Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Uncontrolled Passions ❯ Reasons Why ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Love Hina
Disclaimer: This episode of Love Hina is of my own creation. I do not own any portion of Love Hina. “Love Hina” and all related characters, names, etc. are ©1999-2004 Ken Akamatsu/Mixx Entertainment Inc. Love Hina is a trademark of TOKYOPOP®. All rights reserved.
Note: This series takes after the “Love Hina” manga and takes place during volume 14, only with some changed events here and there. Read to find out.
Uncontrolled Passions
Chapter 2:
Reasons Why
Keitaro and Motoko lay side by side on the young man's futon, unsure of what they should do now. They did not have sex, both having mutually agreed that although their bodies were quite ready, they were not so in both heart and mind. Though they did not do `it' per say, the experience they went through was nonetheless quite sensational. Light touches, gentle caresses, chaste kisses…they both tested one another's boundaries and feelings for the other in ways neither has done before. Motoko feels her love for Urashima rise to newer, more amazing heights while the young man feels a new love begin to bloom for the resident swordswoman…while his feelings for another begin to wane.
The God's Cry School heir sits up while holding the sheets up to cover her chest, though a generous amount is still revealed on the sides. Her white panties, which never left her body, are now revealed as she sits up even more, straightening out her back in her normal perfect posture. “I…I don't know what to say.”
Keitaro looks at her exposed back, with her pale silky smooth skin. He reaches over and his fingers gently traces lines up and down her back, sending shivers down her spine. “I have no idea what to say either,” he responds, smiling goofily at her. “Why don't we just agree that what we did…” he pauses as a light blush spreads across both her and his faces, “…was really, really good…and it felt…right.”
Motoko looks down at the young man who captured her heart. `He's changed so much over the years,' she thinks to himself. `He has become a bit more mature…and much more desirable because of it. When he touched me…I felt like my body was on fire! I just wanted to throw him down and…' she mentally shakes her head to rid herself of the incoming not too innocent thoughts. She stands up, taking all of the sheets with her and leaving Keitaro with nothing more than a pillow to cover his still obvious excitement. “The others will be returning soon. We should get dressed.” She begins to put her clothes back on, but pauses as she begins to watch the landlord slip into his shorts, his boxers having stayed on during their encounter as well. Without warning, she pounces onto him, pining him to the floor by his shoulders. Before he can say anything, she leans in and catches his lips in a passionate kiss, which the young landlord is quick to return in full.
After a few heated moments, the two reluctantly part. “So what was that for?” the young man breathes, brushing his fingers through her short, but still soft and silky hair.
“To thank you…and not for earlier, although that was glorious,” she adds with a brilliant blush. “I wanted to thank you for always being there for me. When I was at the lowest points of my life, you were there…you were always there to help me and cheer me up, no matter what the personal cost was to you.”
Keitaro hops to his feet, pulling his jean shorts up. “Well I had to help you Motoko. Like I said before, you've got a lot going for you, and I knew that if you were forced do change your lifestyle it would crush you. There was no way I was just going to sit back and let you be miserable.”
Motoko smiles brilliantly at him. `He is truly one of a kind,' she thinks. `I am still amazed at how often he puts everyone else's needs in front of his own.' She picks up her tank top and puts it on. “I need to train for a little while then I must study later…but I wish for you to join me when I do so Urashima. I would like to talk to you to discuss…well…us.”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I could also help you study a bit too if you want. You did pretty well on your mock exam. I'm sure if you study hard you'll get into Tokyo U, no problem!” He gives her a thumbs up. “I'll see you at diner Motoko.”
“Yes, until then Ura…Kei-Keitaro,” she corrects, nodding once before turning around and leaving the young man's room, feeling a lot better than she has in quite a long time.
`I-I can't believe we did that!' Keitaro's mind screams in amazement. `And I didn't pass out or get a major bloody nose…wait…why didn't I?' He pauses for a moment, thinking hard about that. `When I opened my door and saw Motoko like that…I…I have no idea how I kept my cool or anything…it was like something took over my body and did all of that. I wasn't using my brain…that's for sure! But I know that my body didn't take over either, since it didn't react like it normally would.' He looks up as a thought occurs to him. `Could…could I have been acting with my heart? I mean I care about Motoko a lot, just like the other girls…but do I feel something more for her?' His mind is filled with thoughts and memories of the beautiful young swordswoman, a warm sensation suddenly filling his entire body, making him feel comfortable and good. `Yeah, there's definitely something there for her.'
