Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Crimson Daylights ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The whole atmosphere was tense. Keitaro didn't know whether it was because of the message they have finally uncovered, or the very scary expression on Laharl's face.
The hybrid had the face of a man who seemed to accept that the future was bleak. There was determination, fear, anxiety, and a hint of grin that had to be some sort of mask to hide what he was feeling.
Keitaro hadn't known Laharl for very long, but for the past few days, he could pick some things from the hybrid. And it also didn't help Laharl that he was so easy to read at times. He wore his heart on his sleeve, but for some reason, Keitaro also realized that he also wore his brain on the other. No one lives this long especially in their business without having deviousness and intelligence to back up person, no matter how determined he is.
They were sitting on the living room again, right after hearing the message. From the impression of the two other people in the house, everything became quite serious.
“Hild-sama… we were wrong.Heaven's has no real connection with any of the killings. The gods are not killing our agents.”
“That would be obvious,” Laharl muttered earlier. “Demons and gods can't kill each other because of the doublet system.”
Keitaro had heard of the doublet system before. It was a program run on the Digital Universal Creator, Yggdrasil Tree. It is a system that kept the gods and demons from killing each other.
“The gods also aren't setting anything, or asking other creatures to kill our agents. They are innocent in this matter. We focused solely on them that we missed the guilty ones completely.”
I found them out… and they are chasing me. I know who's behind this… it is her. She's trying to make a war between the demons and gods. And she's having… oh no… they found me. Please… Hild-sama… tell everyone… humans are the ones responsible…”
And that's when she was stabbed, and everything faded. For some reason, Keitaro felt a slight touch of fear. Earlier, he had been thinking about how the human race seemed to unite against common enemies. Will it be the same with supernatural creatures?
But his fears of that seemed to be nothing but little paranoia once when he saw the serious expression in Laharl's face. When the hybrid looked at him, he gave her that nervous smile. “Humans…” he stated. “Well… that kinda puts you off, eh Keitaro?”
“What do you mean?” Keitaro asked.
“Ever killed people before?” Laharl asked.
“I had to kill two to earn my K2 title,” Keitaro replied with a frown.
“Ah…” Laharl paused.
“What's with that pause?” Keitaro asked, looking at Laharl with a frown. “You think I'm not ready for this because suddenly it's not supernatural creatures that we have to fight but human beings?”
“It's not like that K2,” Laharl replied evenly. “Look… forget it. I don't want to discuss this now.”
Nodding, Keitaro recalled the message of the demoness agent. “Alright… Laharl… can I ask you something?”
“What did your friend mean by `her'?” Keitaro asked.
“I have lots of theories about that,” Laharl replied after a while. “But those theories need proof.” He then mumbled. “Yeah… proof. The hardest thing to get.”
“Laharl… are you okay?” Keitaro finally asked. “You've been acting rather odd since the message.”
Savanti's figure came out of the kitchen door. “Dinner's done. Shall we eat?” she called.
“Sure,” Keitaro replied at once. He stood up, and then remembered something. “Oh wait… Savanti, do you have a phone around here?” he asked.
“Sure, just down that room,” Savanti pointed out towards the door near the kitchen. Thanking her, Keitaro walked towards the door, only for her arm to slowly reach him. Stopped on his tracks, he looked at her. “About Laharl… don't worry too much about it,” Savanti stated with a rather sad smile. “It's just him being him.”
Keitaro didn't know what to reply to that, so he didn't. Entering the room, he spotted a phone on top of a small table in the middle of the room. Going there, he thought what to tell to the tenants back at Hinata-sou, after all, he was going to eat dinner in a succubi convent which is under a brothel in the red light district.
He dialed the number. The signal rang twice before it was answered by Shinobu. “Hello?” she replied.
“Shinobu-chan,” Keitaro called.
“Oh… sempai,” she muttered with a slight whisper. “I-Is there anything wrong?”
“Yeah… Shinobu… I'm sorry for not calling earlier,” Keitaro stated nervously. “Something came up… some business with Laharl's eccentric family,” he lied smoothly. “I don't think we both can make it to dinner…”
“Oh… that's okay, sempai,” Shinobu stated with a touch of nervousness.
