Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ We Love You Link! ❯ LinkxMidna, AgithaxZelda ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry for the late update, but I’ve been busy with other stories. I am afraid there has been a slight change, as this chapter won’t have the L x A x Z threeway, that will be in the next chapter. This one acts as a build up to it. However, this one has a Link x Midna scene in which there will be oral intercourse, and an Agitha x Zelda (that’s girl/girl, people. If you’re not into that kind of thing, I’d suggest you skip that part. Saying that, you will also have to skip the three way part because it’ll be there, too.) scene with a similar type of intercourse and more.

Please note that in this chapter, Zelda’s description is based on her ‘black’ costume choice from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The reason will be explained.

And a note to the reviewer (from Fanfictiondot net) who asked whether I am the same author or if this story was copied, I am both HondoOokami from AFF and Hondo-Okami from FF and this story is all my own work, so no it’s not copied. If anyone else did claim my hard work for their own, especially after how long I worked on this, I would like them reported and/or banned.

Link is 17, Agitha is 16 and Zelda is 17. This chapter continues after the previous, one week afterwards.


Agitha could not take much more of the purely animalistic cravings her lover was so ruthlessly unleashing on her. With Link’s powerful and seemingly untiring hips driving up into her like the high waves of water in a mighty storm at sea, she would surely be driven to another cataclysmic orgasm that could very well be the one to make her pass out.

Her petite and slender figure sat on his spread open legs, with her own spread open and her feet on the outside of his thighs. In this position, with his pulsating length driving repeatedly into her hot, wet entrance like a stake through the heart, her body had elevated and her height was only just above his, giving her the ability to reach her left arm over his shoulders and cling to his neck as if he were sitting right beside her. The sides of their faces were pressed against each other, hot cheek to cheek and sweaty brow to brow.

Their eyes locked in an unbreakable half-dazed and lust-filled stare as they shared an erotic, out of mouth tongue tango. So much drool and saliva dripped and dribbled between them and rolled down their chins, and they breathed in a laboured way more or less into each other’s hot mouths.

Both of Link’s hands worked hard on her body. His right cupped her cute, small breast roughly, pushed it in various ways, squeezed it, kneaded it, and plucked the nipple between the thumb and index print. The left was beneath her knee, holding it in place to keep her legs open wide.

Ahead of them, off the bed where they romped, stood a tall standing oval mirror. On its reflective surface, it depicted their acts. Link made use of its presence, and told her to look right at it to show Agitha just how damn adorable she looked when he would make love to her. It was the perfect way to let her see the proof.

“Iwth’s Embawwathiing,” She could only mumble, as her mouth was being invaded by his tongue.

Never had her cheeks reddened to such a degree, after being forced to watch her own self be ravaged by an Adonis. Especially the moments and the aftermaths of the climaxes, when their fluids mixed within her body and the overflows consequently leaked out from her penetrated precious area and spilled on the sheets.

“You are...”

Link breathed into her mouth and pushed his tongue into her mouth further. His upper body started to twist, turning her head down to press her cheek against her own over reaching shoulder whilst his neck cranked so he could kiss down into her.

“... So cute...!”

They were both about to hit their limits. Fully twisting, he managed to turn over onto Agitha so now her chest was pushed down onto the bed and her rear was up with his in an angled doggy style position. Only then did they let themselves go.

Agitha’s vaginal walls had shrunk and wrapped tighter around his penis. Link’s hardness throbbed as his warm seed poured within her in a continuous sticky string, completely heating her insides.

It all came to an end when he could release no more, and the moans had died down to exhausted pants. Their long kiss broke, and he squeezed her body tightly in his arms as he laid his cheek to hers.

“Are you okay to go another round,” He whispered, sleepily. “Or have you had enough now?”

Agitha’s hands clutched the sheets beneath when he asked if she wanted to go on. Boy would she love to, but her body was aching with fatigue and demanded rest.

Only something incoherent escaped her lips. Taking that as a sign of being unable to carry on, Link hugged her and brought her down to the bed. They were in the centre and could have moved up, but sleeping there was good enough. He didn’t even think of taking himself out of her, because she always preferred to sleep that way.

He spooned up around her and kissed her cheek.

“Like always, you were purely amazing.”

A breathless giggle showed her contentment, and she snuggled up in his arms. She felt like and could very well be the luckiest girl in the world, to have him as her lover. Could it get any better?

As they fell asleep together, Agitha thought she heard him mumble something. It could have been fatigue playing tricks on her hearing, but then again maybe it wasn’t. There wasn’t a chance she would let it bother her though, which was for sure.

She fell asleep, disregarding the thought that she had heard him call her ‘Zelda’.


A couple of days later, Link was outside Arbiter’s Grounds. The intense heat of the sun beat down on the shield on his back, which had the unfortunate effect of trapping air between its inside and his back. It felt like someone had spilled a full cup of tepid water down his back, and the clammy feeling was very uncomfortable.

He stopped beneath the shade of a half fallen pillar. For a time, he decided he should take a rest after crossing the treacherous desert.

Link set down his shield and removed his sword, although he did keep it clasped in his left hand in case he came under attack. Just because there were no monsters he could see around in this little area, it didn’t mean it was entirely safe.

-I hope that’s not your body telling you that you’re getting out of shape after only an hour’s walk. There grounds we need to get through are only the beginning of a much longer journey,- Said a voice from nowhere in particular.

He wiped the roll of sweat from his brow.

“I think that would be called more than just an hour’s walk,” He said. “It’s a lot harder to move across a great distance whenever your feet keep sinking into the ground, especially when you have to keep ducking because you are constantly under fire from Bokoblins with bows and flaming arrows.”

-Fine, I’ll give you that, but I still think it didn’t look all that hard. Maybe that’s just me. Even so, I still want you to be very careful. You know that I worry for you.-

A slight smile shot across his face, and he leant his head back against the sandstone pillar. Over time, Midna and he had been getting very comfortable with each other. Maybe even more so from the time when he charged across Hyrule and ignored the ache of his wolf form limbs as he rushed her to see the Princess Zelda and save a dying Midna’s life...

