Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ MOVING FORWARD ❯ CHAPTER V ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DiSCLAIMER: I do not own Stargate SG1, Tsukihime, Black Scars, Night's Dawn Trilogy or any other anime, TV series, Fanfic or book refeered here. I only own my plot and ideas. This is a Fanfiction work.

Moving Forward
By VoidHawk

Chapter V
Quantum Physics, Nature of Magic, Nanotechnology and Alchemy
(Asgardian Information Center - Asgard Homeworld)
QUANTUM INSEPARABILITY:It is a Quantum characteristic, which translates into: Matter, once broken into pieces (no matter the size of those) will ALWAYS share the same experiences instantaneously. If you break something in two, or even if you rubbed two pieces of matter together, and put them into opposite sides of the whole Universe, if something happens with one piece, the other will have a reflection of that at exact the same time.
Such is the basis for many Ancient Races communication and computation devices, the ability of Magis and Ascended ones to talk with each other or travel instantaneously to some places (those able of such feature), and it may possibly be the basis of that feeling we have when something is happening with someone intimate to us. Of course, normally an intelligent life form will not feel that without being a Magi…But Love is a kind of Magic!
MAGIC:Magic is (And evolved civilizations are aware of it) nothing more than the ability of dealing directly with the quantum realm, to control the Quantum Blocks of Reality. Of course, the Ascended ones do that…and so the Magis when a race happens to develop them.
The ability to influence the Quantum Medium is known to earth quantum scientists since the 20th century, as the quantum physics researchers noted that they were able to actually influence the quantum research they were performing, minutely changing the quantum characteristics of the researched medium. The changes were very small, but enough to get the results expected at the beginning of the research. Human Willpower could affect Quantum characteristics enough to alter it as desired.
On the Magis case, they have the natural ability of manipulating the Quantum Medium entirely, even themselves being part of a not Ascended race yet. It may be dangerous for a race to have Magis among them, as they have not evolved, as Ascended races have, after millions of years of natural evolution, but when they happen to work with real responsibility they are a gift, for they will ensure proper and faster evolution to their race in general.
Magis use sometimes devices to focus their will, enabling them to alter reality:
Third Grade Magis: They use wands, staffs, crystals or any other material as a focusing device. Occultists call that psychotronic. Even a drawn on the sand would be enough to trigger the Magi's will. Another example of psychotronic is the use of potions to focus the mind-will. Alchemists are on such level.
Second Grade Magis:They use spells…Thought word-strings, chants and key words are used to focus the mind-will.
First Grade Magis: They do not use anything to focus their will. They are so adept and experienced that they just desire it, and by sheer will power, they alter reality creating their “Magic”.
Note on Psychotronic:It may be a very powerful device. Once it allows a Magi or Ascended one to alter the quantum medium, it gathers powers of its own. Some seals can only be broken by the ones who made them as only the creators may access their main programs, as we can call the information stored when they are created and used.
NANOTECH:Technology that deals with matter through manipulations in the nanonic scale (hundreds or thousand of times smaller than a millimeter. Nanobots, using quantum-computing capability would be able to reformat matter into whatever that is programmed into them. A block of rock can be transformed into diamonds through nanotech. Direct neural connections can also be attained using nanotech, so any life form would be able to interface directly with any computing device through nanonic technology. A ship with nanobots embedded into its hull could transform itself into any programmed form, and given the amount of nanobots used, such transformations would be instantaneous. Atomic level nanotechnology may be hard to obtain, but it is a goal worth achieving, for its possible uses and implications are staggering.
( Examples would be the fusions displayed on Vandread, and the piloting capabilities of Aestivalis pilots on Nadesico. Of course, for a Vandread type of transformation, you will need Nanotech on atomic level, and for the kind displayed on Nadesico, nanotech would be cellular level only)
ALCHEMY AND NANOTECH:Nanonic transmutation follows a simple rule: You transform the base materials into anything, but that transmuted product will possess the same atomic mass as the prime source. You cannot create more matter from thin air. You may compact or dilute, but the resulting transmuted material will have the same atomic mass. Of course, with the right technology you can create matter from energy, and then use it on your transmutation (Some Magis do that through Quantum manipulation). The possibility of creating matter from energy was already known by 20th Century Earth Scientists.
Different from Magis quantum manipulation, nanonic transmutation follows the existing laws of mass conservation. Alchemists thought the universe know this as Equivalent Exchange when dealing with matter transmutation, as alchemists are natural nanonic manipulators. Usually they use psychotronic to enable their nanonic manipulations, but if an alchemist is skilled and focused enough, he/she will be able to transmute matter without any focusing device. Their minds cannot deal with Quantum manipulations as a whole, but they are able to influence matter in the nanonic scale, being natural scanners and field manipulators, which enables an alchemist to perform all his transmutations using their natural field control to manipulate atoms.
Magis do not follow the Equivalent Mass Exchange restraints, as they do manipulate the very nature of reality itself, being able to create matter from energy, though you still keep receiving as much matter as the energy you are converting it from.
Magic and alchemy (and nanonic transmutation) are highly advanced applied science and technology.
Then again, for an unaware observer of a not highly evolved race, advanced Nanotech, Quantum Manipulation and Alchemy may seem to be the results of Supernatural forces.
Information Center - Asgard Homeworld : Milky Way Galaxy related material - Earth files.
Compiled and revised periodically by Thor

Four light Years Away from Earth…On the brim of a Solar System which will harbor in the future years Amaterasu - The Deep Space ShinMei Ryu/SG Joint Base of Operations - Sirius Star System, near Sirius B:
At the brim of the Sirius Star System, a large spacecraft sails silently. At distance, it seems like a silver flattened sphere surrounded by bands of blue metal, giving out an overall disc-shape image to it. It is difficult to estimate size when without references, but its spherical part alone has a radius of 2625 ft. Total disc diameter being around 3281 ft. when putting the surrounding metal bands into account.
Inside this huge craft, a Scynthian War Vessel named Ariel, on its brightly illuminated hangar bays, a door opens, giving passage to four humans donning skin-tight white and gray uniforms. They come in together, approaching a high armor-clad figure and another human. The armor suit looked like a big squid or octopus. A head looking like a big turtle carapace, with three long legs and eight surrounding tentacles. One big blue eye-like piece coming from under the front of the carapace-like head.
The group approaches the Octopus armor suit and the human, looking at the hangar bay they were in. It was huge following the ships whole curvature, and at least 98 ft. high. Vehicles of every kind can be spotted on the innumerous niches and gantries inside the hangar. Many technicians are wandering around, all suited like the octopus-like figure ahead of them.
This vessel was a true carrier, sporting two big wrapping hangar bays, one up and the other below the flattened sphere's equator.
“Hey, Antonio…What's with the sun glasses?” Asks the girl among the pilots, looking to Antonio, whos is wearing big sunglasses, although they were inside a stellar vehicle.
