Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

15 - Tsuruko's Tactics
Keitaro's eyes opened as he clutched his chest when he felt like someone lit a flame inside him. It seems his soul wound (that's what that girl with blue hair said) was acting up, and since Keitaro (of this world)'s soul wasn't located in that place anymore, he hadn't frozen up as he did before.
It didn't hurt, but it wasn't comfortable either. His face had a slight grimace, something Motoko had noticed about three days before D-Day. During training, the first time it occurred, she almost stopped in fear of his health, but he told her he was fine, and to continue on. They did, much to her worry.
There were no more delays in training. And that morning, they rode the train to Kyoto.
The train smoothly ran as the scenery changed every second. In front of him was Motoko, sleeping soundly, and beside him was a wrapped stick, tied on the top by a rope. Although it was designed for concealment, it didn't take a genius to know the stick was actually a weapon, most probably a sword.
Motoko had protested in bringing it, but Keitaro wouldn't hear of it. This was his trump card, after all. Something used as insurance if all else fails.
An announcement came. Kyoto Station was about thirty minutes away. Keitaro had slept a good while already, so there was no need to continue his slumber. He stood up silently, and went towards the bathroom to do his business.
In fifteen minutes time, he'll wake Motoko, if she wasn't up yet… and in thirty minutes… it was time to travel towards Aoyama's home.
Tsuruko Aoyama looked up as she felt the energy signatures of her sister and her companion miles away. She stood up from her kneeling position, and straightened her hakama. She walked towards her sword stand, and took her nodachi out. She held on to it for a moment, feeling her weapon on her hand.
“So… it comes,” she whispered with a slight smile.
How long was it since she and Motoko fought here? When she was decided to carry on the Shinmei Ryuu School, she disappeared the next day. She even missed the wedding, though Tsuruko knew Motoko purposely did that. Her sister and her husband never really gotten along since that incident at the bathes.
A ruffle of feathers announced another presence in the room. Tsuruko's eyes went towards the window sill, and found her partner standing there, shaking slightly as she cawed.
“I know they are coming,” Tsuruko replied. She smiled widely this time. “I'm feeling slightly giddy. I haven't been this excited since my last duel with Mikoto… and that was to defend my husband from her forwardness.”
While it was tempting to go down memory lane, Tsuruko waved the incoming wave of images away from her as she put her nodachi on her side, slipping it on the modified belt to allow freedom of movements with her hand.
It was time to prepare.
“Time to buy some things for our guests…” she smiled a bit more foxily this time.
“Are we there yet?” Keitaro asked for umpteenth time.
“No, Keitaro, we are not there yet,” Motoko replied with umpteenth time… plus one. She stopped, turned to him, and crossed her arms on her chest. “Are you asking me to annoy me, or to just entertain yourself?”
“Both,” Keitaro replied with a slight smirk. “It's a long way anyways. Can't we take a cab or something?”
“Consider this training!” Motoko exclaimed loudly, though she quieted down. She looked around for a moment, before she stared back at the young man. “We're almost there, Keitaro… in a kilometer away, you will see the compound.”
Keitaro walked towards the young swordswoman. He smiled and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, making her look at him. She smiled back slightly.
“Nervous?” he asked empathetically.
She nodded.
“Don't be,” he assured her. “We did what we could. Now is not the time to shy. Now's the time to think… `we can win' and fight our best.” He paused. “Besides… you're with me. I'm not going to just hang back and let you fight it alone.”
Motoko looked at him with a joyful expression. She placed her hand on his supporting one, and squeezed it firmly, yet comfortably.
“Not going to break my nose, Motoko?” he asked jokingly. “Or is this a decent contact for a shy woman like you?”
“Do not tempt me, Urashima,” she replied with a small dark grin. “I'm holding one of your arms, and you are open for any assault.”
“I bet I can still get one hit in…” he exclaimed with a smirk. “My left hand is free…”
“And so is mine,” she cut him off. “I can catch your fist even before it could come in contact with me.”
“It won't be a punch,” Keitaro countered. “It will be an open palm. You may catch it, but you can't stop me from pushing you away…”
“My feet can dig in this ground to give you pause.”
