Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Onna and Joshi ❯ Onna & Joshi ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Just incase you are wondering, I made this story based on a picture (fanpic i believe) given to me by my fellow otaku, Jon. He dared me to write a yuri, and though I have yet to finish that one, I did manage to write this one. Not long later I found out what that picture was from. Love Hina. I had no idea. I asked him what to name the characters and he gave me the names of the real characters. I was writting blind here folks. So don't get ticked off because the story is completely off base from the real anime. I had no idea! I swear! I was innocent! I didn't mean to do this to these poor, sweet, kind girls! I swear! (insert devil symble here)
_________________________________________________________________ ____________
and Joshi--- Lemon

How do I always get myself into these situations? I wondered as her tongue plunged deeper into my mouth. The fingers on my shoulders griped tighter, it hurt. I tried to yell out, only to be muffled by those eager lips. I squeezed my eyes closed tighter and started to cry. The weight of the other woman was soo heavy. I felt crushed and helpless. Me, helpless. That was something that was never heard of. I usually did everything within my power to keep myself from being helpless. But when it came to her, when she was around, I couldn't control myself. I couldn't even begin to control her. She finally stopped kissing me to catch her own breath. Giving me a chance to make my plea.
"Please. Onna, stop. I don't want to do this. Don't make me. Please!" Onna looked at me with that severe look. The one that said I had no choice. The one that said, ÔI am going to be raped tonight.' I had no choice. None at all. So I gave in. I figured it was better to cooperate than to be hurt like the last time.
Onna's hands loosened on my shoulder then and she smiled. She started to kiss me again. Only now those kisses were sweet and light. The built up passion that had grown within the both of us during our three months apart was finally being let loose. I melted with each tender brush of her lips. Each tiny lap of her tongue. I let myself enjoy it, and soon I was so lightheaded I thought that I would pass out. Onna sat up and looked down at me.
"What? Why did you stop?" I asked, staring up at her beautiful face. Those seductive golden eyes, encircled by long black lashes. That long red hair, that always looked so lovely with my fingers entangled within it. That flawless pail skin, ripe for the tainting. She was perfect in every way, the perfect onna.
"Joshi, what do you think of me? Of us? Why do you let me do this? Is it for you, or just because I want to? I have to know!" Suddenly those eyes burned with determination, her voice high strung with worry. I let myself sink back into the soft bed. The white, shimmering sheets, a comfort worth melting into. I sighed and looked back up at Onna.
"Ne... Onna. Do you remember the first time we kissed? The first time that you held me?" Onna turned and laid back against the headboard, as she stared out the window I could see the far off look in her eyes.
"Un. I remember it quite well. It was the last day of school. The weekend before graduation. The bonfire down by the beach." I sat up next to her and linked my arm in hers. I laid my head on her shoulder, my black hair falling in front of my face. I closed my eyes and giggled a little.
"Yeah, we were quite drunk that night. Whoever spiked the punch should have been shot. >ku-ku<" Onna smiled and lowered her head, her eyes closed as she recalled the fuzzy memory.
"Oh, Joshi-chan. You looked so kawaii. The way the fire shined in your eyes. I felt as if I could lose myself in them...if I could touch them I would never be cold again." Both of us feel silent, lost in that memory together.
years ago, obscure beach in Japan, senior class bonfire party.*
"Wee!! Tee hee!" I watched her attempt to walk on a log doubling as a balance beam. I wasn't as drunk as everyone else. In fact, I had only two glasses of the spiked punch juice. I watched her in wonder, her short black hair flew in the breeze as she fell off the log and into the arms of another equally as drunk classmate.
"Thanks for catching me Onii-chan!" She squealed and pushed the handsome young man away from her when he tried to kiss her neck. He blushed when she called him Onii-chan, I guess he considered that an insult. Me, I would give anything for that baka joshi to call me One-chan as she blushed under my tender touch. Wait! What am I thinking! I'm not gay! No way! God, what thoughts! Demo... maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I mean, she is kawaii after all. I wish I knew her name. In truth, our class was very large, I only knew a fraction of my classmates.
It was only when most of our classmates had either left for other places or passed out on the beach itself that I was able to speak with her. Music still blared from the sub woofers in the back of our class president's vehicle. It was mostly heavy metal music. But some of it was the typical Japanese-pop. At that moment it was some peppy pop song, complete with the electronic wailing of a synthesizer. I watched as the baka joshi danced and sang along to the catchy song. She was so close to the fire, I half feared she would become victim of it.
She caught me staring at her from my perch on her forgotten balance beam. She stopped and caught her breath. The song was nearly over by that time. I watched as the fire danced in her eyes and the way her short black hair waved in the wind. She was entrancing, completely irresistible. She gave me the most kawaii smile, and I matched it back at her. A slower pop song had began. I recognized this one, it was perfect for what was to come next. It was called ÔIn the Moonlight', I think it was from some new anime on t.v. But I couldn't quite remember what it was. The tone was perfect: soft, slow, seductive. When the black haired one walked up to me, she felt it too. Her movements were all deliberate as she placed one foot in front of the other until she was only inches from me.
Now, earlier in the night I had put my long red hair up in a pony-tail with a white ribbon. It was just loosely bowed and in fact, it hardly even did the job as that parts of my hair had already escaped. The baka joshi reached her delicate hand to the ribbon and pulled. With very little effort it came undone and my hair fell all around me in waves.
