Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vash stunned him, he'll give her that. Vash was kissing him without much thought and her hands were slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She licked his neck, and he loved the sensation.
While he has no real bias for supernatural girls, as he was far more concerned with the health risks. Vampires tend to be really… odd with their fascination of group sex and incest, but it was their teeth that got Keitaro worried more. He didn't want those to go to his neck.
In normal circumstances, he'd have more than a futile response. Of course… this wasn't normal by any means. First off, his senses were attacked with waves of pleasure, and even if it wasn't, she pinned him down well. Her strength was beyond his, add to the fact that he is weighed down by four bands weighing 20 kilograms each.
Keitaro blinked. It was only now that he thought of it. But another thought crept to his head. He was, for the first time, going to be forcibly lavished by a woman. And, no, Kitsune does not count because at least she gave him time to accept it with small talks. Vash didn't even start with that.
`Was this how people feel when they are about to bed with a vampire?' Keitaro thought as he was kissed again, this time on his chest. A small groan escaped his lips, and he started to try and stand up, only for her hands to force him down.
“Now, now… don't fuss,” she said in a rather smooth and seductive voice. “I'll make you feel so good you don't want it to stop.”
Keitaro felt her hands go towards his pants. She seemed to grin at him. He felt light pressures that got him to moan again.
“I see you want me,” she said and licked his lips. “You want me… don't you?”
Keitaro didn't reply, though his mind was coaxing him to say yes. He shook that thought out of him. Trying to stand up again, only to be pushed down again, and she clucked her tongue disapprovingly.
“You are one naughty boy,” she grinned. “Don't force me to tie you up now…”
“Valeria…” a voice similar to Vash's cut the air. The woman riding on top of Keitaro suddenly stiffened, and for that moment, Keitaro's mind cleared. With a quick movement, he turned the tables around her as she was temporarily distracted, and pinned her down on the ground.
“Oh… he goes to the offensive now,” she smiled at him.
“You're not Vash,” Keitaro said evenly.
The woman who looked like Vash smiled. “Would you prefer her? Hear that sister?” she looked behind him. “He prefers you… how sweet.”
Keitaro looked behind him to see Vash, her cheeks rather colored with embarrassment. “Keitaro, sorry about my sister, Valeria” she said with an apologetic bow.
“Twin sister,” Valeria grinned. “Imagine this boy… doing two girls with the same faces at the same time.” She smiled as she felt Keitaro stiffen a bit at the comment. “Ooh, I think somebody likes the idea.”
Vash frowned. “Valeria, is this how you treat a guests of our father?” she demanded.
“I thought I was rather hospitable,” Valeria smirked back at Keitaro. “See how he holds on me to the floor?”
Keitaro let her go, and stood up, walking a bit away from her. “Well… I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad,” Keitaro buttoned his shirt. “But I'm sorry, my dear, but you aren't my type.”
Valeria looked at him, and then grinned, showing her fangs. “Not your type, eh? You'll eat your words as you moan to my embrace… and my bite.” And with that, she left Vash and Keitaro alone in the room.
Taking a cautious look at Vash, Keitaro asked, “Is your sister… like that?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Vash hid her own cheeks aflame. She had told him half the truth.
“If she is your twin, does that mean you two act alike?” Keitaro asked, chuckling a bit with his joke.
“So, where were we?” Vash said with suddenness that got Keitaro blinking. “Ah, yes… we have a beautiful garden. Would you want to see?”
As they exited the room, Vash showed him towards the garden, and Keitaro whistled at the open grass space in his surroundings. There was a slight wind that blew in his face, and he smiled. Nodding to himself, he began to look around.
“This is a big garden,” Keitaro muttered. “Relaxing place too. Probably a good place to train.”
“Train?” Vash asked, looking at Keitaro.
“Yeah…” Keitaro looked at her. “I'm guessing you know about… me?”
“About the death of my sister, and killing vampires that were in the U Agency Front?” Vash nodded with a slight frown.
Keitaro frowned with her. “If it's any consolation, I didn't mean to cause her death.”
