Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ One who walks the earth ❯ the earth as it was 5 minutes ago ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
disclaimer: read and watch Love Hina, anything not mentioned is mine! mine and only mine! unless Ken Akamatsu-dono wants to continue Love Hina, in that case there will be talking.
(a/n) gomenasai I should have updated my other fic first, but this one was collecting dust form 2 years ago.... I'm just converting from cursive to type here, nothing new. as another note, this is only 1 chapter long so I'll continue it in a while.
"URASHIMA!!" Motoko's roar echoed around Hinata Sou. Keitaro, not even knowing what he did this time, popped up the loose tatami in his room and hid in the small hole underneath it. He could feel Motoko speeding around his room looking for him obviously brandishing her sword like a madman. "WHERE ARE YOU! YOU LITTLE PANTY THIEF!" she thundered, waking up the other residents that had somehow managed to sleep until now. Kitsune poked her head out, more then slightly groggy from a full night of drinking. at this current point of time, Keitaro was busy shitting himself in his safe place, but as his luck would have it, Motoko happened to smell it. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Keitaro kicked out his panel and ran for the door, but Motoko read his movement and mad a fast jab for his throat. Naturally, there are some things one can compensate for in sword fighting: weight, skill, weapons, the environment.... but somehow getting tackled by a 70 kilogram woman is something that can throw just about anybody's aim off. Motoko naturally was enraged that she had not killed her target bellowed out "WHAT ARE YOU...." but was cut off by Kitsune tightening her grip on motoko's legs. "I put your underwear in with mine last night, Keitaro had nothing to do with it!" The mystery had been solved and motoko was starting to calm back down when she felt something warm on her fingertips. Looking up was not a pretty sight, Keitaro was splayed out in front of them with Motoko's sword sticking right through his heart. Fortunately for Keitaro, he was dead before the bulk of the pain would have hit, but being dead also kinda sucks. Two unusual things happened at that exact second:the grim reaper's cell phone rang, but he happened to have left it on the towel while swimming in the ocean, and the a very large lightbulb popped up above Motoko's head. Instead of pulling the sword out, she channeled as much ki as she could muster through her sword and into his heart. This had exactly half the effect she was hoping for: Keitaro's eyes snapped open and he hovered about a meter above the ground and started to glow a bright blue. Keitaro's mouth opened and he uttered a single word: "Samurai" at that, a massive wave of blue energy flew out and knocked out everybody in the prefecture.
Looking up from her dojo in Kyoto, Tsuroko looked at the second sun and stated simply: "It has begun."
(a/n) this was a page, so gomenasai for how short it seems on ff.
(a/n) gomenasai I should have updated my other fic first, but this one was collecting dust form 2 years ago.... I'm just converting from cursive to type here, nothing new. as another note, this is only 1 chapter long so I'll continue it in a while.
"URASHIMA!!" Motoko's roar echoed around Hinata Sou. Keitaro, not even knowing what he did this time, popped up the loose tatami in his room and hid in the small hole underneath it. He could feel Motoko speeding around his room looking for him obviously brandishing her sword like a madman. "WHERE ARE YOU! YOU LITTLE PANTY THIEF!" she thundered, waking up the other residents that had somehow managed to sleep until now. Kitsune poked her head out, more then slightly groggy from a full night of drinking. at this current point of time, Keitaro was busy shitting himself in his safe place, but as his luck would have it, Motoko happened to smell it. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Keitaro kicked out his panel and ran for the door, but Motoko read his movement and mad a fast jab for his throat. Naturally, there are some things one can compensate for in sword fighting: weight, skill, weapons, the environment.... but somehow getting tackled by a 70 kilogram woman is something that can throw just about anybody's aim off. Motoko naturally was enraged that she had not killed her target bellowed out "WHAT ARE YOU...." but was cut off by Kitsune tightening her grip on motoko's legs. "I put your underwear in with mine last night, Keitaro had nothing to do with it!" The mystery had been solved and motoko was starting to calm back down when she felt something warm on her fingertips. Looking up was not a pretty sight, Keitaro was splayed out in front of them with Motoko's sword sticking right through his heart. Fortunately for Keitaro, he was dead before the bulk of the pain would have hit, but being dead also kinda sucks. Two unusual things happened at that exact second:the grim reaper's cell phone rang, but he happened to have left it on the towel while swimming in the ocean, and the a very large lightbulb popped up above Motoko's head. Instead of pulling the sword out, she channeled as much ki as she could muster through her sword and into his heart. This had exactly half the effect she was hoping for: Keitaro's eyes snapped open and he hovered about a meter above the ground and started to glow a bright blue. Keitaro's mouth opened and he uttered a single word: "Samurai" at that, a massive wave of blue energy flew out and knocked out everybody in the prefecture.
Looking up from her dojo in Kyoto, Tsuroko looked at the second sun and stated simply: "It has begun."
(a/n) this was a page, so gomenasai for how short it seems on ff.