“Then I'll bend my right elbow to get closer to you…”
“Useless. You're strength would halve if you approached me from such a distance…”
“And my lips will touch yours.”
Motoko raised an eyebrow, while Keitaro seemed to have declared himself the victor by giving her a wide smile. She could only nod.
“You really want me to break your nose, don't you, Keitaro?” she asked, rather amused.
“I could spout poetry… it might make it a little more meaningful,” he replied easily. “You are my sun, my moon… my starlit sky...
“Horrible,” Motoko stated with rather exaggerated disdain, though her lips threatened to smile. Keitaro himself was all grins, making her waver, threatening to open up her lips… and nearly succeeded too… until…
“I thought it was lovely.”
Keitaro and Motoko found themselves reeling back to reality when her voice came to their ears and attention. In perfect sync, the two found themselves looking at the direction of the voice, and tensed as they saw Tsuruko Aoyama smiling at them. Her majestic form swayed gently with the wind as she slowly dragged some of her hair away from her face. On both hands, she was carrying large baskets, and on her waist was her nodachi.
When Keitaro's eyes met the weapon, he straightened up, and unconsciously got his arm ready to attack. Beside him, Motoko also seemed to be quite ready, though their opponent, in either mock or actual naivety, seemed to ignore their reprehensive ness, and approached them with a smile.
“Well, you're quite early,” Tsuruko commented. “Duel's tomorrow.”
Keitaro just nodded. Beside him, Motoko was slowly relaxing, not feeling anything out of her sister other than her natural harmonic aura, which always was around her when she was anything but in a mood to fight. She glanced at Keitaro who didn't move from his spot, almost like waiting for her older sister to come to him so he could charge.
She weakly kicked him in the legs.
“Ouch!” he muttered softly, and stared at Motoko, who ignored him.
“Sister, I thought it would be prudent to come here early,” she stated neutrally. There was no need to instigate Tsuruko now. “After all… we have come prepared.”
“Prepared, eh?” the older Aoyama looked towards her younger sister with fair approval. “Well… you do look ready. Much better than you did twelve days ago.” She smiled in a rather enigmatic way. “Maybe it's a certain someone's presence that has triggered your growth.”
“I actually have you to thank, sister,” Motoko replied without losing a bit. She stared at older sibling for a moment. “Due to my loss, it opened my eyes to things I have never thought of before. And with Urashima-san's help… I've recovered and ready to face you again.”
Keitaro smiled slightly. Motoko's reply was specifically done to avoid the subject of their relationship. He looked back towards the neutral Tsuruko, who seemed to just smile there, though with a bit more force. He suspected she was interested in the progress they might had.
Like a warrior, the younger Aoyama did not give her opponent an advantage, nor was the older Aoyama showing that she was much more interested in the knowledge than her face gave. The battle may have been dated tomorrow, but it seems the two had already started.
“Urashima-san,” Tsuruko suddenly looked towards him. “How was your week? Eventful?”
“Other than injuring my shoulder, not quite,” Keitaro lied smoothly. He smiled at her neutrally. “How about you, Aoyama-san?”
“Boring as well, more so than yours, I am willing to wager,” she replied, and without any pause, she suddenly walked towards Motoko, and stretched her arms towards her.
Keitaro's partner raised an inquiring eyebrow. “Sister…?”
“Would you mind so kindly in helping your sister carry these?” Tsuruko asked. And before Motoko could reply, she cut her off, “It shouldn't be a problem for you… right, little sister?”
Keitaro looked at Motoko, who looked back at him. He shrugged, not really knowing what was going on, and with a nod she easily took the two heavy looking bags, one on each hand. Tsuruko just smiled, and before any of the two could speak, stuck herself with Keitaro, her arms wrapping around his.
“Now, let's be on our merry way, shall we?” she stated with a rather girly glee, and pulled Keitaro along… but before she could get far, she found resistance when the young man she was pulling to pulled back.
“Excuse me, Aoyama-san…” he muttered with forced politeness. “I would be more comfortable if I wasn't going to be led by you.”
