Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: From Hinata-sou with Love ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

KU's Lab
Keitaro and Haruka made their way in the lab, where Su was waiting on them at her computer terminal. In the screen, one of it showed the outside of Hinata-sou, and the other now showing a big map of maze which Keitaro surmised to be the underground foundation of Hinata-sou. Around the map were small squares displaying static.
“Ever since the blackout, the only thing I could operate was the satellite,” Su said as she began to type in the six keyboards with her two hands in incredible speed. “But now that the power's back, I've been having heads-up alerts from the underground. Whoever they are, they're making a beeline to the stone.”
In the map of the foundation, there were red blinking lights. Keitaro studied the map for a moment, deducing that the blinking red lights were the broken cameras. Whoever it was, they must really know where the stone is. Or at least a general view. They never crossed the same paths, but they also didn't take the fastest one.
“Vampires?” Keitaro asked.
“Unlikely, but our only suspect,” Haruka replied. “With the anti-mana field around, though, it makes me wonder if their smart. Without mana, most supernatural creatures turn as weak as average human beings. You would know, right, K2?”
Of course he knew… he was able to turn the tables against a B-class vampire in less than a second when the field came up. “So, what are we planning? Call the Calvary?”
“It may take a few hours…” Su replied. “Besides, with the anti-mana field, I don't think it's going to be that hard to beat them.”
“We don't know what they are, we don't know how many,” Keitaro countered. “Too many factors to consider.”
“That doesn't stop you now, does it?” Haruka mumbled, thinking.
“Of course not,” Keitaro replied. “But it's going to be stupid to go in there unprepared.”
“Then get prepared,” Haruka ordered. “I'm sending you in there. Delay, kill, whatever, do not let them touch the stone.”
Keitaro nodded. “Yes ma'am.”
Su stopped typing for a moment, and helped Keitaro re-arm himself. Giving him a few more iron rune shots for bullets, she also gave him some pills. Questioning them, Su just said, “Pain killers… you look worse than you think.” Taking two, Keitaro noted how fast the pain in his sides seems to vanish. His machete was with him, along with his handgun. His clothes were also much more fitting for fighting. Cargo pants and shirt, and a belt that could hold his clips and weapons, he tested his movements and found it satisfactory.
“Alright… looks good,” Keitaro mentioned as he righted himself. Su nodded, and handed him a communicator which would go on his right ear. “Means of contact to you?”
“And us to you,” Su nodded. “The foundation is a puzzle, so you need someone to direct you…” she handed him a small chip. “This is to follow your movements in the map.”
“Got it,” Keitaro placed the chip on his pocket. “I'm ready…”
Su nodded, and led him towards the elevator. Pressing a few buttons, she looked at Keitaro, and said, “This will bring you halfway to the stone. Still, it's easy to get lost, so listen to my every word.”
“Got it,” Keitaro smiled at Su. “Don't expect this to be an everyday thing, KU.”
Su just smiled at him. “Yeah… you might get tired of that getting it from Kitsune.”
Keitaro smirked and as the elevator came up, he rode it, and without a word, waved goodbye as the door closed. How deep he was going, he didn't now, not really knowing how fast he was moving. He was taking deep breathes, thinking of a battle plan. If there were more than 3 or four intruders, he'd have a harder time, but considering how fast they moved in the maze, he surmised a small group.
When the elevator doors opened, he grabbed his gun out, and got ready with it. Noting that the surroundings were clear, he opened his line to Su. “K2 here… landed and clear. Over.”
“Alrights, K2, listen up,” Su's bubbly voice responded. We first go forward and when you see a intersection, turn right…”
Keitaro followed instructions to the letter, and he found himself surrounded by the same looking metallic walls and lights. No wonder he thought that G and H didn't need extra protection on the stone. Anyone would get lost in a big labyrinth that looked the same everywhere he went. He took at least 10 turns, each with different directions, and for a few moments, Keitaro wondered if he was lost or circling around. It wasn't until he reached a white pillar did he realize that Su had been leading him correctly.
“K2, you should see the elevator by now. That brings you directly to the hallway where they are holding the stone,” Su's voice stated in his communicator.
“How about the intruders?” Keitaro asked.
“Motion sensors read that they are downstairs… they're already in the stone's holding place.”
Keitaro pressed the button, and checked his gun. Making sure it was going to work, he also placed another hand on his machete. Taking the elevator, he rode down, feeling a sudden dread wash over him. He shook it off. When the elevator came stopped, he brought his gun up to aim. The door opened to reveal a corridor, and at the end of that corridor, there was a door towards the stone. Wasting no time, he ran towards the door, kicked it open, and his eyes began to scan the room. There was only one target. Her back was facing him, and she seemed to have heard his entry because she was slowly turning to face him.
