Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Alexis ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After a leisurely lunch with the Elves, Legolas took Alexis to the Healer of Mirkwood. She was amazed at how the female Elf had mended her feet so quickly, and any residue of soreness from the previous day was gone. Alexis decided that she wanted to walk around Mirkwood while Legolas attended to his princely dutues. This place called out to her, awakened her senses unlike anything she had ever experienced. Event hough she cringed when the Elves called her child, she was one. Her eyes were just beginning to open up to the world around her.
"You look lost, Lirimaer." Legolas now walked beside her, hands calpsed lightly behind his back.
Alexis took a deep breath and smiled. I sensed him coming..this is so cool. "I am, and what does Lirimaer mean?"
Legolas smiled, white teeth barely peeking past his lips. "Lovely one."
Alexis looked around them as she blushed a deep crimson. "Oh."
"Why do you look around, there is no one but us on this path."
"Force of habit." She mumbled as she continued walking. "It's so beautiful here."
"Thank you, Lirimaer. I have grown rather fond of it yself." The corner of his mouth quirked up.
Alexis couldn't resist the opportunity. "An Elven prince with a sense of humor." At his amused glance she put on her most innocent face, as if to say I didn't say anything. "So, what do Elves do for fun?""Whatever pleases us." Legolas could feel her restlessness, the excess energy bubbling beneath the surface. "What do you wish do do?"
She looked at him hopefully, blue eyes wide. "Do you have a pool, and a suit."
"We have a lake, and I couldn find bathing clothes if you so desire."
Alexis grabbed his arm and bounced on the balls of her feet. "Can you?" He hodded and she squealed, grabbing her skirt and running off. Legolas watched as she took off, not wanting to laugh at her antics for fear of offending her. She turned around and hollered back at him, "Hurry up, slowpoke!" Her laughed filled his ears as he took off after her.

* * *

Alex stood above the crystal clear lake, astonished by the beauty of it. She had never thought that anything could be so clean, especially having lived in a world of pollution. Legolas had given her pair of boy shorts and a tank top, both deep green. Alex had to admit she was surprised when he had brought them, she was expecting something like the bathing suits of the fifties or even a furry bikini...which she was praying against. She gave a whoop as she jumped off the rock she had been perched on. Splashing into the surprisingly warm water, Alex kicked to the surface laughing. Legolas stood smiling down at her from the small outcropping she had been standing on. "What are you waiting for?" She hollered up at him. "Afraid to get your hair wet?" She taunted gently.
He gave no response but shed his tunic. Alexis couldn't stop herself from gaping at his chest and stomach, his muscles rolling gently under his skin. So entranced was she that it didn't register that he was taking off his breeches, standing as naked as the day he was born. He launched himself gacefully into a sam dive and surface to a beat red Alexis, covering her eyes. "You could at least warn a girl before going knickerless."
"Do you not like what yousee?" He asked as he swam for her slowly, grinning like a cheshire cat.
"I'm not going to answer that, because either way will get me in trouble." She commented, trying not to show how much she didn enjoy it, event hought it had embarrassed her. She reached out to gab his shoulder, dunking him and swimming away before he could recover. Alexis laughed as she climbed out and made her way back up to the rock.
"Mani naa lle umien lirimaer? What are you doing?" Legolas called as she carefully felt the rock with her hands.
"This." She answered simply as she planted her hands on the edge, rising to her toes. She found her balance as she brought one leg up, then the other nto a handstand. Kicking her legs back, Alex completed three and a half flips before clicing the water neatly. She angled up, letting her momentum carry her to the surface. Her face was mere inched frm Legolas' as she blinked the water from her eyes, grinning broughtly. "Impressed?"
He nodded. "You are very graceful."
Alex laughed as she swam back a little. "Only in the water dearm I'm a complete klutz on land." She flicked water at him, a few drops hitting his cheek. The next thing she knew, she was sputtering from water beng shoved at her.
She and Legolas continued their water fight for a time, their laghter mingling with splashes, before Alexis' skin felt two szes too small. Legolas produced two towle and Alex wrapped hers around her expertly, years on swim teams made the task feel unconscious. As they were walking back Legolas took her hand gently, running his fingers along her claddaugh ring. "I have never seen anything quite like this. Is there a story that goes with it?"
Alex was slightly distracted by his finger running over hers, but she managed to keep her voice steady. "The Irish would exchange this ring as a sign of fidelity." She pointed to each feature as she explained it. "The hands represent friendship, the crown loyalty, and the heart love. The way you wear the ring shows the state of your heart." She studied his face as he studied the ring on her finger. His lashes were long, almost girlish in the way they curled toward his eyebrows. His eyes were a deep blue, and Alex found herself wanting to discover the depths of them. Do they blaze when he's angry, or darken when he's lustfull? Do they sparkle when he laughed? Her gaze wandered down his jaw line, a perfect mix of soft and strong. His neck was long and flowed to his shoulders. Does he sigh when his neck is kissed? Is he a nuzzler? Her eyes wadered back to his face, finding him studying her as she studied him. She cleared her through softly as she blushed, bowing her head. "Sorry."
"For what, lirimaer?" He gently guided her face back to meet his. Her curious gaze had stirred something in him.
She sighed in defeat and embarrassment. "For staring. It was rude."
"There us nothing to be ashamed of." They walked a few more steps before he spoke again. "How do you wear your ring?"

