Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ K2: The Leyline Flush ❯ Preview: To Hinata-sou with Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

=BGM: You Could Be Mine by Guns N Roses - Intrumental=
Hinata-sou is about to get a new manager…
*Black shoes climbing up the stairs of Hinata-sou…*
A manager who has a secret…
*Camera pans behind the figure who is now walking towards Hinata-sou*
A man with smarts…
*Camera goes towards the figure's shirt, showing a tie, vest, and jacket*
A man with brawn…
*Camera shows a fast moving fight in the shadows of the figure and two enemies in the shadows*
A man with smoothness…
*Camera shows figure shooting a silenced gun a neutral expression…*
A man with a name…
*Camera goes now showing the figure.*
“Names Urashima… Urashima Keitaro.”
=BGM: Bond's Theme=
An Inn with 5 girls… an Inn with secrets… And an Inn with Keitaro Urashima.
To Hinata-sou with Love
The second chapter of K2's adventure.
Now Showing.
Just made one for fun. XD