Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Another Lord of the Mary Sues (Lotms) ❯ Amon Hen for real! ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5
The next day the fellowship had to rise early to travel on, but before they left ,
everyone got a gift from Lady G. Well, everyone except for Lala and Sven, who didn't get a nice little present because they didn't join the also nice little chat with the great wit…eeer, lady G.^^
And so they left. In the first boat: Aragorn, Sam and Frodo.
Second boat: Boromir, Merry, Pippin and Lala. Third boat: Legolas, Gimli and Sven. They were driving for hours now, without saying a word.
Out of sudden Pippin began to sing in his loudest
voice: Boromir and Lala sit upon a tree…..
Lala and Boromir: O.o
The third boat began to laugh. The first boat began to sink, but nobody noticed it.
Lala: Shut up!
Pippin: OK.
One minute of silence.
Pippin: And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-hiiaaaaaaaiiiii, will aaaaaalwasy love
youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-houuuuuuuu, will alwaaaaaaays…
Boromir: SHUT UP!
The third boat was laughing louder and louder, the first boat also, which could only be noticed because of the bubbles coming out of the water.
A few minutes later:
Pippin: When a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan loves a
Lala and Boromir threw Pippin over board, right into the third boat,
which also started sinking now.
Aragorn:……………………B lub.
Merry: Oh my! The fellowship broke!
Lala (to Sven, the only one who surfaced from the sinking boats): Come on, you're a
good swimmer, so please be so kind and rescue them.
Sven: Grrrmpflwhyalwaysmegmmmpffff
Lala: Pardon?
Sven: Blubb. *starts to rescue the others*
Soon everybody was sitting in his boat again, Pippin sat between Boromir and Lala,
with his belt(which he got from Lady G) bound around his mouth.
He still tried to sing.
Pippin: Mmmhhhhmmmmhhhpfff
Lala: Muahahahahahaha, don't even think of it, shorty!
So it got silent again and also kind of embarrassing.
Lala felt like her head could beat a tomato…
The third boat started to sing:
Neeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaar, faaaaar,
whereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever you a-hare…..my
heart will gooooooooooooooooooon and ooooooooo-hoooooooooooooon…
Lala and Boromirs heads could even pass as a stop sign
perfectly now and Pippin is making a kind of triumphant face behind his belt.
Boromir: That's not fair! Why don't you laugh about
Aragorn and Arwen?
The first and third boat: Laughing even louder now.
Lala and Boromir looked like their whole bodycontent of blood is pressed into the little
space of their faces.
After another few hours, the fellowship(the biggest part of it) was tired of laughing, so
they decided to land and to take a break.
Nobody saw Frodo steal away, but as Boromir tried to sneak away, Lala followed him
in some distance. When she came to a clearing, she saw Frodo sitting on a trunk and
Boromir standing in front of him.
Lala: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Don't do it
Boromir and Frodo: o_O What the hell are you talking about?
Lala: But…but! Boromir….Didn't you try to take the
ring from Frodo?
Boromir: Hell no! What do you think? I just wanted to
ask him for the recipe of this
delicious mushroom soup we ate last Sunday.
Suddenly Sven appeared behind them: Aaaaaaah! I mean orcs! Many orcs!
Right after that they already could hear and then also see the orcs arriving.
Lala: Frodo, run away!
Frodo looked shocked, but then rapidly ran away as
fast as he could (which was not so fast).
Sven, Lala and Boromir prepared for the battle.
Sven: *taking out his axe* Let them come, none of them shall survive!
Lala: Right. Everybody WAR CRY!!
Boromir: For Gondor!
Lala: For Gondooooooooor!
Sven: For…..errr, well, for what could I fight for??
For higher wages? For lower taxes? Whatever, kill theeeeeeeem!!
They fought bravely, but there came more and more orcs and soon they were
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh in superior number.
Lala: Where the fuck are the others? They should help us!
Sven: Boromir, blow your horn, the others will hear it
and come to help us.
