Liberty's Kids Fan Fiction ❯ LIBERTY'S KIDS: Into the Future, and Into Space ❯ Weightless wonders ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Next morning, the people at the World Space station were shocked to see the latest results.
“What's going on?” asked Admiral Nelson.
“Sir, we have a problem with STINGRAY'S flight profile… it is now negative.” Cried one of the officers.
Nelson nearly flipped his cap, “Well can we call them on the radio?” he asked.
“I'm afraid not, Sir; they're out of radio range, we can't even relay them a playback message.”
Nelson didn't like this at all. Especially seeing as how except for me and the Past People, everyone else on the entire crew was a machine.
He picked up the radio and relayed a message to WASP on Earth, who also were aware of STINGRAY'S course. “Have you located the problem?” he asked.
“Roger… we've been working on it.” Answered Lieutenant Fisher. “Our computers tell us that there's close to Five-hundred pounds excess weight aboard; it has altered the flight pattern.”
Everyone tried and tried to change the Ship's course, but the controls were not effective, and then things went from bad to worse.
“W.S.S; we must try to initiate immediately course change.” Cried Rhapsody, “According to the tracking stations… STINGRAY is heading directly for a Massive Meteor Swarm.”
Captain's log: Mission date, 1, 08:34 am…
We've come to the end of the first 24 hours of the voyage, and all are in good health.
As of this moment we have no idea of what may be happening on Mars, or even if my grandfather is still alive.
Nonetheless, our mission is not to battle offensively, or to retreat. Our mission is, and will always be to Investigate.
End Log…
After breakfast, I was on my way up to the bridge, and was greeted by Samuel and Elizabeth along the way.
We decided to walk up together, as we got into the elevator, I pressed the button and the ship started rocking about and the warning buzzer sounded as red lights danced along the walls.
Elizabeth and Samuel slid into the wall, and I fell over top of them. “Wha… What's happening!!” cried Elizabeth.
“We've got to get up to the bridge!” I cried out as the lift started to move.
The three of us got onto the bridge to find Henri already there surrounded by sparking wires, then we saw the problem.
“METORS!!” cried Henri.
Metros hitting the ship from all sides, and causing many of the power systems to short out.
“Help me!” I said grabbing the fire extinguishers. Samuel helped me cool down the sparks. “HENRI SWTCH CURCUTS… GET US OUT OF HERE…!!” I cried out.
Henri got his controls, and managed to get the ship to safety. “It is okay now, we are out of it.”
Soon, James Sarah, and Moses joined us up on the bridge. They were just as shocked when they that we hit a meteor storm.
“That was even worse than tidal waves hitting the Galleons in the Boston Tea party.” Said Sarah.
She James and Henri were staring outside the view port. “Where's Mars?” asked James.
“It's out there… Somewhere.” Said Moses.
“Gee it looks like we are standing still.” replied Henri.
“We're off course… we don't know how far yet.” Said Samuel. “The Captain's trying to determine whether or not we should turn back for Earth.”
His wife nodded, “What I want to know is… what on Earth set us off course?” she asked.
“These...!” I answered showing them all the boulders.
“Where in the world did those bad boys come from?” Asked Moses.
“Not Earth… Mars!” I said, “I've studied this rock before, it's Martian rock alright.”
“This was obviously no accident.” Replied Samuel, “Somebody placed them here deliberately… and I'll bet it was either Titan, or one of his men.”
“We, can't be sure of that.” I said, “But one thing is for certain. It was these rocks.”
“According to my calculations…” said James “Our payload was calculated to a fraction of an ounce.”
That was definitely the answer, without the rocks on board we would have avoided the Meteor Storm automatically.
That didn't matter much now, the real trouble was finding our position. Unfortunately the Meteors did some heavy damage to us, and our vector tapes which recorded our traveling were damaged.
Moses took a look at them, “Well… I can fix them, but I'll mean shutting the gravity off for a while.” He said.
James, eyes lit up, and so did Sarah and Henri's. “We are going to be weightless?” he asked.
I smiled “Indeed we are. You might as well have a little fun while at it.”
“Ready…?” asked Moses, I gave him the thumbs up as we all held onto our seats.
Moses clicked the switch, and… Sarah's long hair began dancing up over her head as did James and Henri's hair. Everyone shared a giggle.
Sarah then took off her headset, let go of the console, and let the weightlessness gently carry her upward.
“Say, this is rather fun.” She giggled as she pirouetted in midair. She looked down at James and smiled, “Come here, darling… and join me.”
James couldn't resist to that soft voice, so he let go of the chair and floated up to his wife.
Sarah's parent's shared a soft laugh as James and Sarah pretended to dance the Waltz up there.
“My word… that looks like fun.” Said Elizabeth.
Samuel held out his hand, “Shall we dear?” he asked like the Gentlemen he was raised as. His wife blushed and winked her eyes.
Soon my we all were enjoying the excitement of being weightless. “'Ey, watch this everyone.” Said Henri as he began to flip over three times straight.
Everyone applauded. “Not bad, Henri.” I said, still in my chair. “You'd make a fair athlete.”
Sarah glanced over at Samuel, “Father, can you try that?” she asked.
“Oh I don't know…” said Samuel sounding a little shy, but he decided
“What the hey…”
He reached up, tucked down and rolled, slowly, but he did it. “Oh my…” he groaned while holding his back, “I think I just hit an air pocket!”
We all shared a small laugh…
It wasn't much longer before they all were told to go back down before Moses reactivated the systems.
“There… everything's all set.” He said.
“Are the tapes repaired?” I asked.
“Clean as a whistle, skipper.” He answered, “Just need to fire the systems back up and we'll be A-Okay!”
However… Neither Moses nor any of us, or even the computers detected a cut wire in the jump starter.