Motoko looked a bit at Keitaro who was glaring rather hatefully towards her older sister, who casually just smiled at him. She felt the tension in the air around them as the older Aoyama didn't show signs of listening to him, or even letting go of his arm.
“I must apologize, Urashima-san,” Tsuruko stated easily. “But as a host, it would be unkind of me to not entertain you, my guest.”
“Motoko-san would be more than adequate enough to help me,” Keitaro replied.
“Of course,” Tsuruko nodded. “But seeing as she is rather preoccupied at the moment, it would be bad manners and a plight in the Aoyama name if I not shoulder the responsibility.”
Keitaro's grin turned rather dangerous. He almost considered breaking free though the way she was gripping on to him painfully knew he would have trouble extracting her offending grabbing limbs, and he didn't want to exacerbate things, especially not now.
“Then I shall allow you to accompany me…” he finally stated, though with a bit of apprehension.
“Lovely,” Tsuruko stated. “Now… the Aoyama compound is not too far from here, though the trip may be rather treacherous for outsiders or to those who aren't in rather good physical condition. Hope you don't mind.”
Treacherous was rather harsh. While the path was rather arduous, it wasn't much of a challenge for Keitaro, though he assumed it was because they were walking. He can't imagine the state of his feet if he would have to jog here… the ups and downs would drain stamina of those who are just starting out. And everything was bare… there were no trees to cover them from the sun, and the scattered stones of various sizes would make people think twice before running here at full speed.
Before long, he could finally see the compound. It was rather large, but then, Keitaro expected so. In his world, the Aoyama's are a rich family, being one the few Japanese families dealing in supernatural creatures… and from Yuuko's words before, they are also doing the same thing here.
From far away, Keitaro could see four different housings, each connected by roofed corridors. The largest must be the Main House, where the head family stays. Motoko and Tsuruko probably stayed there when they were young as they are the heirs of the dojo… of course, this was all assumption in his part.
As they entered, the whole place had that classical Japanese feel you could typically find in any rich Japanese home. Around the houses was a Zen garden, raked beautifully with a few well placed boulders. And then there was a small koi pond with a small bridge over it, and around, a small water fountain, where a bamboo tube was rhythmically hit the stone as it emptied its contents back to the pond.
As beautiful and serene the surroundings were, there was something vitally missing. Keitaro's thoughts rolled around that notion until after a moment, he finally realized what was bothering him. But before he could satisfy his curiosity, Motoko beat him to it.
“Sister… where is everybody?”
Tsuruko smiled at her. Didn't the woman have any other expression?
“Everybody is on their annual retreat. The students are either home or training with the senseis,” she replied. “Mother and Father had to travel to Okinawa for business, and Grandmother went with them. They wouldn't be back for two days or so.”
“Quite a coincidence that our duel wouldn't be disturbed, eh?” Keitaro was quick to point that out.
“Well, I may have already taken to account of the retreat, and I might have heard that Mother, Father, and Grandmother going on a trip, but yes, as you claim, it is quite a coincidence,” Tsuruko replied.
Sarcasm wasn't needed… though it did give Keitaro another thought on how well thought out Tsuruko was, and why she was rather a bit adamant of extending the time of their duel. Does it mean the family doesn't know about Motoko and Tsuruko's situation? Was the woman unsure on how her actions would be agreed by her parents?
Wait, Keitaro thought. There was someone she hadn't mentioned it.
“How about your husband, Aoyama-san?” he asked.
Keitaro knew he had unconsciously taken a stab at her when her smile faltered slightly. Even Motoko seemed to freeze a bit as Tsuruko's husband's absence was mentioned.
“My husband is away,” she replied, while not hostile, with more force than needed. “Training. He'll be back in a week.”
“How long has he been gone?” Motoko asked.
“About a month or so,” the older Aoyama replied. She seemed to have composed herself, replying easily and so far, truthfully to Motoko's question. But Keitaro wouldn't have that. He wanted to rattle her cage a bit more.
“Must have been lonely, isn't it, Aoyama-san?” he asked with a bit of disdain. “A young woman, who's husband has been gone a month… yes, quite. You must have been really lonely.”
