Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ One week ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own love Hina so don't sue me or kill me. Warning major lemon so if you think it's bad for you please read no further.
This story does not follow the manga series and it's time frame is when Keitaro is in Toudai doing his second year. His relation with Naru is going down hill.
(Everything will be in Keitaro's point of view unless stated.)
Day 3b
Keitaro manages to get up kissing Haruka who was under him.
“Oh Keitaro…” Haruka moans holding on to his head. Keitaro looks at the clock and turns to Haruka. “Why don't we go out tonight.” Keitaro suggests.
“Mmmm that sounds nice what do you plan to do??” Haruka asks as she sat up and starts to put on her clothes.
“Maybe dinner, a movie and coming back home and make wild love to you again.” Keitaro said teasingly.
“You know how to show a girl a good time.” Haruka said as she gets up and gives Keitaro a kiss.
“I'll go get cleaned up and be back in a while all right.” Keitaro said as he gets up and wears his clothes and ran out of the kitchen.
Haruka shakes her head and slowly walks back to her room above the café.
Back at the Hina inn, “Hello is this Le Masion? Yes I would like to make a reservation for two at about.." Keitaro looks at his watch it was almost six.
“7 this evening. Yes. My name is Keitaro Urashima. Yes thank you.” Keitaro hangs up the phone and bounds for the baths to get cleaned up humming a happy tune.
Keitaro gets dressed and walks out of the inn locking the door behind him.
As he made his way down to the café, he did not notice the phone ringing.
“Hmmmm what the heck is that pervert doing!!” Naru mutters as she taps her toe on the floor waiting for someone to pick up the phone. Motoko, Shinobu, Su, Sara and Mitsune were at the airport in Okinawa.
She was calling to say that they were going home earlier cutting short their vacation because there was a typhoon alert.
Naru gives up and slams the phone down.
“No ones around!!” She said as she stomps off to take a seat. Mitsune was sitting in a corner nursing a drink.
“May be he's went out on a date.” Mitsune said teasing Naru.
“Well he better be at home when we get back and not going around chasing girls when we are not around.” Naru said angrily.
“Achooo….”Keitaro rubs his nose.
`Hmmmm someone must be talking about me or I must be coming down with something…' Keitaro shakes his head and walks towards the café.
He had booked a cab to come fetch them in a few minutes not wanting to be late he tries the front door but finds the front door locked so he heads to the back and goes in.
He walks up to Haruka's room and opens the door.
“Keitaro!! Can't you knock before coming in!!” Haruka shouts as she ducks behind a cupboard. “Whoops sorry!!” Keitaro scrambles out and shuts the door.
As he slams the door shut he realised something.
`Hey I've seen her naked why is she angry at me like that??' he shrugs his shoulders and waits for her to finish.
After a few minutes Haruka steps out of her room.
“So how do I look?” Haruka asks as she does a twirl to show off her dress.
Keitaro mouth was hanging open at the sight of the dress hugging Haruka's body.
It was a black Chinese dress.
It shows off her back and in the front had a tasteful view of her breasts and there was a long slit at the side going all the way up to her thighs.
“So do I look good in this?” Haruka asks again as she stops to see why Keitaro was not answering her. On see his reaction, “I take that as a yes.” She smiles as she takes Keitaro's arm and the two went down and to the waiting taxi.
A few minutes later they arrived at a very posh restaurant. Keitaro helps Haruka out of the cab and to the restaurant.
“Ooo, what a nice restaurant.” Haruka coos as she holds Keitaro's arm.
“Oh hehehe I worked here once so….” Keitaro said as he escorts Haruka to the door.
“Ah, Mr Urashima welcome back. Let me show you to your table.” He said as he waves over a waiter. As they walk towards their table many eyes were on them. It left several guys gawking and several angry girlfriends and wives.
A few minutes later the two were seated down. Haruka was giggling as they sat down.
“What??” Keitaro asks.
Haruka shakes her head
“Still no answer!! Where is that idiot!!” Naru slams the phone down.
“Hey don't burst a blood vessel.” Mitsune said as she finishes off her drink.
“He must be asleep or something.” Shinobu said trying to protect her sempai.
“He better be home when we arrive!!!” Naru said as they wait for the announcement for their flight.
After the dinner Keitaro and Haruka takes a walk at the park close by the restaurant.
They walk to a bench and take a seat watching the sky together.
Haruka sighs as she leans her head on his shoulder contented just to stay there.
Keitaro puts his arm around her hugging her closer to him.
Keitaro's POV.
This is incredible she looks so beautiful.
The dress she is wearing one word describes it `Wow'.
I feel so at ease around her, she makes me feel needed and so different.
She must be the one for me.
I am so certain about it.
I love her so much.
I'm going to ask her to marry me.
I don't care if she is older or my aunt I love her.
Haraku's POV.
Mmmmmmm. I wish I could stay like this forever.
He's so loving, so sweet.
How could I been so blind?
If this is a dream I don't want to wake up.
I love him so much.
They sat at the bench for an hour watching the stars twinkle in the sky.
“Keitaro.” Haruka whispers.
“Yes Haruka?” Keitaro asks as he nuzzles the top of her head.