“Did you make a lot?” Keitaro asked.
“… uh… y-yes…” she replied.
“Well don't worry,” Keitaro smiled. “I may get hungry later on… and I'm sure Laharl won't mind having another bite of your cooking. I've told him that even cold, it tastes delicious.”
“Awooo…” then there was a slight sound… probably the phone being dropped to the ground.
“Uh… Shinobu, are you okay?” Keitaro asked, worried.
“I-I'm okay, sempai… I shall save some for you two,” Shinobu stated before she suddenly hung up. Keitaro blinked, and looked at the phone. Shrugging, he hung the phone, and slowly exited the room.
But as he opened the door, he heard a slight whisper from Laharl, who seemed to be on his cell phone, talking with a rather forced expression.
“No, Hild,” he said. “I am not changing my mind.”
`Hild? One of the supreme rulers of hell?' Keitaro thought for a moment, slowing his breathing. `Is she Laharl's contact from hell?'
“Listen, Hild… just do it. I'll give you the completed message soon, but change my status. Put something all over the Yggdrasil Network… hell, make it a rumor if you want. I just need people to talk about Demon Eyes Laharl being the new investigative body taking over Maya's investigation,” Laharl stated. “Yes… I know it's gonna make me a sitting duck… don't treat me like a fucking idiot, alright? Yes… I'm sure.”
Laharl stood up, and began to pace around. “Please… Hild… I'm not gonna stoop low and beg to you, but please trust me on this. If you want me to solve this case as fast as possible… blow my NOC. Give me an official cover, like Maya. If I get this right… we can flush out the enemies with one fell swoop… yes… yes… thank you…”
He sighed, and sat down, closing his phone. In Keitaro's view, he saw Savanti coming out of the kitchen again, looking at Laharl. From the angle, he couldn't see their facial expression, but from the tone of their voices, he could imagine.
“Laharl darling,” she began.
“Don't… please, Savanti, don't try and stop me,” Laharl stated.
“But darling… its clearer now then ever…”
“Dinner is done right?” Laharl cut her off. “I'm hungry. I'm going to the kitchen.”
Keitaro watched as Laharl stand up, and leave the seemingly stricken succubus alone. Slowly moving from his hiding place, he walked silently towards the kitchen door.
“Hold, Keitaro,” Savanti declared, turning around.
Keitaro wondered briefly if she knew he was watching them. “Yes, Savanti?”
“Do me a favor… when the time comes… please… don't make Laharl suffer anymore than he should,” Savanti whispered to him before going towards the kitchen. Keitaro could only blink.
What in the world did she mean?
Three Days later…
Keitaro sighed… that was the second dinner that was silent, cold and quite unfriendly. He had hoped that Su or Shinobu would add tidbits to ease the tension, but unfortunately, they too seemed quite tense. Not even Su seemed to act like the excitable young genius she was, unlike the day they first arrived from the convent, where she showed them the new laboratory with complete medical, body and weapon training facilities, which Keitaro used every morning, brining his body now back to its tip-top shape.
It's been three days since the dinner with Savanti's, and so far, when they returned to Hinata-sou the next day, Laharl acted like normal once again, relaxed… but only for a day. He suddenly became more guarded the next morning, and has been ever since… like he was being watched.
While he said nothing, Keitaro felt that Laharl had a good reason to be guarded. He felt he was being watched himself at times. And with that in mind, he realized that he could not keep his eyes off Laharl for at least a second.
Much to the protest of the tenants, he placed Laharl in a room beside his. Keitaro explained it was only temporary, hearing from an unreliable source that it gets chilly in the night.
While it was only Motoko and Naru that took offense to Laharl's presence, Kitsune joined in the protest after Keitaro told her he couldn't have `drink' with her at night, citing that Laharl might hear. He also refused to go in further dates with her for a moment, saying he'd be rather busy for the week.