“I don't blame you,” Vash smiled rather sadly. “If I were in your shoes… I'd have done the same thing.”
Keitaro nodded and paused a moment before he continued. “Well… let's say I didn't get away unscathed, hence why I'm training myself.” He left out the part that Laharl was training him. He didn't trust Vash with that info yet. “You know… improve so I won't get my arse handed to me next time when another B-class vampire comes along.”
Vash raised her eyebrows, then smirked a bit. “How far are you in your training?” she asked.
“No idea,” Keitaro answered truthfully. “Why?”
“Want to see how far you are?” Vash asked, and began to remove her shirt. Keitaro blinked, and smiled.
“I meant fighting, Vash-san,” Keitaro grinned.
Vash grinned on her own, her cheeks flaming a bit. Under her shirt revealed a tight sleeveless vest and she went to a fighting position. “Just for that quip, I'll hit you harder than I was going to.”
Keitaro grinned, and went to his own fighting position. The moment suddenly came when she blurred out of sight, and Keitaro tried to feel the direction of her attack. He ducked as he felt her punch pass on his head, rolled in the ground, and took his leg out to trip Vash, who once again vanished.
Her speed was not unlike Balera, though she did seem to hold back a bit instead of really trying to beat him down. After another series of dodging though, Keitaro for some reason, found pattern of attack. With that pattern in mind, he began to see Vash `move' instead of vanish in the darkness.
His feet planted on the ground, he began to duck, dodging the first high attack, and then lifted his foot as she tried to trip him, and then got his arms ready to catch the incoming hook. Vash's eyes widened when her punch was suddenly caught and she was placed in an armlock, her arm on her back.
Flipping forward, she used all her strength to throw Keitaro forward towards the ground. He hit flatly on his back, but flipped up quickly to recover. Turning around, he unleashed a kick that almost hit her in the stomach.
From behind, she did another overhead attack, only to be dodged again, and she cursed. He seemed to be reading her moves, and she changed her tactics. Instead for a low attack now, she went a straight body blow that almost had him, as he barely dodged it by rolling behind her. His hands suddenly dove for her shoulders, and she felt his weight suddenly shift and forced her backwards, and she felt his knees on her back. When Keitaro's own arched back hit the ground, his knees transferred the force in her back.
She shouted as the attack got her good, but rolled away, and didn't waste time. She moved herself a bit, getting her bones stretched a bit. Keitaro was up as well, this time, sporting a smirk. Her grin became dark. “Oh, so that's how you feel by getting one lucky shot eh?” she said evenly, powering herself up.
Keitaro wiped the smirk off his face. He didn't mean to smirk… okay, maybe he did, but it wasn't a smirk against Vash, but more of a smirk at himself. He had improved, even a bit. His arms were damn tired, but he kept them moving. “Vash-san… it's not about…”
It was too late as Vash disappeared again from view, and he saw her move really fast towards him, her arm out to probably give him a clothesline. He tried to duck, but she traveled faster than before, and she smacked him right in the neck, restricting the air, and the force was strong enough to make him spin in the air once before hitting flat on the ground, in a coughing fit.
Vash cursed inwardly. Dashing at him, she looked as he tried to cough in air, and nervously apologized. “Keitaro… I'm sorry about that.”
After coughing, Keitaro muttered, “Its… okay.” Coughing, he just relaxed on the grass. “I'll just rest here… till I'm better.”
Kneeling beside him, Vash looked at Keitaro with a little frown, but after a while, when he relaxed, so did she. For a few minutes, both just stayed in the ground, not saying anything. Keitaro briefly then looked at Vash who seemed to be content at her position. On impulse, he began to touch her cheeks gently with his fingers.
Vash's eyes opened, and Keitaro desisted with his current action. She stared at him with in the eyes for a moment, and he was tempted sorely to apologize for touching her when he found her lips on his.
Keitaro slowly sat up, his lips still on hers, as they both kissed each other. Unlike his experience with Valeria, though, he didn't feel forced into it, as he felt his own passions stirring up. He didn't need pleasurable feelings radiate on his head. Slowly pushing her down, Keitaro's tongue lavished with hers, and her nails digging on his back; he didn't mind the pain as his body collided with hers, and for a moment, both continued to kiss, when suddenly Valeria suddenly appeared next to them.
