Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction / Power Rangers Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Power Rangers REVOLUTION ❯ Rangers, Separate!! ...Part Two ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

PT. Two
Sarah was tricked into going back to England.
“My Mother… she's ill!”
“If you ever want to see your mother again, come to BIG BEN before midnight!”
While she and James went off, Mykan, and the others went against Electro, an eel Virus.
“Without James and Sarah, we're as good as toast!!”
Will the rangers winagainst Electro, and will James and Sarah be alright?
James and Sarah found some horses and headed for BIG BEN, and when they didn't find Lady Philips or the kidnaper outside, they raced inside and up the tower.
Up, and up the many stairs they ran. “Gee…” puffed James, “I never… realized… it was this high!”
Sarah was getting tired too. She never knew how High BIG BEN really was either.
Finally they reached the top of the tower, but found the room in total darkness. “I can't see anything!” Said James.
Suddenly the lights of candles and torches were everywhere, and James and Sarah were surrounded by the Redcoats.
Near the other end of the room, Sarah's mother was still all tied up and gagged with her kidnaper standing right by her.
“Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah! So you did decide to come after all.” He laughed, “I so glad you've come, especially you Sarah Philips!”
Sarah's eyes widened, “That… that voice… that accent!” she cried. “Oh, no... No it can't be!”
James was concerned about her. “Sarah, what is it?” he asked.
The strange man in armor took of his helmet and mask, revealing his true identity. Lady Philip's eyes widened, as did Sarah's.
“Oh my god…” cried Sarah. “Tom!!”
“Hmm, mm, mm, mm… Yes dear cousin. I have returned!” hissed Tom. “Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah, ah!!”
Meanwhile, back in America
Moses, Henri and I were still at it putting up a valiant effort, but we were no match for Electro, Alone!!
“READY… AIM… FIRE!!!” I cried. We aimed our Swords and guns, and FIRED at Electro. All it did was damage him slightly, and knock him backwards.
“Oh man… he's still there!” cried Moses.
“Three power Blasts isn't strong enough!” I added.
“What do we do know?” cried Henri.
Electro stood up, “You can TAKE THIS!!” and he fire more shockers at us knocking us down.
“Rah, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah… Like shooting fish in a barrel.” Laughed Electro, “And now to finish you.”
Meanwhile, back at BIG BEN
Sarah, and her mother still couldn't believe that Tom was alive and well, especially seeing as how Sarah witnessed his final words after he got shot.
James had a pretty good theory of what happened. “Ebenezer… he must have used a Virus to revive him.”
Tom chuckled and nodded. “Heh, heh, heh… very good American!” he hissed. “I live to serve to Master, Ebenezer.”
“And now that I am back, better than ever before, I shall make you and all your American people pay dearly for having me killed.”
James' heart nearly skipped a beat. “So, you're the one who lured us here.” He snapped. “You wrote that phony letter about Sarah's mother!”
Sarah's eyes widened, “Tom… is this true?!”
“Hmm, mm, mm, mm… I guess that not all the Americans are as dimwitted as I thought.” Tom sniggered.
Tom then snapped his fingers and the Redcoats separated James from Sarah, and marched her toward her mother and cousin.
“I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you dear cousin.” He said. “You will be spared, unless you disobey me!”
Sarah and her Mother raised confused looks.
“It's very simple.” Said Tom, “I plan to bring you two back to Ebenezer, where you shall serve him and I as obedient Slaves!”
Sarah began to feel sick to her stomach. “I will never serve that ungrateful brat!” she snapped.
“You will do as I tell you, or you will be punished.” Replied Tom, “Just for your insolence, you shall watch your friend Die!”
The Redcoats surrounded James with their muskets at the ready. “No… James!” cried Sarah.
Tom held Sarah back, and the Redcoats formed a wall in front of her. “Hmm, mm, mm… Prepare to die American!” he hissed.
James held his hand up high, unable to make a move. He cast a look at Sarah, a look of him saying… “Good-bye Sarah!”
Sarah could feel her anger boiling inside her, and even though her mother would learn the truth about her… there was no other way.
Sarah stared down at her mother. “I'm sorry mother.” She whispered. Then she turned and yelled out as she flipped Tom over top of her and knocking down the Redcoats in front.
Lady Philips couldn't believe what her Daughter just did.
Sarah then flipped up and over into the ring by James, and the two began attacking the Redcoats.
It wasn't long before half of them were vanquished, but when they turned back to face Tom, he grabbed Sarah's mother. “Going down!” and he leapt out of the tower.
The Redcoats followed him, leaving the Rangers alone. “MOTHER!!” cried Sarah. “James, we've got to save her.”
James nodded and raised his Morpher. “I'll send a message to Mykan. We're going to need Help.” He said.
Once the message was sent, they hurried down the Tower.
Meanwhile, in America
Electro was still standing, and we were pretty weak, but also not beaten. “What are going to do now?” asked Moses.
I thought about it, and decided there was no other way. “Henri, Moses… you'll have to activate the Mega Battles!”