The girl has dark hair swept back. One high antenna like strand jutting over her head. A question on her beautiful face, while cocking her head.
“What of it, Kanako? It's more fitting for a pilot. You should know that!” Explains seriously Antonio.
Urashima Kanako sweat drops at this comment.
“And what about these suits? They look like something from the animes my young brother watches!” She says, looking at herself.
Their suits were skin-tight, with a thicker neck and metal looking parts over their shoulders. They were nanonic enhanced as well, being able to sustain them in vacuum if necessary, and the thicker parts were raw material for their transmuting capabilities.
"Heheh. Nevertheless, you are fine on it. It does fit you well, my friend.” Says Antonio, grinning.
Both Takeshi and Kato laugh behind her.
“Hey, you two! Beware. And you are donning the same as me anyway!” She says, looking serious to both young warriors. Eyes glaring menacingly at them.
Takeshi and Kato wave their hands, apologetically. “Hey, pay no attention to us, Urashima-san. We are just happy for this opportunity.” Says Kato, a short and spiked haired young warrior. “And for the opportunity of seeing such a babe on this suit…” Completes Takeshi, a tall long-haired warrior, with smart looking eyes, to his friend's ears only.
“I will pretend I saw nothing here…And HEARD nothing either, Toyomi-san!” Says Kanako, smirking at her colleagues, half-eyed.
They both stand upright, sweating. They forgot how keen Kanako´s hearing was. Not a healthy move on their part.
They also knew how dangerous a warrior she was.
Kanako turns to the alien vessels captain, a half-smile on her face.
Antonio having fun during the whole exchange, thinks: They are lucky she is teasing them only. When mad, she is unstoppable. And anyway it was a kind of compliment, heheh!
The armor-clad figure sounds a kind of deep siren, and speaks through its armor-system: “Greetings ShinMei Ryu warriors. The Tok´Ra wing leader Tyr'El will lead this test-flight today. You all have been through simulators, and already flew fighters back at Atlantis. These VoidHawks work just like in the simulators, and it is our belief that you will have no problems handling them, as they are infinitely easier to handle than the fighters you are used to fly.”
Antonio, who was the leader of their group since his arrival the day before, bows to the Scynthian captain, taking out his glasses. “We run all simulations back in Atlantis a month ago. If they perform like those simulations, this will be a very interesting test-flight, Captain Non!”
Urashima Kanako, Toyomi Takeshi and Tamyia Kato are just behind Antonio, and agree with him. “Of course we need to be sure of their capabilities. We saw how the Goaul´d fighters fly. We cannot go into assumptions here.” Kanako is serious, as always, eyes glinting in the hangar lights. Her companions did notice her seriousness. They respect her and knew how skilled she was, even looking a helpless, beautiful young woman.
Looks deceiving completely on her case.
“Your attitude is wise, young warrior. And that is what we will be doing now, making sure of how these birds fly.” Says Tyr'El.
His eyes go white bright, and his voice goes deep: “And verify their technological advances.”
“My pilots are already on the fighters. Please familiarize yourselves now. We will be flying in 25 min.” The Tok´Ra pilot goes to his own fighter.
The alien captain waves his tentacles to all of them. “Good luck. We will wait your results. Have a pleasant test-flight.” Says Captain Non, moving to the nearest hangar door, to return to the bridge.
All eight fighters were aligned in the hangar. They look impressive, but not the classical sci-fi figure of a star-fighter. They were very flattened spheres, or fat discs, with two short and wide pylons over top and bottom parts. Those pylons connected to thick bands of metal forming a wide X frame coming out of the central part, sweeping from the pylons to back and front of the fighter, upper and lower frames connecting at their tips. The front framing thongs closer to each other than the back ones. The overall impression was of a wide-open framed disc. The surface of the sphere and its wings were covered with markings and drawings like cryptic, ancient writing. Actually, they were gravity and sensor devices, covering the whole of the craft, which was dark gray in color. The flattened spherical part was the cockpit, and was open on its side to allow entry. The central part was 16 ft. in diameter and 8.2 ft. high at its center. The whole fighter being over 49 ft. in radius and 9.8 ft. of height at its center.
“They do look impressive, although I was expecting something sleek and long, with wide wings.” Says Kanako to Antonio, looking at the small star-crafts. They knew they were hyperspace capable. Astounding for such a small craft.
“Well, this is real life, though we are on an alien war vessel preparing to flight a nanonic enhanced star-fighter.” Laughs Antonio, appreciating the vehicles.
“But they are a beauty to see.” Completes Antonio, a big smile on his face. They all agree.
“Ok, minna-san lets go. We know the drill, and now it is for real!” Says Antonio, moving to his assigned fighter, already pointed by one of the hangar technicians, all clad in encounter-suit armors. They wave their tentacles to them, wishing good look.
Kanako, as all the others, moves to her fighter. The horseshoe control panel in front of the pilot seat, which was well padded, illuminated its cockpit and had two big armrests, one of those lifted to allow the pilot entry.
As soon as Kanako enters the cockpit and seats, putting down the armrest, the cockpit closes fast its lateral triangular entry, and immediately the whole cockpit becomes transparent, faint lines outlying the wings at its exterior. The control panel seems to float in front of Kanako, displaying innumerous readouts. From the outside, the hull is now seamless, as it has never being opened before.
As in the simulations, she rests her hands over the blue crystal spheres glowing on both armrests, which seemed to float in gentle light inside their niches. As soon as she rests her hands over the spheres, they turn electric blue. At this moment, she connects herself to the fighter systems, activating it.
-Pilot Urashima Kanako, all systems ready to initiate flight. Cabin secure, life-support systems on and all neural-links established. Half sensorial merging for present flight mode established. Gravitic power-core primed and nominal- Goes the fighter AI.
“Link to all pilots. Will wait release order from leader to initiate flight.” Says Kanako, always serious and focused.
They spend the 25 min. familiarizing with the system. There was not much to familiarize with anyway, as they `Felt' the fighter, more than noticed anything. Neural connections linking them with all systems neatly.
After that, Tyr'El calls on the commlink.
“All fighters, initiate navi-links. Captain Non, we are all ready to commence test-flight.” Tyr'El says over the commlink, while seeing the green light on all fighters under his command. Info from them was being relayed straight to his console.
Now it is for real. Lets see if these babies work like the virtual ones. Thinks Antonio, happy for this opportunity.
“Release granted. Vacuum shielding set for one-way passage. Good luck to you all.” The Scynthian captain says from his vessels command bridge.
All eight fighters starthumming lightly, hovering above the hangar floor. They all rotate in tandem, their front-parts now pointing to the exit, space doors now opened to space, fighters ready to shoot out.