The sudden thought of the Princess sent a slightly pained twinge in his heart. She mysteriously disappeared then, and they didn’t know what become of her...

-What’s wrong? You look so sad.-

The voice was soft, and now came from in front of him. He had his eyes closed for a time, and he opened them after he felt a small hand on his cheek.

Midna floated before him, not as a shadow but her organic form. She wasn’t really as small or impish like she was the first time they’d met, which was all down to the power she received from Zelda. She more or less now resembled a young girl of eleven in terms of height and looks, but had all the features of the regular lady she was cursed from to perfectly fit her size and shape.

Of course, her new size was a pain when it came to her riding about on his back in the wolf form.

She looked at him with a worried expression.

“... I was just thinking about the Princess.”

-Oh,- Was all that Midna said, still in a soft voice. Her thumb rubbed his cheek.

There was a short round of silence, until she broke it with a boisterous proposal. Her hopes were to raise his spirits.

-Hey, how about we go see your other Princess after we’ve found the mirror? You know, the cute little blonde one with the rosy cheeks and the obscure bug obsession?-

“Are you talking about Agitha?”

-That’s right, Agitha. She’s the one you’ve been bonking all this time, right? Pay another visit and let her help you forget all of your troubles.-

Link was a little unsure what to make of her attitude towards the bug Princess. Despite knowing full well that she could see everything that happened between him and Agitha, Midna would refrain from making any comments to put her down or say things like she were a complete bimbo, but said that about every other girl they came across who would throw themselves at him or merely swoon in his presence. She often seemed to actually urge him to go to see her. Perhaps she liked her?

“That sounds like a good idea,” He said with a happy sigh. “Thanks, Midna.”

-That’s okay. You could use a good break after all your hard work.-

Much to his surprise, Midna placed a kiss on his cheek. For a moment, he simply stared at her.

-What?- She asked, wondering why he was looking at her the way he was. Did he find her kiss weird or something? It’s not like it could’ve hurt him.

He wasn’t quite sure what sparked the idea for him to do this, or even if it was even a good one to try. Link put a hand to her cheek and leant forward, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly.

No, he definitely did not find it weird...

Midna didn’t back away or evade, nor did she say anything about it. There was something that said she was either transfixed by his action, or she was going to allow it to happen. Her eyes just drooped all of a sudden, until they closed.

Their lips lined up, and slowly came to meet. His were cool and rough while hers were warm and soft, although there was something else he felt... it was strange, he could not even begin to describe the little extra tang she had.

It started out simple, and very gentle. Though it did start to grow, as their lips pressed firmer and massaged more feverishly together than before.

Link’s other hand cupped her other cheek, so now he held her tiny head completely. She did the same to him, only her small hands could merely hold a portion of his.

His head started to turn, but then he bumped the bridge of his nose on the fused shadow she wore as a helmet.

With the light and moist smack of their lips as they broke the kiss, they dreamily stared at each other. Link hadn’t taken his hands from her little round face, but she had taken hers from him.

“Was that okay?”

She smiled lightly to his whisper of concern.

-Yes... just let me remove this, though.-

With a light flick of her hands, the fused shadow took off from her head. A few feet above them, it twisted into a dark purple void and disappeared in a second.

Link was looking up, amazed even though he’d seen things like that happen before. His gaze was brought back down by her hands on his cheeks.

Midna’s long orange hair was tied back in a ponytail. There was a very pretty glow to her eyes. She was beautiful, no doubt about it.

He had to kiss her again.

Link was going to lean in, but Midna stopped his advance with a hand to his chest.

“Is there something wrong?”

-I’m not a bother to you, am I? I mean, the way I am... this cursed body I’m in. Does it not put you off in any way...?-

Link had been shaking his head since she started to speak.

“In any way, shape or form... you do not bother me at all.”

There was a gentle glimmer in her eyes. As an all of a sudden outburst, she chuckled in her usual manner.

-I guess I should have realised and not been so stupid as to ask such a thing, now that I think about it. You wouldn’t have kissed me in the first place if it troubled you.-

Link smiled, and he made her blush by giving her an Eskimo kiss, and then pressing his lips against her forehead.

“You’re a wonderful person, Midna. I’m lucky to be the one who gets to travel along with you.”

-No,- Midna shook her head to refuse his words. –I am the lucky one. Without you, I wouldn’t even have gotten this far. Without you, I would have...-

As her voice lowered into sadness, Link knew it was the thought of her near death experience. To help raise her spirits in turn for what she said to him, he said.

“Would you mind if I gave you another kiss now? It’s your lips... they’ve left such a wonderful taste in my mouth.”

A light smile flickered on her face.

-Thank you... but...- Her voice was serious. She placed her hands on his cheeks. -... No matter what we do, I don’t want you forgetting about that young girl. You are both very lucky to have each other. You are still going to go to her after we find the Mirror, and then you are going to give her a real porking to remember. Understood?-

“Right,” Link chuckled.

They both leaned in and kissed, and now Midna reached around his head and slid her fingers under his hat. Grabbing a few strands of his hair was the best she could do to secure a good hold on him.

Link had a hand on her back, and the other was at the back of her head. Her hair was very smooth.

Her tongue tried to snake its way into his mouth, wriggling along his lips. Midna knew of the French kiss, because she had seen him do it before. Link was very willing, and opened up for her.

There was that taste again. It was spreading into his mouth and filling like a cup of water. It was a lovely sensation.

The two kissed for so long, they had lost all track of time. There were minor breaks for air, but then it just continued.

Midna was kneeling on his thighs, and although it sounded awkward it was not bad at all for Link. Her body was mysteriously lightweight. Her left knee shifted, and it bumped something below his waist.

An agitated groan on Link’s part interrupted their kiss. This made her worry, because she had just remembered where they were. Was he hit by something, she thought, or had the sun gotten to him...?

No, it was neither of those. She looked down to where her feet were, and she could see the tented bulge below his waist.


He had no idea what she had seen, until his eyes dropped to his lap. So she had noticed... what was she going to do now?

