Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ Wolfram's Twelfth Bruise ❯ Wolfram's Twelfth Bruise ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Wolfram’s Bruise Written by:chochowilliams Disclaimer:I do not own Kyo Kara Maoh!or the characters from it.  I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Summary:An errand leads to much more. Chapter summary:  Wolfram goes into labor and the Royal couple gets the surprise of a lifetime. Warning:drama, romance, fantasy, language, M/M hentai, MPREG, Yuri/Wolfram Inserts:  A/N:  Thank you to Vicky Valross, lilgurlanima, Tenshi Gosuperu, Demi Daemon, dawn, XOiHeartMiloOX, -pixidust princess-, SouriMaxwellYuy068, Anyjen, XZanayu, kuroneko1571, Vaporwatergirl, CreotiaFlayier, Kessaris, anon azure, pandawolf, Becca Patty, -strange-and-weird-, Eremi22, eirina for your reviews.  Thank you to those who put me on alert and those who favored me.  The baby is coming!   +---+---+---+
(Last Time)   “Congratulations, Your Majesty.  Your Highness.”   “Thank you, Lady Alese,” Yuri said, turning towards Lady Alese.   Lady Alese curtsied.  “It was my pleasure, Your Majesty.”   Suddenly there came a soft surprised sound from besides them.   Yuri glanced over his shoulder and saw Wolfram clutching his belly.  “Wolfram?  Are you okay?” he asked the Royal Prince.   Wolfram clutched his belly.  He shook his head.  “I, I think that…I think…”   Growing worried, Yuri approached Wolfram.  “Wolf, what’s wrong?” he demanded.   Wolfram stared up into Yuri’s obsidian eyes full of concern.  “I think…it’s time.”   “Oh, my,” Lady Alese exclaimed.  Her hands flew to her mouth.  Her eyes went wide.   His mind went blank.  Yuri just blinked stupidly.  “…What?  Time for what?”   Wolfram’s emerald eyes grew hard.  “The baby’s coming you moron!” he snapped.   There was a growing murmur around them.   “…The…baby?”   “Yeah, you know.  The one you impregnated me with?  The whole reason why we needed to get married so quickly?”   Eyes the color of the midnight sky went wide as realization dawned. +---+---+   Chapter 12: Wolfram’s Twelfth Bruise   Present – Temple of the Water Dragon   He could not remember another time in his entire life when he was more nervous than he was right now.  The only instance that came to mind that even comes close to how he was feeling was when Nicola went into labor with El right after Lord Griesela Gegenhuber was welcomed back to the castle after being exiled for more than twenty years.  In truth, that was nothing compared to what he was currently feeling as he paced restlessly in front of the steep three story high set of solid gold steps that led up to the main level of the temple.    The temple might remind him of the Rokuon-ji back in Kyoto, but the steep set of stairs that led to the main level three stories up from ground level was more like those of the Mayan temples he had seen on television.  Apparently the Mayans, or maybe people in general back then, were a little on the shorter side, so the already steep steps would have been even more so, which would have caused them to basically “crawl” up, almost subservient-like, the stairs to the top where the priests were waiting to sacrifice them to their gods.   Yuri wondered if had been done on purpose.   His men, the Black Knights, were scattered around him.  Their watchful eyes ever alert to the possible dangers around them.  Wolfram’s men in their staunch royal blue uniforms were evenly spaced up the staircase.  Every now and then one of them would look anxiously back up at the temple where their Lieutenant was secluded with Lady Alese and the other temple maidens.  Lady Alese had forbidden any of them from entering the temple.  Wolfram’s men had not been too happy about that.  It was their job to protect Wolfram at all times after all.  But Lady Alese was one of the most stubborn people Yuri had ever met and she stood her ground.   With his hands clasped behind his back, Yuri halted his restless pacing long enough to look up at the golden structure gleaming ever majestically in the bright early evening sunlight and bit his lip.  He was not sure how much time has lapsed since Wolfram went into labor.  It was a good thing they eloped when they did.  Gwendal’s biggest fear was that his nephew (he, like the others in the kingdom, believe Wolfram is carrying a boy) would be born out of wedlock.   Apparently, there was a strict taboo amongst the royals and those of the nobility to have children outside of marriage.  Pregnancy seemed to be no big deal.  But a couple had to marry before the due date.  Otherwise the bastard child would be stigmatized its entire life.  Yuri did not feel that was very fair.  It was not the child’s fault that its parents had not practiced safe sex before marriage or had not been able to obtain a marriage license before the mother went into labor.  The fact that a demon’s gestation cycle was only three months and not ten like it was back on Earth apparently was not an excuse.  