Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction ❯ Loved At Last ❯ Alone in the Rafters ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Seven~*~ALONE IN THE RAFTERS~*~
Why are you hiding in the rafters? Because I needed to get away and think.Do you really think running away will help you? No, but it will buy me some time to think things through. You don't need to think things through; you love him, he loves you. Everything works out. But—No more buts. Like Legolas said, let go, live free, and make your own destiny. But what about my duty to destroy Sauron?Wouldn't it be easier with someone by your side?
Legolas watches her for hours before sleep finally takes him. He lays on the floor and Succori looks down to see him there.
He has done so much for me, and this is how I repay him; by running away.
She jumps from the rafters and lands gracefully beside Legolas. She snaps her fingers and fur blankets and pillows appear. With another snap Legolas is lying on a rabbit fur blanket, his head against a matching pillow. Succori crawls in beside him and throws another fur blanket over the two of them. He wakes up to find her snuggled up to him, her head resting on his chest.
Succori, are you alright?
I am fine. Sorry I ran like that; I was just so confused. I wasn't supposed to find love.
I always was one to break the rules.
Yes what?
Yes I will marry you, but on one condition, or two.
First, you NEVER refer to Sauron as my sireor Sauroman as my grandfatherever again; second, will you help me defeat Sauron?
I'd die for you.
The End
For real this time.
I hope everybody liked it.
Please review
Succori and Legolas are married within the month and fight Sauron side-by-side.
Gabby and Eric do hook up and are now (seven years later) happily married and expecting their first child; little do they know, they're having twins!