Midna started to squat on his lap, and put her hand on the hard lump. The reaction she got from him was another groan, and even a bodily shiver. She then put her other hand on it.

There was a slight colour change to her cheeks. With no objections from him, or any movements to stop her, she made her way through the layers of his clothes. Rolling up the tunic, undoing his belt and the cord of his trousers... fairly soon, his erection was free and standing proud.

‘I made him this way...’

-... Would you like me to take care of this, for you?-

Her usually steady voice had a slight quiver to it. She held it halfway down from the top, able to get her hand halfway around it.

There was a very strained look on Link’s face. He did not how she meant or wanted to take care of this, because it would be far too big for her to take in. In fact, he didn’t know where she would put it...

A stray strand of her orange hair fell to her brow, and she tucked it back behind her long ear. Her hand slowly moved up to the head of his penis and her index finger tip gently smoothed around the tip in a small circular motion, spreading the leaking sticky substance all ready present to cover it like a thin layer of film. A tense tremble of his body and a throb of his erection occurred after her warm breath lightly brushed the skin.

Link hadn’t needed to answer the question she’d laid out for him before, because his body told her everything she needed to know itself. He could say no, but it would be a lie that his body had given away.

A dribble of pre cum rolled down the head like a tear from a crying eye.

The way her tongue innocently licked that very trail may not seem like much, but Link found the need to dig his fingers into the hot sand where he sat. The rough grains between his fingers worked better for him than gritting his teeth or biting down on his lip. He had never received fellatio before, and little did he know that Midna hadn’t done a thing like this before in her life either.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth with a light breath, and set her lips around the upper half of the bulbous head. From there she paused to switch breathing to through her nose, taking only long, shaky breaths. She was going to have to play this by ear.

Keeping what she had inside her mouth, Midna made her tongue spiral around and around the head. With every circulation, there was the wet squelch of her saliva.

“This feels good,” Link complimented, sounding like he was holding his breath.

She was very glad to her that from him, because she didn’t want to be doing anything wrong. It was feeling good for her too, and preferred to carry on with it rather than stopping to tell him that.

With a little more bravery, she flicked her tongue around once more and took in the entire head.

This drew a sharp breath from Link.

Midna changed tact and started to gently suck. There was the continuous squelch of her saliva on the hot skin of the head, and a squeaky moan every few seconds on her part. After a minute of the same thing, it didn’t even feel like it was half what either of them truly deserved, and so she sucked him fairly harder.

The hardness in her mouth tensely pulsated and trembled, and yet he was nowhere near his climax yet.

She opened her eyes partially to see how far down it looked to his hilt. From this angle, it was like she was staring straight down out of a castle tower’s window, and his shaft was the towering stone cylinder.

Midna closed her eyes, and with a long muffled moan she pushed herself down and took more of his penis into her mouth.

Link choked, and brought his hands to her small head. He put his palms on the sides and massaged the back of her head with tense fingers. Her silky smooth hair felt almost like the same kind of velvet softness her mouth encased around him had, he thought as his fingers combed through the locks.

Midna’s teeth only lightly bumped over the veins and the blood vessels of his erection as she continued down; stopping only to be sure she could take it. Every time that happened, another moan would from emanate her.

“Please... don’t push yourself too hard,” Link said, trembling with his words. “If you can’t go so far... then don’t try to.”

Her hands were gripping the thick shaft around the bottom half. On occasion, she would give him a few quick rough tugs. Midna came to a halt, just over halfway down. What was in her mouth was making a lump on her left cheek.

Comfortably, this was the full amount she could take in. If she were to really push herself, then there should be no doubt that she could take in some more. As she had no experience, and Link requested her not to for her own sake, she wasn’t going to go for it. Save that for next time...

Link trained his eyes on Midna’s downturned countenance, and the visual stimulation he received was unbelievable. She looked astoundingly adorable from the angle, especially with her misty half closed eyes and the hot red tinge lining across her cheeks.

Every inch she managed to cover was stained in her saliva, which dribbled down the shaft as she slowly pulled back up to the head. She let out a squeaky moan with an intake of oxygen through her nostrils, and then pushed herself back down the shaft to the same point she reached before. Again, her hands gently tugged around the base for extra stimulus.

After she repeated the same slow movement an extra eight times, she felt like she could do a bit more in terms of speed. That’s how he would like it, she imagined, because he would always treat Agitha to acts with such vigorous haste behind the penetrations. There was no harm in doing it.

Midna had to gradually build up the speed at first, until she found the right moment to start going and the most comfortable way to do it. With her head sliding back and forth along his length at speed, her ears were treated to the choked coughs and groans of satisfaction to the one receiving.

“This is amazing... Midna... you won’t believe how good you are making me feel right now.”

And he wouldn’t believe how good this felt for her, to know that she was bringing him such immense pleasure. She kept on going without the mind to stop.

The way he groaned her name every couple of seconds drove her on. Midna wanted to hear more from him. She pushed herself harder until she could practically sense the moment he was to climax.

That did take a while until the build up had started. Five minutes it could have been, but it felt like an entire day had unnoticeably flown by them.

Link’s hands dug back into the sand, clutching anything with tense fingers. He hadn’t taken his eyes from Midna’s cute face, while his resembled someone in agony.

“Ah... Midna!”

It was a warning. He was about to let himself go.

Less than a second before, Midna stopped halfway. Her hands were right up by her mouth, still around the shaft, as if she was trying to stop something from falling out.

The first shot of his ejaculation fired into her mouth after the pulsation of his erection, hitting the back of her throat in an instant. Five more thick spurts followed in long hot, gooey successions, feeling almost like she was swallowing a raw egg.

Link’s chest puffed in and out with his heavy breaths, and his flushed cheeks gave him the look of someone who had caught the sun.

Midna found herself trembling as she slowly pulled up from his penis. She seemed unable to make her lower jaw close up, as it hung open. A thick white glutinous string connected between the tips of his erection to her mouth arced down to the ground, as she hovered around the head. Her breath was heavy, too.

He was spent, evident from the gradual softening of his unclean member. Midna held it with her hands, watching it down.

