Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ We Love You Link! ❯ LinkxAgitha ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
We Love You Link!

Disclaimer: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is not mine and never will be, and I do not make any money from this.

A/n: Here’s the first chapter of a three part story, which in the end will be a LinkxAgithaxZeldax(Human)Midna. These are my favourite pairings to go with Link, and I can’t stand to see any of them to be left out. I hope you enjoy this.

Warning: Although not extreme, this story does contain three lemons, two of which involve numerous participants. If you are not old enough to be reading this story or if you have a general problem with reading anything that contains sexual content, please turn back now and do not read the story. You are not being forced to read this and you certainly can’t say that I didn’t warn you.

Link is 17 and Agitha is 16. Set mid-game.


Link stood before the younger girl, who clapped and squealed with joy that all of her ‘guests’ had been collected to attend the ‘ball’ she was throwing in her ‘castle’. As much of a fruitcake this girl was, he had grown much attached to her as she had to him.

“Ah, this is wonderful! We’re all going to have such a splendid time together!”

The self proclaimed princess beamed with such happiness and energy, it was hard for Link not to let out a short laugh. She was so damn cute when she got excited.

“Can you hear all their chirps?”

She asked, leaned to her left and palmed her elf ear. “They’re all so happy to be here with us!”

“Yes,” Link smiled and rubbed his chin.

Agitha reached her hands out for his and took them both.

“Come! You must stay for some tea and cake!”

She pulled him along, not that he resisted much. She led him to a fancy designed chair, part of an expertly crafted set which matched most of the furniture in her house, and they both sat opposite each other at the small round table. Fine China teacups and a pot were already set out, and a small pile of cupcakes and cream buns were on the tray also.

“Do you like cream in your tea? Milk? Any sugar or honey?”

She fired off more and more questions before he could answer, and had already started to pour the tea.

“Milk and two sugars, thanks,” The instant he asked she had started to add to his hot beverage. My, was she energetic.

“Anything else? Cream buns?”

She had the plate offered towards him, but he put his hand up in decline.

“Not for the moment. Maybe in a minute or two.”

“Okay,” She smiled and nodded. She put the plate down, and stirred her own tea with a small spoon.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they waited for their drinks to cool to a drinkable temperature. To break it, Agitha threw him her usual sunshine smile.

“While you were out searching for all my friends, I had some time to think about a good reward to give you.”


Link asked with what he tried to make out as little interest. He didn’t want her to think he was only helping her out purely for a monetary reward, so keeping it casual was the way to go.

“Yes. I’ve come to my decision, and what I’ve decided to do is,” Despite the possibility of her next few words throwing an awkward shadow over the two, she spoke with great confidence and calm. “Give you my body.”

Link just so happened to be sipping his tea at that time. Eyes bulged, he turned to his left and coughed up his tea.

“W-what did you just say?”

“I’m going to give you my body as a reward,” She held her teacup with both hands and took a few steady sips, still with the pure iron will in her voice. “For you to do whatever you please with.”

He had to repeat that in his head a few times, and took steady breaths to let it all sink in.

“So, you want to... give me your body? Just like that?”

She was unsure how he was taking this by the tone in his voice.

“Do you not want me as a reward? Would you prefer something else?”

“No, no, no,” He waved his hands, for he despite his shock wanted to take up the offer and for her to not back out. “I do want you as a reward. I’m happy to accept you.”

Her spirits lifted again, and her smile remained.

“I’d just like to know... why?”

She lowered her eyes and set her cup down. He fell silent and waited for a response.

“Because I’m in need of some company of my own,” She finally admitted, her tone factual and with charm. “All of my friends all have partners, both my subjects and human friends, and yet I remain without one. People always say I’m cute, but no one wants to be my boyfriend.”

Her eyes lifted and gazed into his. She could see that her admittance had hit him like a smack around the chops, mainly on the note that no one wanted to be her boyfriend. How, in the name of all the holy creators of the world, could anyone say they don’t want to be the boyfriend of this gorgeous young lady?

