Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ We Love You Link! ❯ Part 1. LinkxMidna ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is part one of the third chapter. I was going to keep it all as one big file, but things are running quite slow at the moment (Shite computer and laptop both crashing at the same time, current recession/aftermath that's made things hectic around the workplace leaving little time to concentrate on other things etc). This file was written up in a cheapy equivalent to MS Word, which has piss-poor spelling/grammar functions, so please excuse any errors that I may have missed and failed to correct. Link and Midna are the focus, with some content between them.

Link charged forward with his sword arm, the left, trailing behind him. With a warlike howl, he rammed the face of his shield directly into his opponent. Thanks to the weight and the force put behind it from the run, there was no way the Dynalfos could keep its footing and consequently fell onto its back.

The lightweight and gloriously powerful Master Sword in his left hand flashed silver as it arced over Link’s head. Not even the inch thick metal plate on the giant lizard’s head, normally capable of deflecting a direct blow from a heavy double handed club in the hands of a skilled warrior, could take the impact of the blade. Its skull was crushed and the monster was killed where it lay helpless in an instant.

Quick on his toes, he jumped forward over his defeated opponent and twirled in the air. He landed in a defensive stance, shield forward and sword behind him at the ready, and glared at the second Dynalfos.

It didn’t approach him, nor did it seem in the least to be phased by the demise of its comrade as the lizard body on the floor disappeared in a puff of purple and black smoke. Its eyes, filled with murderous intent, narrowed with further hatred towards the human as it hissed and growled, and raised its weapon high.

Both Link and the creature charged forward at the exact same time. Having witnessed the previous battle, the lizard fully expected to fall victim to the same tactic used before and tightened its shield arm to reinforce its own defence in the case of a direct shield charge. Unfortunately, it was not what Link had in mind.

Too heavy with its upper body defence, its legs were easily swept from underneath it as Link ducked and sliced at its knees once he passed by. The Dynalfos fell flat out, face and chin sending mud and stone flying as it skidded across the floor, and came to an abrupt end once it crashed into the cave wall with a nasty sounding crunch.

It was one Hell of an impact. The crunch was from all the bones in its neck, all of which shattered once it hit and left it with its head horrifically twisted back. In a puff of black smoke, the body vanished.

Link spun the sword in his hand and replaced it into the sheath over his left shoulder, and slipped his shield onto his back. He dusted off his hands and his tunic, and checked himself over for any injuries he may have sustained.

-Nice work, but don’t think the battle is over just yet,- A voice from nowhere in particular cautioned him. –I can still sense that there are at least a couple more of them hiding around here somewhere. Where exactly I can’t tell, but they’re definitely close by. Keep your guard up and don’t get cocky, otherwise neither us nor the person you’re looking to save will get out of here in one piece.-

With a little smile, he nodded.

“We’ll find them, don’t you worry about that. Anyway, I can’t die because I promised you that I’d help you find the pieces of the shattered mirror, and my promises aren’t easily broken.”

Their whole reason for entering this place was to answer a call for help. When trying to leave the desert, he swore he heard a voice on the wind calling directly to him, and following that voice led him into this long winding cave. He didn’t know who or even what was calling him, but his heroic nature refused to let him leave without solving the matter of a possible life in danger.

Midna suddenly raised her voice.

-Two more, incoming!-

Another couple of giant lizards dropped down from above. Where these creatures actually came from was a mystery, but not one Link would waste his time and vital energy to work out.

One landed directly in front of him.

A silver arc rose from his back, and sliced straight through the sneaky Dynalfos’ guard. With a shrieking bellow as its shield shattered, it leapt back a good five feet to avoid the follow up of Link’s attack.

What he didn’t see the Dynalfos drop at the time of its leap would be the start of all his troubles for the rest of the night, and the one thing that would put him at a dangerous disadvantage for the rest of this battle.

There was a flash from a small explosion on the floor, bright and blinding that gave the same effect as looking through a powerful scope aimed at the sun, and a loud ear-popping crack. Link, who caught the explosion close up, screamed and slapped his right palm over his eyes as a horrible white light burned his retinas.

It was a Deku nut, a natural but non lethal bomb seed. Used to incapacitate enemies during battle by firing off a flash and a deafening bang once it had been thrown, it was something that could turn the tide of a fight to its user’s favour.

