heard of that,” Wolfram said.   Lady Alese nodded.  “Actually, the tradition among the Demon nobility of slapping one’s left cheek is descended from this ceremony.”   Yuri was impressed.  “Really?”   “Oh, yes, Your Majesty.”   “How?”   “I am not entirely sure of the exact details.  It’s lost behind myth and legend, but what I do know is that the tradition actually began with a couple, usually of noble birth, going through the ceremony with their left hands clasped together instead of both hands, but the cord is not actually tied.  Instead of becoming his wife, this ceremony signifies that the woman was his Courtier, his lawful mistress, and while she is provided for during and even after she is dismissed, she could not claim the name, inheritance, or property of her ‘husband’.  Any children they had would be taken care of as legal heirs but only second in line to the man’s legal and first wife, though.  This custom is actually still in practice today.”   Wolfram nodded.  That he did know.  Unfortunately, all too well.  His father had taken a Courtier while married to his mother.  If his mother had taken one, her lover would have been known as the Royal Consort.  Only the monarch of a country could have one.  If an accident would have befallen his father while his parents were married, the Royal Consort would have filled in for him until his father was well enough to return to his duties.  Much like the relationship between a President and Vice President of a nation.  Before they were legally married, his father was known as the Royal Consort.  And it was the same with him.  As soon as Yuri and he were legally married, Wolfram would no longer be known as the Royal Consort, but as the Royal Prince.   Over the centuries, this practice of taking a lover has become somewhat of a tradition among those of the nobility, but that did not mean that he had to particularly care for it.  If Yuri ever decided to take part in this custom, he would personally skin him alive.   “After handfasting was banned in Human territory,” Lady Alese was saying, “the couples began performing the handfasting themselves before only a few witnesses.  Usually, close friends or family.  That way it lessened the risk of the officials discovering what was going on.  The very word ‘handfasting’ got it’s origin in the wedding custom of tying the bride’s and groom’s hands together, well wrists actually.  In some versions, this is only done for as long as the ceremony lasts, but in others, the cord is not untied until the marriage is physically consummated.”   “Tying the knot, huh,” Yuri said.  “I wonder if this’s where that phrase came from.”   “Why, yes, it is Your Majesty.”   “Really?”   Lady Alese nodded.   “Wow.  Cool.”   “What are you talking about now you wimp?” Wolfram demanded.   “Huh?  Oh, uhm, nothing.  It’s just…You ever heard of that saying, ‘Tying the knot’?  You know when a couple gets married?  I always wondered where it came from and why people said it, but now I know that it comes from this old tradition of tying your hands together during the wedding ceremony.”   Wolfram continued to stare at Yuri silently for several long seconds before turning away, muttering, “whatever” under his breath.   Yuri sighed and shook his head.  “You’re the one who wanted to know Wolfram.”   Wolfram remained silent.   “Did you know that the act of tying your hands together is derived from an ancient conjunction?” Lady Alese asked.   Yuri blinked stupidly.  “An ancient what?”   Wolfram rolled his eyes and muttered, “Wimp.”   Yuri threw him a glare.   Lady Alese giggled.  “It’s a symbolic representation, Your Majesty.”   “It means ‘infinity’,” Wolfram explained to his clueless fiancé.   “Oh!”  Yuri felt his face flame in embarrassment.  “Wait, you mean that sideways looking eight.”   Wolfram rolled his eyes.  “Yes, that sideways looking eight (1).”   “Ah!  Gotcha.”   “Among the Demon Tribe, handfasting still remains the main method of marriage,” Lady Alese continued.   “Of course there are other ways,” Wolfram added.   Lady Alese nodded.  “Yes.”   Yuri sighed.  He should have known.  Probably something similar to how he proposed to Wolfram by slapping him.  You drop a knife to challenge someone to a deal or pick up a dropped knife to accept the duel.  Picking a spork off the ground represented a romantic triangle.  Picking up both a spork and a knife meant you had the intention of stealing someone’s lover away.  He really wanted to know who came up with these asinine ways of doing things.  “And those would be?”   “If you are seen in public drinking together, it can be constituted as being married (2).”   Yuri suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy as the color drained out of his face.  “Drinking…together…in public…”  He gulped.   Wolfram grinned broadly as his stumbling fiancé.  “What’s wrong Yuri?”   “N-nothing,” Yuri squeaked.  It was just that Wolfram and he drank together in public how many times over the years?  Did that mean that they were already married?  Dear Great One.  It was not that he disliked the idea of being married to Wolfram.  Just the opposite.  He just preferred to get married when he was actually ready.   Still grinning and highly amused by his fiancé's reaction, Wolfram turned towards Lady Alese.  Maybe he should inform Yuri that this means of marriage was considered taboo nowadays?  Naw.  Better to let Yuri sweat about that for a little while longer.  “So, Lady Alese.  How are we going to do this?”   +---+---+   CovenantCastle   Conrart knocked lightly on the door of His Majesty’s chamber.  “Your Majesty?  Yuri?’ he called.  “Are you awake?”  Grabbing the handle, he gave it a swift jerk and pushed the door open.  He stuck his head in and noticed that the heavy velvet drapes were still drawn around the bed.  Assuming his king was still resting, Conrart bowed out and shut the door behind him.  “Tell His Majesty that Lord Von Voltaire would like to speak with him when he awakens,” he ordered the Black Knight duo standing guard at Yuri’s door.   “Of course, My Lord,” they answered smoothly.   The two men glanced uneasily at each other as Conrart strode purposefully down the hall and then vanished from view.  They hoped His Majesty King Yuri and the Royal Consort Lord Wolfram returned soon.  Neither was sure how long this charade could continue.   +---+---+   Templeof the Water Dragons – Half an Hour Later   The royal couple was brought up to the third level by one of the temple maidens.  Even though the main level where they were before was several stories above the ground, it was still considered the first level.  Lady Alese had gone on ahead to start the dedication ritual.  Wolfram and Yuri were to arrive after she finished.   The Dedication Ritual was a ceremony the celebrant, or temple priest or priestess such as Lady Alese, performed in order to dedicate the altar to the Goddess and God.  It was one of the formal procedures that had to be done before any ceremony could be performed, not just a wedding.   Upon entering, the royal couple was astounded by the intense beauty and magnificence of the temple all over again.  Unlike the main level with its mosaic tiles and golden altar with its golden statues of the three water dragons, the third level was covered from floor to ceiling in large gold tile.  The seams where the tiles met were so seamless that the room appeared as if made from a single solid sheet.  An altar similar to the other one they had seen on the first floor was set in the back of the room and the pure silver of it contrasted sharply with the gold of the room.  Two golden statues, one clearly male and the other obviously female, stood kiddy corner to a golden altar table.   “Are those…?”   “The Goddess and God,” Wolfram whispered back.   Upon the altar was a multitude of objects.  Among those, a glass candleholder with a white candle, a brass candleholder with a red candle, a bowl of seashells in some sort liquid and a bowl of gemstones.  Yuri knew from Günter that the white candle represented air.  The red candle was a representation of fire.  The seashells water and gemstones earth.  There was also a plain looking chalice, a dagger that was just as plain, a small black cauldron, a broom that looked as if it were more for decoration than actual usage, an incense burner along with incense, a bell, sword similar in appearance to Wolfram’s, but more plain and ordinary looking, a wand of some sort and other items that he could not identify.   Scattered around the room were more flowers than he has ever seen in his entire life and he has been dragged into going to the Botanical Gardens with his mother every year for the greater part of his life.  Yuri only knew the room they were led to by the temple maiden was gold because he could catch glimpses of it here and there.  Situated amongst the flowers were more candles than he could count in candleholders of various sizes.  Some were mere centimeters off the ground and others were several feet above their heads.  Their flames danced off the gold and silver of the room creating a surreal, mystical feel.   They noticed that several candles around the room as well as on the altar remained unlit.   Yuri gave a sniff.  There was a strong but familiar scent in the air, but he could not quite put his finger on what it was.   The temple maiden stepped aside and bowed Yuri and Wolfram through.  