These fighters were the top product of a very advanced concept using nanotech. On their present mode, they do not bore weapons. However, if they enter fighting-mode, they would create energy weapons and kinetic ordnance from its very substance. The piloting was done by neural link with the fighter itself, so the pilots actually became the fighters when piloting them. They were dangerous pieces of equipment indeed. And extremely maneuverable and strong. Depending on the pilot's choice, they were ground-fighting, space-fighting or underwater-fighting ready. They use gravity drives, being extremely fast-maneuvering birds. As particular to gravity driven ships, the pilots would not feel a thing flying them, as all atoms inside the craft's field would accelerate at the same time and direction. Movement was perceived by neural emulators to facilitate pilots to feel the ship. Energy cores being very small, most of the craft itself was raw material to be used on its transmutation capabilities. Millions of nanobots were on the crafts structure, programmed to create more nanobots, and change the star-fighter structure when needed.
“Initiate navi-mode! Prime gravity drives for space flight mode. Sensors on. Let's move out!”
Kanako, receiving the release command start ordering her fighter AI system. At this moment, her view is superimposed by vector trajectories and sensor data from her fighter. She just feels how to fly it out of the hangar bay, and maneuvers it on the laid trajectory, viewing the vectors like a tunnel of bright green lines. If she looked into the control panel itself, she would read the readouts there, but when piloting the fighter itself, she would just look to her path, and move as if she was the very fighter. Flying it was like walking. You do not do it consciously. You just do it. It was exhilarating.
“All responses are crisp and fast! This exceeds the simulators by far!” Antonio Says, over his link.
“Same here. All Red and Gold units, here is our coordinates. Scouting formation. Let's go.” The leader passes over the commlink, sending everyone their vectors at the same time.
This is just fantastic! He would love all this… Thinks Kanako, joining the whole squadron. They shot out in unison from the hangar bay through its wide space-doors. They fly fast around the big mother vessel, veering and swooping around their mother ship fast, taking their distance, and then they engage hyper drives to follow their targeted destination.
Kanako looks to her surroundings, appreciating everything.
Wow! Keitaro would really LOVE to see all this! She thinks, appreciating everything. Through the canopy, she could see millions of stars clearly, as if nothing was between her and the cold vacuum. Behind their flight path shone Sirius A, and ahead they could see a large asteroid approaching. She was cozily seated on her fighter's cockpit. Her hands resting over the neural spherical terminals, which seemed floating over holes on her armrests, which were filled with bluish light. The dashboard was a slanted surrounding band of multicolored light and displays, looking like a wide T in front of her. She was in half-sensorial merging mode, which means that flight was executed by neurolinkage, but data from the fighter sensors were being displayed in her cockpit screens. To her view, she was facing a floating wide-arm slanted T filled with light, with two arms coming from behind her seat. All floating in free space. Eerie, but giving a huge sensation of freedom.
“Red 1. You look fine from here!” Kanako says into thin air, commlink already opened to Antonio's fighter, he being her wing-mate. She looks at his position, above at her right side.
“Hah, these VoidHawks are quite amazing! And really nice to fly Red 2!” Says Antonio in response.
If Kanako looks into any part of her surroundings and wished to focus on anything, the desired spot would be enhanced immediately, giving her the desired view. And if called forth, virtual screens would pop up, like the one she is using now to communicate with her wing mate and friend, Antonio.
We should have those back home. Quite fun to go around! Antonio smiles.
Kanako is maneuvering freely her fighter, testing all her abilities with the gravity-driven, nanonic-enhanced star-fighter. She rotates and corkscrews without deviating her flight path.
They were flying in scouting-mode. No weapons would be detected, as they do not exist on the fighters at this moment.
SG1 and the Tok´Ra were willing to adopt theVoidHawks as their prime fighting assets, but need to proof-test them…and as the ShinMei Ryu warriors needed space training, they were achieving both now with this exercise.
These fighters were a gift from the Scynthian, a race belonging to one of the Old Ones from the Milk Way. Not an Ancient Race, but quite advanced anyway. They were opposing the Goaul'd for a long time now, and where happy to find allies among the junior races of their Galaxy.
“Red 1 to 4, please commence high-velocity maneuvers…and get ready for fast fighting-mode change. Be ready to enter full sensorial merging mode at my command!” Enunciates the wing leader.
Now starts the fun! Thinks Antonio, ready to fully merge his senses with his VoidHawk.
Kanako and the other two ShinMei Warriors were ready as well.
All fighters were flying in a spherical formation, to increase sensors effectiveness. That was known as a classical star-fighter flying formation, as explained by their Tok´Ra leader. They were flying into low orbit around a large deep space asteroid, in order to train high velocity maneuvering near a large mass.
The large asteroid mass, plus the gravitational disturbances thrown by Sirius B (A neutron star of huge mass, thus possessing an immense gravity gradient) making for a perfect environment to test their gravitic drives, and the responses of their VoidHawks.
Kanako observes her readouts attentively, waiting orders to go full sensory merging. Sirius A was shinning behind her, and she was the most forward on the present formation.
Kei-chan, my little brother! One day I hope to be able to show you all this!
Lately Kanako was thinking a lot about Keitaro. She has been too busy on the last year, she was even being relapse on her e-mails. That would change as soon as she finishes these trainings. She missed her brother, and wanted to see how he was faring. But she was quite sure he should be all right at Hinata-sou. In addition, there is an Aoyama living with him, and that eased her worries even further. She was very protective about him. She would ever be! But she trusted the Aoyamas a lot.
But when talking about Keitaro, Kanako was never really satisfied.
Beyond the fact that she has always loved her brother dearly, she also owed Keitaro her very own life, after the circumstances that eventually brought her to ShinMei Ryu, 2 years ago.
She shudders remembering everything about the night they spent at the hospital then: The night that Keitaro and his kindness were almost victims of a crazed, almost completely lost Kanako.
The night Keitaro freely offered his own life to save hers! She could still feel the sweet, and yet so bitter taste on her mouth when those memories came forth.
The taste of her young brother's own Blood!
And she remembers all his actions and feelings, his concern over her, and his selflessness when he almost gave his life to prevent her death and damnation that night! The night when she almost spilled his innocent blood and damned herself forever.
But Keitaro through his act saved her, and in so doing bestowed her with the abilities she now possesses.
And even at the very moment she was taking his life, consuming him, feeding on her pray, Keitaro felt no fear, anger or resentment towards his sister. Not even during all the pain and madness they both were going through…Only his concern was clearly emanating from him while completely helpless on her arms.
Her first victim.
Her own brother!
And she was feeling all he was passing through. Every thought…Every emotion…
His immense sadness upon seeing her like that. The pain of being unable to help his sister, but ready to die for her if that was necessary.
The rage!
Not against her, but against the fate of his beloved onee-san.