He didn't give her a chance to move. Without pause, he shot her in the head, twice to make sure, only for them to stop at her forehead, and flatten at the speed they were traveling. She was pushed back, rather annoyed, and Keitaro's eyes widened.
“That was rather rude, Mr. Urashima,” the woman told him, holding her forehead. In her head, she had cat ears, and she had a noticeable tail behind her.
“Neko… lycan?” Keitaro muttered as he suddenly felt his right side of his head seemingly explode. He shouted as he flew away from the impact, his communicator shattered and some pieces embedded on his skin. He was glad nothing came in his ear. Shaking his head, he grabbed his machete without thinking, only to be shoved away by what seemed to be a blur. He felt another kick on his sides, and flew once again, impacting a wall. This time, the force was strong enough for him to throw up.
Rolling in pain, Keitaro cursed. He tried to raise his gun and fired at the blurry form approaching him. Like the first target, the bullets had no effect on her, and she didn't bother to dodge or dash at him, taking the hits like some sort of kryptonian. After she got to him, she grabbed his gun, and threw it away. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him up.
His vision cleared, and he looked at his attacker weakly. She was wearing a rather crude smile, her eyes sharp on his. He coughed a bit again, before he muttered her name… “Nina-chan…?”
She threw him over her shoulder like a rag doll, and he landed painfully, sliding across the floor. The first neko-lycan, who he shot first, was already on him, and delivered a very hard kick to his head. He rolled away again, still conscious, but this time, he spat blood.
“I hate that name,” Nina muttered. She spat at him.
“Now, now, Shinara, be kind, for you are about to kill him,” the first neko-lycan went beside Nina. “Well, well… Mr. Urashima, it's nice to finally see you in person. My sister has told me so much about you, yes she has.”
Keitaro tried to stand up, but felt too weak to. The pain killers seemed to have not much effect anymore, as he felt soreness all over. “Shi… nara…” he whispered. He looked at the first neko-lycan he saw. “Then you are…”
“Shinata,” she answered with a small smile.
“But… you're dead… both of you…” Keitaro answered.
“Not quite, I'm afraid,” Shinata replied with a small smile. “Though you have to thank my sister… you never noticed her to be a neko-lycan. She sacrificed her own limbs just to put our cover…” Squatting down beside him, Shinata grabbed Keitaro's chin. He jerked his head away, only to be slapped hard by Shinara, and he didn't budge too much anymore.
“Look at my sister when she wants you too,” she said scathingly.
“Now, now, Shinara, don't fret him too much,” Shinata smiled. “Shinara sacrificed her ears and tail to throw everyone off. Even the Otohimes were fooled. They were the ones that assumed that we were killed by vampires. They even did the DNA testing… but since we were twins, you'd never really tell the difference through blood.”
“… but… the vampires were involved… weren't they?” Keitaro asked, his breathing and soreness fading bit by bit.
“We struck a deal with them,” Shinata stated. “We get the stone of dreams… and we share its power… of course, we convinced them that we would allow the stone's power to not affect theirs, but that was a lie. They were used quite well…”
“The plan was to hide your presence, and give you time to penetrate the maze…” Keitaro's mind clicked.
“Yes… and Shinara, or Nina-chan as you called her befriended the tenant Shinobu to find the secret entrance to foundation…” Shinata stood up and motioned the stone. “The stone has been in our family for long… we can feel its presence even far away. Your grandmother was wise to hide and isolate the neko-lycan race. Sure, she did it to protect us, but she also did it to hide the stone. After finding out where it was though, getting through the maze was rather easy.”
She turned away, and walked towards the stone, and watched it glow. “Beautiful, isn't it? The gift from the heavens to us… a race where mana is our natural enemy. We were powerful at those times… we were considered almost regal. Demons, gods… Ha! They couldn't touch us… that is, until your great grandfather arrived.”
She turned around, and gave an ugly smile. Nodding at Shinara, who dragged Keitaro up, and pinned his arms on his back. Keitaro's mind quickly wondered what was going on, until Shinata punched him strongly in the stomach. He groaned and gritted his teeth as he felt the impact, and his arms were tied up, so comforting the area was a problem.
“You're unlucky, Mr. Urashima… because you look like him…” Shinata smiled. “Like your great grandfather, I mean. We both are so glad that you came alone, because this will be very enjoyable.”
With that, she unleashed a furry of punches that began to impact Keitaro in the stomach, chest, and face. He couldn't even groan anymore as he was being batted everywhere, and his blood began to run freely. It was only a few seconds but it seemed to be days before she stopped. Shinara let him go, and he fell down, almost unconscious. Keitaro prayed to be unconscious.
