Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Loved At Last ❯ The Capture ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Princess Succori Telepathy Thoughts
Legolas TelepathyThoughts
King Aragorn Telepathy Thoughts
Star Gazer Speech
An elf with short blue hair and brightly glowing blue eyes comes charging out of the Darke Forest on a beautiful white stallion. The great horse stumbles and the elf girl whispers elven encouragements in his ear, urging him on as the thing chasing them gets steadily closer… Back in Gondor, Aragorn plays with his three year old son, Aaron. A knock comes from the other side of the door and Lady Arwen enters the room. “Here you two are; Lord Legolas is waiting in the throne room.” “Alright.” Arwen takes her son and gets him ready for a nap and Aragorn walks through the passage to the throne room.
“Legolas old friend, what brings you to Gondor?” asks Aragorn, embracing the elf lord. “Bad news I'm afraid.” “Oh?” “Succori, princess of Sparks, is missing. Her watcher, the Lady Galadriel, wishes us to find her.” “What is so important about this princess? Why should I leave my family unprotected to find her?” “She is the daughter of Sauron, and heir to his evil. Only she can bring him back, making him invincible.” “I see, well that changes everything. Where was she seen last?” “Darke Forest.” “DARKE FOREST?! What the hell was she doing there? no wonder she's gone missing! What fool would ride through Darke Forest? It's suicide! How did she even get a horse into that place?” “She rides the path everyday.” “Path? What path? There is no path through Darke Forest!” “Well no one knows how she does it. She just does. she likes being alone. We think that it is because she knows the evil within her and she tries to control it. It appears that she can control it to an extent, but she struggles with it. If she falls into the wrong hands, the world as we know it will end.” “I'll go tell Arwen, can you be ready by nightfall?” “Yes.” “Then we leave tonight.”
Before she could do anything, the elf maiden and her brave horse were picked up by the Nasgul and were flown off to the orc's and Sauroman's hideout at the heart of Darke Forest. “Let go of me! Let go! Calm down Star, calm down. You'll be okay; I'm going to teleport you to Gondor. It is closest, and I don't know how long my powers will last.” The girl murmured a spell under her breath and sent the frightened animal to safety. Then the Nasgul dropped her, tight into the camp of Sauroman.
Just as the two lords had mounted their horses and were preparing to leave for the Darke Forest, a white stallion appeared before them. He was frightened at first, then he became angry as he realized where he was, and that his rider was not with him. “What the hell? Where did he come from? Why is he here? Who does he belong to? Watch out he's going crazy!” “Aragorn, shut up. You act as if you've never seen a horse before.” “Sorry, I think he brought the darke magyk of the forest with him.” “No, but it is darke magyk. He must have been sent from the princess. Or her captors. From what I understand, the horse is her only friend, and she is ever far from him. If she sent him away, she must be in trouble.” “Can you calm the horse by chance?” “Oh yes right.” Legolas jumped off his own white mare and walked slowly and calmly toward the distraught animal, a string of elven issues from his lips to the horse's ears. The horse calmed down enough to realize Legolas was an elf like his rider. He stood still and watched the elf lord.
Who are you elf?
“I am Legolas, this is King Aragorn. Who are you?”
I am Star Gazer, mount of Princess Succori of Sparks.
“Where is the princess?”
I am not sure. The Nasgul picked us up just outside the Darke Forest. I was sent here somewhere above the forest.
“Thank you Star Gazer, there is a stable over there; please make yourself at home and we will be back with your princess as soon as possible.”
You must be kidding. I am not going to be left behind while my rider is being tortured. Besides, you don't know your way through the wood.
“He has a point Aragorn.” “Alright, you can come. Let's get going before it gets even darker.” “Lead the way Star Gazer.”
With pleasure.
the elf came crashing through the trees, bones cracking and breaking as they hit the thick branches and then the ground. When she finally landed, a group of orcs were her greeting party. She looked up from the ground, barely able to move; she sees the orcs standing around her, “Hello princess, nice of you to stop by.” With that, three picked the squirming elf up and brought her to a clearing. There, they dropped her at the feet of Sauroman. “You are such a disgrace to your father's name.” He spat on her. With her last remaining energy, she looked up and said, “No, my father is a disgrace to me. as are you, grandfather. I spit on you both!” She spits on the ground at her grandfather's feet and then, right into Sauroman's face. “Aaaah!” he screamed, clutching his face as the acid sunk in. “That's too bad princess, you should have saved that last bit of magic, oh well. I was looking forward to a challenge. Take her to the torture chamber. Do as you wish until I get there. Do not eat or kill her.” The orcs drug her away to be tortured for hours before Sauroman decided she was in just enough pain.
We'll make camp here.
“But if we stop we will lose the trail, and we just wasted another hour of travel time.”
Would you like to be caught in the Darke Forest at night? I don't think so.
“Alright, make camp.” Aragorn and Legolas hopped off their horses and unloaded their packs before untacking the horses and letting them graze nearby. Star Gazer lay down about ten feet from the fire, though well within its protective light. “So Star gazer, how long have you been with the princess? How did you come to be with her? What's she like?”
You ask a lot of questions. I came to the princess eight years ago. She was thirteen in human years then; she found me, wounded in the Darke Forest. She walked through the forest, no steed would come more than a hundred yard to the forest, she found mea and nurtured me. I agreed to stay with her and I've been with her ever since.
“And what is she like?”
The princess is a free spirit, trapped in the shadow of her father's past and her destiny. She is powerful, full of magic.
Legolas woke early that morning, he looked around, Aragorn was snoring peacefully in his blankets, and Star Gazer was staring into the forest. “What do you see Star Gazer?”
Nothing. But there is great pain in the forest as of last night.
“The princess?”
Most likely. Wake your companion, we leave at once.
When everything had been put away, and the fire blown out, they headed into the Darke Forest, led by Star Gazer.
I feel I must warn you, leave your mounts here. They will only slow us down. Also, there are only three ways to get into the hideout, as prisoners, followers, or a lot of good luck. We can rule out the first two, as prisoners we would be killed and tortured before being eaten, and of no use to the princess. And a white stallion would never pass as one of their beasts.
“So I guess we look for signs and follow them.”
First we'll head to the heart of the forest, following tracks along the way; once we get to the center it should be easy.
“How come you're so sure it'll be near the heart of the forest?”
Because the heart of an evil place is where the most evilisand where there is general evil, there is always an evil being. Besides, we were going over the heart of the forest when the princess was dropped, or fell.
“Oh, right. Well then let's go.”
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