And his resolution of dying to prevent her death, even knowing what she was becoming. He would not be the one to see her death. Others could do it, not him. No matter what, she was his dear onee-san. Those were his last thoughts before going into oblivion on her arms, his blood running through her death kiss, mixing with his tears of sorrow for her destiny.
It tore through her very soul!
Ripped her apart!
And almost utterly destroyed her.
Ultimately he and his actions saved her from the clutches of the curse she was going through.
They went through it together. He saved her. His act bringing her out of her madness, in time to save them both…And bonding them forever. However, Keitaro mercifully forgot everything from that cursed night.
But Kanako would remember that night forever.
Keitaro was a brave and kind man, despite his fragile looking way. Kanako knew that as no one else. She cared immensely about him, and worried sick about his antics since he departed home, to live his own life. They were connected in a way no one would ever be. Not even a lover! And she would always protect him when possible.
And at moments of joy like now, she could not help but wish to share all that with him. She wanted nothing more than to share happiness with him, after the madness of that night two years ago…
“Red 1 to 4, increase orbital velocity. Virtual targets will appear bellow the present horizon. Now we will commence high-velocity maneuvering.”
“OK!” All warriors say in unison over the commlink.
“At my command…Engage full sensorial merging! Fighting-mode now!” orders the wing-leader.
At this moment, all pilots engage in full merging with their fighters, actually becoming them. All fighters flash in tandem and in the next instant they were flying in their fighting mode. The fighters became all razor and angles around the disc section, deadly looking. Energy weapons primed and kinetic missiles already ready for deployment on their instantly formed pods. The fighters using their very substance to create their weapons. They were dark blue in hue now. The heat created by the transmutation dissipating fast, the flashing being a byproduct of the immense heat created by the nanobots at work.
Kanako as much as knew her status, as if feeling her own body. She sees herself as flying freely in deep space. Impossible as it was, a gentle breeze could be felt on her face. She was aware of all weapons she could deploy.
“Hey Red 1, I can see you!” She says to her right, looking at Antonio seemingly flying in space as herself, just a faint outline of his fighter surrounding him.
“These virtual emulators are astounding!” Says Kato over the comm.
“All Red units. Beware, as maneuvering near a great mass is tricky. Wing-mates are to fly in tandem. Virtual targets will be over us in…Oh!” And the leader stops abruptly.
At this moment, they all feel a sensation of something coming sunward, towards them from above. They should be blinded by the glare, but they felt something coming nonetheless, as their sensors feed them with information.
“Attention all units! Bogeys coming from behind and above us!” The leader says.
Kanako was receiving his sensor-data directly to her conscience. She knew they were matching known Goaul´d fighter scans.
“Incoming ships matching Goaul´d fighters. 8 of them, and coming fast!” The most rear fighter pilot, Tol´Lan, informs.
“Matches my own sensors.” Says Kanako.
“Red 1 to 4, this is not a test anymore!” Tyr'El, over the commlink.
“These are untested birds. I do not want to engage enemy forces if possible. We will break formation and try to avoid contact. Speed up orbital velocity! All fighters, full fighting gear ready!”
They sped up over their present path. But luck was not on their side. Just rising over their visible horizon, they could spot on the surface the outlines of a Goaul´d pyramid base. Stationed at the base, four battle cruisers were docked.
“Damm! All units, this is Red 2. There is a big enemy base under our flight path!” She relays her own sensor-data, sharing the info.
“Break orbit! Break orbit! We fly up and away from Goaul´d wing!” The leader says. All VoidHawks veer sharp up, and speed fast to achieve distance from the asteroid mass, to plot a hyper jump.
“Enemy fighters already spotted us. Speeding up for interception!” Red 3 says, Takeshi, over the commlink.
“Prepare for engagement. When attained hyper jump distance, jump to pre-set coordinates.” Says the leader to all fighters.
The Goaul´d fighters start firing. The VoidHawks shielding holding firm. Rear fighters rotating fast over their path to point their own weapons. Momentum and gravity drive speeding them. Kinetic missiles ready to launch. Plasma cannons and particle weapons firing back to the enemies' direction.
“Gold 2 to 4, fire missiles!” Tyr'El orders. “Red units, continue present flight path. Engage Hyper as soon as possible.”
“Gold 1, we are ready to engage enemy!” Rages Antonio over the link.
“Right you are, but we are flying untested birds. I do not wish to engage enemy fighters with not fully tested fighters. We will try to leave without a fuss…And comeback with reinforcements. The Goaul´d must not have a foothold that near to your home system!”
And Tyr'El thinks: This is a violation of the Asgardian treaty. What are these bastards thinking now? A whole base and four H'Taks!
Kanako follows the exchange, and though she feels like Antonio, they both knew their leader was right. They were here to test these crafts, and not engaging real fighting.
We will come back! Kanako thinks, her enhanced senses absorbing all her surroundings.
But suddenly, she felt strange…Despair and pain washes over her…And suddenly the strong sweet, and yet bitter flavor she hates so much is strong on her mouth! Her eyes grow big and start glinting in a gold hue, pupils becoming thin vertical slits. She drops from full sensorial merging, curling in her cockpit, moaning in pain.
My brother…Kei-chan… “KEITARO! Aaaaaaahrrg!” She yells in despair and pain! Fully aware that something terrible was happening with her brother. And she was light years away from him.
Blurred images ran fast on her consciousness:
…A blondie girl is madly beating her. She feels her right eye on fire…
…A tall, dark haired girl came into her blurred view… A sword came out slashing…Cutting her flesh…She feels her right arm and leg bones cracking…A Ki attack!
…Again the image of a tall, long raven haired woman…The same as before? Not sure. The woman fades out…That image came with so much longing and despair…
Kanako is in deep pain and all the time the cursed taste of blood is on her mouth.
What's happening here…So much pain…Despair…MY BROTHER! Thinks Kanako, sure that something terrible was happening to Keitaro.
NOOOOO!” She yells over the commlink, and starts crying silently, oblivious to her surroundings. Head covered under her arms, trembling.
-Systems into full protection mode. Pilot experiencing physical unexpected alterations. Emergency beacons on.- The AI says.
Her fighter flashes in mid-flight, and becomes a solid sphere, fully protecting the pilot inside, outer hull becoming a dark diamond compound. The AI does not know what is happening, but it sure knows the pilot is with problems and acts as it is instructed to, to save pilot and fighter if possible.
Her flight path becomes erratic, and her fighter starts to loose velocity. The outer surface now lacking the attitude controls and sensors, thus unable to sustain orbit. The asteroid was the size of Earth's Moon, and its gravity was taking its toll.
The half-moon shaped Goaul´d fighters were closing fast in her direction.
Antonio looks at his lower side, where Kanako´s fighter should be. He hears her yell through the commlink, and now he watches as her fighter becomes a solid dark sphere and starts to loose velocity, going down.