“Can we go home. It's getting a bit cold.” Haruka said shivering.
“Sure let's go I know something we could do to make ourselves warm.” Keitaro said cheekily.
“Oh is that so.” Haruka said smiling holding on to his arm tighter.
They took a walk to the inn in silence holding on to each other.
“Did you have a nice time.” Keitaro asks as he held her.
“Oh it was a nice.” Haruka said smiling.
Suddenly a shadow comes out from no where.
“This is a stick up gimme all your money!” the thug points a knife at them.
“Hey take it easy. Here take it just don't hurt us.” Keitaro said as he hands over his wallet.
“Mmmm. Hey sweet stuff why don't you let me show you a good time?” the thug said as pulls Haruka from Keitaro's side.
“Don't touch her!!” Keitaro said angrily as he rushes him.
The thug was taken by surprise he pushes Haruka at Keitaro and takes off.
He grabs Haruka before she falls to the ground.
“Oh Keitaro!!” Haruka starts to cry in his arms.
“Shhh everything's going to be all right” Keitaro said trying to calm her down.
“Here let me carry you.” Keitaro said as he carries her in his arms and continues on his way.
At the airport, “Finally we are back.” Naru said as she dumps her bags on the ground.
“I'll go call him again!” Naru stalks off to the phone booth.
“What's with that girl??” Mitsune asks shaking her head.
“I don't know she's been like that since we got to Hokkaido and back.” Shinobu said.
“Hmmm… if that pervert is doing something to hurt her I'll make him pay.” Motoko said as she takes out her sword.
“Hey I'll help you.” Sara said excitedly.
“Me too me too.” Su said jumping around with Sara.
Mitsune shakes her head as she walks over to the dispenser to get another drink.
As they arrive at the inn, Haruka holds on to Keitaro not wanting to let go.
The phone was ring and he wanted to pick it up but as he reaches for the phone.
Haruka kisses him making him drop the phone.
Keitaro grabs her and starts to kiss her back.
“Oh Keitaro.” Haruka said as the two broke off the kiss.
“…” Keitaro looks into her eyes. And kisses away the tears.
“I was so afraid.” Haruka said shaking.
“Everything's all right Haruka I'm here.” Keitaro said as he holds her.
“Yes everything is all right because of you.” Haruka said as she kisses him again.
“Oh Keitaro.”
“Damn it he took off the phone he is so dead!!” Naru said fuming mad.
“Come on girls lets get home quick so that I can pound him!!” Naru said as she grabs her bag.
The others follow close behind.
Haruka's POV
Oh god I was so afraid.
If Keitaro had not stopped him he could have….
I shudder at the though as I hold him.
Oh if anything had happened to him I would have died. I start to cry.
I feel soft kisses as he kisses away my tears from my eyes.
I love him so much, he make me feel so safe and happy like he always do.
Keitaro leads Haruka towards the stairs.
“You want me to carry you up??” Keitaro asks.
Haruka nods her head.
Keitaro smiles as he carries her in his arms.
“I feel like I am bring you home after our wedding.” Keitaro said jokingly as he carries Haruka to his room.
Haruka smile and gives him a kiss.
“I would be happy to be your bride.” Haruka answers softly.
Keitaro stops at his door in surprise.
“You mean that??” Keitaro asks looking at her.
“Yes I do.” Haruka said blushing.
“Haruka…” Keitaro opens his door with his leg and slams it shut.
He carries Haruka over to his futon and carefully lays her down.
Haruka stand and slowly starts to unbutton her dress.
“No let me.” Keitaro said as he starts to slowly take off the buttons.
Kissing her as each button comes free.
Finally the dress drops to the floor.
“Did I tell you that you are so beautiful.” Keitaro said as he stares at Haruka's body.
She was wearing only a garter belt and a g-string.
Keitaro watches her as she steps out of her dress.
Haruka smiles as she walks over to Keitaro and starts to pull off his clothes.
Keitaro gasps as her fingers dances around his body.
They kiss and slowly lowering to futon.
Keitaro pulls away and starts to give her butterfly kisses starting from her head slowly making his way downward.
He arrives at her breasts.
He could see them quiver as Haruka breathe.
Keitaro sighs as he slowly starts to suck on a nipple.
Haruka lets out a loud moan as Keitaro's tongue starts to swirl around her nipple making it hard.
Haruka gasps as he starts to nibble on it.
“You are making me so wet.” Haruka whispers into his ear.
“I know.” Keitaro said as he slips a finger into her now wet pussy.
Haruka pushes herself on to his finger.
“Keitaro don't tease me.” Haruka whimpers enjoying what Keitaro was doing to her.
“Don't worry dear I know what you want.” Keitaro said as he pushes her down onto the futons.
“But first.” Keitaro smiles as he pushes Haruka's legs apart.
Kissing slowly downward reaching her pussy.
Slowly he licks savouring her juices.
Haruka whimpers in frustration as Keitaro licks around her pussy. Keitaro smiles as he spreads open Haruka's pussy and let his tongue slowly slide into her wet pussy.
“OH!” Haruka moans.
“YES! YES!” She moans as Keitaro's tongue explores her pussy.