And it has proved to have been the very tool that spelt the end of many great warriors’ lives, from the confusion and disorientation it brought upon them. Would this prove the same for Link?

A blade sliced diagonally downwards across his back, from the shoulder blade to his hip. It was not a deep slice, but enough to break the skin and leave a scar. Link’s body twisted in pain as he cried out.

Another swipe got his right thigh, again only breaking the skin. Blood leaked from both his wounds, sending a spasm of panic throughout the rest of his body. And the scaly, clawed foot of a monster rammed into his abdomen, kicking him hard with the heel.

He fell to one knee with his sword tip jabbed into the ground. He couldn’t see, and the pain the explosion brought him wouldn’t fade down. All the way down the canal of his ears, there was naught but the high pitched ringing worse than a thousand bells in unison.

There was two Dynalfos’ circling him, mocking him with their hissing laughter. With their prey blind and confused, they knew he wouldn’t be able to stand and defend himself anymore. As if they thrived off the pain he suffered, found it in some way a pleasure to watch, they just kept their distance until they got bored or their hunger for some human flesh got the better of them.

It wasn’t looking good.

-Link! Link!-

Midna called to him in desperation, trying to gain his attention and bring him to his senses.

-Link, you need to get a hold of yourself and listen to me! You’ve got to stand up. Please, ignore the pain, and stand up. You know what will happen if you don’t. Link!-

He was still breathing harshly, and growling through his teeth. Midna’s voice wasn’t very clear to him, but he did his best to concentrate on her voice. He knew she’d somehow guide him through this.

-Don’t give up on me, not right now! Listen, if you take up your sword and pay attention to my directions, just swing it! You can still fight if I tell you where the enemy is!-

He knew she was right. Midna was talking sense to him. He had to bite back the searing agony and get up on his feet. Still unable to hear or see properly, he hadn’t heard the angry shrieks of his opponents nor seen their expressions of disbelief.

The Dynalfos behind him stepped in first with its sword raised high.

-Duck left,- Link crouched to his left, avoiding the downwards swing of the sword. –Stab forward!-

With a lot of weight behind his charge, he thrust the sword straight forward. From his angle, he was going straight into the creatures’ flank. The resistance going against his push told him that he’d made contact with something and was going through it, and above the ringing in his ears there was the blood curdling screech of a monster in its death throes.

He kept going forward, and toppled to the floor with his enemy. It acted as a meaty cushion for him to land on.

-Behind you! Coming in fast!-

With no time to stay in one place and get his sword out of the fallen enemies’ body, he grabbed its chest plate and rolled to his left. The corpse momentarily became a shield, which took the impact of an arcing sword aimed at him.

He rolled all the way away from the body, and spun up on his feet. The ringing in his ears had died down to a hum, but he still only had half his regular hearing capabilities. Unfortunately, his eyes hadn’t gotten any better.

The last remaining Dynalfos let out a lizard’s cry. Its companion had disappeared in a puff of smoke as it turned to face its blind enemy, who was now without a weapon.

Link slipped the shield off his back and held it in front of him with his right shoulder giving it the full solid stability, and his left hand pressed against it for extra support. This was now his weapon, until he could recover his sword which lay a few feet away.

-Charge forward, drop when I say so. You’re in line with the sword, so you should be able to snag it in a roll.-

“Right,” Link seemed to shout in his large exhale of breath, with a dark excitement to it. This fight was almost over, and the bastard monsters responsible for the hot numbness to his eyes were all about to be destroyed.

The lizard prepared for its own charge.

-Go! Go now!-

Link burst into a low sprint, following after his shield.

-Drop now!-

He did so after the gap had closed, combat rolled forward and felt the wind brush down his right side. The lizard had taken a swing and missed him. During the roll he managed to grab the handle of his sword, and the final blow was his to deliver.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t to happen. As soon as he was on his feet, in a crouch, the lizard’s long scaly tail whipped through the air and struck him at the side of the head. The force of the blow tipped him over on to his side, into the dirt like a sack of potatoes.

Sounding as if there were tears being choked back, Midna screamed to him.

The Dynalfos was right on top of him, with the taste of victory and Link’s flesh soon to flavour its tongue. Proudly, it stepped forward on its right leg and-


Link had managed to get his right foot up high enough to thrust his heel into the knee of the Dynalfos, breaking its slim leg at the joint from the front in a bout of pure luck.