“Red 1! Do you hear me? Red 1 what is your status?” Tyr'El asks while watching her fighter lag behind.
Antonio does not think twice.
“Gold 1, Red 1 here. I'm going back to assist my wing mate. Engaging enemy now.” Antonio states calmly, veering his fighter back and down to Kanako´s direction.
"You both are too far behind. We will go back to help you.” Says the leader.
“Red 1, we are going with you!” States Kato.
“We will assist you both!” Adds Gold 3, Tarak.
“No time. We pull out safely, or we don't. Do not come back! I repeat do not come back!” Says Antonio, and goes after his wing-mate, banking his fighter fast!
The leader acknowledges and sees the truth of it. They were already far above Reds 1 and 2. Six enemy fighters were already upon them there. “Good luck, brave ones!” He says over the link. Against six these VoidHawks were able to pull out safely, as they were proving their worth.
And while looking at both fighters and Antonio's one ready to engage bogeys, he notices his sensors. And he sees 20 more fighters coming out of the sighted base, on a mad dash toward Red 1 and 2.
Oh Shit! Thinks Tyr'El, and he starts issuing orders fast.
Kanako…What is happening? Thinks Antonio, priming all his weapons, firing plasma cannons, particle emitters and kinetic missiles at once.
Kanako´s fighter is surrounded by enemy fire, but comes unscathed. Antonio dives fast over the six fighters engaging Kanako. He takes out two fast with his cannons, the missiles barrage he launched before downing two more while he passes over them fast, after their shielding was weakened by the particle beans showering from his fighters. The other two start flying in hot pursuit, away from Kanako´s fighter.
Kanako, at her cockpit, jerk his head up…Her eyes are glowing bright gold. Her face is set on rage.
Rage against whoever was attacking her brother.
And rage against these ones who now where trying to prevent her of going back.
And going after a friend as well.
On the first case she could do little now. But about the present condition. That was another story!
She seats straight on her couch and slaps the neural terminals, which were glowing red. They became electric blue again, and neural linkage was restored.
Kanako´s fighter flashes, and it is again on its fighting-mode. She flies back on her assailants, when four more fighters intercept both her and Antonio.
-Pilot in full flying condition. All systems restored to fighting-mode - Her AI states calmly.
Kanako and Antonio where fast, and going like predators over their assailants.
Veering, dipping, dodging, corkscrewing and looping around. Two against six…
They took whole sixty seconds to clear them all. None is left.
“Kanako, let's move out!” Says Antonio, concerned over his friend.
At this moment, 20 more bogeys are detected coming from the base they spotted before. They had time to get at their position while the catfight was going on. They have no time to evade them.
“Oh, Jeez!” Antonio says to Kanako. “I think that will be way too much, even for these babies.”
Kanako looks in dismay at the fighters coming for them. No…I need to go back! This is not fair! She rages inside, eyes glowing bright gold.
These fighters were good, but not indestructible. They felt a few grazes during the previous engagement. Although the nanobots heal the VoidHawk fast, twenty fighters were way too much.
I may go down…But will carry some with me! Smiles Antonio. A predator smile.
At this time, from above them, sunward, six bright points are coming fast, raining death on the incoming Goaul'd fighters.
“If you think we would loose the party, you are totally wrong!” Kato says over the link.
“No can do, boss! Fun is to be shared!” Takeshi says, sheering while diving with his fighter corkscrewing madly.
“Red and Gold unites, ramming mode. We will slice them while passing!” Orders Tyr'El.
The X frame turn diamond-hard at its tips, the whole frame spinning fast.
The six VoidHawks dive like giant shurikens over the Goaul´d wing, ramming fighters in their wake, and firing their weapons, wrecking havoc over the enemy formation.
They pass over them, reverting fast their dive and swooping back, continuously firing. Relentless on their attack.
The Goaul´d fighters loose their nerve fast, after loosing most of their contingent on the first mad dive of the VoidHawks, and start running. From the 20 initial ones, only four were flying back.
“Hey, it seems they have lost…Both warriors and the nerve to fight.” Kato says over the link.
“Well, for a test-flight, that is a real good result.” Says Tyr'El. “ Are you both ok, Red 1 and 2? Nice piece of flying back there. But 20 at once would be too much even for you two.” He adds, veering his fighter and flying past Antonio and Kanako.
Antonio perceives movement under him, at a distance, and start relaying his sensors to all the others.
“Yeah, I saw that, Red 1. The H'Taks are coming online. It seems they have become annoyed now.” Tyr'El comments.
“Now let's go back. This test was a success after all, and this uncovered base must be reported back.” He adds, giving out their flying vectors, and speeding up, away from the asteroid they were orbiting.
Kanako's and Antonio's fighters move up near each other and speed up to reach the others. Tested on a true battle, and coming out brightly well. They have not tested yet the other fighting-modes, but the space trial was a success.
“After this experience here, I think Neo-san is having a blast testing the ground-fighting mode of these fighters.” Comments Takeshi.
“Yeah, I agree, but I hope she does not have surprises like ours here.” Adds Antonio, and then he looks to Kanako's direction, at his right side.
“Kanako, what the hell happened back there? Your fighter is not working properly?” Asks Antonio, on a secure ship-to-ship channel, popping out a virtual-screen.
“No” Her image still boring rage, slitted eyes glowing gold. “I felt something back there, Antonio. I need to go back home! Fast! Something is happening to my brother! He is being hurt I do not know by whom, or why! I need to go back!” She is disturbed and worried sick. Whatever was happening, her brother was in danger, and in pain.
“Let's fly back, and see what's happening.” Says Antonio, speeding his fighter, followed suit by Kanako.
She yelled a name: Keitaro. Does her brother have the same name as Tsuruko´s new friend? I never asked her brother's name before. This thought brings chills to Antonio. He feels something was about to explode just above their heads.
Antonio knew that Kanako was a mystery sometimes. Focused, serious and secretive. He knows about her abilities, and knew that she should be taken seriously. She may look fragile, but that would be a mortal mistake for anyone going against her.
She was as dangerous as she was beautiful. Nevertheless, an awesome warrior, and a caring woman and friend.
She reminds Tsuruko and Yumiko, though with a darker demeanor.
And he knew, from the times she talked about him, how deeply she cared about her younger brother.
Whoever is going to be facing her…Better start praying! If anything happens with her brother, there will be hell to pay! Thinks Antonio, flying right beside Kanako, looking at her image outlined by her fighter. Concern over his face.
Not even his wife or Tsuruko would be able to stop Kanako.

6 Days in the Past, Back on Earth
Hinata-sou, early morning.
Konno Mitsune went to bed thinking, and due the nature of her thoughts, she had a bad night. Unable to sleep and in no mood for drinking, what startled even herself, she ended up waking-up earlier than usual.