He sighed sadly as he saw Kitsune rather cold form as they ate dinner… he was not going to hold this façade for long. He couldn't. Laharl's presence seemed to widen the rift between him and his tenants, and the hybrid seemed to realize that, being awfully quiet and not acting like he did when he arrived: the joking perverted otaku.
Going out of the dorm, Keitaro didn't bother anymore to lie to the tenants where he was going with Laharl as they didn't seem to either care or listen anymore. He checked himself a moment to make sure he had his gun, which the succubi council returned when both left the convent, while also giving a fair warning for them to not return; Keitaro didn't pay heed… he had no plan returning there anyway.
While he'd not use his gun during his spar, he kept it on him in case anyone attacked. Meeting Laharl outside, he was about to go to the empty field for their usual spar when the hybrid stopped him.
“Keitaro, hold on,” Laharl said.
“What?” Keitaro asked.
He scratched his head in what women would say `endearing' manner. “I thought we might go somewhere…”
“Where?” Keitaro asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
“There's a nice bathe around there,” Laharl pointed towards the other side of the bridge. “We can have a good soak there.”
“And why do we have to go there?” Keitaro asked with a frown. “We got our own hot springs bath, right?”
Walking a moment down the stairs, Laharl motioned Keitaro to follow. Without another word, the supernatural agent nodded and followed the hybrid down the stairs. When they arrived in the base of the steps, Laharl stated evenly, “I don't want to be around Hinata-sou for a moment.”
“… you don't eh?” Keitaro asked, looking at him.
“Yeah… I'd thought it would be awesome to be around a place where no mana can act upon, but I'd rather take my curse for a moment of peace,” Laharl replied. “I'm sorry for being a bother.”
“Don't be,” Keitaro stated evenly. “I was given a mission to protect you. And for the past few days… well…”
“You felt like you're being watched?” Laharl asked, looking back at the man. Keitaro nodded.
The two crossed the bridge after a few moments in a steady pace. The wind passed gently on their faces, the moon rather bright tonight.
“It's going to be a full moon soon,” Keitaro noted.
Laharl seemed to laugh nervously at that. “Yeah… what a bother,” he muttered.
“You don't like full moon?” Keitaro asked.
“Its okay, in times,” Laharl smiled a bit. “Alright, here we are. Shall we enjoy a good soak?”
Keitaro looked at bathing house… there was a large chimney in the center of the building. Smiling sadly, his mind on the tenants of Hinata-sou, he nodded, and followed the hybrid inside.
There were only a few guys in the bathes, and the quiet relaxing atmosphere was quite infectious. Within minutes, Keitaro and Laharl took deep breathes and slid down the large bath tub filled with hot water.
They spent the time unknown in silence, relaxing their way. Keitaro noticed that the people were slowly leaving, and Keitaro briefly wondered how long they actually were in the tub. Soon, when the whole place was empty, he grabbed a towel, stood up and got out of the tub, wiping himself dry.
Laharl did the same thing, except he didn't bother to wipe, but covered himself, and grabbed both their watches, which they placed in the side of the tub earlier. Throwing one of the watches towards Keitaro, he caught it automatically. Without much though, he slowly put the watch with red face on his arm, wiped the small water droplets in the glass face, and looked at the time.
Seems they spent a good hour or so in the bathes. He watched Laharl wipe himself now, and gave a rather toothy grin. “Well… that was very nice.”
“Agreed,” Keitaro muttered with his own smile. “A moment of temporary peace.”
Laharl grinned for a second before his eyes suddenly narrowed. Keitaro felt a shiver on his spine, and there was a sudden spike of mana around the place. They both knew that an attack was coming.
Keitaro cursed silently. His gun was in the lockers, and he was about to go out and grab them when two shadowy figures walked in.
Two females emerged from the door, standing side by side, blocking the exit. One had long flowing black hair, and in the side of her face was a pair of tied hair strands. She had tanned skin, and rather odd brown eyes. Her clothes were tight fitting shirt and pants, and over her shirt was a holster. In her arms, she held two guns.
The other had short brown hair, wearing a hakama not unlike Motoko, but instead of red leggings, it was black. Her brown eyes stared towards the two men, and in her right hand, she had a nodachi.