He may have been down and disorientated, but he was not out. Not to some run-of-the-mill, bottom-rung minion. If it hadn’t have stepped forward and put its weight there on that leg, Link would have completely missed the kick and would have been finished.

It collapsed at an awkward forty-five degree angle onto its side, harrowing at the pain of a sudden broken leg, and Link rolled right on top of it. Immediately he pummelled it with his fists, staining his knuckles with a mushy dark red, then wrestled its weapon from its claws and brutally bludgeoned the creature until it wriggled in its painfully diminishing life no more.

All was silent and still. The power drained from his arms and they fell limp with the weapon rolling out from his grip. Blind, deaf and heavily wounded, Link slumped to his side and lay half dead on the floor.

Seconds later, a dull glow of purple highlighted the shadows of darkness creeping over his still form. When it stopped, someone with the size, shape and appearance of a young girl no older than twelve, but with the full features of a woman beyond those years, appeared by his side.

Sadness and panic twisted her beautiful countenance as she hoisted his head onto her lap. Normally, her face would've been half-hidden behind a large stone mask. Since an event earlier on that day, she'd forgone wearing it.

-I'll get you to safety,- She whispered in a racy, tear-choked tone, hunched over and hugged his head between her lap and her chest.

The ponytail which hung down her back let off an orange light once she'd spoken.

Agitha’s personal home library was chock-full of books varying in size, length, thickness and age. Some where leather bound, a few were a softer material, and others were hardbacks. Things were kept simple at the start with only two categories, Botany and Entomology, but now she’d created a brand new category for all things concerning herself and that marvellous warrior whom ‘owns’ her as of recent.

It consisted of written works about love, romance and erotica, both light and heavy, in the formats of novels, encyclopaedias and guides. That category was to expand now that Zelda was on the scene.

The Hylian Princess could barely contain herself as she read one particular book of the new category from cover to cover. It was just so exciting that at some point during this day, she was to take some of these writings off of the page and perform them for real with the man she’d fallen for.

Light from the window allowed her to read the words and study the pictures. She always loved to read books and study the world beyond the castle walls, although the content of those weren’t almost as… interesting, as this. They were certainly a new aspect to the world she knew.

“Wait until you read these ones,” Agitha said as she came bounding over from the shelves with two more books as thick as wood blocks in her hands. “The content is purely shocking, but worth a go at least.”

There wasn’t any sign that Zelda had acknowledged what was just said. The book she was reading had enslaved her mind to the content of its saucy text.

Not taking any offence as she knew how intriguing these books are, Agitha placed her recommended pile down next to Zelda so she may look at them once she’d finished. Brushing a hand across her own backside to sweep her long dress to the front of her legs, she took a seat on the edge of the bed and in front of Zelda.

“U-um… what is this word ‘fellatio’ mean?”

The book was tilted forward and the tip of her index finger placed onto the sentence with that specific word included, as she hoped her friend could see and help decipher it. The word was a common one in the book, but had yet to fully explain the meaning and the exact application in a way she could understand.

“It keeps mentioning this word in the paragraph,” Zelda’s eyes traced back up the page to find and quote an extract. “’To feel those soft lips around him as she performed fellatio was a greater feeling than any possible wish granted by the heavens could muster’. Is it another word for ‘kissing’?”

“Fellatio? Well, it’s kind of like kissing, in a way. That’s the word for when…” Agitha slowed down when she tried to think of the best and clearest way to explain it. She knew perfectly well Zelda wasn’t stupid; however she didn’t think she’d understand the meaning in simple words. She thought that because the book her friend was reading had explained the word at the start of the second chapter, and it’d obviously gone right over her head. “…Oh, I know! Wait here for just a second, I’ll be right back!”

Agitha hopped off the bed and dashed across the room with her hands keeping the hem of her dress off the floor. In ten seconds she’d returned, holding a big yellow banana she’d collected from the fruit bowl above her head as if it were a flaming torch.

Zelda was quite confused at the spectacle. Was this ‘fellatio’ word food-based, or had her friend gone mad?

Agitha plonked herself back down on the bed, making the springy mattress wave from the landing. With enthusiasm burning away at her bottom, she waved the banana in front of Zelda’s eyes and proceeded with the demonstrative explanation.

