Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

For Keitaro, the battle became easier considerably when Laharl was now covering his back against the mage. Any offensive spells coming at him, were either counteracted by another spell of Laharl, or were now aiming at the hybrid. The partner itself now seemed more sluggish, almost unsure what to do next. That made his battle a lot more one-sided… his side.
He ducked another punch coming at him, and with quick strikes, he began to punch and elbow her gut, before she could retaliate with a kick, which Keitaro nimbly blocked. Countering with a boot to her stomach, he then began to dash on her side, aiming for her left. She recovered quickly, and was about to block when Keitaro took a leaf out of Laharl's book, and shifted his aim of attack the last second.
Keitaro's teeth gritted. Whatever Laharl did looked easier than it was. His second strike was significantly slower than his first attack, and the succubus just shifted her block to stop the incoming attack from the feint. She dashed away.
Keitaro did a quick thought, and realized that Laharl's actions were smoother because he had been practicing a lot of those in his time. There was one feint Keitaro knew, and dashed towards the retreating succubus, and went for a punch.
Vilera blocked the punch easily, only to realize that there was no power behind it at all. Keitaro then twirled around from her side, placing himself behind her. Then she yelped suddenly when his attack came. It wasn't a punch, kick, or even an elbow.
It was a nice hard smack to her fanny.
Her eyes saw red, and without a word, she unleashed a kick aimed to her offending enemy behind her. Keitaro barely retreated away with a jump. He had a smirk on his face as she turned with a dead-panned expression on her face.
“Enjoyed that, did you?” Vilera asked with a deathly tone in it.
“If I may compliment, luv, you've got quite nice cheeks,” Keitaro grinned.
Vilera growled and grabbed out a card. Keitaro's eyes widened, realizing what she was taking out. “No more playing around then,” she declared. “Adeat!”
The card glowed suddenly, and the light faded. Keitaro's eyes adjusted in the sudden brightness and darkness, and his enemy was now smiling, raising her arms, revealing her magical artifact.
In her forearms were black metallic armor protectors. Wondering what effects they have, he shifted from offense to defense, waiting for her to attack first. She didn't disappoint. Without another word, she shouted as she dashed to him.
Keitaro's eyes suddenly widened when her armor suddenly extended two pairs of spikes from themselves. It happened so quickly that Keitaro did what his instinct told him to, and jumped away. She grinned, turned towards him, and aimed her two arms at him, and to his horror, the four spikes launched themselves at him.
He covered himself with his arms, and two of the spikes grazed him in the shoulder, while the other two directly hit his runed forearm with a force that put Keitaro off balance in the air, and pushed him away. Landing whilst sliding on his soles, he ducked and rolled at once as she charged towards him again, spikes in her knuckles from the armor. He was about to hit her from the back with a kick, when the armor suddenly formed a ball from the elbow, and launched itself at him.
Keitaro yelped as he was grazed in the chin. If it hit him directly, he'd probably have been knocked out. He was still trying to recover from the last hit when she turned and faced him, her spikes now facing him. Keitaro raised his arms again to block the incoming attack. To his surprise, the spikes didn't even come near him as they were fired and got stuck towards the walls.
He blinked a moment, thinking she missed, but was shocked when the spikes suddenly extended and suddenly, like a web, wrapped around his limbs. Keitaro cursed as he began to struggle against the metallic weave around him, and watched as the succubus he was coming at him with a smile.
“KEITARO!” Laharl shouted as he threw his crimson katana towards Keitaro's bonds. Keitaro briefly wondered if the blade was sharp enough to cut the liquid metal that bound him, but to his pleasant surprise, it did. It cut through two of the bonds that held his arms before embedding itself to the wall near him.
Without a second thought, he grabbed the sword. Vilera noticed that, and rushed at him, intending to hurt him before he could actually get an advantage with the weapon. Without wasting time, he cut through the bonds on his feet, and used the sword to block the incoming spikes in her armor again.
She the pushed with all her might, making Keitaro slide back as he tried to push back as well. It took a second, but he finally got some ground, and began to push back as well. They were left in a stalemate.
She grinned at him. “Isn't that sweet… your friend sacrificed himself to save you.”
“What do you mean?” Keitaro asked.
“My artifact is completely connected with my mind…” she motioned her head towards Laharl. Keitaro looked, and his eyes widened.
Laharl was trapped in a web, probably from the four spikes that tried to hit him earlier in the air. They were now forming a web of corridors, closing around him. It was narrowing his escape routes. Keitaro briefly wondered why Laharl didn't seem to be running, only to see metallic clumps around his feet, keeping him there.