Keitaro slowly backed away from the door, and slowly went towards Laharl's side. The hybrid looked at both women, and then smiled a bit. “Hey Mana-san,” he said.
Keitaro blinked towards Laharl. He looked towards the girl the hybrid was looking at.
“Naruto-sensei,” she greeted with a small smile. “Or… should I call you Demon Eyes Laharl?”
“You know the woman?” Keitaro asked towards Laharl.
“She's one of my students in Mahora,” Laharl replied, before looking back at his student.
“… student?” Keitaro smirked briefly. “She's still in high school?”
“Women nowadays mature quite fast,” Laharl stated with his own smile.
“Ah… so, a trap, eh?” Keitaro asked.
“No, actually, it's called bait. Trap refers to men who look like women…”
“No, I meant we're trapped,” Keitaro cut him off.
“Oh… yes, quite,” Laharl replied. Stealing a glance at the other woman, he asked, “You are?”
“I'm not giving my name to a demon,” she declared.
“Ah… Shinmei Ryu mercenary,” Laharl nodded. Looking at Keitaro, he said, “They are stuck ups, so don't worry too much about their manners.”
Keitaro grinned mentally. The seemingly useless exchange between them was giving him time to think on what to do next. Laharl was delaying them… either to plan an escape, or how to take on both.
In his mind, the best plan was a form of attack. Trying to break down the walls would be tedious and would make them open for attacks from any of the two females. The most logical way to attack would to let Laharl handle his student as he knew her, and Keitaro would handle the Shinmei Ryuu mercenary… he did know their style somewhat.
“So, what brings you here, Mana-san?” Laharl asked rather pleasantly.
“Just a job, Naruto-sensei,” Mana replied, her fingers slowly flexing around her guns. “You are the job, I'm afraid.”
“Ah… then you ought to get right to it, then?” Laharl stated with a rather small smile, his fists ready for an assault.
She raised her weapon towards him, and nodded seriously. “I am about to.” And with that, she fired.
Keitaro charged in when Laharl seemed to fade from view, and the girl called Mana readied herself when Laharl suddenly appeared in front of her, and with deftly speed, his fist came out to punch her. She dodged, and with unbelievable finger reflexes, she twirled one of her guns to aim towards Laharl in an odd angle, and fired another shot, which the hybrid dodged.
Keitaro had reached his own opponent, and dodged the swipe that came towards him. While he wasn't as fast as Laharl, his speed dramatically improved with the training of Laharl, and his new morning regime using the facilities KU had built. And the fact that his weights aren't bothering him anymore unlike three days ago, he felt like a new man.
But his opponent was no slouch either. She was slightly slower than him, but she knew how to handle her sword with efficiency. She kept the distance, knowing fully that the length of her sword was her advantage.
With quick swipes, she kept Keitaro in the distance, not allowing him to close in. But she made a mistake thinking that on his naked state he had no weapons or a means to block her strike, and thought she was relatively safe until she could outmaneuver him.
Keitaro noticed her movements, and for a brief period, just kept dodging the slashes… but he then smiled inwardly when he found a rather good opening while he bid his time. Dodging one more strike, he went in for the kill, aiming his fists towards her gut… but the girl was quite skilled, and with a twirl of her wrist, she changed the direction of her swing.
He raised his arm to block, and he smiled when he saw the surprised expression on the girl's face. Parrying the blade away, he readied his fist again and aimed for her jaw… a quick and easy knockout. But she had a surprise up her sleeve… a dagger to be exact.
He only saw her other hand coming at him. He thought it was some sort of desperation attack until he saw a glint of silver. He ducked her stab, though he could feel the blade rush and swipe the air just above his head. He wondered briefly if strands of his hair got cut. Rolling away from her, he placed some distance between them. A second later, Laharl also jumped towards him.
“How are things in your end?” he asked, slowly taking in deep breathes.
“Not good… without a weapon of some kind, I can't close in,” Keitaro replied. “You? How's the disciplining of your wayward student?”
“She could have eight arms, and I wouldn't notice with the way she can place that gun and shoot,” Laharl frowned. “Wanna trade?”