“Okay, now imagine this is Link’s penis,” The abrupt way she said that made Zelda’s eyes widen, and added some colour to her pale cheeks. “What I want to do is really make him feel good, so I’m going to stick it in my mouth like so.”

Slowly, Agitha took the banana into her agape mouth. There was a silent moment when she watched her friends jaw drop from the corner of her eye. A little smile played on her face after she removed it again.

“S-so that’s fellatio,” Zelda looked down with shy eyes. “And that will make him feel good?”

“Oh no, no, no… there’s a lot more to it than that. Once you’ve got it in your mouth, you have to do this,” Agitha put it back in and moved her head up and down, taking in and letting out inches of saliva-coated banana. “And I think licking works well, too.”

“You’re not sure?”

Lowering the banana, Agitha smiled sheepishly as she blushed.

“To be honest with you, I haven’t actually got round to doing it with him yet. But I do know the techniques from that book, so it should be okay. We can still practice them together and make sure we’ve got it right.”

“But what if…” Zelda’s eyes saddened as they transfixed on the banana. “…What if we fail to do it right? Would that make him unhappy, if we could no-”

“I keep telling you, Link is a wonderful, loving person,” With the banana still in her hands, Agitha grabbed Zelda by the shoulders and gave her a little shake. The bright, optimistic gleam in her eyes gave her words strength. “It’s not the most important thing in the world to him. He’s not the kind of shallow, single-minded guy who’d care whether or not we’re any good at something like this. Trust me; you don’t have to worry about anything, Zelda, because it’s all going to be completely fine.”

Now that that was well and truly laid out, Zelda’s eyes brightened up and she managed a smile. “Okay. I’m just a little nervous and excited at the same time.”

“Of course you are! Now,” Agitha sat back on her heels and giggled as she rubbed the banana in her hands. “Let’s get some ‘fellatio’ practice in before we head out, eh?”

Tears flooded from her eyes as she knelt beside his form. No, not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy and relief.

Link’s eyes fluttered open and closed. He was coming round.

Lightly, she touched the tip of his nose. He raised his hand to touch the back of hers, and with closed eyes he gave a weak but jovial smile and whispered how he’d like another five minutes of sleep.

Midna held his head between both hands and firmly smothered his dry lips with her moist mouth, her wet tears dripping and splashing on his cheeks. This would certainly seem a wonderful greeting to wake up to, though she was kissing with such fever he could very well die from suffocation.

Still, what a way to go that would be.

Midna’s lips suddenly withdrew from his, giving the opportunity to regain some air to the lungs, then replaced themselves on his forehead. She cradled his head in her arms, as his left hand weakly raised to touch her cheek.

-You… you complete and utter… utter… git!- She mumbled through tears and relieved giggles. –You owe me big time, mister. If I hadn’t been here to drag your sorry but finely-chiselled arse to one of these healing pools, you’d have been a goner.-

“Healing… pool?”

Link wondered why he had the feeling he was lying in something wet.

The waters ability to heal repaired the cracks and splits to the skin, cleaned and closed the deepest of bodily wounds, massaged every singular muscle and soothed the aches of any bones and their joints. The sensation it gave out could easily be described as warm and tingly.

These pools, above ground, were only found near each of the Springs of Light. Surely, to find one down here was a stroke of luck.

When requested, Midna held on to his arm and helped him sit up. Link wanted to get a look at his surroundings, even though there wasn’t actually much to see. Indeed they sat in a small body of water smack bang in the very centre of this wide, circular cave room. A source from up above provided the light, showering a harmonious beam upon them and added a particularly beautiful diamond glitter to the pool’s surface.

“…Are we at the end of the cave?”

-No, not yet. But, far as I can tell, we may not have much farther to go before we reach the end.-

At least that was some good news. The sooner they reach the end and get this matter resolved, the sooner he could get back to the town to see Agitha.

Midna sniffled and giggled as she rubbed away the tracks of her tears with the back of her hand. Under her breath, she was repeatedly calling him a ‘gitty, gitty, git-git.’

“I’m at least glad you consider my arse is important enough for you to have to go through trouble to save it… and that you think it’s finely-chiselled,” Link chuckled with a dry throat as Midna stretched a leg over and straddled his thighs, sat on his lap, and gripped his tattered tunic. “That should just about make us even, right?”