She was brought to look up to him, as he merely touched her cheeks with the tips of his fingers from both hands. She blushed more. His eyes were sparkling with love.

“I... really, I don’t know what to say other than thank you.”

-That’s all I need to hear,- She replied quietly, letting go of his member.

Midna crawled up onto his lap, and sat on it sideways in a bridal style position. With her impish smile, she snuggled up to him.

-That was actually quite fun, Link. We should do it more often.-

Not hearing any reply, but knowing he was hesitating to speak, she sent up a glance.

-You know, what just happened between us wasn’t a one off. If that young girl can give herself to you for collecting her bugs, then I can give myself to you for helping me out on what is really my quest.-

“You wish to... keep this up?”

He sounded quite happy about the prospect, a fact which delighted Midna. With her index finger, she childishly tickled the underneath of his chin.

-Yes, I do wish to keep it up. Anytime you need me, you can just ask and I’ll give it to you.-

Halfway through her words, Link had leant in and hugged her in his strong arms. Her body felt so good in his embrace.

Midna chuckled in her usual manner, loving his hold, and swung her arms around his neck.

-Of course, you may now be wondering what I can offer you... and I’m guessing that you think it isn’t much... but I’ll have you know, you’re going to be in for a wonderful surprise.-

Leaving him with that to think about, they broke the embrace. Midna rose up from his lap, and Link stood from the ground with a hold on his trousers. He dressed and tidied himself up a bit, and made a check on all of his equipment.

Midna was scanning her eyes around in all directions. The surrounding area of ruins was just as they’d entered.

Feeling fresher than he was before he’d arrived, Link stretched his body.

-Remember, I did say anytime,- She repeated in a whisper, smiling to Link over her shoulder. –And don’t forget, straight after this, you are still going to go and see that young girl...-

Her last words lingered in the air as she vanished into his shadow.

With what felt like the weight of the world taken off his shoulders and replaced by a fierce determination, Link bravely set forth on the sandy path to the Arbiter’s Grounds entrance.


“Oh boy, I cannot believe this. Zelda, it has been ages since we have seen each other last! I am so happy that you’ve come along to my Castle to see me here!”

Agitha’s over boiling excitement made Zelda’s gorgeous lips curl up into a smile. She did love coming to see her friend, because she was always just like a ray sunshine that brightened up your day no matter what concerns you may carry or how heavy they burdened.

“Would you like some more tea?”

Agitha had the pot in her hand already, tilting the spout into Zelda’s teacup.

“Yes please, thank you,” She nodded to the sweet girl.

She poured away, and the mist of steam rose up along with the fine tasting scent.

These two had known each other since they were very young, through the connection their parents had. Agitha would visit the castle often, and that secured them as very close friends when they would head out to the castle’s grand gardens to pick flowers and search for bugs. Their relationship had only grown stronger since then, and they would arrange tea parties every weekend.

Recent events had caused a slight disruption on their meetings, which is why Agitha was so happy to see her more than usual. And although she could sense the younger girl was concerned about her current appearance, she knew that she wouldn’t ask after it out of politeness.

Zelda had retained her normal features like her slender and elegant figure and her unmatchable beautiful countenance, which had been described as something as one of the great marvels of the world amongst the people, and reached ears across the globe prompting travellers to cross thousands of miles any way they can to try and catch a glimpse of this legendary Princess.

What she hadn’t retained was her usual skin tones. Her entire body paraffin pale like someone who had seen the worst nightmare imaginable, and was so traumatised by it they were forever stained with fright. Her hair wasn’t its usual colour other, having changed from its gorgeous brunette to a more pearly white. Even her dress, which was the exact same style she’d always worn, was now different, being as dark as the blackest shadows.

This was the unforeseen result after she had passed half of her power unto the Twili, Midna, to save her life. The slight change to her appearance was due to the heavy loss of magic.

“This tea is absolutely delicious, Agitha. It tastes very sweet, and gentle. What variety of leaves did you say you made it with?”

Agitha lowered the China cup from her lovely lips and after she had taken a sip from it. The steam rising from the hot liquid wavered as she lightly breathed out with contentment for the taste.

“They were called Longjing leaves, I believe. I haven’t ever used them before, but I had heard they were some of the finest varieties available.”

Across the table from her and staring down into the teacup like it was filled with priceless jewels, Zelda let the aromatic mist rise up and brush over her beautiful countenance. She even spent some time inhaling, it was that good.

“Longjing leaves... I heard they were very hard to come by, because the only place they naturally grow would be out to the Far East, well beyond the borders of Hyrule. How did you manage to come across these leaves? Was it from a travelling merchant at our market?”

It was common for traders from all over the country and even from around the world to congregate to the famous marketplace of Hyrule Castle’s town. The various wares unusual or rare to the people of Hyrule, ranging from foodstuff to clothes and ornaments, were always the most popular and in demand purchases.

Agitha shook her head.

“To be honest, I do not have a clue where they were bought from, or from whom. A friend of mine bought these for me just a few days ago.”

“That is extraordinary... perhaps, if you would be so kind, you could ask your friend if they could collect some for me, as well? Even we have trouble getting a hold of leaves of this grade.”

Agitha’s toes were on their tips, her feet twisting side to side in half circles as if she was stubbing out a flick of burning ash which had leapt from a fireplace onto the carpet.

“That should be no problem at all. He said he didn’t have any difficulty in getting some on his journeys.”


The little mention of a ‘he’ sparked Zelda’s interest in the matter. She knew of some of the other friends Agitha had, but didn’t know she had any male friends. Was this a recently acquainted friendship?

Agitha nodded animatedly.

“Yes, that’s right. He’s a new close friend of mine, who I met almost a month ago,” What she was to say next, would make Zelda suddenly drop her teacup. “His name is Link, and he is the nicest boy I have ever met!”

Green tea spilled onto the tablecloth. Agitha’s eyes widened in panic, and pushed her chair back to stand. She grabbed some of the napkins on the tray and pushed them onto the runaway streams of hot water heading for the edges of the table.

Zelda’s hand came up to her mouth, expressing her clumsiness with a gasp.