Ow…I am really screwed up today. Not a good sleep and lotsa work to do here. Keitaro, I am really impressed with you. Doing all by yourself everyday, and not a single complain. Thinks the blonde young lady, drinking a glass of milk, even for her own amazement.
And today I'm gonna talk a bit with my dear friend. I may not be a smart woman, but that story from yesterday is really getting to me.
Kitsune frowns at her own thoughts. She usually would never doubt her long time friend. But things were going really weird lately. And Keitaro's leave was making Kitsune review some of the things she sees around her. And her part on them.
Kitsune was growing. She never really took life very seriously, but from sometime now she was starting to rethink her own ways. And with that she was starting to notice what people around her were doing. And some conclusions were not very happy.
I would always support you Naru, but what the heck are you up to now? And why treat Kei the way you did. Granted, I may not be the one to criticize, I do have my own faults to atone for. But dammit girl! If you were already dating someone else, why not tell, and make it clear to him? At this thought, she frowns. …And to me… Kitsune at one point got really interested on Keitaro. But for her friend, she kept away from him. That decision now seemed to have been wrong after all.
Have you had told me you were not really interested in him but as a friend, I would have gone all guns on him…Now it is too late. We passed that a while ago. But we are friends, me and Keitaro, and friends do care for each other.
Kitsune knows that Narusegawa is an early bird, so she goes to her room, for an earlier chitchat about the latest events.
While climbing the stairs to her friend's room, she dreads what may come out of their talk. Have you really done anything under cover over this, I really don't know what I should do…But my mind is racing, and sometimes running into conclusions may prove very sorry at the end. I saw one too many examples of that here with the girls. Kitsune as from this moment on decided that some things need changing, at least on her part. She may like to have fun (who doesn't?) but from now on she would be more careful with people, and she decided to think about consequences as well. A dear friend may have got hurt just because of the abuse exacted upon him so many times, and she was aware of her own part on all that happened on Hinata-sou.
“Hey, Naru! May we chat a little?” Says Kitsune, at Naru's door.
“Sure, come in.”
Kitsune enters Narusegawa's room, and she looks the same carefree girl as always, but her intent was not that carefree.
Kitsune seats by Narusegawa's window, and looks at her friend seating by her kotatsu.
“Naru, I am really happy for you, you know. For a long time you have prepared yourself for Toudai. That exam result was really unexpected to all of us. But at the end everything went all right. But you know what? Keitaro's own result was very sad.”
Narusegawa listens carefully, but inside she was starting to worry. Why bring this up this early? And why talk about Keitaro? I said only mine was found mistaken…
“Now, what bugs me is, you and Keitaro have studied together for a long time. And you saw the results together. So how come only yours has come out mistaken. Is it not possible that they have done the same with his tests? That would be so nice! I really wanted to see you both entering Toudai!” Kitsune says with an eager face.
“Kitsune, my boyfriend contacted me telling about the mistake. And he said only mine was incorrectly verified. I asked about other tests. I didn't say anything about names. I didn't wish to force upon our relationship, being him a professor at Toudai. He said no other tests came out faulty. So I left the issue. Thing is, I made it, and he doesn't. And being him the issue, it is not that difficult to understand, giving his own past history at Toudai.”
Narusegawa explains all that without a hint of remorse or second thought. Something left her inner self last night. The last of the little girl Keitaro knew was swept away and erased beyond recovery. The grown up Narusegawa Naru has come to stay. She could learn differently in time but the Promised Girl was no more. Part of a past not to be recovered anymore.
And she was aware that this conversation, if going on, could bring trouble. Why MY friend asks about this? She should be happy for me, and not thinking about KEITARO!
“Now Kitsune, it's early. I think breakfast will delay a bit, so I will go take a bath and after that I will go have something to eat. We do have the dorm to tend, thanks to the absence of The Manager.” She says, the last bit a little annoyed.
“Naru…Keitaro has been our friend for over a year now. He did his best to keep this place running, and I see how difficult it may be. One day and I am spent. But of all here, I thought you would be the most affected by his failure. You were always together. I really thought you were going to get even closer.” Kitsune races her speech. She never really dealt with this subject seriously with Narusegawa, and now, she wanted to blurt it out. “You know, I thought you would try to see if he could not have been victim of the same mistake. At least really try. You knew how important that was for him.” Her voice was sad now.
“What you wanted me to do? Ask my boyfriend to shuffle things to see into that? Would that be fair? Taking advantage like this? And in the end, Keitaro wanted to enter Toudai to meet the Promised Girl. But you know what, after our talk I think that drive was not really present anymore. Maybe it is better for him to not get there. He needs to get over this Promise thing!" Narusegawa's voice was raising now, her temper flaring. Dammit Kitsune! Are you my friend or not? She thinks, angering with the present conversation.
What is happening here? Thinks Kitsune, concern starting to creep into her heart.
“Naru, your boyfriend, … what's his name? Could he have done something to favor you without your knowledge? Has he that kind of access on Toudai?”
That question snaps Narusegawa, and she went into rage-mode instantly. “What are you implying here, Konno Mitsune? That MY BOYFRIEND would need to do anything illegal for me to enter Toudai. Is that what you think of HIM? And of ME? You really think I need this kind of subterfuge to enter Toudai?” Narusegawa is yelling now, rage consuming her, for more than real outrage. She is actually enraged by the fact that Kitsune came so near the real truth. And that she had actually failed.
“I got it, Keitaro did not! That Baka knows nothing more than his basics, and is good to tend this dorm only! I tried to help him, and it almost drove me to loose my chance at Toudai. I really DON'T CARE ABOUT HIM! And he went away, did he not? For failing one more time…and after seeing that he NEEDS TO GROW UP and forget childish promises and ways. If he was a real man, he should have left ages ago, after the very first month here!” Narusegawa is fuming, looking at Kitsune.
“Is that what you really think?” Asks Kitsune, piercing Narusegawa.
“I thought you were my friend! Now this…What is it that you want? If you care so much about the Baka, you should have claimed him for yourself. Maybe you could have made him see things more clearly. I know I have not!” Naru stands up from her couch, and moves to the door hastily.
“You know Naru…I once almost went after him. But as I really thought you were interested in him, and I could see he was beginning to notice you, I just backed up. Though he was one of the few guys that I knew who would treat me like a real girl, and not some slab of meat…But I let him go, for you!” She was saving this for much too long. And she was tired of Naru's attitude.
Narusegawa opens her eyes wide at this confession.
She stands up, and moves to the door, eyes open this time. “I consider you a true friend, and I am really worried about what you may be doing. Though you may not see it that way. Me and Keitaro, we are past this story already. The moment is over. But I still care about him. I may be at fault but I will try to make up for my acts when I have the chance to talk to him. I think it s really time to leave childish manners behind…And I don't think he is to blame for being childish…This much I know.” She passes by Naru, looking ahead.