The mage Laharl was fighting against was now smirking, and now suddenly began to chant a spell. Keitaro was about to interfere when the succubus that he was locked into with Laharl's katana parried him away, and attacked again. Keitaro didn't have a choice anymore, and blocked the attack again, stealing a glance at Laharl.
The hybrid didn't seem to be worried as 53 arrows suddenly towards him. Laharl frowned a bit, momentarily thinking that he was pushed to this level. Well, its all for the greater good… he hated that term. Grabbing something from his pocket, he showed a pactio card, and called out his artifact. “Adeat.”
A slight flash and Laharl then was holding another katana, this time of golden white color with his right hand. And with blinding speed, he suddenly parried the arrows as it came to him efficiently, ignoring those that were going to miss him. Miyara's grin turned sour.
“Why don't you just get hit!?” she complained as she raised her wand again. “Sa Vera Das! As the Darkness breach the light, may the culminating darkness destroy from within! Shadow Blade Dance!”
“Omega Del Atla,” Laharl suddenly began to chant in Greek, but unlike his Latin, he was definitely much slower in the incantations. “From Earth they came, rise from graves. Stone Spike Pillars!”
Vilera shouted suddenly as stone spikes emerged from where Laharl was standing, hitting her web of metal, disentangling themselves around Laharl. The spell of Miyara, which consisted of dark boomerangs lashing around Laharl were stopped by the forming pillars.
Keitaro knew now he needn't worry about Laharl, and Vilera was for ripe pickings. It seemed she was telling the truth. The metal weapons she used were definitely connected to her mind, hence why it could form to any shape she wanted, or launch itself where it wanted to. But when Laharl's stone pikes hit them, she felt the feedback of the pain.
Raising Laharl's sword, he swung it down with all his might towards her neck. To his surprise, the blade didn't cut, instead hitting the succubus painfully and she screamed and yelped as the blade and his strength hit her in a sensitive area. She was knocked out cold afterwards.
“Vilera!” the mage cried as her partner felled.
“You should mind your opponents,” Laharl's voice suddenly declared as the pillars sank back to earth. Shifting the sword to his left hand, he began to dash towards Miyara, his sword flashing as he dashed.
Miyara raised her wand, and without incantation, released 3 magic arrows towards the dashing Laharl. But in her state of panic, the two arrows were misfired, and were way off from their mark. The last arrow got Laharl rolling above it, but didn't stop him one bit. When his left foot touched the ground, Keitaro watched in awe as Laharl aimed his blade straight, and dashed.
“Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu…” Laharl softly declared. “Kuzu Ryu Sen!”
What happened was something Keitaro could not describe. The blade seemed to split on nine areas around Miyara's body, and Keitaro's eyes strained to see where they hit; the shoulders, the arms, the legs, between her legs, her chest, and one hit using the end of the handle of the sword to her head. Laharl reappeared behind her, now relaxed, and his blade still on left hand. Miyara on the other hand slumped down on her knees, and fell down on her face.
“Well, that's a wrap,” Laharl muttered with a small smile. “Abeat.”
His golden blade disappeared, and he grabbed his pactio card that reappeared from the air without pause. Keitaro waited a moment before he joined Laharl, and handed him his crimson blade. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“No problem,” Laharl smiled. “Nice work, K2. We won our rite of freedom! How did it feel?”
Keitaro blinked. “How did it feel? It felt like… I don't know, fighting for your life, solving a case… it's all in a day's work.”
Laharl smirked a bit. “Your arms and legs, I mean,” he stated.
Keitaro blinked, and looked at his arms and legs, with the bands around them. He didn't remove them. His eyes widened suddenly at the implication. “I… matched her speed even weighed down?”
“Yup,” Laharl then grabbed Keitaro's arms, and looked at him in the eyes. “You know what this means, don't you?”
“Oh for God's sake, don't…” Keitaro frowned. Too late, he thought as his arms suddenly weighed heavier than usual again. Keitaro groaned. “Damn it Laharl, how the hell am I supposed to walk around looking like some sort of Gollum?”
“With pride,” Laharl stated as he went down towards Keitaro's ankles. “Besides… we got our freedom. You won't need to fight for a while…” he then smirked as he added the weights. “Unless of course you plan to have a go at the succubi. I know you're rather curious. Even if that is the case, I will not allow you to remove the bands.”
Keitaro glared at Laharl. Yeah, he was curious, but he didn't feel slightly in the mood for anything other than a rest, and probably some more clues in solving the case. What did Laharl think of him anyway? A whore?