The meaning was quite obvious and clear, that even Motoko looked at Keitaro with a bit of shock. Tsuruko herself forced another smile on her face, but her hands squeezed Keitaro's arms a bit harder than usual.
“Well… since you're here, you may fill that hole of loneliness which I have built,” she smiled darkly at him. There was a moment of pause, with Motoko looking further shocked, and Tsuruko staring towards Keitaro intently. Then, she said, “Come now, let us get you settled! Have you eaten? I seem to have bought enough for us…”
“For us?” Keitaro looked back towards the two bags Motoko was carrying. “Dinner?” he guessed.
“Rice actually. Just remembered that I ran out of a while ago while I was cooking something special to commemorate and welcome you to the Aoyama house,” Tsuruko replied. “Now let's hurry, or else, our dinner will start late.”
Like the outside, the main house, where Tsuruko led them, also had that feeling of nostalgia around it. The place was old… very old; probably even older than Hinata-sou, yet maintained with such diligence.
It was quite rich as well. It seemed that no expense was spared as he got a good look around the house. The floors were well kept, cleaned, probably everyday. They shone brightly with the lights, cleanly cut and placed on the floors; the walls were plastered, and painted white with wood pieces to form a frame and the sliding doors were fitted with papers still white and with almost no sign of dirt or dust.
“Motoko, be a dear, and please prepare the rice,” Tsuruko declared when they have arrived in the dining area. “I'll show Urashima-san around.”
“Sister, wouldn't it be much better if I show Keitaro around?” Motoko asked, a bit confrontational.
“Now, now, don't be a spoil-sport,” Tsuruko replied with a smile. “Or is it you do not trust me around Urashima-san? Or maybe it's the total opposite, and do not trust him alone with me?”
“D-don't be silly!” Motoko replied. “It's just…” and she trailed off.
“Well, do keep your hat on,” Tsuruko stated after the younger Aoyama wouldn't finish her sentence. Since she was still holding on Keitaro, she dragged him out of the dining room. “I won't try anything with your future husband, little sister. On my honor…”
“Which I doubt is worth much,” Keitaro muttered in a low tone, though he received a light tap on his back.
“Ohohoho! You're such a joker, soon-to-be-brother-in-law,” she stated jovially. “Now, let's go, and I'll show you to your room…”
Keitaro was on total guard when he was left alone, closely held by Tsuruko, waiting for her evil ugly head to rear up, her snake tongue lashing towards his face… though at a few moments later, he knew he was being a dud.
For some reason, she said nothing, but kept her smile. She offered him a room right next to Motoko's, whose room was right next to Tsuruko's. Guest rooms were actually a house away from the Main House, probably linked by one of those roofed corridors he had seen earlier.
She had given him a rather quick tour. She explained that the Aoyama house started out with one big main house, which after time, extended to support students and extended family. Once he joins, he could invite his family to stay here.
“No thanks,” he muttered immediately. He had no plans to lose. He said that.
She just laughed. “I admire your courage… even though it borders irrationality…” she stated calmly. “We had a deal, remember, Urashima-san?”
“The deal was I'd amicably marry your sister `if' we lose,” he stated, “if being the operative word, Aoyama-san. Until the time comes, I do not have to behave in a manner you wish for me to behave. Do you understand me?”
“I like your fire,” she replied. And she said no more.
After putting his things to his room, they both went back towards the dining area in complete silence. Tsuruko checked out Motoko in the kitchen, and Keitaro made himself comfortable in the chair, and sat patiently, keeping his thoughts nice and lithe, and looked up when he felt the older Aoyama come in.
She brought in a tray with a pot, some cups, and a wiping cloth.
“Tea?” she asked.
While he wasn't in a mood for tea, Keitaro just nodded and accepted the moderately warmed small cup of tea. He watched Tsuruko carefully pour her own cup, and took in a deep breathe of the steam coming from her tea. She seemed to close up from him, slowly sipping her cup with normalcy. It was like she removed his presence from her mind.
Keitaro drank his own tea with his own volition. His eyes were still towards hers, though he kept his senses wide enough to know that his tea was rather hot, and blew on to it for a moment before taking his first sip. Before long, he was enjoying the taste of the diluted tea leaves, and the warmth and hydrating feeling he got after swallowing the liquid.
He closed his eyes.
“Do you like it?”
Keitaro opened his eyes, his muscles tensing again. He looked at Tsuruko neutrally, who was now swirling her own cup of tea.
“It's adequate,” he replied.
“It's not my best tea… but it does serve its purpose…” she smiled, her eyes suddenly shining. “Would you like some more… oh goodness!”
Keitaro pushed himself out of the way as Tsuruko seemingly lost grip of the teapot, and spilled its some of its contents on the table. It was a bit of wasted effort though as the liquid had gotten to his pants, and the older Aoyama looked like some sort of teenage girl as she grabbed a cloth from the tray, and began to wipe the table.
“I am so sorry,” she stated as she wiped the table. “Did you get wet?”
“No, its fine…”
“No, no, no,” she shook her head, and her hands with the towel went straight towards the wet spot on his pants. Keitaro wanted to slap her hand away, but just tried to pull away from her.
“I said its fine…”
“What is going on here!?”
The picture must have looked strange to Motoko, who appeared just beyond the doors going towards the kitchen. Keitaro could very well imagine what she could see. Her face was slowly going red, looking at Tsuruko's surprised face, and her arms down at Keitaro's lap, still wiping his pants with the cloth… the table hid the critical details, making this scene look very lecherous.
“Tea!” Keitaro muttered immediately before Motoko could explode.
“W-what!?” she asked, her voice shaking.
“Aoyama-san spilled some tea, and she was just trying to be helpful,” Keitaro replied. “A wee bit too helpful. I told her already that her help wasn't needed…”
“Oh yes,” Tsuruko nodded, taking her hands away from him, finally. “It came so fast, we both weren't prepared for it.”
“What came so fast?” Motoko demanded. Keitaro knew there and then that the Aoyama's had dirty minds.
“The accident,” Keitaro answered before Tsuruko could. He looked at her for a moment… was she trying to make the whole thing look wrong?
“Which is my fault entirely,” Tsuruko admitted. “I must have mishandled the pot, and it spilled on the table, wetting our guest.”
Motoko seemed satisfied, though her suspicious eyes still went from her sister to Keitaro. After a moment of silence, she finally said, “The rice is done.”
Keitaro lowered himself on the bathes with a sigh. Motoko's ire was still present during dinner, wedging herself somewhat between him and Tsuruko. While he didn't mind, the tense aura the dinner table had was something he didn't need. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked Tsuruko's cooking and was quite famished, but his stomach kept turning when someone tried to speak. Needless to say, he didn't eat that well.
The bathes were spacious; a big pool of hot steaming water, and four shower stalls made him think this wasn't a personal bathing room. After wanting one, Motoko had, with intention, showed him the way, and left him to his own devices. Not wanting to waste time, Keitaro dove in and refreshed himself.
Tomorrow was the duel, and other than some weird confrontations, it seems peace has been established so far. With that, he slowed his breathing down, and emptied his mind, recalling what he and Motoko had worked on, the gestures they would use to signal each other, and lastly, how to tip the odds on their favor.
He had his gauntlets, which he would be wearing tomorrow. He bought it after the vampire incident in the village they were training on (a small dent on Keitaro's piggy bank), some of his self-made bombs and finally, his Ace of Spades.
Still, Tsuruko's actions were troubling him somewhat. First was the time they met on the road to the compound. She dumped all her goods to Motoko, and went after him immediately whilst ignoring the slight glare she was receiving from the younger Aoyama. The second was spilling the tea, which resulted into one of the most ridiculous situations he was put on. Coincidence? Probably. If not, it might have just been some sibling teasing. Keitaro didn't have enough proof that Tsuruko was acting on maliciousness, though he wouldn't pass that through her.
Keitaro stood up, and wrapped a towel around him. Living in a female dormitory with hot springs made him a bit apprehensive in lingering bathes that weren't personal, unless there was a specification of male and female places, or separated like the wall KU had erected to separate him and the tenants back at his world. Besides… he bathed long enough.
Wrapping a towel loosely at his hips, Keitaro made towards the door, and the first thing he felt was something hitting his shin, just above his ankle. Losing balance, Keitaro flew forward, grabbing the first thing he could to break his fall…
“Oopsie… ohohoho, Keitaro-san,” Tsuruko's voice spoke below him. Gradually, he recovered from the shock, and realized that he was on top of the older Aoyama, his hands holding two globes of fat. No matter who else has them, they always felt the same.
Keitaro stood up immediately, causing Tsuruko to moan slightly as he applied pressure on her chest to stand up. “Sorry…” he muttered softly. He felt a heavy spike of ki just beside him, and he inwardly groaned when he saw Motoko at the corner of his eye, glaring at him with a good amount of hatred.
“It's quite alright, Keitaro-san,” Tsuruko giggled as she slowly stood up as well, holding the towel against her. It was a bit obvious that the towel was too short for her. She smiled. “But you must have thought that I would be Motoko-han, right? I must warn you, Keitaro-san, no funny business until you get married.”
“Wouldn't dream of it,” he replied, and looked towards Motoko who looked at him suspiciously. “It was an accident, Motoko…” he assured.
“Yes, quite. No need to get jealous,” Tsuruko chimed in.
“I wasn't!” the younger Motoko replied, and shot straight towards the bathroom door, slamming it shut.
“Oh… poor dear,” Tsuruko commented. “Don't worry, Keitaro-san… I'm sure after a nice refreshing bath she'd be a bit more pliable. I'd love to chat more, but my body is in need of a long soak, so excuse me…”
“Go ahead…”
Tsuruko raised an eyebrow as Keitaro's tone turned cold, and watched him for a moment as his back was on her, walking straight and solidly towards his room, and then, losing interest, followed Motoko inside as well.
“I'm going, sister,” Motoko spoke as she stood up, and walked out of the pool, wrapping a towel around her. She hadn't spoken since she had entered, and Tsuruko was the one who kept talking.
“Okay, Motoko-han,” Tsuruko stated, still in the pool. She placed her back on the boundary wall, relaxing for a moment. She smiled slightly… well, seems her tactics were working. Motoko's heart was still too immature to see it… though she suspected Keitaro wasn't so gullible. But what could he do? His own partner was so close to not to listen to him… it bodes ill on how their teamwork would work tomorrow.
Tsuruko knew that the best way to attack two people when joining together is to disrupt the trust they had built… and they had more than a week to build that trust together. Her younger sister's face was transparent especially when her anger got the better of her. She laughed. It was rather fun poking around those two… and guaranteeing victory is just an extra.
Tsuruko suddenly tensed as she felt the void in the whole room… it was unnatural. She stood up, spread her feet around the wet tiles underneath the pool, finding her ground. Her head whipped left and right, and before she knew it, she felt a cold ripple in her area… and something sharp on her back.
“Not going to do anything to me, are you?” Keitaro's voice rang coldly near her ear. “On your honor, eh?”
“Technically, Urashima-san… I haven't done anything to harm you,” Tsuruko replied easily. “So, my honor is still intact.”
“Bullshit,” Keitaro said. “You're trying to separate us. I thought it was odd that you came after me when we first met today, then the tea… you had that cloth in the tray specifically for a reason, because you knew you were going to spill that… but it was the last bit that really convinced me. You tripped me as I was about to get out of the bathroom, purposely left yourself open to catch me as I fell… your moan was a cute touch,” he added the last part sarcastically.
“Thank you,” she replied with a smile. He ignored that.
“I'm not stupid, Aoyama-san. My teacher once told me… once is a happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice… its enemy action. And your last strike, I am making sure is your last.”
“Teacher… interesting,” Tsuruko stated softly. “Did that teacher of yours also teach you how to hide your presence and ki to the extent that you were almost invisible until you are at your strike area?” He didn't answer. “You moved like a shinobi, Urashima-san.”
“Did I? Or maybe you're just saying that to hide the fact that you're embarrassed that you didn't detect me?”
“Urashima-san… its best you not assume your victory until you hit your finishing blow,” and she seemed to smile. “Can you? Can you bring yourself to use that blade there near my kidneys? Are you going to kill me?”
Before he could push the blade into her body, he found himself in the air, and landed on the pool with a splash. He tried to recover and stand, but the slippery surface below and the resistance the water was giving him slowed him down a lot. Instead, he found himself pulled up by the arm, which twisted painfully behind him.
“You were actually going to kill me…” Tsuruko's voice came behind him, though this time it was so cold that it sent shivers on Keitaro's back. “I felt that killing intent, Urashima-san… and you'd even dare use my own weapon against me?”
Another twist forced Keitaro to drop the weapon he stole from Tsuruko's room, and he was shoved away strongly that he fell in the pool face first. He growled. This time, he used both his arms to support him up, and stood up, turned around to recover, only for a claw to grab him by the neck, pinning him on the pool border, and a sharp sensation registered on his neck.
For a moment, Keitaro thought that Tsuruko had stabbed him there, but when he felt no pain, nor the sick feeling of losing blood, he discarded that thought. He wondered briefly what she did, until he couldn't move his arms, legs, or even his mouth. His eyes widened.
“I attacked a nerve cluster around your neck,” Tsuruko smiled creepily at him. “The shock should shut down your basic motor functions for a while. I see your eyelids are still operational, and judging by your rise and fall of your chest, your breathing functions are not impaired.”
She closed her eyes for a moment, and expanded her ki, which exploded like a bomb imploding underwater, and opened her eyes. She caressed Keitaro's immovable cheeks, staring and enjoying as his eyes moved around, like he was forcing himself to move as she knelt on his lap.
“Forgive me, Keitaro-san, for I am about to use your body against your will,” she stated, scooting closer to him, her naked chest touching his chin. “Motoko will have felt that ki explosion… and after a few seconds, she'll be running here… and see us like this.”
Keitaro's mind seethed and forced to get feeling back to his limbs… but no matter what he did, he couldn't move. Damn the woman! He tried to move his legs, his arms… anything to get him out of this situation! He was even in more frenzy when he heard approaching footsteps.
MOVE! he screamed to himself. MOVE THE ARM! FINGERS! LEGS! ANYTHING!
Tsuruko giggled. “I must say… this is quite enjoyable, Urashima-san… Do not hate me much for it… its just tactics. Like being late for one's duel, or using the sun's direction to one's advantage… though I must thank you for being the very tool to clinch my plan. First blood… is mine.”
The doors opened.
“Sister, what happ…ened…”
Tsuruko's smile was hidden in the fog, but seen clearly by the paralyzed Keitaro. He could imagine Motoko's shocked face, hear the slam of the door, and her heavy retreating footsteps. He wanted to cry out to her, tell her this was all part of Tsuruko's plan to separate them… but he knew it was too late.
Tsuruko detached herself from him, and moved to his side, standing up. She went out of the pool, and the sound of her grabbing the towel was so clear to him. His attention was solely focused on her presence, his anger and desperation mixing unhealthily in his system.
“Not to worry, Urashima-san… I'll appease her a bit. It's not good to have our new couple mistrusting each other to this extent…” Tsuruko's voice was clear in the room. “I'll tell her you forgot something in your bathroom, surprised me, and I tripped and fell on top of you… and she might actually believe it after our duel tomorrow.”
Her footsteps approached behind him, and he felt her callused hands caressing his cheeks, her chin resting on top of his head.
“Welcome to the family, Urashima-san.”
To Be Continued…
Author's Notes:
Sorry! My comp went dead, and with that, I had bought a few anime, which I wasted myself on, even after I got my computer fixed. So, to make amends, made the chapter a wee bit longer than usual! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Promise, next chapter will come sooner than this one!
With the battle between the two forces finally arrive, Motoko and Keitaro already are conflicted thanks to the seeds of mistrust planted by Tsuruko Aoyama. Can they even work together, or will Tsuruko's victory be flawless?
Next on A View to a Truth: “Mistrust”