“I am so very sorry, that was very clumsy of me!”

“That’s okay,” Agitha laughed. “I surprised it was not me this time who spilled the tea. Perhaps the clumsiness has worn off me and gotten to you now?”

She always did see the funny side of things. Zelda tried to help with some napkins, but Agitha insisted that she had it all under control and asked she step back from the table while she took care of it.

Even at this time, Zelda didn’t want the conversation they held to be lost. Just how close was she and Link...?

“So this Link... how did you two meet?”

“Well,” She started to say, having stopped the spread and moving the cups and plates back onto the tray. “You see all the new butterflies and grasshoppers I have, don’t you? All the ones in gold? He was the one who brought them to me.”

Zelda was nodding, and needed more information. Although her mind nagged her to get the most important answers right now, she refused to hassle her friend in such a way.

By the time Agitha finished with a quick clear up of the table, she reached out for Zelda’s right hand. Once it was taken, she led her friend to the back of the house where her two-seated bergere sofa and four tier bookshelf stood.

They sat down together, on the edge, angled forty five degrees to almost face each other. That is where their conversation continued.

“He must be very kind to bring you all of them, because they live out in such dangerous places. Or, did you tell him you had some kind of a reward waiting for him if he got them...?”

That sounded a lot better in her head. The question was almost an accusation of bribery, rather than the lightly probing comment she hoped.

Luckily, Agitha hadn’t noticed.

“Well, I... Uh...”

She would have gladly answered it, but then she remembered exactly what the ‘reward’ was. Her cheeks turned vermillion, giving the game away that it was something more than money or a trinket.

Zelda felt a tense pull in her chest, but tried her best not to show it on her face.

She had and she hadn’t met Link before. She had, because he was the one with Midna back at the tower. She hadn’t, because he was in the cursed form of a wolf. She had, because she had seen his human form in her prophetic dreams. She hadn’t, because she had never met in real life in his human form.

A light tinge of pink crept across her cheeks. Zelda had foreseen that Link would save their world, and that he would become her lover and eventual husband. That was all because she had fallen for him, just from seeing him in her dreams. But if something was happening between him and Agitha... what would become of her love for him?

“I... gave him something special.”

Agitha said with a pleasant faraway look in her eyes.

“What was it?”

Zelda asked in a dreary whisper. She hadn’t noticed that, either.

In an almost outrageously un-thought out way, Agitha announced the very thing she gave him as a reward with pride.

“I gave him my body, so he could do whatever he wants with me!”

Zelda clamped a hand to her mouth as if to stop herself from choking out a scream. She trembled entirely. Even a small tear trickled from her left eye.

Agitha’s honesty could be brutal, sometimes.

“Y-you... gave him...”

And now Agitha noticed something was wrong with her. Her entire jovial visage was wiped clean to a state of worry, as she tried to take a hold of Zelda’s hands.

The older Princess half turned away.

“Y-you... and Link...”

Her voice quaked with a heartbroken sadness, and choked up with tears. This was almost enough to bring Agitha to tears, herself.

“Zelda, Zelda!” She was trying to get her to look at her, but it was to no avail. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?”

“N-no... no, no...” She shook her head, more furiously than she had ever done before. “No, I... I am just so happy for you, that is all.”

“Don’t you think I can’t tell the difference between someone being happy and sad?” Agitha frowned. “I can read human emotions too. I’m not just a bug freak.”

The way she spat the label most people around town had stuck to her, made Zelda freeze up and look down with glossy and misted up eyes. She had never been angry in such a way before, let alone spoke the insult that had been thrown at her.

With such an amazing control of her own emotions, she had gone to nonchalant within a few seconds as if her previous little outburst never happened.

“You know Link, don’t you?”

Zelda didn’t answer. She was gazing down and gnawing on her lip in a troubled way.

“Well, do you or don’t you? You wouldn’t be so upset if you didn’t know him.”

“Yes,” She quietly sobbed. “I do know him.”

“And for how long have you known him? Is it years, months, days...?”

The stern determination to get to the bottom of this was amazing. Zelda knew why that was, and it was simply this: Agitha did not ever want to see her best friend cry.

“A little over a month,” She said quietly, still with tears rolling from her eyes.

“And you love him, don’t you? This is what it is all about? You’re sad because you love him, whilst he and I...”

Asking that received the final nod of Zelda’s head, in an almost ashamed way. There was a moment of silence to follow.

That was until there was a real explosive light of excitement in Agitha’s big blue eyes.

“Ahhhh, that is just so wonderful! Zelda, I am so happy for you!”

Was this some sort of cruel sarcasm, or a way to really rub the point that she had him first into her wounded heart? No, this was genuine happiness for a friend.

Agitha hooked her arms over Zelda’s neck, and gave her a very tight hug. Being pulled into it, and generally not having the strength to do much, Zelda had no idea what to do with her hands. For simplicity, she just loosely held them around Agitha’s waist.

“He could be stopping by this afternoon, so you will just have to tell him the news!”

‘He’s... stopping by?’

Zelda was a little more troubled by that. How would she think about explaining how she got here to him... and how weak she felt having given over half her power away to Midna? Oh yes, there was also the young Twili to consider also... remembering her boisterousness, she knew Midna wasn’t going to stop pressing for answers.

“Agitha, you... and he... will that not-”

“Now, now,” Agitha said as she pulled away, pointing her finger at Zelda’s chin. “You don’t have to worry about Link and I. I told you that I was only giving myself to him as a reward, not as a contract that makes him purely my own. If you want him because you are in love with him, than I shall gracefully bow down, step aside and-”

“Don’t say that,” Zelda suddenly stopped her. She hadn’t stopped crying as of yet, but her voice was now firmer. “I don’t want you to give up on your happiness just for me. That would be selfishness on my part.”

“No it wouldn’t. It would be selfish if I didn’t let you have the one you love.”

This argument could have gone on until the very end of time. Zelda wouldn’t let her give up that easy, and Agitha wouldn’t let her go without her man.