She continued.

“And then you came along. You treated me so kindly, and displayed such valiance and loyalty to my cause. It was so much more than what anyone else had ever done. And I knew, like you have done, you would continue to show your loyalty and accept me as your partner.”

Link’s lips curved into a smile that complemented his handsome features.

“Being your partner is simple and easy enough and I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to accept. But where does ‘giving your body to me’ come from all of a sudden? Would you not rather wait a while before we reach that particular stage?”

“No, I would rather not wait,” She raised her fingers up to her luscious pink lips to amplify the sexy aura she emitted, and as she stood up to round the table her eyes had narrowed to the gaze of a hungry predator with its prey set in its sights. “One of my friends had lent me a naughty book, and I would very much like to experience the very things it had shown me two people partnered together can do. As soon as possible.”

Link swivelled on his chair, yet remained in his seated position. He held his arms out to her, like someone expecting to catch an angel falling from the sky.

She smiled with more cheek to it, pinched the sides of her dress and hiked it up a few notches as she sat and straddled his legs. His arms slowly came around her waist as hers came around his neck in a similar fashion, and with her enchanting crystal blue eyes disappearing behind fluttered eyelids she initiated her very first kiss.

Lips lightly brushed and pressed for delicate seconds together. After one was another, he remained still as she tilted her head the other way and they then done another. It was four times before it became a long passionate seal, and some gentle caresses at the nape of her neck.

She moaned, and even he could feel her cheeks warm up when they deepened to vermillion. Her hips rolled forward to move further up, and with help from his hand cupped at her buttocks she began to grind against him. Shivers shot up her spine from her tailbone the moment she felt the bulk of his manhood grow through the material of his tunic.

Agitha was already getting wet, that much he could feel seeping through the material of his clothes. How tight her underwear must be, he couldn’t wait to find out, as the crack of her entrance seemed to almost perfectly mould around and rub along his hardened crotch through so many layers.

He nibbled on her swollen lower lip, to give her the hint to open up her mouth. She did manage to get the message, and before long his tongue had taken residence inside her mouth. Both tongues mixed and mingled two different samples of saliva, lips parted for seconds for required precious air and unavoidable dribbling occurred during the process. It was not to their concern as they continued on.

Her grinds had grown faster and harder, with the build up of heat inside her body she felt like she could get off just by doing this. She pulled off his hat and grabbed clumps of his unruly hair simply to feel like she had complete control over him.

But she didn’t, in reality, only in her mind. Like the sudden outburst of a wild animal, he bolted up from the chair and wiped the whole tea set off the table with his arm. In its place, he set Agitha down on her back.

His mouth ripped from hers and he went for the side of her neck like a vampire. He did bite a little, not enough to leave a mark, and suckled roughly on her skin. He had now changed tact and appointed himself as the one who would do the grinding, by dry humping her between the legs.

“That tea set,” She breathed out with difficulty, bit her lower lip and shut her eyes tight as her head fell back in pain of wanting to release. “That tea set cost a lot of money.”

“So? Your point is?”

He shot back with a cheeky boyish grin that could make a girl swoon.

“No point. I just wanted you to know,” She whispered with a strain in her voice, held the back of his head to keep him down into her neck, and nibbled on his ear.

That drove him crazy. It was almost like his weak point, and to have someone take advantage of it made him want to go all out and take them roughly like a mad untamed beast. Strong will power and restraint kept him from doing so, and he pulled back to make sure it stayed that way.

For now.

“You’re getting very wet down there. How are you feeling?”

“Hot,” She replied in agony, almost like a victim of inhumane torture. “I’m feeling so hot, Link.”

That was the first time she called him by his first name, and he loved it. Moving both hands down to her dress, he drew it up until it uncovered every inch of her surprisingly stunning shapely legs, so moist and supple that any man or woman would long to have wrapped around their faces, and her sweetest spot.

Long white socks that ran up to mid thighs were sexy enough on her, but mix that with a pair of soaked, pure-white French laced knickers that fit so tight it gave her camel toes, he had the ultimate sex-tastic fantasy laid out just for him.