Shinata smiled, and then licked his bloodied face, and then kissed him. Keitaro suddenly felt his mind going alert, and sensation of his skin waking up. He felt his whole being suddenly brimming with energy, but with that, the dull pain became even more pronounced, and as she let go of her kiss, he began to yell, moan and grab his sides in pain.
“Like it?” Shinata smiled as she watched Keitaro roll in pain. “A gift from us… instantly revives stamina… I know most humans fantasize about that act because of sex… being revived, and raving for more, I hear. But… I think you don't feel that way anymore, do you? Because we can punish you how much we want, and we'll never give you the chance to sleep on it. Come here boy…”
Shinata grabbed Keitaro by his hair, and forced him up. “You were lucky to just get that much from me… I promised my sister that she'd have you alone. And she's… much more violent than me… right sister?”
“Hold him sister…” Shinara stated.
Keitaro's arms were once again pinned on his back. Keitaro struggled, but the neko-lycan was too strong for him. His breathing became ragged as his thoughts began to imagine the pain he just felt, and how much pain he'll feel more. He must have shivered or displayed his fear because Shinata whispered to his ear, “Scared now? I can feel it… I can even smell it… and its natural, Mr. Urashima. After all… you are at our mercy.”
“Sister… spread his legs,” Shinara stated. Shinata seemed to smile, and complied, using her legs to hold his. Keitaro's breathing began to accelerate as he saw the evil smile in front of him. Without warning, a swift and painful kick came to his groin.
Keitaro didn't bother to hold his scream anymore, as he began to shake uncontrollably. He screamed again, now steeling himself, trying to block out the pain. He couldn't. Shinata began to laugh. “How did that feel, Mr. Urashima? That is what we call pain that your children will even feel.”
Keitaro's breathe quickened even more, and he was immobile in his position. He cursed, though he didn't bother to pay attention to what he was cursing. Shinara continued to smile. “He uses it a lot… from the visits I've had with Shinobu, he reeked of sex.”
“Well, now, isn't that interesting,” Shinata said with a laugh. “Isn't it frowned upon for a manager of an all-girl's dorm to be having sexual relationships with his tenants?”
Keitaro grimaced, his head rocking back and forth. His face became hard. “You know… you're a bunch of pussies… I've known human women hit harder than you…”
Shinara looked at him, rather surprised, and Shinata laughed. “Don't worry sister… he's a U-agent… he's trained to talk like this to quell your momentum. He's shivering and scared inside…”
“That's what you think…” Keitaro began to laugh crazily. “Come on then! Hit me! Hit me with your best shot!”
Shinara complied, and she gave another quick kick to his groin. Keitaro shouted in pain again, and shivered uncontrollably. He began to moan… “No… no…”
“Had enough?” Shinata asked.
“No… to the right… you missed its brother 3 inches in the right…” Keitaro muttered, voice shaking. Shinara growled and again, unleashed another kick, and Keitaro growled again in pain, but was now laughing madly. “Yes! YES! Now I can tell everyone you died giving me a foot job!”
Shinata seemed to have noticed her sister's loss in words and momentum, and growled. Out of nowhere she took a knife out with a rather wavy looking blade. Keitaro stole a glance and recognized it as one of the knives that was thrown at him in the day he was investigating an intruder in the grounds. Without warning, she stabbed Keitaro right in the thigh, getting him to scream a bit, but when she twisted her blade, it was full blown.
Pulling her blade out, she let him stumble on the ground, clutching his groin and thigh area. She now went towards the stone, and then grabbed it. She looked back at him, and at her sister, and then smiled. “Shinara, as I promised… I leave you to him.”
Shinara mumbled a few words, and walked towards her sister, and the two shared a kiss in front of Keitaro's eyes. He saw their tongues lashing at each other, and he grimaced a bit. Shinara softly told her sister, “I'll follow… after I make him suffer for killing our mother and father… and destroying our clan.”
Shinata smiled. “Whatever makes you happy, sister,” and took the stone, and slowly approached Keitaro. Looking down at him, she said, “Your face… its almost identical to that man… Gendou Urashima. So… don't take it to heart that my sister seems to put you as the man that destroyed her life. Besides… knowing her… you'll have other things in your mind. Like begging her to end your life.”
With that, she walked away from Keitaro, who tried to grab her foot. Instead, his hand was stomped by Shinara, who was looking at him hungrily. “You will not touch my sister with your dirty hand. And to punish your arm for even thinking of assisting it…” She grabbed his arm, and sat on his shoulder, and without even blinking, pulled his arm, dislocating his shoulder.
Keitaro didn't even know if he screamed… he felt his throat was already so sore from earlier, that he could only mumble as he grabbed his shoulder. Shinara seems to smile with every punishment she was giving. Next thing she did was wrap her legs around his ribs, and then began to squeeze.
