Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Chance... ❯ Time Will Tell... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay... For those who forget: They are about to explain something to Emma and Leon when Leon has a very strange break down where he loses a lot of blood and eventually blacks out in Emma's arms. Who knows if he'll survive...? (Anime Freak 14... You better not give away any hints!!!^^;) Well, read on!
Chapter 3~ Time Will Tell...
................................................. “Is he going to be okay?”
“Only time will tell... The Sheikah have done everything within their power to help him recover...”
Whose voices are those...? They sound familiar and yet unknown... Where am I? Why does a single name keep passing through my thoughts? Emma........
“What happened to him? He was fine, until...”
“We are not sure. We had never seen anything quite like this before. With luck, and lots of rest, he'll make a full recovery. All we can do now is wait...”
What are they talking about? Is it about me? Why can't I feel anything? Who is Emma and why is she on my mind...? Why can't I remember anything? My mind is in blank, except for....
Sitting on a high balcony, as the sun sets behind the horizon. In his hands, a letter. It opens to reveal a message:
Dear Leon,
I'm going to miss you so much, but I don't regret departing. After you decided that we needed to let go, I lost my concentration and nothing seemed to matter to me anymore. I felt horrible because I had lost my chance to tell you what was on my mind. I had chosen to stay here with you and no matter what would happen. I would cherish the extra time I'd be able to have with you. Unfortunately, the day I was going to tell you, you confessed that you were going to let go..... I was devastated. The only way I can even hope to get my priorities straight is by isolating myself from those who knew me and beginning anew. I'll never forget your never-ending kindness and the Love we had for each other. I will cherish the memories forever...
All my Love,
Yours truly,
Emo Princess
P.S~mylove for you shall always remain at the bottom of my beated up and broken heart...
A tear falls upon the love letter as night falls upon the land...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~
“Leon...” whispered Emma softly as she lay down beside Leon with her head resting upon his uncovered chest. She cried softly, oblivious to the fact that tears were traveling Leon's flushed face. “Leon... What is happening to you?” she said softly as she slowly shut her sore and tired eyes and fell asleep.
X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x
“Sir, what if the boy doesn't survive? Then what” asked a soldier kneeling on the cold floor of the throne room.
“He will live” came the king's reply through the darkness.
“But he lost sooo much blood...”
“He will survive...” he said firmly.
“But how can yo-“
“I said that he's going to be fine! (He has to be...) Isn't my word enough for you?”
“Y-yes sir... Shall I summon them?” stammered the soldier as he backed away a few steps into the moonlight.
“No... You heard the Sheikah. Leon needs ret...”
“Have you even considered what can happen if she betrays you?
“Impa is my most trusted Sheikah and we are as family. She would never do such a thing...”
“Your majesty... I was referring to the boy's companion. Is she really to be trusted...? What if she bears malicious intentions?”
“How could you even think of such a thing? We need them both. Besides, this world is new to her and she cares too much for him to harm him. Didn't you see how she reacted when he became ill? She looked as ill as he was... As for you, general; if I ever see or hear a hint of doubt in your voice ever again, you may prepare yourself to stand trial for treason...”
“Forgive me sire, it shall not happen again. This I swear...”
X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x
“E-Emma? ............................................... Love?” mumbled Leon as he slowly awoke.
“Leon?” Emma sat up to find Leon opening his eyes. “Leon! You're okay!!!!” she shouted happily.
“W-who are you?” whispered Leon in confusion.
“Leon, Leon, Leon... Even when you're like this, you keep your humor... Unfortunately, it's not funny. Especially since I've been so worried, you lost so much blood.” She replied sadly in a low whisper.
“B-blood??? What blood? I don't know what you're talking about?” panicked Leon.
“Leon, really just stop, it's not funny. I was so worried, and now you're acting like if yo-...” Emma then stared at Leon with horror as it dawned on her. “You really don't remember, do you?”
Leon shook his head solemnly without taking his eyes off Emma, but continued to stare at her with confusion. “W-who are you?”
“I'm Emma. We've known each other for about six and a half years, we're very close friends. You really don't remember me do you?”
At this, Leon scratched his head and stared at the wall behind Emma. “Did you ever write a letter to me?” he said as he lifted his eyes to rest them on Emma's blue-green eyes.
“Letter? Hmmm..... Oh! You mean..... The one where I... Um... Said goodbye?”
Leon nods. “I remember reading a letter with your name at the end and crying...”
“You remember it! Then that means that you still have the memories, deep down!”