“Please don’t stare at me for so long down there,” She said with a quiver in her voice, and formation of tears merging at the corner of her eyes. “It’s embarrassing.”

“Don’t be so embarrassed,” He whispered, leant in between her legs and prodded her between the bulging labias with his fingers, pushing the material of her panties inside with a squelch. “I like to stare at things that are of interest to me, especially things that are cute. You’re all mine now, cute little princess, so you’ll have to get used to it.”

Her knees involuntarily knocked in together as he pushed in, and one of her hands came down to clutch his wrist. Free tears had seeped from the corners of her sealed shut eyes, and almost strangled moans escaped her lips.

“Link! Link, please don’t do that!”

“You’re all mine,” He repeated, removing his hand and lowering his mouth. “You said it yourself. Your body is all for me to do whatever I please with.”

And with that, he started to suck on her precious area through the panties that concealed it. Wet marks that stained her inner thighs passed on to his cheeks, as they clamped around his head in reaction. One arm passed under her leg and raised it, while the hand came to her waistline and slithered underneath the elastic waistband.

She clamped a hand over her own mouth before she could scream. The experience of what felt like someone sucking her insides out was far more satisfying than she had ever imagined.

The fingers of his other hand peeled aside the soaked cover that hid away her entrance, unveiling to him the real thing in its untouched pink glory. He licked his lips at the sight, and looked forward to finding out if it was really as tight as it looked.

“You’re so beautiful,” He pinched her lips together and licked up along the wet pink line. Back down again and then up, and just when she was about to go all crazy over his simplest techniques he set his lips on her swollen clitoris and sucked it hard.

Her body convulsed, her back arched and both hands came on top of his head. An almost strangled howl erupted from her throat. He sucked on her sensitive spot so well she feared the time he would stop.

Link sensed that she was almost on the verge of cumming. His other hand replaced his lips and mixed rubbing and pinching her tiny pebble. His fingers fanned open her labias for his tongue to enter, and his mouth open to catch the outflow of honey juices before they could completely escape.

Even though she had her eyes shut tight, hot tears of enjoyment still streamed down her cheeks. She released into the mouth covering her precious area. Her body trembled the whole time as it gushed out amounts not even Link had imagined it would dispense.

By the time she had finished, Link had already decided he wanted to do that all over again. It was just so enjoyable, and he knew she loved it just as much as he did. From the corner of his eye, he noticed there was still a cream bun on the table that refused to be thrown aside like all the others.

A devious smile grew as an idea emerged. Completely removing her panties and leaving them on the floor to swap for the cream bun, he held it over her entrance and squeezed it in a tight fist. Thick cream oozed out, all over her lips and down the crack, until it was completely iced over. Without leaving her a moment to rest, he repeated the entire original process again and this time feasted on both the cream and the nectar she supplied.

His lips were soaked with her fluids and soft cream. When he moved up over her, he kissed her lips and let her taste the very sweet essence he had become addicted to along with the mix of the cream bun.

“Doesn’t it taste delicious?”

She nodded, finally opening her eyes and drawing her arms back around his neck.

“Please hold me for a moment,” She whispered in a tone that sounded almost like a helpless beg for mercy. Her tears stopped, and the underneath of her eyes were red in a colourful contrast to the three decorative makeup circles.

He complied, and squeezed her small body in his arms. His nose picked up the strawberry scent in her golden blonde hair, and he kissed her temple.

“Was it a bit too much for you?”

“No,” She quickly dismissed the idea. “It was perfect. I just want to savour the moment.”

The moment was savoured for a good few minutes, before the hug was broken on Agitha’s part.

“Can we go up to my bed?”

He nodded in agreement. There wasn’t much space on the table, as much as he would like to take her on here, but her large circular bed would have plenty more room to roll about on.

She clung to him like a child to a parent as he lifted her with his arms and stood up. She closed her eyes and leant her head against his shoulder after he secured his hold further, not that he really needed to with her feather-like weight, and let him carry her to the ladder.