Keitaro's lungs contracted… not enough to disallow him to breathe but hard enough to make him choke for air. He looked at her, and said, “If you needed… a pillow… you can buy one… just outside…”
Shinara growled and began to move her legs a bit. Keitaro groaned as he felt his ribs suddenly being moved unnaturally and strained at her massage. “Pillow's don't talk… they don't scream… nor will they ever look like you,” she said scathingly. She smiled as she moved her legs again, straining Keitaro's ribs even more and got a groan for her action. She smiled. “The pressure is enough to cause pain, yet soft enough not to break your ribs… how does it feel, you bastard?”
Keitaro groaned, his eyes were on ceiling. He saw a few small spaces for air, and briefly wondered if there were any rats around. He tried to think of a bird small enough to fit in those holes. He tried to think anything just to ignore the pain. But he couldn't, because his silence caused the neko-lycan to put even more pressure. He groaned louder. “Uh… I always did enjoy a good squeeze…” he stated softly, trying to piss her off.
She growled angrily. Letting him go, she punched him hard in the head, and moved towards his legs. Twisting one of them, she began to use her legs to lock his legs into a figure 4, and clinched it with her own. Keitaro's groan turned once again to the scream as she began to put pressure on his knees and legs. She added more pressure and Keitaro could only pray for unconsciousness to hit him. Or anyone to save him.
Then came an answer to his prayer… with a single “Myuh!”
Shinara let go of her lock, and stood up suddenly, wondering where the noise was coming from. From the ceiling, she saw a small creature flying towards them, entering through one of the small spaces of the ventilation shaft. It was slowly flying towards them. She grinned, then began to laugh.
“This is what they send you?” she said mockingly. “A flying little… whatever it is. Even I feel sorry for you, Mr. Urashima.” Grabbing his neck, she then formed a fist. “Hmmm… should I crack your jaw this time… then start tearing your limbs one at a time? Yes… maybe we'll start with the jaw.” She raised her fist, ready to punch Keitaro's jaw to a million pieces when the flying `whatever' suddenly came and intercepted the fist.
Shinara shouted suddenly as she felt she hit a magical barrier, and with the laws of physics, she felt her own momentum shift against her. She moved away before she could have done damage to herself, and when the smoke cleared, she saw what the flying creature was.
“… An Otohime divine hot spring turtle?” she growled.
Keitaro's mind asked, `A what now?' but as he looked at the turtle that landed on him, it raised one of its flippers, and cried out, “Myuh!”
For a moment, he blinked at it, but then noticed that the turtle was carrying a belt that had a clip for his gun, and a communicator. Raising his eyebrows, he looked towards where his gun was, and tried to stand up, holding the turtle with his good hand. Shinara shouted and dashed towards him, with a punch. Keitaro flinched a bit as he saw the attack coming, only for another magical barrier appeared to block the punch. He also noticed a rune in the turtle's shell glowing.
Putting it in his pocket, Keitaro dashed towards his gun, knowing now that he was protected thanks to the turtle. Shinara tried to stop him, but he only charged towards the gun. He jumped as she tried to trip him, rolled on the ground, grabbed his gun. Taking the iron shots out, he placed the one he got from the turtle, and loaded it in, aimed at Shinara, who was dashing at him. He shot her twice.
Two bullets entered her chest and stomach area, the silver pointed pullet penetrating her skin. She paused as she felt the bullets enter her, and suddenly, began to throw up blood as the silver poured into to her system. She got to her knees and mumbled softly, “Sister… I'm sorry…” before her eyes glazed and dropped dead on the spot. Keitaro sighed, and got to his knees.
“I hate incestual pussy cats…” he muttered before taking a moment. Keitaro took out the turtle, who looked at him, then said “Myuh” again before he grabbed the communicator in his belt, and put it in his ear.
“Su…?” he asked weakly.
“Keitaro!” Su's voice came in loud and clear. “You scared us… we lost contact when you whispered about Neko-lycans. How are you?”
“Bad… I'll need more of those pain killers… and maybe some first aid,” Keitaro said. “Get that ready as I go back to the lab. And prep the satellite and bike. There were two of them… one got the stone… one I killed,” he looked at the turtle. “Who's turtle is this?”
“Yours. M. T. sent this to you as a package,” Su replied. “It just arrived. Good thing though, cause you needed the right tools.”
“Thanks… interesting little reptile, isn't he?” Keitaro asked.
“She, Keitaro… and yup, interesting,” Su said with an eager tone. “Never seen a divine hot spring turtle! Its said it can fly, is smart, and protects its owner from harm. I'm gonna have to experiment on its lots!”
Keitaro smiled a bit. “No way… now just get all things prepared. We got a cat to catch.”
To Be Concluded…
Final confrontation between Keitaro and Shinata. Tragedy and Triumph. Next.