“Listen, it is not the right thing for you to do. I can... I can leave you be,” Zelda wanted this conversation to end right now. She stared down at her own hands, on her lap, like someone who had lost the world.

Agitha knew this wasn’t going to resolve quickly. That was until a wild idea, wilder than anything she had ever had cross her mind, suddenly formed in her head. They could both be happy, if...

“I shall keep him then,” She said, taking Zelda’s hands and tightly pressing them between her own. “And so shall you.”

One last tear fell as she glanced up rather quickly.


A devious smile never known to appear on the young girl’s face emerged.

“The two of us, we share him. That way, neither of us would be sad, right?”

Zelda was so unsure, that her body started to shiver in a whole new way. What could she be feeling now...?

Agitha’s right hand rose up to her cheek, and with a gentle circular movement she caressed her pale skin. It made her feel strange, almost nervous. Like a spell was being placed upon her. She watched the tip of her small pink tongue slowly run along the bottom and top of her lips.

Zelda’s lips trembled as she leaned back an inch. What was Agitha doing, leaning forward and bringing her face so close with dreamy, half closed eyes and puckering lips?

She didn’t even realise the moment when Agitha’s hand slipped to the nape of her neck. She sat frozen, eyes as wide in shock as they could be, as the moistly licked up lips from the younger girl closed the breath away gap and came into contact with her own. She was receiving a kiss, her first kiss, from the one person she never would have expected...

“Don’t you like this?”

Agitha asked after only a second of contact. She was still there, head tilted to the side and lips millimetres away.


“Zelda...” Agitha spoke in a whisper, although not entirely full of the confidence she thought she had, and she didn’t even move from her position. She was practically talking into Zelda’s mouth. “I think if we are going to share him... we should also... I mean, we may as well...”

“But we are both-” Zelda’s mind had gone blank, just like that. What she intended to say completely vanished mid speech, yet she hadn’t a clue why. Perhaps she didn’t really believe in what she was about to say, and this was her body’s way of saying just get on with it.

No movement or words between the two could have been enough to make this situation feel awkward or tense, but it never felt that way.


She closed her eyes, and kissed Agitha in return. It was the first few seconds she began to question herself on why she originally thought of this as something strange or wrong, because it didn’t feel that way. It felt awfully pleasant, and greater than she could have ever imagined.

It seemed Agitha had experience, and therefore had the obvious advantages over her. The uncertainty of whether to kiss harder or faster, or whether it would be right to fold her arms around her neck or simply leave them where they were bugged her. She’d best follow her friend’s lead, that way not ending up looking a fool.

Both of Agitha’s hands came up and held her cheeks, just like she was holding a globe in her hands, and the massaging of her lips were becoming more and more heated. Neither of them could excuse a light-hearted and pleasured moan to express their enjoyment of the exchange.

Maybe it was more foolish to assume that it wasn’t right to put your arms around your partner’s neck, Zelda thought. Agitha was more or less doing it. Zelda slipped one hand around to the back of her head, while the other loosely held her down at the waist.

It went further than Zelda had anticipated.

Agitha’s hand had landed on her breast, and she was slowly pushed down onto her back. The kiss was neither broken nor interrupted during the movement. The smaller girl crawled over her, hiking up her dress skirt to get a leg over and straddle Zelda’s waist, and pressed down into her chest with her own to squash smaller soft breasts to soft breasts.

The bug Princess’ mouth ripped away from her friend’s lips, and with an almost possessed glaze in her blue eyes, she licked along the top row of her teeth and leant back down an extended loud sigh of satisfaction. One of her hands had moved to Zelda’s shoulder, and the other was pressed against the opposite side of the neck she had buried her face into.

Their bodies where pressed very tightly together now.

Zelda’s eyes had rolled back. Moisture had formed at the corners, which would blur her vision anyway as she had no means to wipe it away. That was despite her hands being free to move wherever, but they found it best around the back of the smaller girl to grip clumps of dress just below a set of butterfly ornamental wings.

Her breath had gone very shallow and short, not to mention going straight into Agitha’s ear, and hiked up with a squeaky moan after every nibble or suckle on the fine skin of her neck.

What was that hot feeling building up around her stomach? And why, she wondered with a hazy mind, was there a damp sensation between her legs?

“Am I making you feel good, Zelda?”

Agitha nibbled on her ear and whispered all manner of things. She had even begun to grind her hips into her friend beneath, as if to prove how serious and how far she wanted to go with this.

The young bug princess was rewarded with a hoarse sigh carrying a yes.

“That’s wonderful... but I’m going to go further to make you feel even better than this. So just lie back...”

“What will you do to me?”

Zelda asked very much like she was being tortured for treason, and yet her voice held a shivering excitement.

“A few tricks I picked up from Link... Although I must tell you that I will not be as good as he. Think of this as a preparation, so you will not need to feel nervous when he performs them on you later.”

The heat between her legs grew even more intense at the mere thought of the handsome warrior being with her to do such naughty things to her body. She trembled in such a delightful way.

“Are you nervous, yourself? About us doing this...?”

Zelda asked to see if she reflected the exact emotions within her. Agitha gave her reply in the form of a slow nod and the halt of her grinds.

“But then... you are my best friend, and I trust you more than anyone else. To do this and to have the opportunity to share a wonderful person like Link with you, I know this will only lead to greater things.”

Agitha sat up on her stomach, straddling, and posed another question.

“Now, then, will this dress of yours be as awkward to get off as mine? Lacings at the back can be such a nightmare at times.”

Her sweet laughter contagiously passed onto Zelda.

“There’s only way we can find that out,” She responded, and untied the first small gold fastening on her sleeveless over vest.

That came off easily, along with the necklace and dark metal shoulder pads. The long black dress beneath was much like a spaghetti strapped article worn around summer seasons, except it had lacings around the lower back.

Joining hands and lacing their fingers, Agitha helped her roll over onto her front like she was outside looking to catch the sun on her back.

Zelda’s long hair white hair was very nicely braided at the back, and had to be brushed aside as it was in the way of the knots keeping the dress tied. The dress was low cut, so there was much of Zelda’s moon pale back to see.