There was a rumble of footsteps, and soon, Keitaro and Laharl found themselves surrounded by succubi who looked at them with frowns. Some began to mutter incoherently, glaring, and turning away. Keitaro guessed because they were expecting them to lose.
The judges and guards went towards Vilera and Miyara and checked them out. Keitaro heard that both were just unconscious, and the judges seem satisfied. Standing straight, one of the judges declared, “Victor the Demon Eyes Laharl and the U-Agent K2. With that, we allow them free, and with the audience with Savanti.”
“Then we shall be under your care,” Laharl stated after the judge seemed to have a sort of finality tone.
One of the judges looked at him, the growled. Without another word, the judges then walked towards the exits again, followed by the guards. Slowly, the crowd of succubi began to spread, exiting the maze. Keitaro watched as Laharl seemingly waited for everyone to be gone, but while the crowd was slowly leaving, there was one succubus who seemed content in waiting.
“You escaped again, haven't you father?” Lily said with a slight smile.
“Yeah,” Laharl smirked at her. “Want me to get some eggs and beat some mayonnaise? It might not be what you wanted, but you got owned bitch!” And with that, he began to laugh.
Keitaro couldn't help but chuckle ridiculously at Laharl who was now pointing towards his daughter who looked older than him for that point in time. Lily seemed to have a rather strained and forced smile as Laharl continued to berate her.
“Yeah! What now, huh?” Laharl continued. He then for a moment, suddenly calmed down, and looked at Lily. “Alright… seriously, I'm sorry you couldn't get me again.” Then he patted Lily's back, who still seemed unmoved. “OWNED!” he screamed suddenly, whapping her hard. He laughed again.
Lily lost her temper. “YOU NEVER CHANGE YOU ASS!” she shouted and kicked him in the shin. Laharl yelped, and grabbed his hurt limb.
“Hey! Don't treat me like that! I won! I owned you, bitch!” Laharl stated.
“Just because I can't fuck you or kill doesn't mean I can't hit you,” Lily growled. “And I'm supposed to bring you to Savanti… this is bullshit,” she stated as she began to walk away. Keitaro blinked and chuckled. Laharl rolled his eyes, and then followed after his daughter in silence. Keitaro did as well.
Savanti's Residence
10 minutes later…
The house was rather… modest in size, considering that Savanti was supposed to be a magic fixer. Lily had left them as soon as they entered the grounds, claiming she didn't want to be around a bastard for a father, which Laharl cheekily replied that Lily was probably an accident which he'll have to avoid.
“My future self is probably moaning… `I should have worn a condom',” he stated without much tact.
“Like I like being a daughter of some weak hybrid,” Lily declared. “I'm out of here. If I stay any longer, I might kill my chances of being born. Fucking bastard,” she muttered the last part in whisper and left the two alone.
Keitaro was still grinning at the sparring the two were doing. Not something a daughter or father would do typically, but for some reason, it kind of fit them both. Laharl may never admit to but it would probably be his fault why his future daughter will turn out like that.
Laharl knocked on the door once when he got to it, and it opened instantaneously. Keitaro followed Laharl as he walked in.
“Laharl, darling,” a voice called.
Inside a wide white room, a beautiful woman wearing pitch black clothing made her appear larger than real life in the lifeless room. Laharl seemed to smile at her, and then gave her a slight hug.
“Savanti-chan,” Laharl smiled. “Nice to see you again.”
She slapped Laharl's head softly. “Hah! As if, darling. You only come and visit me when you need me… use me as a whore, you do, yes.”
Laharl grinned. “You do know how much I hate visiting succubi lairs. Heck, my daughter is actually here, something I never knew,” he frowned at her. “You could have warned me.”
“Heh, consider it a little punishment. Besides, you would not have a problem if you accepted my hand in marriage, darling,” she smiled. “I ask not much… just a little kiss here and there… visit at least once a week, make love at least once a month. I'm not picky. With that, I'd make you an honorary member of the succubi clan.”
“Ah, you're always teasing me, Savanti-chan,” Laharl smiled. Keitaro cringed at that. The woman didn't remotely like she was teasing, joking or kidding. Was he being clueless on purpose?
Savanti had a very disappointed frown, but that disappeared suddenly when she spotted Keitaro looking at them. Her eyes suddenly widened, and seemed to warm at his sight. Keitaro suddenly had a bad feeling.
“Keitaro Urashima,” she said as she smiled.