"Kya! Kirei! Kieri! bishojo!" The baka joshi cried out with glee as she let her fingers become entwined with my hair. She bent her face down until it was level with my own. It was then that I kissed her, I couldn't help it, I just couldn't.
Drunk as she was she wasn't about to protest. She fell to her knees and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and held her to me as we kissed. I could feel the eyes of some of the classmates who remained on the two of us. Most of them were boys. I am sure we were about to gain us a few Ôfan-boys' from this little display. The kiss ended with the both of us winded and light headed. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her own eyes were still closed and she had a big smile on her face.
"That was nice, One-chan. What is your name?" I felt it was a little late for introductions, but oh well. I guess we had to learn each other's names sooner or later.
"My name is Onna. What is yours?" She finally opened her eyes. Her smiled faded a little, but only to be replaced by an even more kawaii smile than before.
"My name is Joshi! Nice to meet you Onna-chan. Will you kiss me again now?" I laughed and then nodded. Once again we kissed. This time it was with a fierce passion.
We then heard the cat calls of the boys further up the beach. We both looked in the direction of them. Blushing furiously at being caught, Joshi buried her head in my chest. I let myself slide off of the log and onto the sand. We laid there until the sun came up. Lying there with Joshi in my arms, her soft breathing much like a kitten's purr, was barely audible under the crash of the waves as the ocean grew more and more active. Before I fell asleep I watched the bonfire start to die out. Everyone else had left long before that. We were now all alone, and I had never felt soo happy.
to present*

Onna had been so quiet. I began to wonder if she had fallen asleep. It was her first night back to Japan from England. In truth I did miss her, demo... I never figured that she would be this aggressive even now.
"You didn't answer my questions Jo-chan. I am waiting." Okay, so she was still awake. Damn. I guess I have no choice. I took a deep breath and pondered what she said and how I should answer.
What do you think of me? Well that was easy. I think Onna is a wonderful person, if not a little aggressive anyway. Well that is no good. I can't say that.
"I think that you are a wonderful person-"
"Bull shit." Onna caught me off guard with that one. She saw right past my lies. I let go of her arm and held myself. Shying away from her, afraid of what she would do next.
"Tell me the truth Joshi. I want the truth." I gulped and answered her.
"Uh- well. I guess you are a little too aggressive sometimes. In truth Onna, you scare me..." Onna sighed and looked up to the ceiling.
"Go on. Answer the rest of my questions. Please Joshi, please." She looked down at me, her lovely yellow eyes filled with tear that had not yet been shed.
"I don't want to hurt you Onna. Please don't make me." Onna blinked away the tears and placed her hand on my cheek then kissed my forehead. I leaned into her welcoming arms and let go of the breath I had been holding. I took another long breath and pondered the next question: What do you think of us? Truthfully, we could use improvement.
"I love you Onna. I don't want Ôus' to end. But, I think that something needs to be changed. I think that you need help." I cringed, I realize I hadn't thought when I said that. Onna didn't move, in fact she seemed to be frozen in place. I think my words had truly cut her this time.
"All right-- Joshi. Please, finish." Ok, so far so good. No smacks, no pulled hair. I was doing good, or maybe she was. Maybe Onna had changed. That had to be it. Had to be. Next question: Why do you let me do this to you?
"I don't know why I allow you to rape me Onna, I guess it is because deep inside I want it. I mean, I don't want to be raped, but, I do want to make love to you. Is it for me? Maybe, because I do want it. Don't mistake me there. I do want you. Demo--sometimes I don't. Sometimes I only allow it because I know that you want it so badly. And I find it difficult to say no to you. I really do..." I trailed off, my voice muffled by the fact that my face was buried in her neck.
"Now I know, Joshi. And now. Now I have something to tell you." I didn't want to look up at her. I had experienced her hurtful words before, if that was what she had to say I would rather not look her in the eyes when she said them. Instead I tried to sway her train of thought by kissing her neck and sucking in various places.
Onna moaned at the sensation. I let one of my hand slowly trail up her smooth leg and up her silky camisole. I slide my hand from the outside of her thigh to the inside where the flesh was far more tender. As I laid my tiny kisses on her neck I also played down there, where it was already warm and moist. The moans and sighs that escaped from Onna excited me. I became more exerberant with my teasing and I could feel her desire growing.
"Dame. Stop, Joshi. Let me finish. I have something I need to say! O-ie, ahh that is so good.... dame dame dame. Stop, please!" I obeyed her and stopped, much to my own disapproval.
"Okay, Onna. I have stopped. Please, say what you need to say." I still didn't want to look at her. Not in the eyes anyway. But then I felt her take me by the chin. Gently she forced me to look up. I didn't want to, but the way she was touching me. The way she was holding my chin. Something about it made me look up.
"Joshi. My kirei little Joshi. I find this so hard to say. But I must. I figured out something when I was in England. Something very surprising. Something that I never figured I would never true be able to say to anyone." I was all ears. I looked deep into her eyes now, I couldn't help it. She had my complete attention.
"Joshi... I love you. I truly love you! I can finally say it! I love you, Joshi!" Onna's smile grew very wide and I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I flung my arms around her neck and kissed her. I toppled her over and laid on top of her this time. And this time, I got to be the dominate one.