Agitha slipped a long glove off her hands, and with her bare fingertips she traced down the valley of her spine. As if she had given off a spark of electricity through her hands, the touch was enough to make the princess beneath bite into the cushion and clutch at fabric. What made her so suddenly gasp as if ice had been rubbed at the small of her back, was the follow up of a tongue riding smoothly down south from the nape of her neck.

At this time, the knots had been undone.

“Perfect,” Agitha whispered proudly. The laces opened up to go lower, and the waistband of Zelda’s lacy black knickers could just about be reached.

Zelda’s head rose up, and she looked back over her bare shoulder. Her expression read worry, only because Agitha had stopped for a time to simply breathe over the area just opened to her. She thought there was something wrong, but everything was as Agitha had described. Perfect.

With an impish glint in her eyes, Agitha used her teeth to bite the waistband of Zelda’s underwear. She tugged up on it like a dog chewing its master’s slippers, making the article ride up so far it not only ran up the crack Princess’ to an almost uncomfortable degree, but also tightened around her precious area at the front, riding up into that.

“Agitha! Agitha, no!”

Zelda cried with protest, although she hardly made an effort to actually stop her. She then got the feeling that she had gotten wetter from this, all from the constriction.

“Yes, you are right,” She replied, chewing the waistband with her perfect teeth. “The front would be a much better spot.”

Agitha rolled Zelda back over, which was amazing considering her smaller and weaker form. She had one leg off the sofa, to make sure she wouldn’t fall from it. A hugely noticeable hint of great pleasure shone in her eyes, now that her friend’s blushing added a beautiful shade to her face.

“Let’s get this off me, first,” Agitha indicated her own dress and leant forward so Zelda could reach around the back. Zelda’s fingers didn’t fumble like expected, because she looked like she could barely keep her mind straight in her current situation.

Agitha’s dress came off quickly, and like Zelda she still wasn’t in a state of full undress. She still had her fashionable corset, her very sexy white knickers which matched Zelda’s in terms of design and those wonderful thigh high socks.

She took out the two scrunchy’s holding up her ponytails to let her hair down, and now that it was free to flow long she shook her head from side to side to exaggerate that. With her golden tresses un-groomed like this, she had a wild look added to her gorgeous visage.

Zelda swallowed hard, hard enough that Agitha’s ears easily picked it up. The younger princess had a smile across her rosy face that was far more devilish than innocently sweet.

“Let’s continue on, shall we?”

Zelda arched and moaned when the young girl’s teeth nibbled on the side of her neck after she dropped down on top of her. They could feel the heat from each other’s breasts as they tenderly squashed together. Her hands held onto Agitha’s shoulders, neither pulling nor pushing the girl in any direction.

Agitha slipped the straps of Zelda’s shoulders, following along down the right side of her neck with many little light kisses. It was on the deltoid she stopped and attached her lips to kiss and suck the area, not moving on until she had made the spot red.

Zelda’s left hand slipped to the back of Agitha’s head, gently pressing down as she moaned from the treatment she was receiving. It was all of a sudden that the bug princess pulled away, and in a single tug with her hands she had pulled the top of Zelda’s dress down to her stomach. The force she used could have ripped the dress, which was what made the movement somewhat skilful.

Made nervous by the wild, intent gaze upon her now bare chest, Zelda’s first reflex was to cover up. That was made difficult by the impossible strength of Agitha that kept her hands pinned down to the cushions by the wrists. And that wasn’t all, because there was a wet formation between the younger girl’s legs that soaked onto her own stomach.

It was the sight of Zelda’s breasts, beautifully shaped and sized to fit her figure perfectly, that made Agitha so wet. Much like her own they weren’t as big as average, but then they weren’t as small as hers. They looked so plump though, and the nipples reacted to the open air and the stare upon them by hardening.

Zelda bit down on her lip and winced. For someone in her position, this was very embarrassing.

A single drip of saliva splashed down on the tip of the left bud, from the mouth hanging agape over it.

Pursing her lips like she was going to whistle, a long concentrated breeze left her lips and brushed down over the wet nipple. There was no other reaction expected than the one that came, as Zelda’s body shuddered terribly from the chill sent through her sensitive bud, and she cried out respectively.

‘Not yet,’ Agitha thought, leaning back to sit up again. She enticingly wiped her palms up her own sides, until they reached and cupped her own small breasts. A single tug and the lace fell loose on her corset. It was a simple pull and the corset opened up, and dropped off her back. She felt like a caterpillar breaking from its cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly.

It was now Zelda’s turn to have a watery mouth. The sight of her friend’s naked upper body was very stimulating, and the way she snaked down like a wild cat stealthily approaching its prey suited the look in her eyes.

Zelda tightly wrapped her arms around Agitha as she fully lay over her, pressing her body right up against her. The skin on skin, squashed breast to breast contact was a far greater sensation than either of them had anticipated. Just lying there like this together, gently rubbing against one another could have gone on for hours if they weren’t so eager to go further already.

There was time for another kiss to extend this position at least.

The pink tongue slipped into Zelda’s mouth. This was an unexpected move, as she hadn’t heard or learnt this technique before. She thought it was wonderful though, and followed the lead of her friend’s dancing tongue.

Warm breath of satisfaction brushed over Zelda’s face after the kiss ended, and both tongues poked out as if expecting more. A thin transparent string connected them from tip to tip.

Zelda’s body jerked in surprise. She hadn’t noticed until now that Agitha’s hand had slid the dress further down, to find the other side of her black knickers. They had ridden down far enough, and tightly hugged her area to give her cameltoes.

Agitha squeezed the labia’s together with her thumb and index finger, rocking a cry from Zelda’s lips, and pushed a finger inside despite the material blocking the way.

Inside it was soft, squidgy and very wet. The indecent noises made from a simple poke of the finger rung in both their elf like ears.

“Agitha, please don’t do that! Those noises...”

Agitha’s lips curved into a smile. Zelda sounded just like her when Link first did this to her.

“It feels so good, doesn’t it?” She teased in a whisper. “And the noises... they are so embarrassing, aren’t they? Don’t they just make you feel... like the fire inside won’t stop burning until your body explodes?”