The royal couple stepped forward and entered the circle of unlit candles.  That was when Yuri noticed the crystals for the first time.  They and the candles circled the room alternately.  Crossing the room, Yuri and Wolfram stopped before the altar and stood facing one another.  Their guards as well as several temple maidens who seemed to have come from out of nowhere fanned out behind them.   Once everyone arrived, Lady Alese started the purification ritual.  She lit the altar candles swiftly before circling the room in an anti-clockwise direction, lighting each quarter candle along the way.  Arriving back at the altar, Lady Alese picked up the broom Yuri noticed earlier and swept the circle with swift sure strokes as Yuri and Wolfram walked within the circle, going in the same direction Lady Alese did to light the candles, just as they had been instructed by Günter during the endless hours of instruction they had been forced to endure.   As Lady Alese continued to sweep, she said, “Sweep, sweep, sweep this place/By Power of Air, I cleanse this space.”   Instantly, everybody within the circle could feel the air moving even though there was no breeze.  Yuri cast Wolfram a glance.  Their eyes locked.  Blushing, they looked away.   Returning to the altar, Lady Alese picked up the red candle in the brass candleholder.  She walked inside the circle, again moving anti-clockwise while saying, “Light, light, I light this place/By Power of Fire, I cleanse this space.”  She concentrated on the Fire energy flowing around the circle before she returned to the altar and exchanged the red candle for the chalice.  Yuri noticed that it was filled with water when Lady Alese dipped the fingers of her right hand inside the chalice and sprinkled the water on either side of her as she walked within the circle traveling anti-clockwise.  She said, “Liquid, liquid, I wash this space/By Powers of Water, I cleanse this space.”   Yuri brushed away a droplet of water that landed on his cheek.  He gave a start when Wolfram grabbed his hand.   The blond demon prince, without taking his emerald eyes off Yuri, brought Yuri’s finger to his mouth and licked the droplet of water off with his tongue.   Yuri suddenly felt the room grow warm.   Lady Alese felt the water energy flowing around the circle instantly.  She breathed it in deeply with a smile.  Returning to the altar, she picked up a bowl that Yuri had previously missed in his earlier inspection.  He noticed it filled with dirt as Lady Alese drew closer.  Again walking in an anti-clockwise direction, she sprinkled the earth and said, “Dirt, dirt, as I walk this place/Powers of Earth, cleanses this space.”  With that, the earth element brought to her her gift.  It was nothing she could see or hear or smell.  It was not a tangible object to be grasped.  And yet she could feel it.  She sensed it flowing around her and within her.  It was like knowing you are pregnant without having any real proof.  You just knew.  It was a feeling of difference that you just cannot explain.    She returned the bowl of dirt to the altar and then strode into the center of the circle.  With her arms outstretched, palms facing the sky (or in this case the ceiling), she turned her face up to the heavens.   “Goddess position,” Wolfram muttered under his breath before Yuri could say anything.   Yuri glanced briefly at his fiancé and soon to be husband and then returned his gaze back to Lady Alese.   Lady Alese chanted while still in the Goddess position, “Spirit, spirit, fill this space/Powers of the Divine, consecrate this space!”  Immediately, she could feel a mysterious power enter the temple.  It filled the sacred space.  Then when there was nowhere else for it to go, it searched and that was when it found her.  She recognized the energy as the Goddess and God.  She welcomed it.  Accepted it eagerly.   Yuri cast a glance at Wolfram.  His pregnant fiancé was watching Lady Alese almost as if hypnotized.  He returned his gaze back to Lady Alese who had turned back to the altar.  He had no idea what was going on, but the pressure had suddenly changed.  It reminded him of when he flew out to Switzerland to see Bob, the Demon King of Earth.  All of a sudden, his ears were plugged, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not seem to pop them.   Laying her hands upon the golden altar, Lady Alese’s voice filled the room.  “This altar is dedicated to the Lord and Lady of Light.  May it serve us well.”  With that, the altar and circle were ready for the wedding ceremony.  “Let us begin,” she said turning back to face the congregation.   Yuri gulped.  His palms started to sweat.  Suddenly, he felt very nervous.   +---+---+   (Tomb of the Great One, Hall of Oracles)   “Well,” Ken said as he gazed up at the cascade of water flowing silently down the wall behind the four Forbidden Boxes, “it seems Shibuya has decided to elope.”   “Really?  Wow,” Lady Ulrike squealed from besides the Great Wise Man.  With hearts in her eyes, she clasped her hands together.  “How romantic!”   Ken gazed down at the 800-year-old woman in amusement.  With a light chuckle, he turned back towards the waterfall.  His dark eyes strayed up to the crest.  It really was surprising.  They may have gone to separate high schools, Yuri a public one and him a private school, but back in middle school they were in the same class and he never would have imagined their lives turning out like this.  Especially Yuri.  He never knew Yuri had it in him.  “I wonder how Lord Von Voltaire will take the news,” he pondered out-loud.   His inquiry was met with an uneasy silence.   Little did they know that they were not alone within the Hall of Oracles.  Blue eyes darkened as they peered into the chamber.   +---+---+   (Temple of the Water Dragons)   “Greetings friends and family and welcome to this day of celebration,” Lady Alese’s voice boomed clearly around the room.  Her butter yellow gaze swept over those gathered at the temple to bear witness to the special occasion.  “We are united to witness the marriage of His Majesty Yuri Shibuya,” she smiled at Yuri who attempted to smile back, “and His Highness Wolfram Von Bielefelt.”  She turned and smiled at Wolfram who beamed back.  “We’ve been invited to share in the commitment they make to each other today.  They ask your blessing on this joyful occasion.”   Yuri and Wolfram caught each other’s eye and blushed.  Like when Wolfram reamed him out about the hickey, Yuri felt a sense of barbaric pride.  It overrode his nervousness.  Call it pride, arrogance, smugness, self-satisfaction.  Call it whatever you like, but it swelled within Yuri.  Today, finally, Wolfram would be official his.  Little did he know that Wolfram was thinking along the same lines.   “If life has any meaning to us at all,” Lady Alese continued, breaking into Yuri’s thoughts, “it possesses it because of love.  Love enriches our demon experience.  It is the reason for the peace in the family and the peace of the peoples of New Mazuku, especially among those of the Great Demon Kingdom.  A meeting between two beings who are made for each other is a beautiful miracle.”   Yuri felt himself blushing.  Two people who are made for each other.  It certainly was a miracle that he was able to get over his prejudices and finally accept Wolfram.  If his cousin had not stopped by for a visit that day, who knows how things would have unfolded.  He thanked the Great One every single day for his good fortune.   “His Majesty and His Highness’ understanding of the true meaning of marriage has resulted from many influences; their families, their friends, and each of their own personal beliefs.”   Wolfram snorted.  Got that right, he thought to himself.  It was his “own personal beliefs” that kept Yuri in denial for all of those years and it was only with the influence of Yuri’s cousin that he was finally able to pull his head out of the sand.  Damn wimp.   “We are here not only to strengthen the binds of His Majesty and His Highness’ love for each other but also to bring family and friends together to celebrate these same said bonds that hold us all together.  What defines His Majesty and His Highness’ love today will change and grow to new depth in the future.”   Just knowing that Yuri returned his feelings was enough for Wolfram.   “It takes three seconds to say I love you, but it can take a lifetime to show it.”   Wolfram snorted.   Knowing exactly what his pregnant fiancé was thinking, Yuri threw him a glare.   Wolfram ignored him.   “This ceremony is the celebration of a single stage in a much larger process that is the love between two people.  The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union.  They will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth.  Do you seek to begin this ceremony?” Lady Alese asked, turning towards Yuri and Wolfram.   “Yes, we do,” Yuri and Wolfram answered in unison above their thumping hearts.  Neither could believe this was actually happening.  They were finally getting married.   “The demon soul shares characteristics with all things divine.  It is this belief, which assigns virtues to the cardinal directions; North, South, East and West.  Let us offer a traditional blessing in support of this hand-fasting ceremony.  Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East: communication of the heart, mind and body, fresh beginnings with the rising of each sun, and the knowledge of growth found in the sharing of silence,” Lady Alese said, striking the Goddess pose as she turned to face the east.  She repeated this as she turned to face the south.  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South: warmth of hearth and home, the heat of the heart’s passion and the light created by both to lighten the darkest of times.”  She turned towards the west.  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West: the deep commitments of the lake, the swift excitement of the river, the refreshing cleansing of the rain and the all-encompassing passion of the sea.”  Finally, she turned towards the north.  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North: firm foundation on which to build, fertility of the fields to enrich your lives, and a stable home to which you may always return.”  Finally, she turned to face Yuri and Wolfram.  “Now I ask the couple to looks into each others’ eyes.”   Yuri and Wolfram turned to face one other.  Their eyes locked.  Both blushed.  Butterflies danced in their stomachs as their hearts beat wildly and their breathing grew heavy.  Neither has ever been so nervous in their entire lives.  But in the end, it would be all worth it.   Lady Alese turned towards Yuri, “Will you cause him pain?”   “I may,” Yuri answered.   “Is that your intention?”   “No.”  He would never willingly hurt Wolfram.  He loved Wolfram.  With all his heart.   Next, Lady Alese turned towards Wolfram.  “Will you cause him pain?”   “I may,” Wolfram said.   “Is that your intention?”   “No.”   “Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?” Lady Alese asked both of them.   “Yes,” both Yuri and Wolfram answered in unison.   “And so the binding is made,” Lady Alese announced.  “Join your hands.”   Yuri and Wolfram clasped hands.  Right hand to right hand.  Left hand to left hand.  They created essentially the universal symbol for infinity with the joining of their hands.  The symbolism was not lost on either of them.  The black and emerald green silk chords braided together, with a golden charm tied amongst them, were draped across Yuri and Wolfram’s hands.  On the charm was the symbol for “infinity” in the old demon language.  It reminded Yuri of a rune stone he had seen in a New Age shop back in Japan once.   “Will you share his laughter?” Lady Alese asked Wolfram.   “Yes.”   Lady Alese turned towards Yuri.  “Will you share his laughter?”   “Yes.”   She then turned to address the both of them.  “Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?”   “Yes,” Yuri and Wolfram answered as one.   “And so the binding is made,” Lady Alese announced for the second time.   A second chord, similar to the first one, was draped across the couple’s hands.   Then Lady Alese turned towards Wolfram.  “Will you burden him?” she asked him.   “I may,” Wolfram answered.   “Is that your intention?”   “No.”   “Will you burden him?” Lady Alese asked Yuri.   “I may.”   “Is that your intention?”   “No.”   “Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?” she asked of both Yuri and Wolfram.   “Yes,” they both answered.   “And so the binding is made,” Lady Alese announced for the third time.   A black silk chord was draped across their hands.   Lady Alese turned once again to Wolfram.  “Will you share his dreams?”   That was a given.  “Yes,” Wolfram said.   “Will you share his dreams?” she asked Yuri.   “Yes.”   “Will you dream together to create new shared realities?” she asked the two of them.   Both thinking of the child growing within Wolfram, they answered, “Yes.”   “And so the binding is made.”   A forth-silk chord, this time emerald green, was draped across their hands.   This time, Lady Alese turned towards Yuri.  “Will you cause him anger?”   Yuri was sure he would.  He was a wimp after all.   Wolfram smirked.   “I may,” Yuri said, choosing to ignore the blond prince.   “Is that your intention?”   Never.  Aloud Yuri said, “No.”   “Will you cause him anger?” Lady Alese asked Wolfram.   Only because Yuri’s such a wimp, Wolfram thought with a smirk.   Yuri narrowed his eyes at the older demon.  His grip tightened.   Not intimidated, Wolfram squeezed right back.  “I may,” he said, but only because it was required.   “Is that your intention?”   “No.”   “Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union?” Lady Alese asked of the Royal couple.   With as much “heat of anger” as Wolfram had, the strength of their union would be indestructible.  Though, Yuri was one to talk.  He had quite the temper as well.  Probably even more destructive than that of Wolfram’s.  But that could only be a good thing.  Look at his cousin and his partner.   “We will,” both answered.   “And so the binding is made,” Lady Alese announced for the fifth time.   