“Try to think, Naru. I just ask you this. Not to leave your boyfriend and go after Keitaro. Not meddling at Toudai to help a friend. Not to abuse of anyone. Just try to think about how actions may define a person. I will be there if you need a friend. Just try to not go over boundaries that may bring your own sadness”. Kitsune leaves the room. “I'll see you at breakfast, Naru-chan.”
Narusegawa still fumming closes the door. Who does she think she is? If she was a real friend, she would be happy for me, and not go asking questions about anyone else!
She has never seen Kitsune so serious. And that revelation came unexpected. She always thought her flirts with Keitaro as jokes, and nothing else.
I do not know what is happening, but my friend is changing. Oh Naru-chan, I just hope you are really ok. You seem so different. But so am I…We change over time. I just hope you do not loose yourself in the process. Kitsune thinks, worried about Narusegawa. I need to talk with someone, someone with a bit more experience than me. And that I will do! Kitsune goes to her room take her bathing tools, a worried face upon her beautiful countenance, and some decisions already set on her mind.
Shinobu, awakened by the early disturbance, was already working on breakfast when Kitsune entered the kitchen. “Ohayo Kitsune-sempai.” Says Shinobu to a pensative Kitsune. “Oh, ohayo Shinobu-chan. Woke up earlier today? Sorry if that was because of my chat with Naru.” Apologetically looking at the young girl.
“N-no, it's ok. I do like to wake-up earlier to prepare breakfast. I know you all will be working hard today, so I wanted to do some reinforced meal.”
“Ohayo Motoko-chan!” Looks Kitsune to Motoko, entering the Kitchen, looking smart, and a bit worried.
“Kitsune, I see you are starting to wake up earlier as well.” Says Motoko, a look of inquiring over her face while looking at Kitsune.
“Well, people change. I'm changing. Think that will be good for me.” Says the Fox, smiling at Motoko.
“Hello Minna-san! Shinobu, bananas?” Asks Kaolla, bouncing to greet the ones already in the kitchen.
“Ok, now everyone to the table, ok. I will take the breakfast to you there.”
Narusegawa was the last to enter. She seats quietly, just observing her surroundings, like a haunted person.
“Are you all right, Naru-sempai?” Asks Motoko, noticing Naru's demeanor.
“Yeah. Just a bit of insomnia this night.” Says Naru.
“Shinobu, will Keitaro come back soon? I hope he is not mad at me.” Says Kaolla. She was a bit sad. She was missing Keitaro.
“I don't know, Kaolla. But I hope he is ok.” Says Shinobu.
“The Kanrinnin should be back soon to his duties, but maybe a time out will be necessary after the Toudai exams.” Says Motoko, still thinking about what Haruka told them all the night Keitaro left.
“The baka should stop whining and get back here, so we can resume our normal lives!” Growls Narusegawa, drinking some tea.
They all listen to Kitsune landing her right hand over the table, startling everyone.
“Narusegawa! I think that is enough! Keitaro is not here now, and has done nothing to you. Whatever you think about him, try and keep that to yourself!” Says an annoyed-looking Kitsune.
That took everyone by surprise. Shinobu though looks grateful to Kitsune.
“If you care so much, why don't you go after him!” Says Narusegawa, clenching her teeth.
“Should I do that, would be if I knew he was in trouble. As things are now, I think the man needs some breathing space, Naru-chan.” Replies Kitsune.That is it Naru. There is a time when we need to choose some positions. I think I am choosing mine. Thinks Kitsune.
Motoko feels lost here. Her two friends were having a discussion, basically over a MAN. And that man happens to be Urashima Keitaro.
“Urashima disrupts this house even being absent.” Comments her, mostly to herself.
“You know Motoko, we should learn to be more perceiving of things here. Disruptions are happening because he is out, and due the way he left.” Says Kitsune, glaring at Motoko.
“I do not know what is happening here, but I am sure getting tired of this. I will start my duties.” Sighs Narusegawa, standing up, and leaving the table. She turns back to Kitsune. “I hope you know what you are doing, my friend.” She says, before leaving .
I hope the same about you, Naru-chan. Thinks Kitsune calmly staring at Narusegawa.
All girls got uneasy with the sudden exchange, and finish their meal in silence.
Urashima, this is all your fault! Thinks Motoko, fast on finding fault in Keitaro.
“Shinobu, will Keitaro be away for much time?” Asks Kaolla to Shinobu, out of nowhere on their way to school.
“I really don't know, Kaolla. I hope not.”
“Did I do anything wrong to him? That's why he left?” She asks, tentatively.
“No, no. Don't think that. He needed some resting. That is it. Too many things happening at the same time you know.”
“Like what?”
“Toudai exams, tending the dorm. The likes…”
“Hey, when he comes back, we will help him! We are already doing work! This way he will not get so tired, and will stay with us!” Says Kaolla Su, with a big smile.
“Yeah, we will. Sempai will be happy with us!”
“Then maybe he will study better, and Naru will stop being mad at him. She's always mad at him.” Kaolla adds, looking up.
“Uhuh.” Answers Shinobu. Naru-sempai is always mad at him, and calling him names. I thought they were going to be together…But she seems to really dislike him. Why? Why can't I be on her place? Sempai seemed to stand all that because he liked her…Oh sempai, I really wish you to be well. Thinks Shinobu, still disturbed by the circumstances at the breakfast table.
But Haruka said she would be going to Toudai to see the possibility of sempai's test being incorrectly verified as well. I will talk to her as soon as she gets back! She thinks, smiling at the opportunity of helping out her dear sempai.
“What are you smiling at? Anything good to eat?” Asks Kaolla, looking to Shinobu.
“No, just remembering something. Now lets hurry up, or we will miss classes!” She says, running up to their school.
Haruka wakes up early that day, set up her own things and left for Toudai.
Thanks little Shinobu. I will see into this, and if Keitaro has a chance on being approved, I will hunt him down, wherever he is now.
Haruka gets on the train to Tokyo thinking over the latest events, about the present circumstances that are taking her to Toudai.
Although she is suspicious about the whole thing, she would not jump to conclusions. She would check things out before taking conclusions here.
She reads a newspaper while the train takes her to Tokyo, and to Toudai.

Kyoto, early that morining:
Keitaro went to sleep late last night, still excited about his night. He read a bit, and the last thing he thought about was the request Tsu-chan made. He would do his best drawing ever!
But he had a restless night. After relaxing, and musing about his luck of finding so interesting new friends, he also remembered his old friends…And not so pleasant times of late.
By the morning, we found Keitaro restlessly moving while sleeping

“Keitaro! Keitaro can you her us!” He hears, while feeling a huge pressure putting him down.