Her presence got both Keitaro and Vash to separate almost at once. Valeria's eyes and smile leered on them. Keitaro swallowed that lump on her throat. “So… my sister just wants you alone,” Veleria's grin leered. “So, Vash, your little `being hospitable' reason… do you want to eat those words?”
Vash's face was really red now, and with a quiet “Excuse me,” she excused herself and left the gardens running. Valeria's grin never left her face.
“Is making your sister embarrassed like that make you happy?” Keitaro asked evenly.
“Please, Mr. Keitaro. She had the gall to keep you for herself,” she stared at him. “That makes me really angry.” She then licked her lips. “Of course, I'm sure if you'd accommodate me like you did to my sister, I wouldn't try and embarrass her anymore.”
Keitaro frowned, and crossed his arms. “I don't like your style of seduction, dear,” he told her evenly.
She grinned. “Don't want to be forced into a sexual liaison by a female vampire, Mr. Keitaro?” she asked without much pause.
“No, it's not that. I just don't like the way you ignore foreplay,” Keitaro smirked a bit, and stood up. Valeria's eyebrow rose a bit, and she watched Keitaro suddenly placed his face near hers, and almost touched her lips with his. She smirked herself.
“And you'd be more warming to me if I did do a little…” she licked his lips with her tongue. “Foreplay?”
He licked his own lips. “Yes…” and with a little slight movement, he moved his hands on her inner thighs, slowly creeping up to her crotch. She grinned, a small moan escape her lips. “But…” he smirked as he moved his face away from her, and his hand away. She growled at him. “I'm a have to leave, dear.”
“You walk away from this, Mr. Keitaro, you will regret it… enjoy it in the end… but you will regret it,” she said in a low tone.
“I love the danger, luv,” smirking, he walked away from her. He half expected her to tackle him or something, but she seemed to leave him in peace. Exiting the gardens, Keitaro briefly wandered around the halls before he was suddenly grabbed from behind.
Keitaro allowed Vash to drag him into a room, and she continued what she was doing earlier. He kissed her in the neck as she slowly removed his shirt. Keitaro smiled a bit and his hands traveled around her vest, and slowly unzipped it. He was pleasantly surprised she was bare underneath.
Slowly lowering herself towards her chest, he gave a flutter of kisses that Vash enjoyed with a moan and smile. At the same time with his kisses, his hands were going to her skirt, and slowly removed it. Her moans got louder as his kisses went lower towards her underwear.
Before he could get to the spot that she wanted badly to be kissed, a knock on the door stopped them cold. Vash gave a heavy sigh, and walked towards the door, and slightly opened it. Seeing the visitor, she frowned. “Valeria…”
Keitaro didn't hear what the twins were talking about. He wondered briefly if they were going to stop what they were doing. He thought that was the case when Vash looked at him with a frown.
“My… sister wants to join,” she stated.
Keitaro smiled a bit. It would be a lie to say it was tempting, but it wasn't going to be his call this time. It was Vash's. “It's your call, luv.”
Vash had a small smile. “You just want to do two vampire girls, you pervert,” she said with her tongue out.
Keitaro smiled nervously. “Truthfully… I don't know what to do with two women, luv,” he admitted. “But… I'm leaving it to you.”
Vash opened the door fully, revealing her twin, who was already naked. Walking in the door, she stared at him and then at her twin. “You aren't as selfish as I thought, Vash,” Valeria muttered with a small smile.
“Still not into foreplay luv?” Keitaro asked smiling at her nakedness.
Valeria grinned at him predatorily. She was about to charge though when Vash's arm grabbed her sister in the neck, stopping her for a moment. Staring at her, both suddenly shared a kiss in front of Keitaro's nervous gaze and smile.