Pressed tight to his chest and bundled up snugly, Agitha felt like she could have a good sleep if she were cuddled this close to his warm body for the night. He ascended the ladder using his feet and only one arm, and once up he went straight for her bed.

His knee sunk into the mattress when he knelt onto it. He gently set her down on her back, but she seemed reluctant to let go of his tunic.

“We’re not going to,” she asked, unsure. “We’re not going to do IT now, are we?”

With a light smile, he shook his head.

“There are still a few things I’d like to do before we get to it. Why, are you nervous?”

“A little,” she admitted. Despite being a little nervous, she put on a brave face. “When it does happen, you will be gentle with me, won’t you?”

“Of course I will. But after the first time, I can’t guarantee it won’t get a little bit wilder.”

“That suits me just fine,” She jovially whispered, and loosened her grip on his tunic.

She fully lay down on the bed, and verbally helped Link to take off her dress after he reached underneath her back.

“There are a few knots at the back just underneath the ornament,” She referred to the material butterfly wings on her back, and using her information he worked his way through the knots and bows that held it together.

Loose enough, she lifted her own body up a few inches and he slid the dress up from the hem until it completely came off over her head. With a little more consideration than with the tea set, he tossed the dress over onto the nightstand a few feet away from the bed.

His eyes scanned over the body of the beautiful maiden laid out in front of him, and needless to say it caught his breath. To match those gorgeous legs of hers, her figure was like a slim hourglass and everything from the bellybutton up was creamy, smooth and delicate. Granted he couldn’t see anything through the cute pink corset she wore, more of a fashion accessory than anything else, but he went by the proportion of her shoulders and slender neck.

Link removed both his gauntlets and discarded them, similar to what Agitha had done with her silk gloves. One material button after another, he plucked open the front of her corset until it folded open. Set in his mind was his own personal joke, of her being his gift wrapped present.

“They’re small, aren’t they?”

Agitha hoped he didn’t mind, and of course he didn’t. He shrugged his shoulders to simply say it doesn’t matter one bit. In proportion to her petite size, her B cup breasts were perfect. So very sexy, and so much to Link’s preference.

“They’re perfect.”

He curled forward over her, cupping one breast with his palm and giving the soft mammary a gentle squeeze. The one he was to suckle on, however, received rougher treatment. He squeezed and pushed it up, and as he started to teasingly lick the very tip of her hardened nipple he pressed it in with his thumb.

Her body twisted beneath him, and her fingers clawed at the bed sheets beneath. More so when he repeated the action on her other breast and when he moved back to the original.

He suckled every inch of skin that made up her breasts, licked circles and lapped at her nipples like a hungry wolf, and nibbled on the hard buds to make her squeal. Still kept clasped within his hands he momentarily moved aside to kiss the very centre of her chest, before he set his lips entirely over her right nipple and sucked the majority of her breast into his mouth.

A high pitched wail reverberated throughout the entire household.

Agitha clung to him as if her life depended on it. With might she didn’t even know she had, her arms tightly wrapped around his head and her legs wrapped underneath his armpits and around his back to keep him in a hold that even he would struggle to get out of.

It was a good thing that he had no intention of doing so. His lips made wet, sloppy smacking noises against her skin, caused by his saliva which completely coated her areola. He spent no less than ten minutes on each breast, repeating the same process again and again.

If it wasn’t for his aching erection, still within the confine of his trousers, he would have continued this for hours. The taste of her skin was intoxicating.

He had to wriggle out of her arms and whisper for her to let go. She did as he asked and watched him sit up through misty eyes.

Link undone his belt, and flung it aside. He pulled off his tunic, followed by his undershirt. He paused, noticing the intense gaze of interest on him from the young girl.

Agitha reached out for his hand, and with his help she was pulled up to sit in front of him. The moment she was up, her hands came forward and landed on his amazing pectorals.