“You know me?” Keitaro asked as he watched her move around him.
“My dear boy, a lot of people are beginning to know you,” Savanti replied, stopping in front of him. “The man who killed an angel… you were laughed at when you blew that mission out of the water. Then you suddenly, with a vengeance, became the man who single handedly slept with two vampire sisters, and rip their heads out with just your hands… the man who killed the offending neko-lycan, and slept with the sister, allowing her to escape. There have also been rumors about you having testis of steel.”
Keitaro's eyes widened at the sudden implication and rumors that were spread about him. Looking at Laharl, the hybrid gave him a short nod. “Rumors,” Keitaro said with an even voice.
“Yes they are,” Savanti nodded with agreement. “Undoubtedly, rumors in effect, are quite powerful propaganda tools. The U-Agency has been having an easier time with you around now. Of course, those are rumors as well.” Walking away from him, Savanti twirled around the room gently, like a ballerina. “You can ask Laharl darling all about it. He is also in the end of some rumors that he would be glad to do without.”
“I can imagine,” Keitaro replied, thinking back all the names Laharl was called in the court.
Savanti turned towards Laharl who was sitting down calmly. “You don't mind the small talks, darling?” she asked.
“Oh, no, I'm not in a hurry,” Laharl replied pleasantly.
“No, actually, maybe we ought to, Laharl,” Keitaro looked towards the hybrid.
“In a hurry, Keitaro?” Laharl asked.
“Shouldn't we be?” Keitaro asked back. The world was at stake, and Laharl didn't seem to be in a hurry.
“Not so much,” Laharl stated, and then grabbed the black sphere from his jacket. “Savanti-chan, here's the incomplete message shadow sphere. I think you know what to do with it.”
The sphere opened and out popped the light. Wordlessly, it was about to go and hit the wall again when it slowly changed direction, and floated towards Savanti, who held her hand out and slowly caressed the ball of light. She frowned.
“Using me as long as it conveniences you, Laharl darling?” she asked, looking at Keitaro with a small smile. “Well… I shall fix the message, as a token of appreciation for bringing your friend here. Rumors are still rumors… no matter how near the truth they are.”
Without another word, she turned around, and went towards her stairs. Keitaro looked at Laharl, wondering what she meant when he motioned that he'd answer later.
“Do stay at my home, will you, Laharl darling, Keitaro Urashima?” Savanti called as she was almost on top of the stairs. “I rarely have guests. And I cook a scrumptious pot roast.”
“We'll stay here,” Laharl replied with a slight smile.
“Glad to hear,” Savanti declared, and entered a door, getting out of view.
After a moment, Laharl sat down in one of the white couches, and Keitaro followed sitting opposite of him. After a moment, Keitaro asked, “Laharl… what did she mean by `rumors are rumors' bit?”
“It means she was glad to meet you in person,” Laharl replied, relaxing. “Savanti, unfortunately, cannot go out in the world for very long times.”
“Why not?” Keitaro asked.
“I don't fully know…” Laharl replied. “From what I knew of her, she seemed to be very fragile outside either the convent or other special places.”
“When did you meet her?”
“When she was still working for Yuko Ichihara,” Laharl replied easily. “I had a few dealings with her. That's when we met.”
“Yuko… Ichihara?” Keitaro asked, the name somehow clicking in his mind, but still seemingly at the tip of his tongue.
“Yeah, a witch, if you want to go with that,” Laharl shrugged.
Keitaro nodded, not really getting it. They relapsed into silence again. After a few more moments though, another question popped in Keitaro's mind.
“You got a pactio card,” Keitaro stated.
“Yeah…” Laharl replied softly. “I've had a bond with a mage… it was accidental, truthfully.”
Keitaro reviewed the pactio law and practices. “Can't you break the bond then? I mean, if there is accidental bonding of provisional contracts, you can break it quite easily; unless of course, you keep it because of the artifact.”
“I like the artifact, yes, but the bonding has some… history in it,” Laharl then flicked his car towards Keitaro, who caught it easily. Taking a look at it, Keitaro studied the picture of Laharl in the center, not holding a golden katana, but a golden ball.
Looking at the roman number numbers, he then looked at the frame. He blinked. Laharl was not bonded with a human apparently… a supernatural creature? Quite a powerful one too, according to the lines and design around the card, but there was something that caught his eye…
“Wait a minute,” Keitaro looked back at Laharl. “This isn't a provisional contract. It's a permanent one.”
“Yeah,” Laharl whispered softly.
“… You have a supernatural wife or something?” Keitaro asked.
