Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Enough is Enough ❯ The End of the Line Part 2 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Love Hina or any of its characters. I wouldn't be sitting here if I did.
Chapter 3: The End of the Line Part 2
“Okay girls, I have made a decision about being your manager,” Keitaro starts. With this, you here a “Thank God” and a “What will I do for drinking money?” Keitaro sweatdrops. He just can't believe that these people could be so cold toward him. Su is the only one who actually looks sad.
“Big brother, are you leaving us?” Su asks, with puppy dog eyes.
“Yes Su, I've decided to take a break for a month to relax. I have someone coming in to take over my place while I am gone. I'm sure that you will give them the respect that you do not give me,” Keitaro says. I do have to say some things to you girls before I leave though.”
“Naru, ever since I've been here you have acted as if I wasn't. I think this stems from the fact that my first impression wasn't the greatest but it's not like I was expecting to see you naked in the springs. You hit for simple mistakes that I can't help because I'm clumsy. You could have taken the time to look at why they were caused,” Keitaro spat out. “I have also come to the conclusion that you might be my promised girl although you sure as hell don't act like it. That's the first reason why I'm taking some time off.”
“Kitsune, all you ever do is sit around the house and drink,” Keitaro says disgustedly. “If we want you to do something, we, no I, have to bribe you with a bottle of sake or taking money off of your rent. If I ask you to do something, you somehow happen to talk me out of it or disappear for a good while. That's reason number two why I'm leaving.”
“Su, your inventions and drop-kicking me is getting old. I'm pretty sure that in your agreement from Hina-san that is doesn't say you can use the manager as a punching bag and guinea pig. I know that you're a princess from a foreign country but other people don't act like you do out here in Japan,” Keitaro says as Su looks at him, with a hurtful look on her face. “I know that you don't mean any harm by it Su but I just have to get a break every once in a while. Reason number three why I'm leaving.”
“Last but not least, Motoko,” Keitaro says. “Out of all of them, you are the one that should know better. That makes you the worst in my eyes. Heiress of God's Cry School, tell me, is it part of the curriculum there to teach women to use their arts to beat men over trifle things? I'm pretty sure it's not. As far as I know, martial arts are used for inner peace and reflection. Since you call yourself a samurai, I though you would act more like them, acting for justice and looking out for the people. Why do you never do that? You always hit first and ask questions later. I hope that when Tsuruko gets here that she can re-instill the things that you have lost or forgotten about your teachings.”
When the girls heard the Tsuruko was going to be the manager for the next month, they all panicked, none more than Motoko.
“That's right, Tsuruko is going to be your manager for the next month. I have told her what your crutches are and I have also got a formal deed of management for her for the next month. More or less, she is your boss and you will have to do as she says since it is so obvious that you don't want me here.”
“Shinobu will come with me because she, out of all of you here, does the most. She cooks, cleans, and does the laundry without one complaint and never gets a thank you from the ones she is doing it for. If I didn't bring her with me, you girls would somehow pile up all the work you didn't want to do on her,” Keitaro says.
“You cannot take Shinobu!,” Motoko yells. “That is exactly why I say all men are vile, lecherous, and perverted beings!”
“I'm not going to have sex with her,” Keitaro spits out, pissed off to all hell. “I'm taking her with me to a friends place where she will be able to relax and do as she wishes without having to cook, clean or do one piece of laundry if she so wishes.”
“I refuse to tell you where I'm going because you will follow me to the ends of the earth, to make sure I don't `violate Shinobu's chastity'. I will be back once a week for the next month to see how all of you guys are doing and if the rules and regulations Tsuruko decides on are letting you girls change. If I decide that you aren't changing for the better, I will leave Hinato-sou permanently and Kanoko will be the new manager.”
At that note, a collective gasp goes up from the girls.
Keitaro turns to Shinobu. “Come, we have packing to do.”
He turns back to the girls, “You have two days till Tsuruko gets here. Let's see what you guys can do to make me think that I should want to come back.”
The next two days go by rather quickly, surprisingly without incident. Well, not as bad as usual. Kitsune was trying to seduce him to stay, Naru was being really nice, although you can tell it was forced, Su wasn't trying to kill him and Motoko, well, Motoko hadn't left her room since Keitaro made his decision.
`I have really sullied our teachings,' she thinks. `There is no way I can ever regain the honor that I have lost unless… no, that will never happen. Keitaro is upset with all of us. I just hope my sister will be easy on me but I suspect that she will not be.'
At 5:00 pm precisely, the doorbell rings.
“Hmm, I wonder who that can be?” Keitaro asks no one is particular. When he opens the door, Tsuruko is standing there. “Please, come in Tsuruko.”
AN: Heehee, yeah, I know it's cruel to end the chapter on this note but I wanted to start the new chapter with Tsuruko. I also know that the chapter is relatively short but I only had half of it written and I decided just to update when I did. So have fun and please, R&R!!
I have decided to do a paring in here, the thing is, I want my faithful reviewers to have a say in who they want. Just one thing, no Shinobu and no Su. Sorry, not into little kids but the rest are fair game, hmm, Haruka and Tsuruko are out too. There is a choice of: Naru, Mutsumi, Motoko, and Kitsune. Take your pick.