-Not a chance,- Her eyes cast down, her mouth formed a slight smile and her head shook to accompany her mumbling response. –Rescuing you is a lot harder to pull off than it was vice versa. You’re so damn heavy I could’ve hurt myself getting you to safety.-

True that she'd used her powers to carry him here, she still had to concentrate hard in order to support him for such a distance. So by saying she almost hurt herself, it was more of a mental exhaustion rather than physical. Midna pushed her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in deep his scent of sandalwood and sweat.

-But I’m glad to have you back, anyways.-

Link smiled and hugged her. She’s such a lovely person. A minute passed before she spoke once again.

-By the way… I wanted to give you a special surprise. Better now, just in case you… never mind. Here,- She took a hold of his left hand, drawing it slowly around to her back. –Keep your hand there for a moment.-

Letting go, Midna brought her hands close together to grab a hold of his tattered tunic collar and leant further forward. Closing her eyes and continuing her instructions in a series of gentle whispers, she reburied her face into the side of his neck once again.

The order he received was simple; to use the tips of his fingers and trace down her spine until he reached the small of her back. When he reached there he was told to go further, further down. Playing the initiative when he’d passed her tail bone, he’d kept to the crevice of her soft buttocks.

By the hitch in her breath against his neck, Link knew he was on the right track and on his way to find what she was leading him to. The surprise registered on his face when the tip of his ring finger discovered this familiar orifice.

-You did this before, right? With Agitha…-

Oh yes, he remembered doing that. He remembered when he played his guilty contribution in her inability to sit straight for a day.

“Are you going to be okay with this?”

-What makes you think I won’t be okay with this? I’ve requested it of you, haven’t I?-

That was fair enough, he thought. Placing his other hand behind her head to keep her in the crook of his neck, Link brought his left hand to his lips and took a single suck of his middle fingers print. That hand went back down to her buttocks, cupping one, and his wet middle finger poked into her anus.

The reaction was strong. Midna’s body had a mild spasm as if she received a sudden jolt of electricity. The skin of his neck became the area where she’d focus the attention of her lips, and she stuck them to him like she was a beautiful vampire trying to suck the blood from his jugular.

Link’s erection grew harder with her rubbing against him as he pushed and pulled his finger into and out of the very small and shockingly tight hole. As well as the excitement the prospect of taking her in here brought to him, he was equally worried about it. His size could seriously hurt her.

-Link, stop it,- He heard her mumble. –Stop teasing me with just your finger… I want the real thing inside me…-

“You’re impatient,” A humoured grin spread across his face. At the same time, he had had her clawing at his tunic and biting her lip to hold back the squeals as he drove his middle finger all the way in to the knuckle. It wasn’t just the way he pushed it, but the way he wriggled and drilled the digit in.

At her own accord, the muscles of her insides contracted around the finger to such an extent it drew a light gasp from his lips. Obviously the thought of getting himself in backtracked from the worry about her well-being to his own. If it could tighten this much around his finger, how would it fare with his penis?

Failing to relax her tract when he abruptly tugged out the finger, the odd feeling sent a shiver of arousal up her back. Still, she got her way.

“Okay, okay… we’ll move on to the real thing,” Link kissed her forehead as she dazedly gazed up to him. “I’ll just need you to shift back a little bit.”

Midna placed her hands on his thighs and raised her rear off his legs. When he spread his legs open she stepped in and knelt down in between them, placing her hands over his before he could start undoing the cords of his trousers.

-Allow me to get that for you,- She whispered and gave a sly wink. A single pull of the cord and it was loose enough to get him out. Her cheeks lit up again as she was reunited with his hard, throbbing erection, to which she whispered playfully. –I bet you missed me, didn’t you? You naughty boy…-

Link shuddered as she held him by the head and placed her lips fully on the tip to peck it like someone would a cheek. It turned to a sucking kiss, followed by three slow circulations of her tongue.

The squelch of her saliva spreading around the tip and the light moan as she licked up the pre cum made him throb and hunch forward.

One last circulation and Midna closed her eyes, ready to bravely push herself to the limit. The struggling choke she drew from his lips came from the motion of her fingertips, lightly stroking down the sides of his shaft to the base to where her hands would rest, and the cough of great pleasure from her mouth swallowing up to the exact same length.