“No way… I'm sticking to swords girl,” Keitaro readied himself again. “Swords I can block, but bullets? Can you hand me a weapon to help?”
“Nah… I got a better idea,” Laharl then stared at their two opponents who seemed to be waiting for them.
Mana looked at her partner for the job, and looked back at her teacher and the U Agent. While she had a feeling about her teacher not being `normal' in a sense, she hadn't expected him to be the famed Trinity Master. Still… a job was a job. And for some reason, she had a feeling he was rather taking it easy on her. She reloaded her weapons.
“Let's get serious then,” Laharl stated, raising his hands. Sliding seemingly out of his sleeves, 5 scalpels appeared in each of his hands, and with a wave, he threw his weapons at them.
Raising her weapons, Mana shot towards the scalpels coming at her, and ducked the others. Her partner was more relaxed, as stopping projectiles were her specialties. With a twirl of her wrist, her nodachi blocked every single piece of scalpel coming at her.
“CHARGE!!!!” the U Agent shouted, as he charged towards them with a crimson katana. Beside him, Laharl himself also charged in towards them with a crimson katana as well.
`Fools,' Mana thought as he raised her weapons, her two guns aiming at her two opponents. She had thought her teacher was quite smart, but this attack was… stupid. It was a simple straight forward charge… heck, they were slower than they moved earlier. Without another word, she shot at them towards their shoulders.
Her eyes suddenly widened when they suddenly fazed away from view as two bullets hit them, but they became solid once again, not pausing their charge even when they were hit. She fired again, and same results every time.
`What magic is this…?' Mana frowned. She hadn't felt any kind of mana or ki usage, but what is happening is physically impossible! “Slice them!” she ordered towards her Shinmei Ryu partner when they closed in.
“Got it!” she nodded, and using her nodachi, she aimed towards their legs. They were ordered to keep Demon Eyes Laharl alive, but their employers never specified how whole he should be. Besides, in Shinmei Ryu, there is a famous tale of Tsuruko Aoyama, the closest one of killing the famous hybrid, and that she had cut off his whole arm off, but he was able to recreate his missing limb. The human with him… well… he'll have to live without the limbs.
The blade passed through their bodies, but like the bullet shots, her swiped made them faze out of view, and reappear when the blade was out of contact with their body. Her eyes widened. Using her other hand, her dagger in that sleeve came out, and like what she did earlier, stabbed towards the incoming Keitaro. But it was too late.
Her body felt the stab as his crimson katana pierced her body. Her mouth opened as a gasp escaped her lips. She felt her blood escape from her stomach.
Mana as well, except she swallowed her groan with her gritted teeth. She raised her weapons and aimed at her grinning teacher's face, but she couldn't feel her body anymore. Both girls slumped to their knees, their breathing becoming ragged. The world slowly began to fade.
And like a snap of the fingers, everything shattered like glass. Mana and her partner began to breathe normally… the two guys and their crimson swords were no where to be found. Looking at themselves, they seemed… normal.
Mana stood up, and looked at her partner. “Demon Eyes… fuck!” the swords-girl cursed. “He slipped one on us, and we didn't notice!”
Mana smiled a bit. Shinmei Ryu knew a lot of Demon Eyes Laharl as the school considered him as the most threatening being in the world, and with that kind of thinking, they studied the hybrid… his skills and abilities.
“Calm down… they just ran,” Mana stated evenly. “Call the party… they should know where they are now.”
Outside, running in the cold air was Laharl and Keitaro, who both looked like they dressed hurriedly… Keitaro himself was still trying to wear his shirt.
“How long does the illusion last?” he asked towards Laharl.
“A minute,” the hybrid replied. “So get your legs moving faster.”
“To Hinata-sou?” Keitaro asked. It was the most logical place to go as Hinata-sou was considered an embassy, and a territory of the U Agency. Mercenaries of any other agency wouldn't dare take a step in. Besides, he didn't want them to face the new defenses that Su had put. That crazy little girl… she went overkill with it, that much he'd say.