He briefly wondered if he made the mistake allowing Vash to make the choice when they broke the kiss and suddenly looked at him, both of them mirroring their expression. In his mind, there was a conspiracy that this was a cleverly set up ruse to get him together in bed. Of course, his mind was more thinking the possibility of what they are about to do.
When both began to kiss him, his regret faded. `Valeria was right,' Keitaro had mused before he got to work. `It's enjoyable in the end.'
2 hours later…
Keitaro was exhausted. But he had a silly grin on his face as he was in his bed. Vash and Valeria left him there some time and he didn't know where they went. He didn't mind as well. This was a record for him… for the first time, he was left asleep instead of the opposite. He didn't know if it was because sleeping with two women at once, or because they were vampires, or even if it was because of his weighted arms… it was the most amazing experience he ever felt, yes, but it was the most draining one too.
Damaticus was right… humans needed to evolve if they wanted to keep up with them. Standing up from his bed, he looked for his shirt and pants. After a few minutes, he was fully dressed and when he left the room, Laharl was there, seemingly waiting for him.
“Laharl,” Keitaro's face suddenly went neutral. “I was just investigating something.”
Laharl had that annoying smirk on his face. “I know you did. Hope you found what you needed.”
Keitaro wanted to scowl. “I indeed have. You?”
“I need to talk to you,” Laharl muttered. “I'd have invited you back to the room, but quite frankly, I don't think you want to talk in there. A neighboring room perhaps?”
Laharl didn't wait for a reply, and went to the room next to it. Keitaro followed up. When they entered, Laharl showed Keitaro the paper that he recognized was the one that Damaticus sent him. Opening it, Keitaro frowned as it read:
Sorry Laharl-chan… but this was for your eyes only.
“My contact sent that to me,” Laharl explained. “She didn't want anyone else knowing the information she was sending me.” He revealed Keitaro a dark sphere he was hiding in his jacket. Keitaro blinked, and looked at it.
This was the first time he ever saw the shadow sphere. It was one of the machinations of Hell, where they can send information without much worry. Even if another side had gotten the sphere, it self destructs if anyone else but the rightful receiver tries to open it.
Laharl then flips it open, and a small light ball escapes from it, and moves towards the wall, where it hits it with a smack force, and slowly expanded into a bigger circle in the wall. After a moment, it stopped, and then, a face began to reveal itself.
It was a beautiful demoness with red hair, and with quite an ample bosom. Her face was panicked, and she seemed to be talking, but for some reason, the voice was not clear, cackling at times. Like bad reception.
Hil… sama… we… wrong… it… not… gods… Heaven… not…”
“What's wrong with this thing?” Keitaro asked.
“She couldn't complete the magic to make the message completely,” Laharl explained.
“So… this is Maya?” Keitaro asked.
“Yup,” Laharl replied easily.
“We… focused… in… different… we… didn't… see… this… I'm… being… I… know… and… they… Oh… they… here…”
Maya didn't finish as she suddenly looked like something got to her. Backing away from the screen, the circle flickered, but showed clearly a sword sticking out of her stomach. And then, the screen blacked out when the blade twisted, to Keitaro's cringe. He knew how a blade felt like when twisted like that.
“My contact hid this from me when I accepted the mission,” Laharl muttered. The ball of light went back to the sphere, and it closed.
“Why would she do that?” Keitaro asked.
“Because if I received this message without talking with Damaticus, I'd have assumed the disappearance of Maya was Hell's handiwork,” Laharl stated. “That sword that stabbed Maya, it looked like a standard saber of agents in hell.”
“Okay… so, was it Hell?” Keitaro asked.
“Damaticus gave me his opinion, and I had to agree with him,” Laharl looked at the sphere. “This sphere was too incomplete for to assume anything. We need to fill it with more details to even make any sense of it.”
“How do we do that?” Keitaro asked.
Laharl looked at the sphere. “In theory, adding more mana would be the way to go… but unfortunately, this isn't some spell that goes stronger just by adding mana. It's a complex magic that needs the correct types and amounts of mana to fill it up.”
“Can you do that?” Keitaro asked.
“No… but I know someone who can,” Laharl hid the sphere. “Are you tired?”