Leon stared and smiled softly at Emma as she continued to babble on about memories and other nonsense. It seemed as if she saw him as more than friends. She looked so happy to know that he would be able to remember, but to remember what? If the letter was real, and if it had been his tears falling on it, then she had moved on a long time ago. Still, she looked too happy for her to have to have moved on... Hmmmm... Only time would tell... One thing he did remember was how much he wanted to be near her, to protect her.... Could it be that he loved her?
“WAIT! Y-you cried?” Leon snapped back to reality and stared at Emma who looked surprised.
“Well......” (Door creaks open)
“Hello.... It seems that the patient has made a quick recovery. How are you feeling, Leon?”
“He lost his memory. Luckily he still remembers small details. Do you think he'll be okay, Impa?” interrupted Emma.
Impa entered the room. Emma quickly noticed that Impa was still wearing the same purple robe that she had when she carried Leon to this room. It had a huge blood stain around the center. Impa stood beside the small window beside Leon, and stared at him.
“If what you say is true, then he will eventually recover all the memories he has lost. In the meantime, he needs to rest and I suggest he stay here under my vigilance. You shall each be given rooms and food will be provided for your stay. I will see to it that you feel welcome and right at home.”
Emma stared at Impa, then went up to the Sheikah and hugged her tightly. “Thank you, for everything...”
Emma and Leon had been given separate rooms in the castle, as promised. Leon was taken to a room on the first level near Impa's while Emma was given a room in one of the towers.
At first she had thought to object because of her fear of heights, but once she saw the view from the window, she didn't want to leave. She changed into a nightgown that had been provided by the Sheikah and sat on the windowsill staring out at the stars.
*sniff* So many thoughts brought poor Emma to the verge of tears. The only things that came to her mind at first brought her sadness, but one thought kept her from weeping. For once in her life, she felt at home. Not because she was in another world, but because she was with the one she loved... Emma held her breath as she realized what she had just admitted to. Love? Had she really just admitted to loving Leon? It had been many agonizing years through which her mind had become a battlefield for her heart and mind; and yet, the day she finally realizes her true feelings... This happens, Leon forgets everything... *sigh*
Emma almost fell at the sound of her name. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but then she looked down to see the source. There he was, hanging precariously from the edge of the windowsill.
“L-Leon?!? What in the world are you doing? You could die if you fall!”
“Then I suggest you help me up.... Unless, you want me to fall to my demise...”
“Maybe I should.... It would serve you right, for not using the stairs like normal people... *sigh* Sometimes I forget how abnormal you can be...” she replied sarcastically as she grabbed his hands and began trying to pull him up. “GOD, you're really heavy... What have you been eating?” Just then Leon pushed as hard as he could against the wall with his bare feet and ended up falling on Emma. “L-Leon” stammered Emma.
“What?!?... OH!!!!!!” Leon began to blush when he noticed he was on top of Emma. Not only that, but his face was inches from hers and he was only wearing boxers. “Oops... Um... Sorry... I... Um.... heheh (forced laugh)....” He stood up and helped Emma up. Emma walked to the window and stared at the sky. “WHOA!”
“Hmm....?” Emma looked to see Leon gaping at her. “Oh! You mean this?” she said pointing at her night gown. “Impa gave it to me. Like it?”
“Y-yeah. Y-you look...beautiful! Maybe even, hot....” Emma glared at him. “Oops... I didn't mean to insult you... It's just that I don't remember ever thinking of you or seeing you like this... Especially since my memory's gone...”
“Alright... I'll let it slide, just this once.” She turned around to look at the sky, again. Leon walked up to her and leaned on the wall to stare at the stars. Out of no where, a shooting star traveled across the sky. Emma leaned her head on Leon's shoulder and they both closed their eyes and made a wish. “Leon?” Leon opened his eyes to find Emma staring into his. Emma leaned closer and brushed her lips upon his. She then pulled back, kissed him on the cheek and walked away. “You should go to your room before Impa goes to check on you...” came her voice from the darkness.
“Yeah...” Leon slowly climbed out the window and down the wall.
Emma watched as he walked in the shadows near the walls and went in through a window... Did I do the right thing or did I just make him push me away...? Only time will tell...
Well... What ya think? I hope that I get more than five reviews or I think I might cut the story short... Why write when no one gives proof that their actually reading and they like it? *sigh* whowould've thought...? Oh well... R&R! (Read & Review)
Oh and for those who are just waiting for a lemon scene... well itshouldbe coming up in either chap 4 or 5... But don't skip through the chapters just for that... PLEASE!!!!! It ruins the plot of the story.... Anyway,until next time...Mystic Princess1 OUT!