He placed his hands on her shoulders, and remained almost motionless as he observed the way she slowly inspected his well chiselled chest. From the astounded look on her face, it was easy to tell that she had never seen anything like this before. In an attempt to copy everything he has done for her, she leant closer and pressed her lips tenderly on various spots of his chest.

There was the salty taste of sweat on her tongue, fresh from the surface of his lightly tanned skin. It was something she knew she had to get used to, and to her surprise she had already started to like it after just a few licks. She couldn’t help but go for his abs, which looked as if they could even grate cheese. She trailed her tongue upwards along the ridged surface, not once but twice, and up past his solar plexus. At the centre of his chest she stopped, placed both hands flat against either pectoral, closed her eyes and remained motionless.

After a while of non movement, she turned her head and put her cheek to his chest.

“Your heart is beating very fast,” She whispered up to him.

He then caught on that she had spent the frozen moment concentrating on his heartbeat.

“It’s exactly the same as mine,” She looked up with a smile, slipped her arms around his neck and pushed herself up for a kiss. During the motion her hardened nipples raked up along his chest, and due to their sensitivity it caused her body to shiver. Her sweaty body pressed up tightly against his, and her small breasts squashed up between them.

His arms closed around her, and to help her gain height he cupped her buttocks and raised her up. Tongues mingled again, and to make use of his hand being there he figured it would be a good time to fondle her deliciously soft backside.

The feeling of the fingers groping her buttocks forced her back to straighten up through shock, and she further pushed her body into his. She moaned into his mouth, and once relaxed again she pushed her rear more into his palm to invite him for a lot more fondling.

He slowly lowered her back down again, and broke the kiss seconds after. He needed to finish what he had started, and kicked off his trousers. After the unveiling of his incredibly large and painfully hard erection, the emotion of panic reflected on her face.

“Th-that is-” Her bulging eyes fixed on the big head, and ran up and down the thick shaft. “That is going to go inside of me?”

“Is there something the matter?”

Determined to not let the anxiety rule over her, she balled up her fist and held it to her chest. With a deep breath and three long blinks, she took another look at his member and reworded her sentence.

“I mean to say that it is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Are they all that big on boys? How do they even fit it inside their partners?”

He didn’t and wasn’t going to provide her with an answer to that. Using a hand to cup her cheek and draw her to completely rest down on the bed, his large frame overshadowed her. The tip of his hardness gently rubbed against her crotch.

Agitha’s eye nervously twitched.

“Are we going to be doing it now?”

He didn’t answer directly to that particular question.

“The first time will hurt, but only a little bit.”


“Don’t worry, I know. I promised that I will be gentle.”


He wanted to make her first time experience as painless as possible, but it was going to be very difficult. The bulbous head of his penis pressed between her labias, and from that moment he began to realise that it may be hard work getting all the way inside of her. She was so small and tight, it may not be possible for him to make it all the way in.

Gradually the head made it inside, slowly followed by the next inch.

Agitha was having a hard time with the pain of her walls being stretched to house such an enormous foreign object, and she had yet to discover the displeasure of her hymen being torn. All she could do was bite down on her lower lip, hold on to his wrists until the knuckles on her hands turn white and let her tears flow.

He had paused to kiss her cheeks, sampling the taste of the rolling crystal tears.

“It’ll get better, Princess. Just bear with it for now.”

Her eyes shut tight as more tears fell, and she nodded painfully.

He arched forward and put his hands beside her head on the pillow, angling his hips also. Her body convulsed and she choked on her tears after a single big push inside from him, followed by a long gurgling scream as he broke through her virgin barrier.

“It hurts! Link, it really hurts!”

Her cries were ignored as he concentrated more on making sure how much of him was inside. To his surprise, it was a perfect fit. Every one of his inches made it inside of her, and he could even feel his tip pressing against her cervix, the entrance to her womb.

With a low mutter he felt like he was ready to get going. He pulled out a little; the one inch leaving covered in blood, and slammed back in hard.