“Not too much,” Keitaro stated after some time. “Why? Are we going to go to this person who can help us?”
“Oh, not yet. I don't know if you know, but we can't leave this place until one day passes here,” Laharl replied with a small smile.
Keitaro thought about that. One day passes here, and 2 hours pass on the outside world. Not really a bad way to spend the day. Still… he'd grow older if he stayed here long enough. Vampires won't be bothered by their age, and he guessed that they'd revel at the fact they can grow a day with only 2 hours.
“Alright… I can take that fact. Why did you ask me if I was tired though?” Keitaro asked, confused at Laharl's question.
Laharl smiled, and without another word, left Keitaro alone in the room. The latter just blinked, and frowned. Ignoring that nagging feeling of his, Keitaro went out of the room, and wandered around.
The tour of castle definitely helped him, as he wasn't getting lost anymore. He met a few more female vampires, who were pointing at him, chatting. He ignored them, and saw male vampires guarding some corridors. They were quite courteous, helping him as he slightly got lost around the castle, and informed him of some vampires to avoid. One of them even told him to walk the opposite side because Balera and Belle were going about.
In the end, he found his way to the garden, where he just took a moment, and sat in the grass. For a moment, he wondered what he could do, when he felt something sit beside him.
“Vash?” Keitaro asked.
“Velaria,” she responded, a bit miffed. “Why does your mouth keep spouting Vash? Didn't I show you a good time as well?”
Keitaro smirked. “It was hard to tell apart between the two of you,” he paused for a moment. “What are you doing here? And where's Vash?”
“Vash was needed somewhere, and I saw you enter the gardens, so, I thought I could see what you are up to,” she then grinned. “I'm raring to go myself. And think how fun it would be fun to do it in here.”
“And you accused your sister of being selfish?” Keitaro grinned. “You two act alike.”
Valerai shrugged. “We sure do. But since she's not here, I'm bored, and you are here… what else can we do?” she smirked, and began to unbutton her shirt. “So, Keitaro, what do you say?”
Keitaro looked at her briefly before smiling. “Valeria… do you know how to fight?”
Valeria frowned, and then smirked as an idea formed in her head. She nodded.
Vash came back twenty minutes later in the garden, seeing her sister now on top of an exhausted and quite beaten Keitaro. Valeria had apparently sparred Keitaro with more than what he could handle at that point, and when he was helpless and beaten, she moved in for the kill. Vash stopped her before she could violate Keitaro anymore.
Up in the tower, Damaticus was watching along with Laharl, who seemed to smirk at the vampire lord. “Do you agree now that he's not a normal human, Damaticus?” he stated.
“Quite… he's spiritual energy is not something of a normal human,” Damaticus stated. Then looked at Laharl. “I didn't know any humans can muster that much chi levels. Normally… it's just ki. Do you think anyone else suspects this?”
“I would say close family, and us only,” Laharl looked on as the twins began to fight each other. “His chi, if found out would make him quite a catch to the supernatural world. It also explains his hardiness and endurance, the way he can unmistakably charm any female of his liking, and his fast improvement in climbing over obstacles.”
Damaticus nodded. They had watched the battle Keitaro had with Valeria. Close he had come to hit her twice, and she was using her full speed and power in their spar. If he hadn't fought Vash, who was holding back until her last hit, earlier, he wouldn't have stood more than 10 minutes.
Laharl wondered briefly when Hina was going to tell her grandson about this. “What is the status of K2 in the supernatural world? How valuable is he?”
“Not enough to appeal devils and gods, but quite valuable enough for demons and angels,” Damaticus looked at Laharl with a frown. “You aren't going to…”
Laharl sighed, and shook his head. “Not until I have to.” He thought where they had to go on tomorrow (2 hours later for the outside world). “I hope it doesn't come to that, though.”
To Be Continued…
A little info about Keitaro… more than your average U-Agent? Next, Laharl and Keitaro finally go and visit the person who can help them mend the broken message, but they have to first sneak in the lair of what the world considers as the most beautiful supernatural women in the world. And they don't like sneaky men too much.