“You can listen to your friends…And that is no good for anyone! You useless wimp. You are nothing but a total lump of useless meat!” He hears from somewhere in front of him, and he looks to his front. He is on a huge metallic room. There is a big chair in front of him, flanked by spiked metal forms. He remember this room from somewhere.
"Keitaro, don't listen! You are important to us, and our friend! KIAHHH!” He looks up to see Shinobus's face. But she is with long hair and using a Tiara. She seems inside a spacecraft cockpit, in agony, but still gently looking at him.
“You can listen, and do nothing. You are pathetic!” He can see the form on the chair. Narusegawa seats looking at him, a mocking expression on her face.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He yells. The pressure increases. He can feel his muscles giving out. This was hurting a lot!
“Nothing. Just exacting justice over you. You have no right of running away, of doing anything but your job at Hinata-sou! I will punish you for disturbing me as well! What do you think you are doing now? I will take you back!”
NO! I will not go, not now…I once loved you, why are you doing this?”
Another screen pops up above him. He can see Kitsune, wearing a red dress, also on a spacecraft cockpit, and also in distress.
“Keitaro, don't yield. You are better than this…Much better AAARRGHHH!” She yells, while the form of Narusegawa laughs.
“You may listen to their rant, but now you are under MY CONTROL, and you will do as I say!”
“No, you are wrong! I may have been under a childish illusion for a long time, but not anymore! It may hurt like hell, but I am over you, OVER!” Keitaro yells, trying to stand up under the terrible weight he feels oppressing him, tears blurring his vision.
“And what makes you so sure, looser! I'm stronger than you, smarter than you and I have lots of friends! What have you? A pitiful promise from the past? Dreams? What good are they to you now, huh? You will yield, and go back!” The form laughs madly.
Another screen pops up, and this time he sees Tsuruko, like in the drawing he made of her before.
This is Vandread: Second Stage last ep…But different. And why Shinobu is Dita, and Kitsune is Jura?Aaaarrghh, but this feels terrible. It hurts! Thinks Keitaro in his dream…Or nightmare.
On his nightmare, he hears Tsuruko's voice as well.
“Kei-kun! Do not yield. You know your true value. And you also know that you are able to overcome anything that comes to you! Your perseverance alone is proof of that!” And Tsuruko image, as Meia, smiles warmly at him, while struggling to release her craft. “And be sure of one thing: Your true friends will be always by your side!”
“And I will be there as well, along with you Always remember that!” Her eyes firmly looking to Keitaro.
Keitaro feels a surge of power come to him. And he stands up, facing the image of Narusegawa. “I may have deceived myself for a long time. But it's never too late to stop, rethink and restart. I am over you. And though I do not regret being true to myself and my promise, the one I knew from the past is no more. You do not have hold of me anymore. And I will stand my ground, and fight for myself!” He shouts at Narusegawa.
“You think you won? That remains to be seen, you perverted baka! You think someone like her would be by your side?” And points to Tsuruko's image. “We shall see!” And she laughs in an evil way.
Everything flashes around him. The last thing he sees is Tsuruko's image, surrounded by fire.
“Don't worry, Kei-kun. At the end everything will be fine. And I will be there! Trust me, and trust on yourself!” And she flashes away. He feels fire around him, and yells in pain.
The pressure increases.

Keitaro wakes up drenched, and he can feel tears o his eyes.
Wow, what was that? That was intense. He thinks, standing from the bed, panting heavily.
Narusegawa, even in my dreams you are plaguing me…What have I done to you? I just loved you, just loved you…so much. He cleared his stained eyes with his hands, and looks at them, sadness upon him.
Keitaro's mood after his dream dropped. But one thing brought a little solace now, the memory of Tsuruko on his dream. That may have been only a dream, but it was nice to see her anyway.
But Narusegawa's last words on his nightmare were running on his head:
Do you really think someone like HER would be by your side? …
He looks at the clock by the bed, eyes bloodshot and stained in tears.
8:30am? Ugh…Early. But I have no mood to stay in bed. Will take a bath and eat breakfast. I have time till 01:30pm. Will make good use of it! He thinks, and goes to bath, and to start his day.
I will NOT let a dream ruim my day. As it is now, I already let dreams rule too much of my life! Thinks Keitaro, looking at his image reflected in the mirror, in the bathroom.

ShinMei Ryu - Early Morning:
Tsuruko woke up really energetic, having slept fitfully. And after beating Yumiko on their daily match, they both eat breakfast at the ShinMei Ryu mess hall. Antonio is with them as well.
“Hum, Tsu-chan seems still very energetic, even having slept so little.” Says Antonio.
Yumiko, seating between Tsuruko and Antonio, agrees with him.
“Yes. And she was very keen today again. I need to practice more. The practicing I am having lately will not help me with the sword…” She adds, a bit to herself, eyes lost for a moment, her index finger over her lips… eyes looking to nothing, dreaming.
“Hey, don't blame me upon that ok?” Says Antonio, defensively, sweat dropping.
“Practicing with a staff is not the same as with a sword, my dear. And the staff is your specialty.” Says Yumiko to Antonio, on a low voice.
“Yumiko!” Antonio sweats, blushing at her comment.
“What? What have I said? But that is your preferred weapon on hand-combat. You silly.” Says Yumiko innocently.
“Fu fu fu…You both are unredeemable. But I like that. And yes, I am really feeling well. After some wandering through the Dojo this morning, I expect to be able to have more time to enjoy myself.” Ads Tsuruko, right hand over her mouth, smiling.
“Yeah, sure. As we talked yesterday, everything is fine. I have some reports to see before handling them to you, but nothing we can't do while at the Dojo. And you deserve some free time.” Says Yumiko. “Besides, Antonio can help me with matters here. Enjoy the opportunity. I may feel less compliant after too many losses at your hands, sister dear.” Laughs Yumiko. She is happy to see Tsuruko in this mood, after some time now of seeing her really down.
“So I may be forced to ask Thony to increase his trainings with you!” Adds Tsuruko, deviously looking to Antonio, who innocently carries on eating his breakfast.
“That will be my pleasure, my dear sister-in-law” He adds, behind a glass of tea, looking to Yumiko.
Yumiko turns just a bit red, and looks half-eyed to Antonio.
“Hey, after all our little time together was worth it, huh Tsu-chan?” Says Antonio, really happy, changing the subject fast.
“Yeah, we need to repeat that more. And I hope Kei-kun will be with us as well.” She adds.
“If depending on you, I'm sure he will.” Says Antonio, while chewing his fish.
Yumiko just nods, smiling broadly.
Tsuruko feels excited about her afternoon meeting with her new young friend. And she is also feeling really happy inside.
I think I will have a really interesting day! Thinks Tsuruko, eating her breakfast, smile on her face.
They ate their meal with light talk, and an overall happy mood, before going through their daily routines, accompanied by Antonio this morning.
And the whole time Tsuruko was really excited about her upcoming afternoon.