Permanent contract bindings are almost like a marriage contract. These cards can never be broken, and if tried, it risks the life of the partner and the mage his or herself. Most of those that perform permanent contracts either are permanent lovers or partners for life… husband-wife, wife-wife, and husband-husband. Not only that, you can't make another contract with another person. It was only logical to think that Laharl was married to his partner if he has a permanent card.
“No…” Laharl replied weakly. “Like I said… bad history. The whole bonding was an accident.”
“It must be some accident,” Keitaro muttered, looking at the card. “Permanent contracts? To do one you actually have to exchange bodily fluids…” he then looked at Laharl with a slight grin. “You haven't slept with anyone, eh?”
“There are more ways to exchange bodily fluids than what you were thinking, K2,” Laharl replied, annoyed. He sat up; his arms crossed, and looked at the man across him, his hands out. Keitaro complied, and gave back the pactio card to him.
“Still, though… a pactio card means you share each other's mana no matter the distance,” Keitaro thoughts began to stir. “Is your partner strong, mana-wise?”
“Yeah, she is,” Laharl replied. “But as she is right now, I can't tap on her sources.”
“Why not?” Keitaro asked.
“I cannot say,” Laharl stood up, and began to pace around the room. “It's a personal matter for her. And I don't like spreading history of other people around. They cause nasty rumors.”
Keitaro smirked a bit. “Rumors are always available in our business, eh?” he asked.
“Its bullshit anyways,” Laharl muttered. His stomach then gave a slight lurch, and he sighed. “Well… at least we'll have a nice delicious pot roast for dinner.”
“How is her cooking?” Keitaro asked.
“She's good,” Laharl nodded. “Well… it's the only thing she can cook decently. Other's… blah.”
“Laharl, darling,” Savanti's voice suddenly pierced the air. It made both houseguests jump in surprise. They both looked at Savanti as she came down the stairs. “I don't like it when you make fun of my cooking.”
Keitaro blinked as she appeared suddenly in front of Laharl, with a knife on her hand, pointed at his neck. Laharl sweated and took his hand out to stop her from actually stabbing him. “I wasn't, Savanti-chan… I was just saying its only pot roast you make with your whole being, heart and soul that tastes so exquisite that empire falls to have a taste,” Laharl reasoned with a nervous smile.
Savanti hit Laharl gently on his head with the flat surface of her knife, and then without warning, grabbed his hand and begun to drag him away. “As punishment, you shall help me prepare our dinner,” she ordered as she dragged him away.
Keitaro watched as Laharl complied without much of a complaint, and was about to follow him Laharl stole a look. “Keitaro… if you want, you can go out and explore the place,” Laharl said.
“No offense, but I don't think we're welcomed here like the vampire convent,” Keitaro stated evenly. He still remembered the looks those succubi gave him earlier. He wasn't comfortable going out with such a crowd like those around.
“Don't worry too much about it, Keitaro Urashima,” Savanti grinned. “You have passed the rite of freedom. Until your business is done with me, no succubi can touch you.”
“Even so…”
“And… I want some time alone with my darling here,” Savanti grinned, and then winked.
Keitaro blinked for a moment, before nodding, and then exited the house. Savanti looked at Laharl, who was now in the kitchen, using a crimson knife to cut vegetables. She smiled slightly.
“What?” Laharl asked as he paused, and looked at her.
“Your friend… he's going to know the truth about the universes in the near future,” Savanti then slowly hugged Laharl. “And… you're going to suffer in agony very soon.”
“Savanti… what have I told you about predicting my future?” Laharl asked with a hint of anger.
“I can't help it, love,” she whispered softly. “I can see it vividly.”
“Will I be dying?”
“No…” Savanti replied.
“Then there's no need to worry,” Laharl declared, turning around, and patting the still hugging Savanti on her back. “I'm not going to die easily.” He paused for a moment, and then grinned. “Not until you cook something other than pot roast.”
A small rabbit punch to his side made Laharl yelp a bit. Savanti stared at him, then smiled a small smile. “I won't learn anything else. You won't die that way then.” She let him go, and went towards the sink, and began to prepare the meat she took from her freezer. “Keitaro Urashima… he has an interesting future.”
“Does he have that thing you always seem to tell me?” Laharl asked.
“Oh yes… he has a touch of destiny in him.”
To Be Continued
Keitaro explores the succubi convent, only to spot an intruder of sorts… overhearing her conversation with Lily, he realizes that she is the one following them around. Who is she? And what is contained in the message?