Love Hina Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Profitable Mistake ❯ One: Arrival ( Chapter 1 )
One: Arrival
The first class in which Creer was assigned to was Psychology. The students, ten collage girls sat with bated breath waiting for their new student. They were under the impression, and were told that Creer was a girl, making this whole situation very `simple' for them.
"Girls, I would like to introduce our new student. She should be here any moment," The teacher, Menardi Prox, told them, standing before them in her usual magenta and black dress. Creer came dashing in.
"Sorry I'm late. Got hold up." Creer said immediately.
"And who, may I ask, are you, sir?" Menardi asked precociously.
"Creer Andromeda. I'm taking your class." Some of the class laughed.
"I'm sure you are. Do you have a sister?"
"Yes, ma'am. Jessica Andromeda." He replied.
"Does she go to this school?"
"Oh, no ma'am. She got accepted into Harvard her sophomore year of High School. Me, I never went to collage. Hell, I dropped out of High-School my Junior year." He answered as if it were nothing. Menardi looked stunned.
"Have you gotten your ID yet?" She asked, unsure of whom this boy was.
"No, ma'am, but I do have my High School ID's, if you want to see them." He reached into his pocket and pulled his wallet out, and opening it. He pulled several cards out and laid them on the table. Menardi picked them up. The first read: `Student: Creer Andromeda.' She flipped to the next. It, too read the same. And the next one, and the next one. He was, no doubt, Creer Andromeda.
"Well, why don't you have a seat next to Mrs. Kino, Creer. I want to see you in my office after class, however." She droned, placing him in some random open seat. This one, happening to be right in the front of the class, next to a particularly attractive young lady named Makoto Kino. He sat down and put his books under the seat.
"Hey there. Nice to meet you, Creer." Makoto said, looking into his eyes. "It's a school of all girls here, so you might imagine how dull it gets here."
"I wouldn't mind it so much, but that's me, isn't it." Makoto and the girl beside here chuckled at his comment.
"This is my friend Ami." She opened her hand to the girl beside her. She had bright blue hair and beautiful eyes.
"H-hi." She stuttered. "I'm Ami Mizuno." Creer waved friendly and she turned bright red and slouched back, embarrassed.
"You'll have to excuse her. She's a little shy. We all kinda are with you around. She'll get used to you. If you'd like, I could show you around a bit. My next class isn't for a few hours, so I have some time to kill." She smiled like a well-known friend. Creer checked his schedule.
"T'would appear that I have a class in three hours. I'd like for you to show me around. Want to come, Ami?" He asked, looking right at her. She only turned redder and nodded slightly.
"She's warming up to you already!" Makoto smiled. They turned around and listened as best they could to the boring lecture.
After class, Menardi summoned Creer to her office.
"Wait outside, please. I'll be right out." Creer had asked Makoto. She nodded and he went inside. "You wanted to see me, ma'am?"
"Yes. Please have a seat." He sat. "It has come to my attention that your presence here, is somewhat of a hindrance and a blessing for our students. Most of these girls have been here their whole lives, and never once seen a man. I, for one, made such sacrifice. Some time ago, I left home, leaving a sister, mother, father, and a beloved friend to come here. The only thing I've heard from them is through letters. And frankly, Mr. Andromeda, You've lifted my spirits more then you could possibly know. I am truly honored to have you in my class. You may go." She droned, never taking her eyes from him.
"That's it?" He asked, wholly expecting a hoard of chastising.
"Yes, that is it." She mumbled, looking down at her papers.
"Funny." He uttered. He got up and left.
When Creer got out, he found Makoto standing on the opposite wall.
"Well, what happened?" She asked, smiling evilly.
"Oddly, nothing except praise. That Menardi is a weird one." Creer responded, still overcoming the shock.
"Whoa, weird. All she ever does to me is bitch, bitch, bitch." She mocked the motion of a mouth moving with her hand. "Well, anyway, shall we begin our little tour?" She asked. Creer nodded and they were off.
The two of them spent an hour canvassing the school. Creer was already beginning to draw a mental map of the campus. They reached a set of doors.
"…And the final stop of our tour is this little place. Due to the fact that this school was built to hold only girls, we only have girls."
"A rest room?" Creer asked, pushing his hat up.
"Useful for more then one thing. One of my friends has the many uses of rest rooms on her computer. She's up to one thousand two hundred and fifty eight-ish."
"She must have plenty of time." Creer responded.
"Oh, no. That only took about half and hour. She's a very bright girl. I'll introduce you two one time, if you remind me. I've got a terrible memory." She continued.
"Tell me some of the uses you remember."
"Well, there's the obvious one. It's a good hiding spot. It's pretty useful for disposing of the `evidence'." She made finger quotes. "And one that she forgot that I just remembered. Let me show you." She opened the door and offered him inside. He stepped in. The room was completely empty, except for a table and a few chairs set up in the middle. "Some of the students use this particular one as a meeting area. They have well cleared off. Weird group, really. They come in here for hours on end and do who-knows-what and then go silent for another day, when they convene again, to do who-knows-what once again." There came a soft click from the door. Creer spun around. "Don't worry. This door is always locked. No one will notice. Relax." She waved it away like it was nothing, smiling. Creer had a bad feeling…no wait, it was an odd feeling, uncertain.
"You said you were going to show me another use." Creer muttered, looking around. He stood looking at the table, running a careful hand down it.
"I am." She replied. Creer turned around to be pushed onto the table. Not abusively, but playfully. Before he could get up, Makoto jumped on the table, right on top of him. She placed her arms and legs so he couldn't escape. She was glaring into his eyes with a kind of lust, which was all but alien to Creer. "Top or bottom?" She asked, smiling demonically. Creer's heart beet faster. His throat started to constrict, but he got one word off: