Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: A View to a Truth ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

17 - Heir of the Black Blade
Keitaro breathed erratically as he found himself on the ground again. Tsuruko Aoyama was beating him down faster than before… and Motoko still has not woken up from the earlier toss. He cursed silently. The woman was playing with him. She could have finished the fight already after she had charged in, blocked, parried and counter-attacked almost all of his futile attacks, but she seemed to be taking a rather cat-like mood, keeping this… this game going until she may get bored with it.
Keitaro hated his own weakness. Even if he had his own body back, he didn't know how he could win. He was fairly confident in the early going until she started to show that her skills never got stagnant. The mysterious SeikÅ«ken of hers… he had no information about it. He didn't know how it worked, what's its weakness and how to counter it.
She is tipping the scale. The odds are for her once again. Tsuruko Aoyama was winning, and she knew it.
“I am impressed that you still have the strength to stand up,” she stated easily as Keitaro struggled to get up. “You know… you do not need to suffer this. Just admit defeat, and we can stop this one-sided battle.”
“Heh…” Keitaro chuckled darkly as he tried to bring his arms up again. “You make yourself sound decent. You could end it yourself… what are you waiting for?”
Tsuruko smiled as she raised her blade, and once again, whirled it around her frame… and before he knew it, she was charging in again. Keitaro raised his arm, his gauntlet blocking and deflecting the incoming blade, and he countered by brining all his energy forward with his fist… but with a flash, her blade changed its angle, and she ducked his attack, and with a few steps forward, she cornered and trapped Keitaro's pivotal foot with her own, and pushed forward. Keitaro yelped as he found himself in the air again, but was able to break his fall.
Tsuruko never let him recover as the hilt of her blade suddenly flicked Keitaro squarely in the forehead. Moreover, before he could even register it, her free hand hit his gut hard that he just got on his knees, and gasped for air.
“You held yourself well,” Tsuruko stated as she took a few steps back, “too well in fact. You mention that I am keeping this battle alive… well, there are two reasons.”
When she finally was a few paces away from him, she turned around, her sword pointing downwards. Her stance was neutral, yet ready for anything.
“First… it's been a while since I have battled anyone on this level. Being married, while a joyful experience, is quite boring compared to my old life,” she continued. “There is an old rule… a traditional rule in the Aoyama house which made it rather dangerous for us. I won't bore you with the details, but point being, marriage was a great change of pace which is why I am rather enjoying our fight. It reminds me much of the old days.”
Keitaro groaned as he stood up again. He looked tiredly towards the talking samurai still trying to think of a way to beat her.
“Second is… you,” her eyes narrowed. “There is a large discrepancy in your skills. I do not believe that my sister is too dense not to realize your standing. Last night was probably the first time I finally gave you your dues. You were able to sneak up on me in a very stealthy manner, and touched my skin with my own blade. Today, your fighting style is reminiscent of multiple disciplines compressed to enhance your ninja-like form. Close Quarters Combat, weapon usage, arm guards, stealthy movements and even your keen insight in spotting weaknesses of my form… these beg the question of your actual worth now than before.”
“What do you mean?” Keitaro asked.
“I thought you were just a means of getting my sister to change,” she replied easily. “Now, I wonder if having you in the family would open doors to the future generations of Aoyamas. This will help me decide that.”
“Playing with me isn't going to help you get me,” he smirked darkly. “Be careful, Aoyama-san… if you aren't, you may just fall on your back.”
“Do not worry, Keitaro-san… I am always careful,” she smiled, before she suddenly ducked down as another glint of metal tried to swipe her from behind.
Keitaro charged in to join the newly awakened Motoko. The two attacked the older Aoyama, who danced around them, dodging each of Keitaro's punches, parrying each of Motoko's strikes. But like earlier, their hits never registered, and before they knew it, and they were facing the onslaught of Tsuruko's own offensive.
“Keitaro…” Motoko blocked a strike.
“Yeah, yeah, retreat!” Keitaro muttered, and his hands dove for his pockets, taking out one of those plastic wrapped balls. But before he could even use it, Tsuruko's eyes spotted it, and her attacks suddenly focused towards him. Keitaro could see her blade suddenly aim towards his arm, but Motoko wouldn't have it. Using her own body, she was able to push away Tsuruko's offending arm away, and she knew what happened, the whole area was covered in white smog.
Tsuruko once again focused her ki on her blade, and with her downward swing, the air spread the offensive smoke screen away. She found herself alone once again, and slightly chuckled at the fact that it was the second time her prey was able to sneak away using that technique.
She closed her eyes, and her ears perked up, listening to the low shrill of her partner's voice around the air. This time, she wasn't going to let the two recover as easily as before.
“Very nice, Keitaro,” Motoko stated. “What are those?”
“Flour wrapped in plastic,” Keitaro replied, taking a few breathers. They ran slightly farther away from Tsuruko than their earlier escape. “We're in a bad position…”
“Quite… SeikÅ«ken...” Motoko looked down slightly at her sword.
“Know anything?” Keitaro asked.
“Well… it's a term used on our unarmed combat. There is this branch of style using circular motions to redirect your opponent's energy against them,” she explained.
“Almost all combat disciplines have that,” he cut her off gently.
“Yes, as a means to use undirected offense, like Aikido,” Motoko nodded. “But this is different. SeikÅ«ken uses the philosophy of a circle around a user's body, using his or her arms' radius to create an impenetrable shield that can be used to direct offensive measures by predicting your opponent's movement. For example, you can block a punch just a moment before it hits you, and slide your own arm forward. So in essence, you can redirect the enemy's fist in another direction, your own fist will stay and hit through its mark.” She paused. “But SeikÅ«ken is only used in unarmed combat because it uses your own limbs as a measurement of length and limitation, creating a symmetrical spherical shield around you. But if you add a sword…”
“She's using that one sword as a replacement of her two arms,” Keitaro suddenly stated. “Remember, before she charged at us, or before we'd engage her, she kept circling her nodachi in the air around her… it's almost like she's constantly measuring her `shield'.”
“My sister… she's too good,” Motoko sighed. “She's using an unarmed technique with her weapon. She hasn't dwindled in the fighting arts even after she had gotten married. This is impossible…”
Keitaro flicked at her forehead gently. “This isn't the time to be going negative, Motoko,” he looked around for a moment. “This is the time to see how we can tip this to our favor.” He looked at her. “What are the fundamentals of SeikÅ«ken?”
“Well… SeikÅ«ken has to be done with a calm mind,” Motoko replied. “You can not move around erratically and bring it up. But how are we going to…” and Keitaro cut her once again.
“Well… I think I got something. Are you willing to listen?” he smiled. Motoko looked at him curiously, and nodded.
Tsuruko looked around. From what Shippu had been telling, this is the general area where they were. So far, she couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary, but she trusted her partner. And soon enough, she could feel the rise and fall of energies surrounding her. The older Aoyama pinpointed Motoko sneaking in the area, while Keitaro seemed to be going to a position in the rooftops.
What are they planning? she wondered silently. She had to be more careful around them now… Motoko's style was beginning to change the longer the battle was commencing, seemingly evolving to go hand in hand with Keitaro. Before, Tsuruko never imagined her little sister doing a sneak attack on her back, but…
Suddenly, Motoko's energy spiked up. Forming another circle with her nodachi, Tsuruko put up her Seikūken barrier while waiting for her sister's offensive, but then, she noticed Keitaro suddenly revealing himself. He was wearing a goggles and a facemask. Then, a little while later, she noticed her sister donning the same facial protection, and Tsuruko wondered why, when everything suddenly exploded in a red painful screen.
Crushed spices… she cursed. The powder hurt her eyes, and overpowered her sense of smell, giving an itchy sensation down her throat. She was forced to suddenly rely on her hearing as she closed her eyes. Motoko's footsteps were barely audible as it is, but she was still able to block off her initial attacks.
Suddenly, around her she could hear random noises that began to distract her as she felt Keitaro's presence looming near her. Instead of a direct approach, he would randomly try to distract her by seemingly trying to attack her, but is actually nothing more than a cover for Motoko or at times, he'd join the attack and Tsuruko almost believed it was another distraction before given the last minute warning by Shippu who was watching everything from a safe distance.
Keitaro silently celebrated as his plan worked. It was all about misdirection and creating an environment that worked against the older Aoyama. The crushed spices created a thick screen of suffocating and blinding smoke, and sooner or later, Tsuruko would have to give in.
He wondered silently though, what she was going to do next. He wasn't stupid. He knew that eventually, she would find a way out of this predicament. Add to the fact that this was probably his last decent movement against her, he could not afford to lose it now.
Tsuruko's stance began to falter. Keitaro could finally feel his attacks kicking in. If he wasn't mistaken, Motoko was also getting a few hits in as the older Aoyama's hakama was getting slightly cut. He pushed his attack more. He needed to end it now!
Everything was coming down fast and hard this time. The two never gave Tsuruko time enough to try to clear the red mist, and kept attacking her from all sides. It was enough to keep her from using Seikūken effectively, and she was almost overwhelmed. Almost.
Like a shifting wind, everything turned for the worse. A sudden burst of ki emanated from Tsuruko, and Keitaro could only feel a sudden force, like a wall, pushing him away. Flying off like a swatted fly, he spotted Motoko also going away in another direction… and the red smoke vanished, scattering in the sky following the four winds.
Keitaro cursed. What was this woman? She was like a damn monster! Just when he thought they were paving their way to victory, she suddenly pulls something out of nowhere, and brings them back to square one! What did he have to do!?
Keitaro removed his mask and goggles, and watched with a sinking heart as Tsuruko seemed to move once again, going after Motoko. Blade met blade again, but this time, the younger Aoyama was being overwhelmed. She hadn't had enough time to remove those goggles and mask, and former was limiting her vision.
He charged in. He needed to help his partner, but even before he could move in for an attack, Tsuruko turned and gave him one of the hardest hits he ever felt. It was very strong… stronger than anything she had ever given him to the point he almost fell unconscious.
Had she held back this much? Keitaro, with spaghetti legs, forced his way to a standing position, and watched as Tsuruko Aoyama seemingly transform in his eyes. Her speed increased, and her form flowed smoothly, adding more power to her already impressive attacks. Even Motoko seemed to notice this sudden change as she was slowly overwhelmed by left and right attacks as her older sister was charging towards her defenses.
He charged in again, even though deep inside he knew it was useless. He had no more ideas, and Motoko was showing signs of fatigue as she was, most of the time, taking the brunt of Tsuruko's attacks and at times attacking with her ki-based techniques. Barely dodging the attack coming at him, Keitaro placed himself in front of Motoko. He wanted at least give her time to retreat and rest, but the older Aoyama just pushed him away.
He fell on the ground, feeling his own sense of defeat bubbling forth. Was this the best he could have done with more than a week of preparation? Was this the showing he could do? His enemy showed to be always one-step ahead of him. She blocked and nullified his tactics, almost sabotaged Motoko and his teamwork and even until the end, she showed no more signs of weaknesses he could exploit.
Keitaro gazed at Motoko as he stood up. Her eyes behind the goggles were going to him… worried, asking. Her worrying was affecting her form, and her combat prowess suffered. He could almost read her mind… she wanted to come to his aid, but she couldn't. But like him, even if she knew how useless it would be, she would come to him.
Keitaro's left hand felt the cloth that wrapped the weapon on his back. So, it had finally come to this, he chuckled tiredly. He didn't want to… this was something he could never take account of. The memories of the berserk Motoko holding the black blade with her hand was one of scariest thing's he had ever seen in his eventful life… and now, he was about to take a dive into the same abyss the young Aoyama warrior had.
Anticipation, fear, curiosity, and a morbid sense of humor swirled inside Keitaro's stomach as his right hand held the black hilt. The worst thing that would happen is nothing would happen. And at the same time, the worst thing that could also happen would something would happen. Damned if he did. Damned if he didn't. And as he slowly unsheathed the blade, he prayed to the gods that Motoko would stop him if he needed to be stopped. And before the final moments, he felt the world implode around him as the darkness swept.
He closed his eyes and waited for the result of his gamble.
There was a gentle light emanating from the far reaches of his surroundings. Even through his closed eyes, he could see everything clearly. It wasn't until a few moments later did Keitaro realized that his eyes weren't closed… and when he tried to, nothing changed.
He wondered where he was suddenly. The surroundings were blue… like the blue calm sea. The color reminded him very much of that woman he kept seeing this past few weeks, and it relaxed him. Was he in paradise? He wasn't sure… but it could have been. His soreness was gone, and so was his fatigue, like someone recharged him with energy.
“So… you're my new master,” a voice called from behind. Keitaro turned, and gasped as he saw the woman again… but this time, her piercing blue eyes could be clearly seen wherein before were obscured by her bangs or unnatural shadows.
“Hey…” he greeted her, but she suddenly raised her hand to stop him. Keitaro then noticed that her posture, her aura was different from what he remembered. His hands clenched automatically… she wasn't the girl from his dreams.
“Whatever you perceive of me to be, I am not that person,” she admitted readily.
“Who are you then?” Keitaro asked.
“The most basic answer to your question is simple; I am the weapon you now wield,” she stated.
Keitaro blinked slightly. “Are you the cursed sword?”
“Cursed for those not chosen, those who aren't worthy to wield my power,” she replied. “But for those, like you, who have met the criteria, your will is my command.”
Keitaro didn't know what to think next. He had been bombarded with the most oddest things one after another. The girl of her dreams… transported to another world different from his own… his apparent engagement with Motoko and now, a sword that actually talks.
“I can see you're confused,” she suddenly exclaimed. “And from what I can see, it's understandable.”
“What can you see?”
“Your past, your present, your thoughts,” she replied.
“You can read my mind?” Keitaro asked, his eyes narrowing.
“Yes… it is part of our contract with each other,” was her reply. “As my wielder, my thoughts are yours, and yours are mine. It is the most efficient way to use me in combat.”
Combat… suddenly the word snapped Keitaro of his emerging stupor. He suddenly looked away from the woman to look for Motoko and Tsuruko, who were still battling.
“Your woman and her sister aren't here,” the girl with blue hair called again, surprising Keitaro as she appeared right in front of him. “We are inside your… your head so to speak.”
His woman? It seemed this girl/sword/spirit/whatever is laying it really thick. He chuckled silently at how Motoko would react if she knew some weapon was saying that she was his woman. But jokes aside, Keitaro looked towards the girl, and wondered if it was coincidental that she looked like the woman in his dreams.
“It is not strange,” she spoke once again. “My form is burrowed from your reiki. It is the representation of your spiritual energies.”
Keitaro's lips twitched slightly. He had to get used to this. The woman once again answered the question in his head… but still… the representation of his spiritual energies? Does that mean his soul looks like the woman of his dreams? It was an odd and a bit uncomfortable notion. It begged to question more and more about her identity, and for the first time, it was starting to bother him.
But… no, there were more pressing matters. He could get all the answers he needed later. Right now, Motoko was in need of aid, and…
“It seems you have decided on a course of action.”
There she was again, right in front of him. But this time, it didn't phase him.
“I need your help,” he stated with a cold edge in his voice.
Motoko coughed hard behind the suffocating covering of her face as she had taken a very hard hit in her gut. It was her fault… she was distracted, thought for a good reason. Where was Keitaro? She had coughed out a bit, and tried to take in air. Her sister's dangerous form was ignored as her eyes passed that and went towards the position she last saw Keitaro… he was gone.
“Your concentration is falling rapidly, Motoko-han,” Tsuruko commented. “Can you afford to?”
Motoko looked towards her sister and grunted as she forced herself up. Taking a few deep breathes, her eyes once again scanned the surroundings for the missing Keitaro. Where was he? What happened?
She could ask herself many questions, but the warrior in her was trained to put those thoughts behind. Besides, she was not a worrywart by nature. She was sure Keitaro was there, somewhere. She trusted him… heh… if she could listen to herself now. When did she begin to trust a perverted male?
Her mind kept saying his name. Her mind kept imagining his face as he mentally apologized. This was the best she could do. She was still no match for her sister after all… and once she falls, he would soon as well. There was a part of her mind which wanted her to scramble away from this place. Maybe she could still talk to her sister? Cut a deal, apologize profusely, and hopefully... maybe...
She shook her head. She felt herself laugh at those thoughts. What would Keitaro say if he saw her even trying those options? She would never hear the end of it. As she stood up and gazed solidly back towards her sister, defiant, her tired arms still holding the sword, her ki now finally wavering after an intense hour of usage to keep her practice sword in working order.
Motoko blocked another shot, but this time, her sword and her energy gave way. A small cut appeared on her weapon as her sister's nodachi finally showed which weapon was superior, and the force of the blow got her to fall once again on her knees. She could only look up rather helplessly as Tsuruko reversed her weapon, and held it up.
So this was it, she thought. The flat part of the blade would hit her solidly in the head, and knock her out, most probably. Then, Keitaro would be next. Closing her eyes, Motoko waited for the inevitable to come...
Suddenly, a cold wave engulfed her surroundings. A power suddenly seemed to appear just right in front of her, and opening her eyes, she gasped silently as she saw Keitaro's straight back looking at her fallen form.
Blue waves of energy seemed to be seeping out of him, settling around the area. Ki? No, it felt different. Reiki? Did Keitaro hold this much spiritual powers in him?
“Motoko... are you alright?” she heard him ask.
Motoko could only smile behind the fabric.
Keitaro never took her eyes off the surprised Tsuruko. His black blade held off her nodachi firmly in its place, as they both seem to froze in time. His question was never answered, but he knew Motoko was smiling at him... the sword said so.
She was right there beside him... the girl with the blue hair. She had told him that only he could see and hear him, and would help him win the battle. She explained how his latent reiki is slowly pouring out of him, and she was adjusting it to boost his body and muscles.
Keitaro didn't care much of the explanation. All he knew he was feeling like he had his old body back... and when he twirled his weapon to parry Tsuruko's away, he knew it was more. He was faster and more powerful than he remembered. Blocking a few attacks, he went towards the offensive, gaining ground against Tsuruko, who finally jumped away.
“Impossible...” she stated, shocked. “That blade... you can wield it!?”
Keitaro didn't reply, but went to a form his old teacher had taught him. His dominant arm just below the hilt guard of his weapon, which was held firmly and solidly, and his left arm was settled at the side lining of his left leg. He kept his frame narrow and thin, reminiscent of western style fencing and Chinese style sabre stance. Less surface area to be targeted on, footing for fast movements... those were the principles of his form.
Her nodachi spun again around her, so Keitaro knew she had erected her Seikūken again. Tsuruko's eyes still held shock and disbelief, looking at his weapon more than him. He smirked slightly...
“If you want to take a closer look at it, I'd be happy to oblige,” he stated.
Tsuruko's smile appeared on her face. “Your confidence grows to the point you can now joke during battle, now eh?” she said.
“And being married doesn't make you stop looking at another man's sword, right?” he jabbed back.
“Of course not,” she replied good-naturedly. “Especially when it shows off its exotic qualities.”
“I feel sorry for your husband, Aoyama-san.”
“And I don't know whether to feel sorry for Motoko, or jealous,” Tsuruko's smile was widening the longer the conversation was going. “Are you trying to make me mad, Keitaro-san, shake me so my SeikÅ«ken would falter?”
“I tried...” Keitaro replied honestly.
“You did well,” she commented, “but Keitaro-san, maybe its time to show that you are more than bark. Or maybe just holding a weapon made you overconfident in your abilities?”
“I drove you back, didn't I?”
Keitaro smiled as Tsuruko's eyes widened. Her smile was fading slightly as her posture was slowly turning straight.
“Yes,” she replied after a moment. “Yes you did. I seem to be getting more surprises every time it involves you.”
And suddenly, without a warning, her form disappeared and re-appeared right in front of Keitaro, who by instinct, blocked the low stab thanks to the sword giving him a quick warning. Lightning quick attacks, Keitaro thought she was rushing at him, but her feet were solid on the ground, her arms swinging at him in blinding speeds. Left, right, on his shoulders, Keitaro could feel more and more pressure mounting as Tsuruko's attacks got faster and stronger.
He tried to sweep her, but she just raised a leg and still continued on the attack like it was nothing. For a few minutes, he was slowly feeling overwhelmed and he had to step back, slowly retreat, but she kept her attack forward, gaining her ground.
You are exhausting your energy, he suddenly heard a voice beside him. It was the girl-sword again. It is quite odd... you have potentially a lot more energy than this. More than enough to change me to your secondary weapon form... I wonder what's wrong...
Secondary weapon form? He wanted to ask more about it but he was driven back once again as Tsuruko drove her weapon forward, and without pause, dashed forward once more and continued on with her attack. He had to finally use his other hand to support the weapon. But no matter what, she just kept coming at him... and one moment, Tsuruko had almost disarmed him completely if it wasn't for Motoko, who suddenly appeared between them, now her goggles and face mask removed.
“I thought we were a team?” she asked as she blocked two strikes from her sister.
“Yeah, sorry,” Keitaro stated as he came forward as well and blocked the counterattack that Tsuruko had responded. And everything suddenly turned.
Keitaro, with his body powered up and with a helpful voice beside him... Motoko with her skills and experience as a samurai, and given a breather; the two were now fighting back against the older Aoyama with ferociousness unseen earlier. Now they were forcing her to retreat. Tsuruko's eyes narrowed as she tried to keep her ground.
Keitaro attacked on all sides he could see open as Motoko was once again in her position... frontlines. She kept her older sister busy, and with Keitaro now showing a vast improvement, Tsuruko's Seikūken could do little with overwhelming attacks from two people attacking like a well oiled machine.
But it didn't mean she didn't try. There were times she almost turned the tables against the two, but thanks to Keitaro's sword giving him forewarnings, he blocked every move, feint and attacks the older Aoyama tried, and shared the knowledge with his partner. Motoko was finding that listening to Keitaro as he led her attacks had pinpoint accuracy and scary insight.
It wasn't long before Tsuruko was getting hit. Forcing her to change from offense, she went back to her defensive form and now she could only block attacks coming at her, while her feet and legs slowly retreated. Keitaro would never give her a breather. He could see her sweating as he closed in to her defenses once again, and forced her weapon up, and Motoko, seeing the opening, attacked with one solid kick to her sister's gut.
There was something sweet in the image that Keitaro's eyes were seeing as Tsuruko slid back at the force of Motoko's thrust kick. He dared relax for a moment... this was maybe it. The battle finally turned to their favor, and the results are showing now. If they could keep up this phase, it would be over...
Eyes in front.
Keitaro looked forward, and noticed Tsuruko chuckling slightly. Beside him was Motoko, who kept herself solidly in place. Keitaro went back to his form, his hands gripping his new weapon tightly, watching the older Aoyama carefully in case she commences her attack. But she only just stayed where she was, chuckling, which turned to soft laughter.
“I think we just made your sister mad...” he commented on the side. Motoko either didn't hear him or didn't bother to reply. “Let's finish this...” he said seriously.
He didn't need to see her nod to know she was with him. He felt like they connected in some way... maybe it was the week of training that gave them this bond. It could also be that close shave he had to death... but whatever it was, it paved way to this. No amount of thinking can change the present, and right now, he wanted to finish this. Now.
“Wow... this is... very unexpected,” Tsuruko spoke finally after getting the laugh seemingly out of her system. “But thanks to that chain of event, I know your true worth now.” Her eyes suddenly seemed to focus on Keitaro. “I'm afraid there is no way I can let you win.”
She stood up, and her left hand dove towards her hakama. When she took it out, she held the short sword that Keitaro tried to use to Tsuruko last night. Letting the sheathe fall with the pull of gravity, she twirled it around her hand.
“Her... her secondary weapon!” Motoko muttered, slightly terrified. “I think she's going to use her natural form...!”
“You... you are kidding right?” Keitaro asked. Motoko had explained to him before that Tsuruko's natural stance uses a two-weapon back in the day where she wasn't married. From the style limitation she had been using (the separated defensive and offensive forms) before the SeikÅ«ken, he could only conclude that their battle just got even harder.
He felt like complaining. This was not fair anymore... It was hard enough that she always kept being one step ahead of them. And then there are those bursts of ki......
Wait a minute, he paused. His mind suddenly fretted as this train of thought finally entered his head... was there really any way he and Motoko would win? He just realized it... the damned woman had been holding back since the beginning! And during the course of battle, she slowly raised the level as they raised theirs! Her ki levels are so steady, almost nil at times, but when needed, she was able to call forth explosive power to tip everything back to scale!
Her skill of the sword was superior, no doubt about it. But she used almost no ki-based attacks. Motoko pulled off a few only to be dodged, and she since she was supplementing her weaker sword with ki, he didn't know how much she could call out to attack. But... Tsuruko... she had been using her own weapon, and could have used any ki-attacks freely!
As if agreeing with his thoughts, Tsuruko suddenly expanded her ki forward, and slashing to the air, Keitaro and Motoko were both forced to dodge as the air suddenly sharpened around them. Hit on her shoulder, Motoko yelped as she scrambled in the air, trying to recover from her injury.
Tsuruko dashed forward, right back at Keitaro. Deciding it would be better to attack first, he came in right in front, thrusting his blade towards her, only for the older Aoyama to use her short blade to deflect it, and without breaking flow, her nodachi followed the motions, and Keitaro bent backwards, barely dodging the attack.
She's going to hit you below.
He shifted his feet as true to the warning Tsuruko's legs tried to sweep him off, and in his position, the only thing he could do was flip backwards. He extended his feet, hoping to catch her off guard with a back flip kick, but with impossible speed and strength, grabbed his offending leg, and threw him over her shoulder.
“Keitaro!” Motoko shouted as she dove in and caught him before he could land precariously on the ground. Keitaro could feel her chest as she held him close to her body. The feeling never lingered as she helped him up, and let go. He didn't miss it.
“Thanks,” he muttered under his breath, and looked towards Tsuruko, who was coming after them once again. He looked to his side, where the girl sword was floating close to him. She looked at him, and he mentally asked if there was anything else that he could do. She just shook her head.
I suggest a tactical retreat, though we'll be hard pressed to get away.
He wanted to run as well to buy time to think what else to do... but Tsuruko wasn't going to allow that. Slashing once again around her, her ki attack launched towards their position. Dodging, Keitaro stole a look towards Motoko, who dashed forward once again. He estimated where she was going, and dashed forward as well, hoping he would join her in attacking the older Aoyama both at once...
Suddenly, his chest burned like an inferno was lit inside him. He screamed as the pain became unbearable. Going to a knee, he held his chest hard, trying to block away the pain. He thought for a moment that he was going to die...
But suddenly, the pain faded as soon as it came. Keitaro shook his head slightly, looked up from his position. Motoko was retreating away from Tsuruko, who looked at him curiously. He shook his head. He wanted to signal Motoko that he was fine and not to worry and continue on when he heard the sword girl speak again.
Above? He looked up, and for a moment, he wondered what he was searching for when he saw a small feminine figure floating in the sky. He narrowed his eyes, tried to focus and see any way that could make him recognize such a strange figure. But to his horror, his curiosity turned to panic when the figure suddenly raised her hand, and called forth a very large ball of energy, which suddenly shot itself down towards him.
Everything turned to white and blue as the whole area exploded in a crackle of electrical energy. Up in the sky, the figure started laughing madly. Her blonde hair ran unkempt, running down slightly longer down her shoulders. Her eyes contained bags, giving the impression that she hadn't slept for a while. Her clothes were dirty and crumpled in many places... but she didn't care.
Miyabi finally found him... and she finally got to kill him.
To Be Continued...
Once enemies, now allies in the face of a greater danger. The madness of a fallen goddess knows no bounds. Everything changes as the stakes are changed, and nothing will ever stay the same. Next on A View to a Truth: The World Ends.
Author's Notes
As we approach the end of A View to a Truth (about two to three more chapters, I think), I am now looking for the next title for the K2 series. Unlike AVT though, the next story is now focused more on the narrative of Keitaro's (and Mutsumi's) perspective than action.
Sorry again for the delay... Starcraft again. :P I just realized how bad I actually am compared to some of the people at B.Net but I guess to be fair, I'm a decent player as a Zerg and Protoss... Terran's too much work to use effectively.
Anyways, ja ne!