Alex snorted slightly. "The most pathetic way possible. They I'm wearing it means that my heart is free. I have no one."
"How is that pathetic?"
"Alexis raised her wywbrows at him. "It only means that men either a) don't find me attractive, b) see me as their sister or best friend .. or my personal favorite, c) I scare them."
Ths genuinely surprised Legolas. He thought that she would have someone at home. Mortal men are such fools.
"How would you scare a man?"
"By being myself." His questioning gaze begged her to continue. "I'm strong for one. I'm not afraid to get my hads dirty or do very physical work. I'm loud and speak my mind. I have more than half a brain, and I'm independent."

"Why would men not want a lover like you?" He sensed turmoil and...defeat?
Alex blushed at the term lover. "Because men in my world are pigs. They want a trohpy: A tall, leggy blond with more boobs then brains."
He leaned close to her, brushing his hand over her cheek. "I think you are the better trohpy. Now go get changed for dinner, and I shall escort you. Tanna'san' ."
Alexis snapped out of her stupor to find herself at her room, Legolas silently walking down the hall. Oh Gods, that man..that Elf is dangerous. She walked to her room, finding a deep green dress in place of the blue one. This dress was more elaborate then the blue, making Alexis thnk that dinner was a bit more formal of an event then lunch. As she reflected on her day, not wanting to admit the kind of pull Legolas had over her already, Alex lsipped the dress of her head. She sat in the middle of the bed and brushed her hair untill it was dry, managing to softly curl it under. "Well, he's not here yet...his bad." She reasoned with herself out loud, not caring about Elven ears. She rearranged herself, folding her legs comfortably under her and she sat tall and centered herself. Her eyes slipped closed as Alex reached a meditative trance quicker than she ever had before. Here she reached into herself, focusing on the new sensations she had felt ever since she arrived to this world.

* * *

"Alexis?" Legolas gently knocked on the door. The peace he felt enmanating from the room drew him in like a Siren's song. He opened the door to find Alexis in the center of the bed, still as a summer's day. Taking care to be even more inconspicuous than he usually was, ot wanting to shatter her peace, he came in. Legolas sat carefully on the bed, curling one leg under his body. He sat facing Alexis, studying the slow rise and fall of the chest, the minutes ticks of the muscles around her eyes, the flexing of her fingers. Does she not realize how much her beauty shines through all she does? He pondered the woman in front of him. She was soft and strong, tempered by trials he knew nothing about. Serene and boisterous, she embraced her emotions while remaining in control of them. Both perceptive and naive, she saw deeply into the things around her, felt them and yet retained the innocent eyes of a child.
"Are you going to escort me or not?" Legolas watched her eyes open by degrees, a darker blue as she smiled slightly.
Alexis had sensed hi presence before he had eve come to the door, which had made her feel giddy. I've never been able to do that ... just a presence, sure but to know who it is. This is great!
"How did you know I was here?" His tone suggested to Alex that he hadn't expected her to know he was here, watching her.

She breathed in deeply, noting that he smelled faintly of the forest. "I felt you." She cocked her head to the side squinting, trying to igure out why she had been able to feel his presence so keenly. "I felt you, and knew beyond any shadow of doubt that it was you."
Legolas stood, a single liquid movement, and offered his hand to assist her. Alexis took it, a shock running through her body, every nerve ending tingling. He brought her close to him, ere centimeters seperated them. "Only a short time among us, and you're already learning the Elven way." His breath caressed her cheek and Alex shuddered slightly.
Her voice was barely a whisper as she tilted her head toward his. "Is this what it feels like for you?"
"How does it feel for you?"
Alex struggled to put words to the sensations. "Like I'm raw....naked. Like there's nothing between me and world. Every nerve ending exposed, my skin tingles." Legolas nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "It's intense."

* * *

Alex was right, dinner was much ore formal than lunch. Legolas had hold her that it was in her honor, to which she had blushed furiously at. She just back and watched the way the other Elves were behaving to get a feel for what was acceptable and what wasn't. To her amazement, Alex was able to surpress her natural tendency to eat as fast as possible and enjoy a leisurely conversation wth the Elves around her. They asked what her world was like and what sort of skills are taught to young humans and 'how is it possible to have machines to do all the work for you?'. Alex was thoroughly enjoying her stay with the Elves, even if she was far from home. Ah hell, might as well make the most of this while I'm here. She glanced around her self to find all Elves were listening intently to her tales of her world. Usually Alex would've flushed a brought crimson and start stuttering, but she didn't feel the self-consciousness that she felt speaking in front of people. Her tale ended as she began to ask someone to pass the bowl of fruit when it scooted along the table to rest in front of her.

"Which one of y'all did that?" She asked after staring at the bowl. Alexis raised her eyes to find all the Elves staring at the bowl as well.
"Only Wizards have the power of bela ed' templa, lirimaer. Telekinesis." Legolas said, looking at her with wonder. She swallowed, her throat dry as she stared at an apple. It elevated above the bowl and floated to her wating hand. "Holy poo." She whispered as she let it go, the apple floating up slightly again when she folded her hands in her lap. The apple slowly began to spin, the peel spiraling off in a long strip and the apple splitting into sections. It came to rest on her plate in a simple arrangement. She looked at Legolas, her eyes then moved to the King and rest of the Elves. "Did you see that?"
King Thranduil spoke a rapid string of Elvish and one of the Elves gave a quick bow and left. He looked at Alex, his tone gentle of clearly a command. "Do not attempt to do anything more untill I say so. Rangwa ?"

"Yes sir. I won't do this," She waved her hand to indicate the apple. "Again." She rose from her seat. "If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go to my room now."
"I shall see you there." Legolas started to rise as Alex put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
"No, you stay here. I'll be fine, I just need to go have some me time...clear my head." He nodded, still wanting to see her to her room, but respecting her wishes.