The rough motions made Agitha scream, and in an attempt to make her lower body feel better she tried to curl up into a ball. Her knees came up to her chest, thighs pressing closed together, and her hands reached back and clutched the pillows above her head. It hurt so much her insides felt as if they were on fire.

Link kept the rhythm going, thrusting in and out of her at a steady slow speed. It wasn’t long until he could see the emotional change on her face, like she was getting used to it, and he began to pick up a little in pace.

Agitha knew she could trust his word, as it had indeed already begun to feel a bit better. She was still sore, but not in agony. For the moment she was going to let him continue on doing all the work, and then later when she had adjusted to it and gained more confidence she was going to do her part to make this the greatest experience of their lives.

He held both sides of her tiny head in his hands like a captured bird, kissed her lips gently until she responded the same way, and locked lips with a tight seal. Her mouth was already open to accept his tongue, as was her tongue ready to slip from her own cave into his. His thumbs rubbed the corners of her mouth to wipe away some of the drool as he pulled back to angle his head, and took to completely brush over every wall of her mouth with his tongue whist she stuck to licking at the root of his.

Link felt the build up of his release, and while he couldn’t wait to fill her up with his thick seed he wasn’t yet ready to let himself go. He felt the need to change position for increased comfort and pleasure, both for himself and for her.

She felt a few of his inches leave, but paid no mind to it. She was too busy with his tongue. That was until he broke the kiss, much to her dismay. Her fingers caught his cheek as she tried to bring his lips back.

He caught her hand and kissed her knuckles. With a whisper, he told her.

“Relax. I just think we need to change position.”

Unsure what he meant at first, surprise had shown in her face as he folded one of her legs over to the other, pressing her thighs together and leaving laying her on her side. Her body was then scooped up into his arms, and smoothly she was rounded onto his lap and her back was against his front.

She felt his hardness twist inside of her. It had, not surprisingly, caused her to shudder as the thick object rubbed all around her inner walls. The three inches that had left previously had re-entered as she sunk onto his lap.

His legs were out straight in front of them, while both of her feet touched down on the sheets on either side of his thighs. With the new position feeling like he was in deeper than before, the sensation drew a sharp squeak from her lungs.

From where he was, the two ponytails her hair had been tied back in brushed either side of his face as he rocked. Such devious thoughts woke up in his mind of what use he could make out of them from this position, but for now he had to subdue such ideas. He gently guided her head with his hand to tilt it forward, just so he could make saliva-doodles across the back of her shoulders and on the nape of her neck.

In her position, she had no idea what to do with her hands. She wasn’t sure whether she should leave them where they were on her legs or take a hold of the manly hands roaming along her sides and stomach, or even cup her own breasts. When he had tilted her head forward she had made eye contact with their joining below.

There were a few trickles of crimson blood rolling down his shaft, leaking from their origin of her penetrated entrance. Her area was sore, so the idea of what to do with her hands became clear. Hand shaking, she gently rubbed herself below the waist and a few times over the underside of his penis.

A definite reaction to her touch, his arms tightened around her. He squeezed her body like a soft toy, brought his legs in a bit, and buried his face into her neck.

The rocking motion continued. His hips rolled back and forth, in a fashion similar to the slither of a snake. If Agitha couldn’t stop biting down on her lower lip, teeth marks were sure to forever imprint there.

When Link could no longer hold back, he tightened his hold around her small body in a similar fashion to the way her insides tightened around his member. He curled up over her as his body tensed and shuddered, together with the release of his seed into her womb.

Agitha had no choice but to curl forward much like he was doing around her and his body trembles involuntarily passed on to her, causing her to shiver and shake like a leaf. She didn’t know how long it was going to last, but the alien feeling of his long ejaculation inside her made her cringe. Most of it filled her up to the extent when she believed her stomach would explode, so when she felt quite a lot of it leak from her body at their joining it was somewhat a relief.

Link could hardly believe how much he was releasing into her; it felt like he was gushing out gallons. It was much more than he usually would, almost like an entire month’s worth of build up escaping.

Finally, after what could have been a whole minute, his release came to an end.