Outside the airport the girls were having a hard time to get a taxi.
After 30 minutes of waiting they were finally on a taxi toward the Hina inn.
Naru was fuming as she sat in the taxi.
“I'm going to kill him when I get home!!” Naru mutters.
Mitsune shrugs her shoulders as Motoko and Shinobu looks at her.
Sara and Su were in another taxi following behind.
“Oh Haraku ….” Keitaro moans as he slowly eases his hard manhood into her.
“Make love to me Keitaro! Fuck me hard…” Haruka moans as he slips his whole manhood into her wet hot pussy.
“You are so wet…” Keitaro moans as he starts to slip in and out of her.
“Ah yes that's it.” Haruka moans as she holds on to him around his waist with her legs bucking in rhythm with Keitaro's thrusts into her.
Keitaro's hands caresses her breasts kneading them as he thrusts into her.
“Oh yes Keitaro that's it don't stop.” Haruka moans loudly as she could feel herself slowly going insane with pleasure. Suddenly Keitaro stops and pulls her legs away from his waist.
“What are you doing??!!” Haruka asks angrily as she was almost coming.
“I want to have you from behind.” Keitaro said as he helps Haruka to turn over and pulls her ass up into the air.
“Come now Haruka lift bring it up a bit higher.” Keitaro said as he teasing her.
“Stop teasing me this is so embarrassing Keitaro!” Haruka sniffles. Keitaro smiles as he pats Haruka's shapely ass.
Slowly he places the tip of his manhood at the mouth of her now dripping pussy.
“Hmmm I wonder if I shouldn't do this??” Keitaro asks teasingly.
“No please no.” Haruka pleads. Keitaro smile suddenly slamming his whole length of his manhood into her.
“Ahhhhhh yes yes.” Haruka moans as Keitaro resumes thrusting into her.
Naru and the girls arrive at the foot of the staircase leading to the Hina inn.
“Hey look Haruka's café is close.” Mitsune said as she walks over peering into the dark café.
“Like I care what she does.” Naru said as she rushes up the stairs towards the inn.
She reaches the door the girls trailing behind her.
“He's at home and there is a pair of girl's shoes here!!!” Naru said pointing at the pair of nice high heels.
“Hey take it easy Naru or you are going to blow a vein.” Mitsune said shaking her head and dumping her bags to the floor.
“They are probably making out in his room or the springs!! I'm going to kill him!! Why that no good two timing bastard.” Naru mutters as she stomps to Keitaro's room.
“I'll come with you.” Motoko said as she draws her sword following behind Naru.
Just then Su and Sara arrive “So is Naru going to hurt that dummy??” Sara said smiling evilly.
“What's making out??” Su asks. “Can it be eaten??”
Mitsune face faults on to the floor.
“No you dummy!!” Mitsune said as she gets up
“I'm sure sempi is not doing any thing inappropriate.” Shinobu said almost in tears as she follows behind.
“What's the worst can he do?? Kissing??” Mitsune said as she too follows behind.
“I'm going to come.” Haruka moans out.
“Me too come with me Haruka.” Keitaro grunts as he thrusts harder and faster into Haruka. “Ahhhhhh.” Keitaro shouts as his seed spews out and into Haruka's hot wet clenching pussy.
“Oh god that was so good.” Haruka said as she falls on to the futon tired and out of breath.
Keitaro pulls out from her and lies beside her smiling contentedly.
He leans over and kisses her and whispers.
“I love you Haruka.” Keitaro said as he pulls his pants over to him.
He rummages through his pockets.
A minute later he takes out from his pocket a small box.
He opens it then shows it to Haruka.
“…….” Haruka was speechless.
It was a diamond wedding ring.
“The past two days I have thought this through and you are the one for me. Why didn't I see this sooner? ” Keitaro said as he takes out the ring and slips it onto Haruka's finger.
“Oh Keitaro!” she hugs him tears falling from her eyes.
The girls were out side Keitaro's room and they all heard the last part of their lovemaking.
“Oh god…” Mitsune was stunned. Shinobu was in tears.
“What's going on??” Su asks as she tries to comfort Shinobu.
“Huh what the hell are they doing??” Sara asks scratching her head.
“Why that no good slut stole my boyfriend!!” Naru shook with anger.
“……..” Motoko looks at Naru. Naru grabs the door and pulls it open.
“I'm going to kill them!!” Naru screams as she grabs Motoko's sword and slashes at them screaming.
“What the hell??” Keitaro looks up and sees Naru swing the sword at them.
Keitaro spring up and manages to grab on to the sword before it could cut Haruka.
Keitaro slams his fist into Naru's gut sending her into the wall.
“No one is going to hurt her.” Keitaro said as he walks over to the door.
He stands there with his hand bleeding.
Haruka scrambles over with part of the blanket to stop the bleeding.
“I want her out of here.” Keitaro said angrily and slams the door shut.
The girls all stood there in shock.
“What the hell just happen??” Mitsune asks in shock.
Sorry people for the delay I had a lot to do in my new job. I will try to get the rest of the chapters out a soon as I can. I know the story is a little rush but not to worry this story will still last the 7 days.