Zelda arched and cried, after a set of teeth roughly bit down on her nipple and an extra finger pushed further inside her.

The resistance of the underwear was no longer a problem after the front was hooked out and held with her thumb, and the index and middle finger slipped into the wet, tight pink tunnel with ease. A routine of pumping, twisting and rubbing motions caressed the inner tunnels.

Alongside the treatment her lower body was receiving, Zelda’s breasts were victim to an oral assault. Nips, bites and chews were the majority of attacks on both her hard nipples. It was so surprising that, while she seemed to be well experienced in the way she done this, Agitha was merely being an untaught copycat of Link.

The taste of Zelda’s skin, her nipples and the flesh of her breast, was very different to Link’s. This flesh was smooth, sweet and hot against the rough, salty and cold texture of his. However much difference there may be, if asked which she preferred she could not choose between either in a million lifetimes.

Defiant to the ache of her wrist from all the thrusting with her fingers, Agitha carried on rubbing Zelda’s pink flesh with extra vitality. And her nips had turned to suckles, and the occasional addition of a rough tug.

Crying to the Goddesses’ in the heavens through eyes fogged from moisture, Zelda reached back and grasped the armrest above her head. Her inner walls tightly constricted around the fingers penetrating her. Her first climax stained the hand and fingers driving inside her and reduced her to a form of never ending trembles.

That was all ignored however, because Agitha wasn’t ready to stop yet. Pleased that she managed to bring on her friend’s first orgasm, she shifted further up and covered her mouth with her own without breaking the motion of her hand.

Hot wet lips massaged together in a blazingly eager way, and tongues lashed at each other like angry beasts in a duel. The heat and sweat of their bodies raised the temperature of the room, and threatened to bond their sticky skin together.

An energetic five minutes of this ended with another hard climax, and one very limp limbed Princess.

Flushed and tired after such an experience, Zelda didn’t think she would be able to sit up again for another hour or day. Out of breath gasps and wheezes filled the air, courtesy of both participants.

“Ah... my... my...”

Whatever Zelda wanted to say was soon given up on. She put her forehead to Agitha’s, who was crawled over her, and she closed her weary eyes.

The taste in Agitha’s mouth from the kiss just ended was nice, and she hoped the taste would be more delectable with the addition of the nectar covering her fingers. There was only an inch distance between their lips, so when her hand came up to her mouth some of the wetness rubbed on to Zelda’s lips.

“What’s that...?”

Zelda was about to ask about the sweet taste that touched her lips when she opened her eyes to see her friend happily sucking on her own fingers. That made her blush because she knew where that hand had been and therefore knew what was covering it came from her.

She couldn’t deny that the taste was something special, no matter where it came from.

Some trailed down the back of her hand. Wanting another taste, she took a lick.

Agitha wasn’t in the least bit surprised at this. She too enjoyed her own taste and would often ask for a share after Link brought it out of her.

Not to be greedy, she passed her hand to Zelda. It was taken, and dutifully licked clean.

“You have a very sweet taste,” Agitha said, rubbing Zelda’s lower lip with the edge of her wet finger. “It tastes slightly different to mine. Would you like to try it?”

Zelda nodded. If Agitha claimed to be not as good as Link, she secretly couldn’t wait for him to show up!

“You’re tired, so I’ll... let you lie back, and leave the hard work to me.”

Agitha got up on her knees, stepped over Zelda and off the sofa. She took a step away and hooked her thumbs over her panty waistline, pushing them down and kicking them away. A sexy stroll back to the sofa and a mischievous smile was then followed by a step over, so she had one leg off the sofa and the other knelt by Zelda’s opposite shoulder.

Not sitting but keeping all her weight up, Agitha’s very own wet entrance was directly above Zelda’s mouth, merely inches away. She gave a nonchalant smile to her friend down below, who looked almost terrified.

“I know you think you won’t be very good at this, but whether you are or not would not bother me in the least whichever way. So please, don’t look so worried. All you have to do is lick me.”

Words caught in her throat, Zelda couldn’t warn her of lack of confidence to do this. However, she knew full well that at some point she would have to. Closing her eyes tight, she stuck her tongue out and waited for Agitha to lower down to a more easily reachable height.

The first couple of dabs against Agitha’s pink flesh with her tongue were innocently testing. The third lingered for longer, like it was adjusting to the texture. It was not bad at all. And the scent emanating from was just as good as the taste.

Zelda opened her eyes, and she found herself staring right at it. It was a fantastic view, worthy of a blush on her part. All that brought a concern to her mind now was the blonde tuff of hairs at the top. She was a year older, but she didn’t have hair down there yet. Would that discourage Link with her...?

“Hey now,” To entice, Agitha dipped down and gently humped Zelda’s mouth once. “Go ahead. It’s okay.”

Putting every other thought aside, Zelda closed her eyes and lapped at the delicious wet flesh. Every time she did so, it sensitively quivered, and her tongue came further coated in the honey sweet nectar. She remembered what Agitha said, about her taste being slightly different, and she was right.

While it was lovely, Agitha’s wasn’t as tasty as hers.

And now Zelda was in for a surprise. After a minute of licking away, and just brushing over the small pebble that was Agitha’s clitoris, she was treated to a sudden flood of syrupy juices. Her eyes bugged out of her head at this, and she could only swallow.

Agitha stepped off of Zelda’s face, knelt down beside the sofa, and hugged her friend as she coughed and gasped for some air. Some had gone down the wrong way, but a quick pat on the back helped a treat.

“I’m very sorry about that, but I’ve been on edge since I finished giving you my fingers,” She said as she hugged Zelda’s head to her chest. “What you did for me was just enough to tip me over. So, what did you think? Was it nice?”

“Y-yes,” Zelda managed to sputter. Her face buried into Agitha’s chest.

With a sweet laugh, Agitha made a suggestion.

“Okay then, so I guess it’s my turn now. After that, we’ll have to discuss a special way to surprise Link...”


I hope this will do for now. I will update as soon as possible with the Link x Agitha x Zelda chapter.