Love Hina Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my anime road trip of chaos ❯ the cloaked man revealed, abig battle, abig scare and anew friend ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anime road trip.

me: in this chapter we get another new friend to join the group to be paired with naru.

i am making a goal for myself, i am going to do my very best to make 2 chapters every day unless i get writers block..

on with chapter 18!!!!!!
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chapter 18: the cloaked man revealed, a big scare, and meeting another friend, and a hard battle.
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as soon as everyone was aboard the limo-chopper, the chopper starts up it's engines and is flying towards australia.

while flying to australia another person is transported into the chopper.

the person was a dog demon (full) who had deep sea blue eyes, he wore a black t-shirt, and blue denim jeans and black sneakers and he had short blond hair.

attached to his right side of his waist, is what appears to be a small metal cylinder, but is actually a beam saber.

"well, look who finally showed up, if it isn't shadow." said nodachi in a sarcastic tone.

"aw shut up you ignoramus of a tiger youkai."

"what did you say?"

"i called you an ignoramus of a tiger youkai,dumbass!" replied the boy now known as shadow.

"why don't you get over here and say it to my face?" asked a very pissed off nodachi.

"gladly." replied shadow as he was heading for nodachi.

just then, shane walks out, fully dressed and walks in between the two arguing males.

"nodachi, you better shut your mouth or i will cut it off." replied an angry shane.

"hey shane, hows it goin'?" asked shadow

"pretty good, just steer clear of nodachi today, he's very pissed off about what you just called him." replied shane.

"why? he is after all a stupid tiger youkai."

nodachi just growled.

"that tiger youkai, is the strongest tiger youkai that has ever existed." explained shane.

"what? uh oh."

"however, he still isn't as strong as me." finished shane.

"i see." was shadow's reply.

shadow then tries to find a seat, but accidentally falls down, however he lands on something soft, two very soft things to be exact.

"HENTAI!!!" yelled naru as she punched shadow in the gut and sen't him flying to the other side of the limo-chopper.

"ow." was shadow's only reply.

while hearing all of the commotion, miko walks out of her and shane's bedroom and looks around to see what happened.

"what happened out here?" asks a curious miko.

"that new shadow guy is a pervert, he landed right in my breasts face first!!" yelled a fuming naru.

"i don't think he meant it naru." said miko trying to calm her down.

"yeah right!" was naru's reply.

just then, everyone aboard the limo-chopper was transported into another shadow like realm.

nodachi,jidus,shane,miko,zephyr,peach,terra,sanchara,and shadow all exited the limo-chopper to see who could be behind this.

as soon as they exit, the same barrier is once again put up, around the chopper.

"welcome, it seems that i have underestimated all of you." said the cloaked man.

"just who the hell are you?" asked nodachi.

"my name is, ukaran, naraku and kikyo's son, and i am here to kill all of you." replied the man now known as ukaran.

"naraku's son?" asked miko in disbelief.

thats right, but like my father, i am only a hanyou." replied ukaran.

just then, ukaran, ran towards shadow at full speed, looking only like a blur, and hitting shadow in the gut.

shadow takes the blow very hard,knocking him unconscious.

peach then takes out her rose sword and goes after ukaran.

"POISON IVY SLASH!!!" yelled peach as she slashed for ukaran's head, but missed because, he is so fast.

ukaran counters with a blow to the head, also knocking peach unconscious.

terra then transformed into terra mecca and attacked ukaran.

" INFERNAL TERRA!!" yelled terra mecca.

"FROZEN PASSION!!" yelled sanchara.

the two attacks almost hit their target but miss and ukaran counters with a blow to the gut of each girl.

the two girls are okay, but they lost their wind.

miko and shane are the only ones left to stop ukaran.

shane then unsheathes his sword and miko pulls out her bow and an arrow.

"SACRED ARROW OF HEAVEN!!!" cries miko as she lets her arrow soar.

the arrow hits one of ukaran's arms.

"BITCH, YOU SHALL PAY!!!" yelled ukaran as he attacked miko with a sword hidden beneath his cloak.

miko just barely dodged the attack from ukaran, but not without getting a deep gash in her right arm.

miko was now useless because she couldn't draw any arrows, nor could she even hold her bow.

shane was the only one left who could stop ukaran.

shane then runs toward ukaran as fast as possible, holding his sword, ready o strike ukaran down.

"CALL OF HELL'S SHADOW!!! DOOMSDAY SLASH!!!!" yelled shane as he sliced ukaran in half.

as soon as ukaran was defeated, ukaran turned out to be just a demon puppet, the real ukaran hiding who knows where.

"you shall not escape that easily! dark meteor!!!" yelled the golem right before he vanished into nothingness.

as soon as shane had picked up miko, he looks up into the sky to see a asteroid, the size of texas hurtling towards him and all of his friends, who were now awake.

shane then proceeds to lay miko down and runs toward the asteroid,trying to destroy it.

miko then wakes up to see shane and shane's ominous black aura growing strong once again and seeing shane running right at the incoming asteroid.

"SHANE!!! DONT DO IT!!!!!" yelled miko in worry of seeing her mate die before her once again.

shane's jumping from tree to tree, getting higher with each passing moment until he fianlly reaches the in coming asteroid.

the asteroid is the size of texas and is covered in black energy.

shane then jumps onto the asteroid all the while unsheathing his golden sword with the silver streaks.

shane then turns his blade so that the tip is facing at the rock and prepares to stab at the asteroid.

"HEAVENS FINAL JUDGMENT!!!!" yelled shane as his sword was now glowing a bright gold ,and then he stabbed the shining sword into the asteroid.

there was a pause, then a golden light emitted from the asteroid, then another and another until.............


there was a explosion so powerful that everyone had to cover their ears and look away, after the explosion, a shock wave followed which was followed by silence.

"SHANE!!!!!" yelled miko in desperation of trying to find her mate.

"SHANE!!!!!!" yells miko again.

no answer.

just then ,miko looks up into the sky just in time to see a streak of black light falling from the air and into a nearby lake.

"SHANE!!!!" yelled a now very worried miko.

miko then transforms into her demon like state and runs to where she saw her mate fall.

as soon as miko gets to the lake, she transforms back into hr humanish like state and looks at her mate, floating in the water, face up.

"SHANE!!" yelled miko happily as she took one of shane's hands and pulled him out of the water.

"miko." said shane weakly.

"shane are you okay?"


no answer, shane was once again in a state of unconsciousness,breathing evenly in miko's arms.

when everyone got aboard the limo-chopper again, miko takes shane into the hospital ward and waits for shane to wake up once more.
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end chapter 18.

well i once again save everybody, but i pay the consequence of being knocked out.

oh well thats how this story goes.

sorry if this wasn't as long as the others but i just got the idea this morning and after chapter 17.

note: ukaran is naraku spelled backwards.