Her entire body was limp, held up only by her partner who had practically moulded her to his chest. Sudden spasms and twitches of the nerves kicked her back to life again, only to allow her the chance to let the rest of the air in her lungs out in an almost weary, deflated squeak.

With care, he lowered her chest-first to the bed. Her rear remained up, for the purpose of being able to remove himself from her. After he flopped backwards into a seated position, like Agitha he spent the next few minutes recovering with long, deep breaths.

Once all of her muscles had regained a majority of their strength she was able to slowly roll to one side and sit up, although it did take a lot more effort than it naturally should do. Rather than shuffling forward and drawing her arms around him like she thought she’d do, her body only got as far as using its power to help her slump forward right into his arms.

Now in his lap, she could only fling her arms over his shoulders.

All of his natural abilities and self training had provided his body with great stamina, so therefore he wasn’t as tired as her. Apart from his lower region, which had since gone soft, he still had plenty of energy left in him. He gave her a gentle cuddle and kissed her cheek.

“You were amazing, Agitha. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

She nodded with a blush and snuggled into his embrace. A little longer resting in his arms would do her the world of good.

A short time passed as they sat there, and that’s when Agitha felt like she could move on her own again. She kissed his chin and wriggled out of his arms.

“All better now?”

To his question, she gave an honest nod.

“Um... Link? When can we do it again?”

How she asked the question and her pose was so unbelievably cute and sexy. She sat up with her feet tucked underneath and her thighs closed together, her left hand on one knee and her right hand up by her chin with a tented finger against her lips. Her eyes were glowing with irresistible sweet innocence.

“You look... so amazing,” He put a hand over his mouth in disbelief and his eyes widened. “The pose... The eyes... The voice... It’s incredible!”

She witnessed the process of a flaccid organ instantly hardening into a powerful and energised staff, as she gave him the kind of hard on that could ache and last for days. Even after what it has just been through.

Link took her by the shoulders and turned her around. He pushed her forward without much force, onto all fours. She couldn’t tell what was going on; all she knew is that he was eager about doing something or other to her.

“Let’s try this out, too!”

His voice was packed and raised with an excitement like a child in a sweetshop. With a hand on her left buttock, his other hand guided the rounded tip of his once-again vivacious member as he drilled and twisted to fit it inside the tight entranceway of her arse.

Agitha’s eyes bulged in panic, and her hand came up to her mouth.

“W-wait a second! It’s not going to fit in ther-”

Her objections abruptly turned into an ear aching howl. The bulky head of his member stretched her anal tract, and though it was not as painful as when he entered her through the front it still felt awfully unusual. A big push forced the rest inside, which was the constricted by the lining after all her muscles tightly clenched.

He pulled her back to his chest as he dropped to his side on the bed, much like in the spoons position, only his arm hooked her leg up into the air for the attempt of even deeper penetration. His other arm curled around her upper body right after her hands reached well above her own head in a desperate need to find something to cling to, her fingers finding naught but bed sheets to grip on, and while he was at it he licked the side of her jiggling right breast.


Four sensational hours and a variety of 66 positions later...

Agitha lay alongside Link, with her head on his chest and her right leg entwined with both of his. She stretched her right arm out and draped it over his stomach, and closed her eyes with a content sigh.

Link had his left arm folded at the back of his head, and his other arm curled around the tiny waist of the girl next to him.

“So much has happened in the past four hours. We’ve tried so many things together, and you’ve done them all without complaint.”

“My body is your reward,” A squeaky, drained voice said from his chest. “So even if we done something I didn’t like, I couldn’t complain. Because you can do whatever you please with me.”

His head lifted from the pillow.

“Did I do anything you didn’t like?”

“Not a single thing,” The voice drifted away slowly. “I enjoyed every second of it all.”

Within seconds, Agitha had fallen asleep due to fatigue.

Link’s chest bobbed as he chuckled and cuddled her.

“Thank you. Sleep well.”


A/n: That’s the end of that chapter. Another chapter will be added shortly.