Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Fuyuoka ❯ Entries 8-10 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

August 14th, 1999

Shinobu managed to get me to vouch to her parents about her staying at the Hinata, in exchange for doing the housekeeping and cooking. She didn’t blackmail me or anything-She just asked, and well… She’s a sweet girl. I could tell that right away.

And it was nice to have someone I could talk to about my powers, and origins.

The rest of the girls were of differing opinions about her: Naru and Motoko, of course, thought that I was hiring her on in order to seduce her, like the shameless pedophile I was. Kitsune teased me about wanting a little sister. Haruka just shrugged and harrumphed. Suu was delighted though, and she and Shinobu quickly became fast friends.

I made it absolutely clear to Shinobu, however, that my secret was not one for the lighthearted. It was a dangerous secret, one that might put her in danger. I will always remember though, this fierce determination that lit up in her eyes, determination that I wouldn’t have expected from a girl so young.

“Don’t worry, Sempai… I will not fail you. I promise.”

Considering my relationship to promises in general, this touched me.

Anyway, things stayed pretty much to a standard routine-I got punched, kicked, blasted and/or otherwise attacked by the other girls, Kitsune tried to seduce me for booze money, Kentaro and I hung out and did some cool stuff together, I fought a couple of fledgling super villains, and Shinobu, through it all, was my confidante.

And things seemed pretty normal… For me, and here, anyway.

Until that day…

Excerpt from Koalla Suu, Princess of Mol-Mol’s, super-secret diary! (No peeking!)

August 14th, 1999 Happy Birthday!

Hi diary! Suu here! ^_^

Just thought you should know that Suu now has an alien living with her! A very fun and cute alien! ^_^

His name is Keitaro! Well, that’s his Earth name, anyway. His alien name is Kal-El. I took one of Keitaro’s weird paperweights that he keeps around, and tried to open it! But, I learned that it only opens when Keitaro touches it! His DNA triggers it! But, it hadn’t until now. It was because Suu found that the device needed a power boost! I gave it one from my fusion reactor! It was funny how Keitaro screamed that I was… What did he say again? “Absolutely insane?” (Can you eat absolutely insane? ?_? Suu does not know!)

But anyway! The box finally opened when Keitaro grabbed it! A funny symbol appeared on it-It looked like some weirdly-stretched pentagram with a coiled snake in it. It glowed and then everything changed!

A hologram I guess, but it all looked real! Way beyond even my nation’s technology! I wonder if Keitaro will let Suu try to copy the technology? It would make Suu rich!

Anyway, two people dressed funny, with that weird pentagram-snake symbol on their chests, appeared, and everywhere around us looked like some strange, alien world!

I was confused. The man and woman who appeared looked like Keitaro. They said they were Keitaro’s real parents, and that this box was their gift to him, to teach him about his origins and how he came to Earth. But then, that means Keitaro’s an alien! No wonder he never gets hurt when I play with him!

I kind of zoned out for a while as Keitaro and the holograms of his parents talked. I tried to find a banana but the hologram obscured them all! I was feeling sad about that. T_T

Finally, the hologram vanished, and Keitaro looked sad. I tried to cheer him up with a banana. He took it and asked me not to tell anyone else that he was an alien. Suu said, “Are you kidding? I’d never tell! It’s too cool for Suu to blab!”

Now, Suu and Keitaro do experiments together! To find out about all his powers and more about his home! He can do lots of neat stuff! Like, run faster than a bullet, lift 100 tons, survive a nuclear explosion (that was lots of fun to do, but Keitaro wasn’t happy about it), and can set things on fire by looking at them! He’s like a giant banana sundae! All these neat, yummy things about him!

Keitaro’s Journal

August 24th, 1999

Oh God, somebody kill me now.

Ever since Suu started her “experiments”, I haven’t been getting a lot of rest lately. She locked me into a super-reinforced lead chamber and detonated a 1 kiloton nuke! Right in my face! It actually burned… Though truthfully, it was like getting a sunburn for me.

Suu has been helpful, though, in helping me learn more about Krypton, the planet I came from, and my parents, Jor-El and Lara. The recordings of my father and mother though, aren’t complete. The holograms answered a lot of my questions-What was Krypton like, what happened to it-but when I asked why I was sent here, specifically, all I get is this:

The hologram of my mother tells me she loves me and will always be with me, while my father tells me that on Earth I will be a God among men, and to rule over this flawed race humanity with strength and might.

Every time I ask that question, or a variation of it, that’s all I get.

I keep learning more about Krypton whenever I touch the box. It’s a long, violent history, the various nations on my birth planet warring with each other for millennia, with steadily deadlier weapons. My father used to be of a great house, the House of El (the crest of which is on the box the hologram comes out of). But the House of El fell into decline, gradually changing from great warriors and statesmen to scientists and fringe philosophers.

