Love Hina Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my anime road trip of chaos ❯ a trip to japan,three heroic acts and more mayhem ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anime road trip

me: here's chapter 11!

just a little info, this was supposed to be an original fan fic with me and some anime characters , but then someone waned in so i let them , then more people wanted in so now this is a self insert fic. weird way for an original to become a self insert huh? plus this is the most chapters i have made in this one and only self insert.

i maybe making another self insert as soon as this one is done with.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
chapter 11: a trip to japan, three heroic acts and more mayhem.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a day has passed since shane and the others have left hollywood for japan.

"so shane, where are we going today?" asked kyokyo

"japan!" replied shane.

"WOOOOHOOOOO!!! me make sushi!!!" yelled terra in excitment loooking into her bag and finding a butcher knife.

"me make sushi!!" yelled terra again this time waving the knife around.

just then the knife in terra's hand slips and is headed for bakura.

"AAHHHHHHHH!!" yelled bakura in horror as the knife is heading for his head.


shane's hand had caught the flying knife..........blade first.

"SHANE!" yelled naru in worry seing blood drip from shane's hand.

"are you okay?" asked kagome.

"im fine." was shane's reply.

"b....but shane your bleeding!" cried naru.

" i appreciate you two being worried for me, but i am a youkai after all." said shane.

shane then drops the knife to the floor and his wound heals in a matter of seconds.

"see? i told you." said shane.

"whats the matter bakura? wet your pants? your awfully quiet back there." said yami.

"i.....i did not wet my pants!" replied bakura defensively.

"then why do i see a wet splotch mark?" asked marik.

"uhh...." was all bakura could say.

everyone starts cracking up.

bakura's face goes redder than a tomato.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
2 hours later.
"well, here we are." said shane.

"wow!" was all everyone could say.

everyone was now in japan.

"so, where's the nearest,make your own sushi place?" asked terra in excitement.

"well,according to my radar, it just north of us." replied the nine-teen year old su.

after twenty-five minutes of walking, they arrive at at a make your own sushi restraunt.

"WOOOOHOOO!! SUSHI HERE I COME!!" yelled terra in excitement.

as soon as terra reached the table with all kinds of toppings, she pulled out two more butcher knives and started hacking away at the food.

everyone could only look in awe at the speed of which terra's hands were moving.

as soon as terra was done with her hacking she then started to put on the toppings.

after the toppings were finished, terra came back and served everyone the sushi she made.

before anyone could eat their sushi however, two armed men entered the restraunt and demanded for all of the money.

"everyone on the floor now!!! or we will blow your heads off!!" yelled one man.

everyone did as they were told except for shane, terra and a mysterious female dog demon in a red chinese dress with black hair and black inu ears. the three stood side by side and started attacking seperate men.

shane took on one man while terra and the other female dog demon took on the other.

"DO NOT BOTHER ME WHEN I AM HAVING MY SUSHI!!" yelled terra angrily waving her butcher knives around.

while shane was fighting , he decided to finish the fight quickly , so he started to make symbols with his hands once again and little needle like objects came through the floor.

"THOUSAND DARK NEEDLES!!" yelled shane as his attack hit from every angle.

after shane was finished with the first man, he noticed that the second had terra lying face down on the floor and the mysterious dog demon had a big gash on her leg from a knife the second armed man was holding.

shane then pulled out his sword then turned to the man and said "you better leave my friends alone, or you will answer to ME!!" yelled shane to the armed robber.

"HA! watcha going to do about it? hmm?" asked the man cockily.

when the man let his gaurd down the mysterious woman then punched him in the gut, then fell to the floor because of the blood loss.

"HHIIIIYYYAAAAA!!!"yelled shane as he slashed the man in half.

"oooooohh, i dont feel so well." said terra as she was just getting up.

shane then walked over to terra and picked her up and then he walked over to the dog demon and helped her up.

"so." shane started.

"whats your name?" he asked

" my name is miko, i am a bodygaurd for kyokyo." miko replied.

"nice to meet you, my name is shane." replied shane.

"nice to meet you and thank you for helping me out with the second robber." thanked the dog demon.

"MMMMIIIIKKKOOOO!!" yelled kyokyo happily as she ran to her best friend.

"so miko, what are you doing here?" asked kyokyo.

"well i felt like some sushi and i also felt that yami was nearby." answered miko.

"damn, not her too." said yami looking at miko.

"hey yami, wanna have a date?" asked miko.

"hell no!" answerd yami.

"you better or i will smash your millenium puzzle into itty bitty peices." threatend miko

"you wouldnt." said yami nervously.

"oh yeah? just try me." answered the dog demon.

"fine." said yami in defeat.

after about an hour of having sushi and miko trying to kiss yami, everyone decided it was time to go and look for the nearest hotel.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
the next day.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
as soon as everyone was ready, shane started up the limo-chopper and headed off towards Las Vegas, with terra and sesshomaru kissing in the very back seat.

"you know shane, i think you an me make a good fighting team." said miko.

"same." replied shane.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
end chapter 11.

well it looks like that me and miko are going to be good bodygaurds for everyone in the story.

i tried to make this chapter as long as possible but im not quite sure if i succeeded.

plz R&R