Royal Heir or not, any children Wolfram and he would have had before they were properly married, would have been looked down upon for the rest of their lives.  It would not matter if Wolfram and he married after their child’s birth or not.  A bastard is a bastard is a bastard.  No wonder Gwendal and the others had been so adamant about this wedding.  But it still did not make Yuri any more understanding about being pressured into marriage (it had not been the wedding part so much as the pressured part that had irritated Yuri).   It really had been a race against time.  Even a rushed wedding takes time to plan.  Especially when everybody in the free world wants to attend the highly anticipated wedding of the Demon King and the Royal Consort.   He could just picture Gwendal now when Wolfram and he strolled back into the castle.  Yuri gulped and shook that image aside quickly.  Now was not the time to be worrying about his brother-in-law.   Yuri stilled.  Wow.  Who would have ever thought?   “Do not worry, Your Majesty,” Hussein said as he strolled up behind Yuri.  “Lady Alese is a highly respected mid-wife.”   Distractedly, Yuri could only nod.   “His Highness will be alright.”   Yuri sure hoped the captain of his guard was right.   +---+---+   CovenantCastle   “Conrart.”   ; His big brother’s voice bellowed down the empty corridor towards him.  Conrart dismissed his men with a curt nod and turned to watch as Gwendal strode towards him.  The older demon had a black aura surrounding him.  Conrart frowned, suspicious.  “Gwendal,” he greeted cautiously.  “Is something wrong?”   “Tell me His Majesty is in his chambers,” the Chief of State commanded.   “…His Majesty?”  Conrart blinked.  “Why, yes, yes he is.”   Gwendal’s hardened blue eyes narrowed.  “Are you sure?”   “Yes....Gwendal, what’s-?”   “Are you absolutely positive?  Did you see him with your own two eyes?”   Conrart’s eyes narrowed.  “…Gwendal, what is this all about?”   “I just learned something…interesting… about our young king.”   Conrart did not even realize that his body had automatically gone tense at the mere thought that His Majesty may be in danger until he started to relax.  He dropped his hand from his sword.  “What sort of news?”  Knowing Gwendal, it would be something he had blown out of proportion.  Surmising the intense black aura that Gwendal was exuding, Conrart was sure this news had something to do with their baby brother.  He really had to find time to speak with Anissina.  She and Gwendal have been friends their whole lives.  Gwendal might not like to admit it (for good reason), but not only were the two of them best friends, but Anissina knew Gwendal better than anyone.  So, if anyone could find his big brother a girlfriend, Anissina could.  Though Conrart had a sneaking suspicion that any woman Anissina chose would be just like her.  Now there was a scary thought.  But at least then, he would ease off their little brother.  Maybe.  Hopefully.   “It seems your godson has not only sullied Wolfram’s good name…”   Conrart rolled his eyes and heaved a tired sigh.   “…he has gone and kidnapped him.”   Conrart’s eyebrow rose at that.  He wondered what brought this on?  “‘Kidnapped’?  Come now, Gwendal.  His Majesty and Wolfram are resting in their chamber.  I just left there not too long ago.”   “Are you so sure about that?” Gwendal all but growled.   Conrart’s brow furrowed.  He gazed after Gwendal as the Chief of State stalked down the hall most likely towards their king’s bedchamber.   Little did they know that the walls of Covenant Castle had ears.   +---+---+   Templeof the Water Dragons   Yanking his black hair tie out of his hair, Yuri’s raven black locks tumbled down around his shoulders.  He racked his fingers through his hair.  Interlocking his fingers behind his head within the silky black strands, he tipped his head back and stared up at the evening sky.  The sky was blood red as the sun slowly fell behind the horizon.  His head then fell heavily to the side.  His worried obsidian snake slit eyes took in the temple.  With a heavy sigh, he combed his hair with his fingers into a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck.  Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his slacks, he stared down at his black boots as they trampled over the already worn path in his continued restless pacing.  Every so often, he would glance back up the gleaming staircase, biting his lip.  What was taking so long?  It had not taken this long for little Elunsto (aka “El”) to be born.  Had something happened?  Had there been some sort of complication?  Oh, by the Almighty, he hoped not!  Maybe he should go check.   +---+---+   CovenantCastle   Whispers began spreading like wildfire across the castle grounds.  From loose lips to eager ear.  Nothing stayed secret for very long within Covenant Castle.   +---+---+   Templeof the Water Dragons   The horde of guards gave a start when their king flew passed them in a blur of color.  One by one, they raced after him.  If anything happened to the king on their watch, it would be their asses on the line.   The main entrance into the temple was at the head of a steep mountain of narrow steps just wide enough to accommodate a two year old’s foot comfortably.  A double set of heavy, ornately carved, solid silver doors led into the open mosaic-tiled nave.  Hussein Mueller, captain of the Black Knights that were assigned to protect His Majesty, the 27th Demon King, King Yuri, was amazed at how quickly his king climbed to the top of those three-story high set of stairs.  He wasn’t even breathing heavily.  Hussein was guessing it had little to do with rising at the crack of dawn each morning to run with Lord Weller and more to do with his king’s growing concern with Lord Wolfram.  If their positions were reversed, Hussein couldn’t imagine feeling any differently.   Yuri raced across the open walkway with his hands stretched out before him towards the closed doors but before he could take more than two running steps, the wide set of doors that were more than a foot thick, swung open soundlessly.  Slowing to a stop, Yuri waited with bated breath as out of the darkness appeared Lady Alese gleaming majestically against the backdrop of the black nothingness behind her.   “Lady Alese.”  Yuri’s voice came out as a choked whispered.   There was a smattering of murmurings from behind Yuri, which was quickly silenced by a sharp command from Hussein.   Smiling, lady Alese stepped forward.   It was only then that Yuri noticed the small bundle swaddled in black Lady Alese cradled gently but securely in her arms.  Tears prickled Yuri’s eyes.  As he took a step forward, he was vaguely aware of Hussein glued to his side right along with Adele on his opposite flank.   Adele had not been too happy with him, to say the least, for disappearing like he had earlier.  After apologizing profusely, Yuri promised Adele and the other Black Knights a considerable raise when they all returned to Covenant Castle.  The soldiers deserved it after being forced into putting up with him.   “Your Majesty,” Lady Alese greeted in turn.   Yuri gulped.  “Is that…?”   Lady Alese’s smile broadened.  “Your Majesty.  I would like to present to you Seraphina Liese Shibuya (1).”   Yuri’s heart gave a jolt.   “Your daughter.”   Cheers erupted around Yuri, but he did not react to the enthusiastic ovation.  He couldn’t.  He had gone absolutely still at the announcement.  Daughter.  His daughter.  His and Wolfram’s daughter.  Their child.  A life the two of them had created together.  Shaking, Yuri stepped forward to receive the wondrous gift.   “Congratulations, Your Majesty,” Lady Alese said as she very carefully handed the king his beautiful baby girl.   The only thing Yuri could think as he stared down in disbelief, awe and wonder at the miniature person who seemed not much bigger than and just as fragile as one of his mother’s porcelain dolls, was that Wolfram had been right.  That would have come as no surprise to Wolfram though.  Yuri could just picture that smug smile on his husband’s face.   Lady Alese patiently instructed Yuri in the proper way to hold a newborn.  Yuri followed her every instruction to the letter, but would not be able to repeat a word of what she said to him if his life depended on it.  He could not take his eyes off the baby cradled ever so gently in his arms.  The raven black wisp of hair sticking out from under the black cap.  The tiny, red pinched face.  The peek of cloudy green orbs staring up at him from slit eyes.  He had no doubt that in time, little Seraphina’s eyes would clear and look exactly like her mother’s and her grandmother’s.  The more Yuri gazed down at this tiny little miracle, the more of Wolfram he was starting to see.  It was in the roundness of her face.  The cute little nose.  The almost irritated line of her mouth as she sucked vigorously on a binki.  The stubborn set of her chin.  This was definitely Wolfram’s daughter all right.   There was a strong urge to squeal like a school girl.  Daughter!  The word struck Yuri as strange.  He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it.  It felt so surreal.  He was expecting to wake up any second now back at Covenant Castle in bed next to Wolfram.  This whole episode seemed more like a dream than reality.  He could not believe that this delicate little demon baby was his daughter.  Was this really happening?  Yes, he has been a father to Greta for several years now, but somehow this seemed different.  But why?  Why would it be different?  Was he scared?  Yes.  Yes, he was.  He would freely admit it.  Taking care of a ten year old was one thing, but a newborn was something all together different.  What if he screwed up?  What if he was not ready to be a father?  What if he was not a good enough father?  What if-?   No!   Yuri shook those thoughts aside.  