Boromir: Right, how could I forget.
And really, after he blew the horn, someone came running to them….
But it wasn't Aragorn, Legolas or Gimli. It was Merry and Pippin!
Sven, Lala and Boromir: What are YOU two doing here??
But before one of them could answer, the orcs got aware of them
and wanted to grab them.
Boromir: Nooooooooo!
Lala: Wait!
Boromir rushed to help the hobbits. Lala wanted to
join him, when she saw the leader of the Uruk Hai preparing an bow and arrow, only a few meters away…
Lala ran like she never ran before.( which also cannot be so fast^^)
Just as the Uruk Hai shot the arrow, she jumped in front of Boromir and the arrow
pierced her shoulder. With a scream she fell down to earth.
Uruk Hai: O.O Damn, the script said I should kill the swordsman before I get killed
Boromir: Nooooooooooooooooo!
The last thing Lala saw, was Boromirs worried face.
She smiled, then everything went black.
Suddenly Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas came out of nowhere. They killed the remaining orcs and after that Aragorn (the great healer!) looked after Lala.
Boromir: Is she….??
Ari:…………………… No, fortunately the arrow didn't hit her
heart. But she's losing blood rapidly. She has to get help. Soon.
Boromir: Now what???
Aragorn: ………………….Hey, that's my line!
Sven: No, your line is more like:………………………… …………………
Aragorn: ……………………Whatever. Boromir take my sword, make a fire and heat
the sword. Legolas, help me making a bandage until the
sword is hot enough.
Sven: What do you need the fire for?…..Oooooh, sure,
I got it. That's going to be very painful. Are you sure she can stand that?
Aragorn:……………………& #8230;……….She has to.
(So, for everybody who doesn't understand what's going
on here: Aragorn wants to weld the wound with a hot sword, to close it, so Lala
doesn't die because the loss a lot of blood.)
Lala was getting paler and paler with every minute.
Aragorn: ………………………….Boro mir, are you ready? We hold
her and you close the injury, OK?
Boromir: ..I can't. I just can't add her any pain. One of you has to do it.
So they chose Sven >:)to do it, while Aragorn and Legolas held her down and Boromir held her hand. Sven pressed the sword on her shoulder
and Lala jumped up thunderstruck, screaming her lungs out. Aragorn and
Legolas do their best to hold her down, without being injured.(somehow she hit Legolas a bit harder>:) )
Just before the procedure ended, she fainted again,
because of the pain.
Aragorn: …………………Well done, mates. Now bring her back
to the camp and let her rest a bit. And someone get Legolas(who covered
his eye with one hand) some ice.
Boromir carried her full of cares back to the tents.
A bit time passed. Just as the others decided to plan what to do now,
Lala began to wake up.
First she saw Boromirs face. She needed a moment to recapitulate everything that
happened, but then she slung her arms around him with
a kind of war cry and began to
shout like mad: YOU LIIIIIIIIIIVE! Thank Valar, you're still ALIVE!!!!!
Boromir: O.O Don't EVER do that again, please…I don't
want you to die…you must not die…..I…
Everybody came running into the tent, because the scream was still heard somewhere in Mordor. So the whole fellowship was reunited in the
tent now.
Aragorn:……………………& #8230;…Good to see you alive again.^^ Tell me, how do you
feel? Because we have to follow these orcs to rescue
Merry and Pippin. Do you think you could walk?
Lala: WALK?? Hey, I want revenge!! I feel like I could
fight this fucking gang of orcs all alone!!!
Boromir gave her a panic look.
Lala: Don't worry, Borry, just kidding.
Gimli: So why are we still standing here? We have to
rescue our fellas!
fellowship: Yeah, LET'S HUNT SOME ORCS!!!
OMG, that was the fellowship of the ring!!!!!!!!! Da two towers coming soon!!!!!!!!!!! Hope ya liked it!!!!! Whatever, revieeeeeeeeewww!!!!!!!!!!!^^