As they ran, Keitaro noticed that wherever they went, there were no other people. Narrowing his eyes, he began to study the place as they ran, and after a few seconds, he realized why. Every block, every intersection, one of the light posts had a paper written in Sanskrit on them. Pointing at them, Laharl nodded.
“Its SOP for Japanese mages when capturing anything supernatural,” Laharl stated. “Man… they really went out with this…”
“Does it have to do telling your contact to give you a cover three days ago?” Keitaro asked.
Laharl smiled. “Yeah. I thought the ones who killed Maya themselves would appear… not let mercenaries do the job for them…”
`Liar,' Keitaro automatically thought. The hybrid was lying to him, and he could see it. Why though, he couldn't fathom. After turning left to another block, there was another mana and ki spike, and the two men stopped on their tracks.
“We're surrounded,” Laharl stated.
“I know,” Keitaro muttered, grabbing his guns out.
Four groups of people came down, each group consisting of five members… a mage, and four mercenaries. They dropped down from the air, each holding a rather large piece of metal pillar. How they were able to carry it, Keitaro didn't know, but he sure wanted to know what they were up to.
“Give up, you're surrounded,” Mana's voice sounded behind one of the group holding one of the large metallic pillars. Looking at that direction, Keitaro saw her there, weapons not drawn, fitted in her holster. Right beside her was the partner, her sword sheathed.
Keitaro frowned, and looked around. His mind tried to formulate a plan to escape. Looking around, he looked towards one of the groups that blocked their paths. He can probably shoot twice before they could react… three, but that would be pushing it. With that, he could pick a group, shoot two of their members and Laharl can take care of the surviving members of the group he'd attack… run, and hopefully they'd be home free.
Like a flash, he raised his weapon towards a group, but Mana saw it. With lightning quick reflexes, she grabbed her gun, and fired towards Keitaro's. The bullet hit his gun, and flew out of his hand. He cursed.
“Activate the spell!” one of the mages called. Keitaro ignored it and dove towards his gun, only for it to move away from him. His eyes widened.
His gun flew towards one of the metallic pillars, which had electrical sparks all around it. It seemed that they were using electrical spells to create a large magnetic film around the area. Stealing a glance at Laharl, his eyes widened when he saw the hybrid on his knees, clutching his upper torso.
“Laharl… what's wrong!?” Keitaro asked, worried.
“K… Keitaro…” he gasped. There were ripples on his shirt, seemingly like something is trying to get out. “Duck… duck…”
“Wha…?” Keitaro asked, confused. He slowly approached the hybrid, when he saw his expression. His stare… it froze him in place.
“Enforce the spell! Make it stronger!” the mage called again.
“Get… DOWN!” Laharl shouted. Keitaro's eyes widened when he saw many red scalpels starting to poke out of Laharl's shirt and arms. Ducking, he watched the hybrid give a very inhuman scream, and the scalpels tore themselves away from him, sticking to the metallic pillars.
The area became clouded with a crimson air. Laharl slumped down, his eyes closed, and his mouth shouting silent screams as he hit the floor. His body began to shake uncontrollably, and his blood flowed freely on the ground he slid on.
“Laharl…” Keitaro muttered as he watched his friend fall. He gritted his teeth. Cursing mentally, he stood up, and turned to see the mercenaries of the group coming at him with baton sticks.
He punched one of the mercenaries on the jaw, and kicked the other on the gut. He blocked one of the sticks with his arm, and gave a very strong hook towards the attacker. He kneed another before one of his legs got hit with a strong strike that got him to scream. Falling on one knee, Keitaro covered himself as the group surrounded him and began to hit him all over with the sticks.
The last thing Keitaro saw was Laharl… his hands were being tied and cuffed behind him, and then put in a black plastic bag. Then, everything went black.
To Be Continued
Laharl's captured… what are the enemy's plans for him? Who is the enemy? And one of the tenants will find out that their manager is more than he seems… next.
Author's Notes:
Took a while, but yeah. Hope you enjoy this chapter, and sorry for the delay. Hopefully, the next chapter won't take so long to make. Later.