It was little wonder, then, that no one on Krypton listened to my father’s warnings that the planetary power system, that had kept Krypton’s cities running for thousands of years, would soon lead to the planet’s complete destruction. I mean, the power system induced fusion within the core of the planet to create energy, which just sounds stupid to begin with. But no one listened. He was thought of as a loony and a renegade.

Originally, he planned to build a ship that would take him, Lara, and me to Earth… But he ran out of time. The ship he could finish was only big enough for me. And with a last kiss from my mother on my forehead, I was launched into space. It was then that Krypton exploded, and my little ship barely escaped, headed for a small, blue planet orbiting a young, yellow star.

Along with the hologram, the box opened to reveal a companion my parents had included for me… A small, green-shelled, Kryptonian hot springs turtle. I named her Tama-chan. And I must admit, seeing Suu break a tooth trying to bite the super turtle’s shell was hilarious.

Well, that’s all for now, journal. Tama-chan’s learned how to use heat vision. I’ll be back!

September 1st, 1999

Been a while, huh? Well, a lot’s happened.

To make a long story short, I once again failed the Tokyo University entry exams (no big surprise there), and went on a little trip to Osaka, then Okinawa to try and find myself.

Along the way, I met Mutsumi Otohime, this really, really hot girl, who has also failed the entrance exams to Toudai three times.

Interestingly, Naru also failed. And she’s the top student in the nation! Or at least, she was…

Anyway, our journey was filled with adventure and mayhem. I managed to take down Godzilla (who was invading at the time), by lifting him and running him out to sea. When he wouldn’t just leave, I broke his big toe. He started bawling like a big baby and ran off.

I barely avoided getting spotted… But it was either remain hidden, or let the giant lizard destroy Tokyo… Again.

And Naru’s still upset with me for kissing Mutsumi. Well, technically, she kissed me… And then she kissed Naru. ^__^ That was… Sooo cool.

Mutsumi’s going away present was a guide to hot springs turtles… Since Tama-chan followed me. It’s difficult to evade a smart turtle with all your alien abilities. But it’s starting to make me wonder if Kryptonians have been here, on Earth, before.

Anyway, now that I’m back? I have to get another job.

I wouldn’t have to if certain people here didn’t destroy property when they’re attacking me! Or stole my money to finance their alcohol binges! Or actually paid their rent!

But, (sigh) that’s life. At least, that’s mine.

I was tempted to get a job as a construction worker… But I’d rather no one see my strength. Kentaro offered to help out the Hinata financially, but I politely declined. He’s my friend, and that’s payment enough, I told him. Naru and Kitsune hit me for that, though. They say I’m an idiot when it comes to economics.

Least I’m not an idiot at friendships though…

I got a job with this archaeologist, Dr. Seta Noriyasu… Who also happens to be Haruka’s former boyfriend. Awkwardness much? Oh yeah, and his adopted daughter, Sarah, is a brat. With a capital “B”. I’m never taking my invulnerability for granted again. She literally dropped a piano on my head!

The fact I survived with no injuries (or even scratches) was something that confused her. Fortunately, I was able to use that hesitation of hers to gag her with duct tape and throw her in the back of Seta’s van.

She got me back, however, when I was working with Seta in his office at the University, cataloguing artifacts he’d found on an expedition to an island. Apparently they’re the remains of a once great turtle civilization.

What I find really interesting about the artifacts, however, is that they have Kryptonian writing on them. Could the Kryptonians have visited Earth before I came here?

Who knows? Maybe, hiding in the ruins of those ancient turtle civilizations, might be another survivor. Another one like me. Or, at least, some more information on the Kryptonians. My father’s hologram seems to imply that I’m here to conquer Earth, to establish a rule over the flawed human race. I’m not sure though… My translation might be wrong. It’s just that… My father seemed so cold, so hard, in the hologram, while my mother seemed loving and warm by contrast.

I lost my train of thought, however, when a familiar burning sensation in my body emerged. I coughed and shuddered, and looked to my right. Sarah, who had been sitting with me at the cataloguing table, was playing with a glowing green pendant. Kryptonite…

“Hey dork… What’s wrong?” The blonde girl asked, smirking. “You feeling sick?” She held the pendant closer to me. I paled and began to feel nauseous.

“Hey… Wait…” She pulled the pendant back and stuffed it into a thick metal container nearby. My color returned and I felt better. I sighed in relief… Before Sarah brought the kryptonite out again. I felt ill all over.

She kept taking it out and putting it back in, like a demented version of peek-a-boo. She giggled at how easily she could make me suffer.

“Please… Sarah… Stop…” I croaked, slumping to the floor. She giggled again.

“Nuh uh… This is great! I’ve got you completely under my power,” She cackled. I croaked and tried to get Seta’s attention, but I couldn’t speak. He was in the other room, too far away. I collapsed, shivering. All I could hear was Sarah’s manic giggles as I began to pass out…