A black silk chord was draped around their clasped hands.   Then Lady Alese turned towards Wolfram and asked, “Will you honor him?”   Wolfram nodded.  “I will.”   “Will you honor him?” she asked Yuri.   Yuri turned from Lady Alese to Wolfram.  Their eyes locked.  “I will,” Yuri whispered.   Wolfram blushed in response.   Lady Alese smiled.  “Will you seek to never give cause to break that honor?” she asked them both.   “We shall never do so,” they once again answered in union.   “And so the binding is made.”   A sixth-silk chord, this one emerald green, was draped across their hands.   “The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows.  Either of you may drop the chords, for always you will hold in your hands the making or breaking of this union.”  Lady Alese stepped forward and gathered the ends of the six silk chords and tied the ends together.   Both Yuri and Wolfram felt a lump in their throats.  Their eyes burned with unshed tears.  Each could feel the other shaking.   Once the multitude of chords was tied together, Lady Alese slipped them off the Royal couples hands.  Turning her back on the congregation, she held the circlet of silk fabric up over her head.  “Spirit of Love, may His Majesty and His Highness know great love together, and may they live in the desire to always support each other in positive and uplifting ways.  May they strengthen one another in sorrow, share with one another in gladness, and be companions to each other in times of silence.  May their home be a haven, and whenever they are plagued by changing fortune, may they be united not in word and outward form alone, but by the presence of the hearts of each, of the deepening love they share.”  Turning back around, she gazed from Yuri to Wolfram with a smile and said, “You are now married.  Celebrate with a kiss.”   As the gathered temple maidens, Lady Alese, Wolfram’s soldiers as well as Yuri’s Black Knights hooted and hollered, whistled and applauded, shed tears and grinned at this momentous occasion, Yuri cupped Wolfram’s face gently in his hands and lowered his face towards his husband’s.  He found himself blushing at that.  Husband.  Not fiancé.  But husband.  Wow.  He pressed their lips together in a brief, chaste kiss that held the promise of what the future would bring (3).  When he pulled back, both realized the other was crying.  Yuri wrapped his arms around his husband and mother of his child and hugged him tightly.  “I love you, Wolfram,” Yuri whispered into the soft blond hair.   “I love you, too, Yuri,” Wolfram whispered back.   “Congratulations, Your Majesty.  Your Highness.”   “Thank you, Lady Alese,” Yuri said, turning towards Lady Alese.   Lady Alese curtsied.  “It was my pleasure, Your Majesty.”   Suddenly there came a soft surprised sound from besides them.   Yuri glanced over his shoulder and saw Wolfram clutching his belly.  “Wolfram?  Are you okay?” he asked the Royal Prince.   Wolfram clutched his belly.  He shook his head.  “I, I think that…I think…”   Growing worried, Yuri approached Wolfram.  “Wolf, what’s wrong?” he demanded.   Wolfram stared up into Yuri’s obsidian eyes full of concern.  “I think…it’s time.”   “Oh, my,” Lady Alese exclaimed.  Her hands flew to her mouth.  Her eyes went wide.   His mind went blank.  Yuri just blinked stupidly.  “…What?  Time for what?”   Wolfram’s emerald eyes grew hard.  “The baby’s coming you moron!” he snapped.   There was a growing murmur around them.   “…The…baby?”   “Yeah, you know.  The one you impregnated me with?  The whole reason why we needed to get married so quickly?”   Eyes the color of the midnight sky went wide as realization dawned.   ---TBC---   (1)    This is all real info I got off the web at various sites that I just edited so that it could fit the storyline/world of KKM. (2)    True of 16th century Switzerland. (3)    There are many different versions of this ceremony.  Even one for same sex couples.  The one I used was for an m/f couple and one of the longer ones.  I changed some of the wording around so that it fit this world and the fact that it was an m/m couple.   A/N:  Holy sugar cookies!  They did it.  They finally got married.  And not only that, but the baby is coming!  The baby is coming!  Unfortunately, this means that the story is almost over.  Damn.  So, what did you think?  Who was eavesdropping on Murata and Lady Ulrike?  And will the news get back to Gwendal that the king went and eloped?  How will the news be taken?  Find out all that and more in the next (and final) chapter of “Wolfram’s Bruise”.   Oh!  I read somewhere that the KKM books that the anime was based on was going to be released in English.  Wouldn’t that be cool?