Both of them turned towards me… “But you said, you didn't test them yet.” Said Henri.
“I know what I said, but we don't have a choice now.” I snarled. Then Electro shot me again, and this time I fell over and My Ranger suit vanished.
“Hee, hee, hee, hee… Ooh, did poor little Red Ranger run out of power?.” He chuckled. “One down, four to go!” he chuckled.
“Whoa… Mykan! You alright?” cried Moses.
“JUST DO IT!!” I yelled, as I scrambled to my feet, and ran for cover. “You have to cover me so I can recharge!”
Moses and Henri saw no more arguing it. “You're going to pay for what you just did Bolt boy!” yelled Moses.
“And it is not going to be pretty.” Added Henri.
They both raised their Morphers, and twisted the jewels as I told them, and their ranger suits started to glow.
“MEGA BATTLE, BLUE!!” cried Henri.
“MEGA BATTLE, GREEN!!” cried Moses
When the lights had dimmed, their suits were covered in rather shiny looking armor, and shoulder pads.
Moses was carrying a huge Cannon blaster that had two buzz saws at the end of it.
Henri was Carrying two twin Bazookas in both his hands. “Sacre' Bleu… My Power levels, they are going crazy!”
“Mine too!” added Moses. “This is so intense!”
Electro just sniggered. “So what, you got new shiny outfits and toys?” he mocked. “They won't save you!”
“We will see about that!” snapped Henri as he and Moses began charging towards him.
“Too bad… you should've stayed down!” and electro shot his energy bolts again, but this time…
Moses and Henri didn't even get phased, and the just kept right on going through the blasts. The armor protected them from the shots.
“What the…?!”
Moses aimed his Cannon, and the Buzz saws started spinning. “Time to cut your current.” He said. “CUTTERS, AWAY!!”
He launched the two blades off the Cannon like Frisbees, and the flew clean across Electro and hit him good.
The blade came back again, and again like Boomerangs, hitting Electro again and Again, until Moses called them back. “Your Turn Henri!”
Henri Nodded, and poised one of the two cannons he was holding. “Try and CHILL OUT!!” he said, as he fired a freeze ray.
“Whoa… it's getting… c-c-c-cold!!” cried Electro as he got frozen on the spot. “Turn up the heat here!”
“Alright… I'll give you `Eat!” snapped Henri as he fired his other Cannon, a Flamethrower, and as Electro was thawed out, sparks flew out from his body.
“GRR… You Rangers haven't gotten me yet!” he snarled as he stood up.
“Oh yeah we do!” protested Moses. “Ready, Henri?”
“Ready, Moses!” said Henri and he and Moses charged their weapons to full power. “FIRE!!” they both cried.
Their large energy shots attacked Electro and really gave it too him hard as he whimpered in pain and began to getting shocked.
Then he fell over backward… EXPLODED… and was really gone!
The Mega battle armors disappeared, and Henri and Moses jumped for joy. “WE DID IT, WE DID IT!!” cried Henri.
Washington and his men cheered for joy, and ran forth to thank Moses and Henri, and they even thanked me too.
“Please tell us, how we can repay you?” Washington asked, and as predicted, I asked him and his men not to mention about what they had seen to anyone else.
They agreed with sincere honor.
Suddenly, the red Jewel on my Morpher was flashing. “Oh no! It's the warring messenger!” I said.
“Oh, Mondure… James and Sarah must be in trouble!” cried Henri.
“We've got to go help them!” added Moses. I nodded in agreement. I just hoped we'd be able to make in time… at least I was given a chance to recharge.
“PAST, PRESENT, POWER!!” I cried, and became Red Ranger again. “Rangers… Teleport!”
We all clicked our Morphers and were off to England. “… I saw it… but I don't think I believe it.” Said Washington as we flew out of site.
Meanwhile, in London
James and Sarah followed Tom on their Horses all over town, but Tom was trickier than ever.
Every time James and Sarah seemed to be getting closer, he shot a power blast which scared their horses and forced them to go wild, James and Sarah weren't giving up.
Finally Tom made it to the boat docks where Ebenezer was there waiting to take Lady Philips back to his island.
Not noticing that she was silently wiggling her mouth out from the gagger, and shaking her legs loose from the ropes.
He and Tom suddenly sensed two presences behind him, it was James and Sarah alright.
“Well… what an unexpected surprise.” He sniggered. “I was just on my way out. Why are you Fools here?”
James Sarah's eyes narrowed him. “You know perfectly why, Ebenezer!” snarled James.
“Give back my Mother, Right now!” added Sarah.
“Ha, ha, ah, ah! And What if I don't feel like it? What are a couple of puny runts like You going to do about it?”
Sarah and James knew he hand the upper hand, they couldn't just shoot him, they might hurt Lady Philips.
“Can't think of anything, can you?” snarled Ebenezer. “Tom…!”
Tom nodded and the fired his energy blasts at James and Sarah's feet, knocking them over.
“Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah… if you can stand the heat, surrender then!” and he fired more shots.
Lady Philips suddenly reached out from her gag, and sunk her teeth right into Tom's arm, and stomped on Ebenezer's foot.