Even as she felt the tip of his head touching the back of her throat and his pubic hairs tickle the end of her nose, she remained adamant to hold this place and savour what she had taken. The build up of her saliva filled the tiny gaps in her mouth the thick phallus didn’t take up.

Her ability had improved a lot in little time. Only earlier that very day she struggled with this, but her confidence grew and she strived hard to prove it.

Saliva dribbled down the long shaft and she slurped to try and stop most of it if she could as she finally pulled her head up. Both her hands stayed at the base, pressing flat down and forming a ‘diamond’ with her fingers and thumb around the trunk, and the air snorted from her nostrils before she proceeded to drive herself down again. The squelches the saliva made on his skin rung in their ears as she repeatedly moved up and down at a very good pace.

This felt damn good for the both of them, Link especially. The warmth and moistness of her mouth somehow felt better than the first time.

But this wasn’t right, Link thought. He was supposed to be doing something for her…

“Midna,” He choked, placing his hand on the top of her bobbing head. “Midna, stop…”

Too much into it, Midna ignored him. If he tried to get her to halt, she’d scrape her teeth along the shaft and tightly constrict her fingers. It stopped him from interrupting, all right. For now, she was in control.

In control of everything but his ejaculation, which happened without due warning.

At the time, her mouth was near the base and her eyes were wide with stark shock. Immediately she pulled back as the first shot from his pulsating member filled her mouth, overflowed down her throat and blocked her airway. The following four ejaculate blasts hit the outside of her throat, the bottom of her chin, across the bridge of her nose and even her forehead.

Midna shut her eyes and swallowed hard, regaining her ability to breathe once the thick seed pushed down her throat to her stomach.

“So-sorry about that, are you okay?”

-Yeah, fine,- Midna wheezed with her head hanging low. Link kept his hands on her shoulders and gave them a supportive massage. –Though, in future, be a good boy and let me know when you’re going to pop, won’t you?-

When Midna looked up and met with the shocked eyes which were studying her face, she blushed and asked him what he was looking at. Link’s eyes softened and he chuckled when he pointed out she had some of his ‘popped essence’ covering her face.


Midna’s eyes crossed to see the thick blob of sticky goo across the bridge of her nose. Her hand came up to her forehead to touch the amount dribbling down over her brow, to which she collected some on her fingertips and placed it into her mouth. The calm way she proceeded to do this with the shy downcast eyes was simply cute.

With a grin, Link cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back. He managed to stun her by scooping his own semen from her nose with his tongue, and then shovelled it into her open mouth for her to take.

Midna’s eyelids drooped and she received it in the way it offered.

As they kissed and mingled the sticky substance on their tongues, Link crossed his arms behind her back in a gentle cuddle. Moments later, one hand slid under her buttocks and raised her up as he pulled her closer, while the other traced down her spine and looked to take its place.

Midna started to shiver with glee. She knew what was going to happen next, though when it would truly begin eluded her.

The one hand on her buttocks made use of all the fingers. Sliding into the crack, some of the fingertips dug in and others pushed out to spread the area open. The other hand clutched his hard erection, guiding it to the stretched hole. The tip of the head dabbed and slid along the skin of the area, spreading some of the messy dribbles of his previous release within the crack, until he could feel the small orifice he searched for.

Odd little moans passed from her mouth, some on account of the kiss and most due to the bulbous object prodding but not yet entering her rectum. It happened more than a few times where he prodded, pushed as if he going to enter, before stopping and restarting all over again. Was this on purpose? Was he deliberately teasing her, or was he waiting for her to sit down?

She gathered from the light chuckles into the kiss that he was teasing her.

-Meanie,- Midna moaned against his lips with good humour.

As much as she did enjoy it, she wanted to get on with the main event. To put an end to it all, the next time he lined it up and prodded inside she forced herself down upon it.

Together, their breaths sharply kicked out of their lungs. Their kiss had to halt until they'd regained the lost air before it continued on, fiercer than before.

A silent squelch of the sticky head pushing in went unheard by them. A whole minute was as long as it took for just the head to enter the tight little hole, and already Midna had passed her message across to Link during the second short break for oxygen that it was both an unusually pleasant feeling and painful, to a minor degree, at the same time. Still determined to continue despite the ever so slight discomfort, Midna relaxed her muscles the best she could and forced her body down further and further.

Link felt immensely stimulated by the tightness of her tract, despite the fact it felt like it was almost to crushing point. It was so good that if he'd gotten himself stuck in here, he wouldn't even fret over it. The thought of it made his erection throb.

Every inch of his pulsating shaft, all the way down to the hilt, had become encased by the powerful grip of her anal muscles. Neither Midna nor Link had been able to stop with the moans, shivers or whines ever since the first few seconds of entry. There was little movement on either part for well over five minutes as they sat there with ragged breaths, clutching at each other like they were trying to brave an ice cold storm.

Until Link placed one had aside and slowly rolled them over, gently laying Midna onto her back in the water and hunching forward over her. The level was halfway up her cheeks, and the tone of her orange hair slightly darkened from the wet. Her hips were angled up from the ground so her buttocks were dabbling on the surface, all due to his height and the penetration.

Midna's eyes were closed, and she looked to be quite content. Still, Link had to ask.

"This doesn't hurt still, does it? Would you like me to hold still for a while longer?"

When she shook her head for a no, Link softly sighed. This wasn't going to be a one-off. From now on, they would be doing this as a regular thing, much in the same way as his liaison with the wonderful Agitha.

Happy with her answer, Link pulled his hips back with a light grunt. In the motion of doing so, it made him aware of a minor issue they were set to face.

Midna gasped and grabbed at his tunic collar as she was dragged down across the pool's muddy floor along with his hips. It seemed to be that her body was too light in weight and her anal tract too constricted around his shaft for him to get into a proper set motion of thrusts in the conventional manner without her being pulled back and forth like this.

His hips pushed forward again, and she too went up across the floor again with a splash of water.

“Midna, I think you're going to have to hold on tight for this to work.”

-Right,- She hooked her arms around his neck when he hunched further forward over her, and her legs tried their best to get around his waist for an extra hold.

Down by her ear, the tip of Link's nose brushed the surface of the clear pool. He whispered that he was ready to get on with the action, and squeezed her tight with his arms.

It started out slow to find out whether or not this position would put any strain on his lower back. After twenty or so humps he felt no pain, although that could have been down to the water's remedial qualities which still surged throughout his entire form.

The penetration was deep. Between the hilt and the ring, only one inch could leave and return throughout the recurrent movement. An increase of speed never crossed Link's mind, for the slow and hard rock of his hips provided a greater stimulation if not better than if he were to go all out.

-It feels good,- She struggled to breathe out, tightening her hold on his neck and pressing her forehead to his collarbone. Repeating this line roughly three times a minute, she shivered pleasantly at the feeling along the lining of her tract as it squeezed his throbbing penis.

The clench was all that he could take. Driving it in once more with great force to lock every inch of his shaft inside, and keeping his hips pressed upon her, he let loose with his ejaculation.

A short, sharp moan on her part accompanied every one the long hot bursts inside. They filled the pit of her stomach with a strange tingle, greater than the one the pool’s water gave to the entire body.

Even when it all stopped, Link hadn’t moved from the position. His hips still pressed down upon her, and his penis continued to throb inside.


Midna squeaked in surprise when he suddenly sat upright and kept her head pressed close to his chest the whole time. She clutched him tightly around the neck. The rush of water down her back brought the mild chill of the air to her skin.

Without a passing word for over a minute, Midna tightened her arms further and clenched her buttock muscles around his erection. At the same time, she lightly bounced in his lap like she was trying to get a horse to giddy-up.

-Link, I want to go again.-

“You’re very impatient,” Link chuckled as he repeated a previous line and cuddled her more. “Can’t you stop and enjoy a lovely hug once in a while?”

-We can do plenty of hugging while we’re on the job, so let’s go again now,- She retorted with humour in her voice, and emphasis on her very last word.

With a childish grin, Link tilted her head back and gave her a little kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Yes, ma’am.”

It should have been one more round, but it spanned to ten. After Link treated Midna to the most enjoyable hour in her entire life, he suited up with his equipment and they headed out to finish this descent through the cave once and for all.

This will either be part one of two, or part one of three. It depends on how quick I can work this.