There was no use in worrying over such trivial things.  Even monkey’s fall from trees, right (2)?   With a trembling hand, Yuri softly stroked a knuckle up and down Seraphina’s cheek.  The newborn was warm to the touch.  He grinned.  “Hey there little Sera,” he cooed with that same idiotic tone he scolded his mother from using.  “I’m your daddy!”   Seraphina just continued to gaze up at him.  There was a look on her face that said, “You are an idiot.”   Yuri chuckled through tear blurred eyes.   “She looks like you, Your Majesty,” Hussein commented from over Yuri’s right shoulder.   “Really?”  Yuri gazed quickly at the captain and then back down at his daughter.  He cocked his head and studied Seraphina anew.  He did not see it.   “I think she resembled His Highness,” Adele added.   “Wolfram?”  That Yuri could see.  It was eerie in a way.  Like a female version of his husband.  But wait.  Didn’t that mean Seraphina looked like her grandmother?  An image of Lady Celi flashed through his mind.  Her long yellow blond hair cascading down her back in ringlets, red-red lipstick, low-cut clingy dresses that did little to tone down how busty and well-endowed the overtly affectionate ex-Demon Queen was.  Yuri shuddered.  Great One forbid if Seraphina grew up to be like Lady Celi.  That was all they needed.   Suddenly from out of the darkness behind Lady Alese came the sounds of rustling cloth and the rapid slap of bare feet.   Yuri glanced up curiously and watched as out of the temple one of the temple maidens appeared looking flustered.   “Lady Alese!  Lady Alese!  You have to come quickly!”   The grin melted from Yuri’s face.  Worry took its place.  Frowning, Yuri glanced from the young temple maiden to Lady Alese.  “What’s going on?” he demanded.  He had a really bad feeling.   “It’s His Highness!”   Yuri felt the world tilt around him.  His heart thudded.  Lightheaded and dizzy, obsidian orbs went wide.  “Wolfram?  Wolfram’s…?”  Yuri felt nauseous.  “Is he alright?  What happened?”   “Lady Alese!  Please!  Lady Alese!  You must hurry!”   With a serious mask slipping over her face, Lady Alese gave the maiden a sharp nod.  “Alright.  I’ll be right there.”  She then turned towards Yuri.   “Lady Alese-”   “Your Majesty, I would like for you to remain here,” she instructed.   “But-!”   “Please, Your Majesty.”  Her large golden eyes strayed down to the princess who was studying Hussein with guarded eyes.  Such alertness for one who has not been upon the earth for more than ten minutes.  It was unnatural.  Even for a child of the Demon Tribe.   Hussein stepped forward and clamped a hand on Yuri’s shoulder.  “Your Majesty,” he began, “let Lady Alese do her job.”   “I will not let anything happen to His Highness.”   Yuri bit his lip and swallowed any number of things that were cued up to burst forth.  If something was wrong with Wolfram then he wanted to be their by his side, but he understood that he would most likely just be in the way and do more harm than good.  So, against his better judgment, Yuri gave Lady Alese a sharp nod.   Lady Alese inclined her head and lifting the hem of her gleaming white robe, turned on her heel and vanished within the temple, the thick blackness swallowing her and the maiden whole.  The heavy silver doors swung shut on their own accord behind them, echoing thunderously across the meadow.   Yuri swallowed around a suspicious lump that had become lodged in his throat.  “Please, Great One,” he prayed silently, “let him be alright.”  Aloud he said, “Wolfram.”  His voice barely above a whisper, it trembled as violently as his hands had earlier as they reached for their daughter.  He hugged Seraphina against him as a single tear rolled down his cheek.   ---TBC---   (1)  Seraphina – Hebrew: afire, angel, seraph / Liese – German: form of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated to God (2) Japanese proverb.  “Saru mo ki kara ochiru”.  Means “Everybody makes mistakes/Nobody’s perfect.”   A/N:  This was supposed to be the final chapter, but because my laptop broke, getting the final chapter out would have taken twice as long and would not have been out for another month at least, so I decided this was better than nothing.  I will try to hurry up with the second part.  Promise.   In other news, I have an idea for another story, but am not sure when I’ll get it out.  It’ll be about how a plan does not go as planned.  For you guys know that the Great One is always interfering and doing things to test Yuri.  And then there are the others who feel the need to keep things from Yuri “for his own good”.  Well, whatever.  I am so sick of that shit and Yuri just sitting back and allowing it to happen.  Damn wimp.  So, I decided that I would write a story where all of their “for his own good” crap would come back to haunt them.  It’s going to be a very angst-y story and will not end happily ever after.  Anyway, I hope you guys liked this one!