The boys yipped in pain, and released her from their grip. “That was for hurting my Daughter and her friend!” she snapped and hopped out of the way.
“SEIZE HER YOU IDIOT!!” snarled Ebenezer.
Tom nodded, and was about to shoot at her, when suddenly both he and Ebenezer got hit by other power Blasts. “Sarah, look!” cried James.
Moses. Henri and I landed in the center. “Sorry were late, it was a long trip.” I said.
Henri quickly ran over and cut Sarah's mother all the way loose. “You're safe now your Ladyship.” He said.
Lady Philips was grateful, yet shocked at the same time at these three strangers who flew in from the sky.
Henri led her to a safe place away from the battles, but so she could keep and eye on everything.
Ebenezer and Tom shook themselves out of the dust. “Tom, get them, and destroy them all!!” shouted Ebenezer and he vanished.
Tom's eyes were mad with anger. “READCOATS!!” he called out, and the rest of his men came out and surrounded us.
James and Sarah stood up. “Sarah you're mother is watching us you know.” I said.
Sarah didn't care, “It's time she ought to know about us.” She said bravely. “Ready, James?”
The both held up their Morphers. “PAST, PRESENT, POWER!!” and transformed into Pink, and Yellow Rangers.
Sarah's mother couldn't believe what she just saw. “My Sarah… is a sort of… Super Hero?” she asked to herself.
Then she watched on as we all dealt with the Redcoats and vanquishing them all, but when Sarah looked on she saw me taking out Tom.
Finally I had him pinned to the ground with my Sword and Gun Poised at his neck. “Don't move, or you're dead!” I growled.
“Mykan… No Don't!” cried Sarah.
I looked up, “What… Sarah are you nuts, this is my only chance to destroy him.” I said.
“Mykan, you can't do that, he's her Cousin!” cried James.
Henri, Moses, and I stood still on the spot. “That's your cousin, Tom?” asked Moses, “I thought he was killed.”
I thought it over, and decided to let him go. “A very unwise choice Ranger!” he sniggered, then he vanished and was gone.
Sarah had collapsed to her knees, still finding it a shock for knowing her cousin was alive, but only to serve evil.
When we got back to Lady Philips' home, they explained to me everything about Tom.
Sometime after Sarah had first arrived in America, she met up with her cousin Tom, a British soldier, who was killed by the American armies.
“He told us himself…” said James, “That Ebenezer used the powers of a Virus to bring him back to life as his minion.”
“Then that would explain everything.” I said.
Lady Philips was still bedazzled about all she had been through today. “Will someone please tell me what is going on here?” she said.
I decided not to keep it from her, and I told her everything. That I was from the future, trying to save the past from a crazy kid, and all of us, including Sarah were Power Rangers, and her father already knew.
“Mother… you aren't mad… are you?” Sarah asked sounding frightened, but her mother was acting thrilled.
“I've always dreamed of heroes… but I never thought my own daughter would be one.” She said.
“So, you're alright with this?” Sarah asked.
Lady Philips let out a happy sigh. “Sarah… you're helping to save our world. I couldn't more prouder of you than ever.”
Now Sarah sighed of relief. “I just want to be careful out there, dear.” Her mother replied. “And do come and visit me as often as you can, All of you.”
Sarah reached over and hugged her mother, “Oh Mother, of course we will, and I promise to be really careful out there.”
Meanwhile, on Ebenezer's island
“You're plan has failed, Tom.” He snarled. “The Rangers are still in one piece, and now they have the Mega Battles.”
Tom growled angrily, ready to accept his punishment, but Ebenezer had not intention of that.
“On the other hand, we have exposed Pink Ranger's major weakness.” He replied, “They wouldn't dare destroy you.”
It had soon become clear that Tom was going to become Ebenezer's greatest asset in the continuing fight.
“Sleep well Rangers, for soon your ultimate demise will be at hand! AH, HA, HA, AH, AH, AH, AH!!”
Back in England
Sarah bid good-bye to her mother, because we had to get back to America, so I could work on the situations involving Tom.
“Please Mr. Scarlet, take good care of my daughter for me.” Lady Philips asked.
I held her hand gently and kissed it, “You have my word your Ladyship.” I said, “Just remember to keep all these secrets to yourself.”
She nodded giving me her word. “I won't tell another soul Mr. Scarlet.” She said.
I walked back to the group, “And… please… just call me Mykan, if you don't mind?” I asked.
Sarah's mother smiled and waved good-bye to us as we all tapped our Morphers and teleport away.
Another Job well done, another Day saved, and best of all, I made yet another new ally.
Mykan's research on Tom indicates that the Virus is what's keeping him alive.
“If we try to remove the Virus, it'll destroy him!”
Sarah still refuses to let any of the Rangers attack her cousin, but if they don't he could destroy everything.
This gives Tom another advantage to strike again.
“All fall on the knees to the British, Ah, ha, ha, ha!!”
Will the Rangers find some way to get through to him? Or will they have to destroy him permanently?