Love Hina Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my anime road trip of chaos ❯ terra's secret,a break up,newfound love and some peace and quiet. ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anime road trip of chaos

me: in this chapter terra reveals a secret and i break-up with naru and hook up with miko.

plz R&R and enjoy the story.
chapter 15: terra's secret, a break-up, a new found love, a new friend ,and some peace and quiet for once!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
upon arriving in new zealand, everyone is getting out of the limo-chopper, everyone except for shane and miko.

shane is still laying down in his bed unconscious, from the battle with the deformed cyclops last night, considering that shane used most of his power to destroy the creature with the help of miko ,nodachi, and peach, shane may be stuck in the bed for more than just a week.

"shane, why did you have to go and use your most powerful attack the second you got out of the chopper?" asked a worried miko sitting by shane.

just as naru was walking to the hospital ward to go and find miko, she finds miko, sitting beside shane, kissing him lightly on the forehead.

'miko,and shane? together?' thought naru to herself.

'this isn't happening,but how could i miss the signs? miko cares for shane, i even saw her crying when he supposedly "died.' thought naru.

'maybe i should just ask what is going on.'

naru then decides to enter the hospital ward and see what's going on.

"hello naru." says miko not looking away from shane.

"how did you know i was here?"

"i recognized your scent, everyone has their own unique scent you know." replies miko still not looking away from the unconscious shane.

"you like shane, don't you miko?" asked naru.

"yes i do, you might say i even love him with all of my heart, i just wish i could say it to him when he was awake." answered miko.

"you love him?"

"yes i do, ever since, he helped me back at the sushi place, i knew i had feelings for shane, i just didn't know how strong they were, until last night, when he......died." replied miko who started sniffling.

"i.....i thought i would lose him forever, but......but then, zephyr started to glow a bluish purple and he was alive again, and i felt so happy that when his life returned, i knew it was love that i felt for him." replied miko who was talking in between sobs.

"what else happened when zephyr glowed?" asked naru.

"for one, i didn't go into a rage, like i usually do when i use my hell's shadow beam, instead i remained normal, second, all of my,peach,nodachi's, shane's and jidus's weapons were modified, as if like zephyr has god like abilities. continued miko.

"well, miko, as soon as shane does wake up you should confess your feelings....for him." said a now sobbing naru.

"naru, it's okay, I'm sure he will still love you as a friend, we will just have to wait a while until he wakes up." replies miko to naru.
at the restraunt.
e veryone except for miko,naru and shane are eating.

"why do you guys think miko and naru haven't shown up yet?" asks a now curious Su.

"maybe their f......" started miroku.

"HENTAI!!" yelled kagome who had hit miroku on the head with an eating plate

"owwwies." complained miroku.

"um, guys?" started terra.

"what is it?" asked kagome.

"i have to tell you something."

just then a bright pink light engulfed terra, and as the light dimmed, standing in front of everyone was a dog demoness, she had piercing gold eyes with lavender flecks,she stood five foot eight,had the same type of hair as terra's,and she had long silvery claws with a gold upside down crescent moon on them, she wore a black skin suit under her blood red kimono, she had gold bracers on her hands,and she wore the same type of boots as sesshomaru

"who are you?" asked koga.

"i'm terra mecca, terra's other half." replied terra mecca in a seductive voice.

"oh, you mean like how yugi has yami?" asked kyokyo.

"something like that." replied terra mecca in the same voice.

just then the doors opened up to reveal a girl around the age of fifteen,she had golden hair the same lenght as inuyasha's, she had golden neko ears with silver highlights, she had one dark blue right eye and one left amber eye, she wore a black kimono, with throwing knives concealed in it, and she had three silver hooped earrings on each ear.

"and who are you?" asked terra mecca in a seductive tone.

" my name is sanchara" replied the dog demoness.

"maybe we can get to know one another a bit later, shall we?" asked terra mecca in the same seductive tone.

everyone just stood there dumbfounded..........except for miroku, he knew exactly what terra mecca meant.

"maybe some other time." replied sanchara a bit shocked.

just then, terra mecca transformed back into normal terra.

"well, if it isn't my old friend, sanchara." said nodachi looking at sanchara.

"nice to see you as well nodachi." replied sanchara.
back in the hospital ward of the limo-chopper
"i think we should go and meet with the others, after all i am hungry." said naru.

"i think i'll pass, i think i'll stay here with shane." replied miko.

"i thought you would say something like that." answered naru.

' i'm gonna miss shane, now that he has miko, i mean, i understand, him being a demon and all, i guess it's just because he's a nice guy, that miko loves him, not to mention he's brave, and good looking and...' naru was cut short of her thoughts when she walked into the restraunts glass door.

"ow." said naru rubbing her head.

as naru entered the restraunt, nodachi asked why she looked so depressed.

"i'm depressed because, miko loves shane, and, i dont think i love shane the same way that miko does." replied naru to nodachi's question.

"I'M FREE!!!!!!! WAHOOO!!!" screamed yami in delight after hearing what naru said.

"not exactly yami, she is still gonna blackmail you and all that, just not as often." replied naru.

"awww crap!" was yami's reply.

"naru." started miroku.


"to find out if you really love shane, ask your heart, see what your heart feels towards shane."

naru did as told and cleared all of her thoughts, she then searched her heart and saw that she did love shane, but only as a close friend.

"i do love shane, but i now know i only love him as a close friend." answered naru.

"i think we all should go sightseeing tomorrow." suggested su.

"i agree" said yami

"i as well, agreed marik and bakura in union.

it was settled, everyone was to go sightseeing tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
it was now around midnight and miko had fallen asleep on shane's chest, listening to his heartbeat.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br> miko's dream.
miko is standing in a beautiful green meadow looking at all of the beautiful sights when she hears a voice.

miko cant identify the voice for there is a second voice which she can only identify as her own.

miko then smells a familiar, dogwood with a mixture of dewy summer grass.

' shane?'

the first voice that miko heard was indeed shane's, but his scent was different, his was a mixture of his along with miko's rose with a touch of cinnamon with a mixture of vanilla, scent.

'we're mates?' thought miko to herself.

indeed, miko and shane were mates (in the dream) and they just so happened to be the lords of the northern land as well as the leaders of the northern wolf's eye tribe.

'this might be the beginning of a beautiful matehood.' miko thought to herself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< br> reality.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
when everyone came in from the restraunt, they noticed miko's head resting on shane's chest and that miko was obviously asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end chapter 15

well, i think that a miko/shane pairing is actually cute in my POV and a special thanks for kyokyo for not getting mad at me for changing the pairing.

plz read and review!!