Keitaro pulls his shirt on and then his glasses. He walks to his dresser and grabs the grocery list he left earlier and pauses in thought. `If I didn't forget to grab it earlier…' he thinks to himself, `then I wouldn't have come back here and found Motoko in my room and we wouldn't…' he trails off with a blush. The young man places the list in his back pocket and walks out of his room, muttering, “I'm really glad I forgot it here.”
He starts to walk downstairs, but his natural clumsiness kicks in and he trips over a slightly loose floorboard, sending the poor young man tumbling the rest of the way down the stairs. He quickly gets up, glad that nobody was around for him to fall onto for once. He walks up to and opens the front door, just in time to come face to face with Kanako, who is burdened with several bags of groceries. She tries to frown at him for not coming back to shop with her, but cannot muster one at the genuine smile that is now gracing his face. “I see you forgot all about your dear little sister oniichan. I had to fend for myself in that big grocery store.” She sighs dramatically as Kuro walks in between her legs, rubbing against them and purring loudly
The Tokyo U student chuckles lightly, reaching over and grabbing all of the bags his sister is holding, despite her trying to keep them in her arms. “I'm sure you did a good job Kanako,” he assures her with a wink, getting a blush in response. “Sorry that I didn't come back, it…uh…it took me forever to find the stupid list!” He feels his lunch start to rise up in his stomach for saying such a blatant lie to his sister, but he keeps his composure…for the moment. “So where are the rest of the groceries?”
“With them.” Kanako lightly replies while turning around towards the stone stairs where Shinobu, Kitsune and Mutsumi are currently walking up with the rest of the groceries. The two younger girls are holding more bags so as to prevent the oldest to go into another one of her patented fainting spells. Tama-chan is flying next to the anemic Okinawan girl and Su is happily bouncing up the steps, remote controlling a new mecha tama-chan, which is carrying a rather large stock of fresh bananas.
Mutsumi places the one grocery bag and watermelon that she was carrying down, smiling the entire time. She suddenly begins to sway back and forth, feeling faint. “Oh my.” The young woman suddenly falls unconscious, her body falling to the ground. Just before she hits, Keitaro rushes up and catches her, one arm around her waist while the other is holding up the back of her head. As soon as she stops falling, the young woman awakens, her face coincidentally mere inches from Keitaro's. Mutsumi reaches up and gently places her hand on the young man's cheek. “Oh my, it looks like you're my hero again Kei-kun!”
The two are pulled up to their feet, and then apart rather forcefully by a now agitated Kanako. “Really now,” she begins, looking pointedly at the beautiful Okinawan, “must you fawn over my brother like that?”
Mutsumi tilts her head to the side slightly, her cheery smile never leaving her face. “Whatever do you mean? I'm not fawning over Kei-kun…am I?”
The younger Urashima face faults onto the floor. In an instant, she is back to her feet, her right eye twitching slightly. “N-Never mind.” She moves past her brother to go inside, intentionally brushing up against him, her body relishing in the quick, but nice contact.
Kitsune notices this and shakes her head. “You got a real strange little sister there Keitaro.”
“Yeah,” he admits, shrugging his shoulders, “but truthfully, I wouldn't have her any other way.”
Inside, Kanako stands a bit taller, beaming with pride. `Thank you oniichan,' she thinks to herself. She starts to walk towards the stairs when she bumps into Motoko, her bird Shippu sitting on her shoulder. The young swordswoman is one of the few residents in the Hinata House that she gets along with well. Kanako's eyes dart down to the legendary Hina Blade in the other woman's grasp. “Doing a little bit of training?”
“Of course,” the samurai girl answers. “So were you the one making all that noise down here?”
Kanako shakes her head, crossing her arms. “No, it was my dear oniichan and that silly fool Mutsumi. She fainted as usual and my brother just so happened to catch her as she fell.” She continues her walk up the stairs, muttering, “I swear, his kindness is too much for his own good.”
At these words, Motoko feels a large knot form in her stomach. `Was what we did just that? An act of kindness?' Her mind flashes back to how gentle and amazingly passionate Keitaro was. `No! It cannot be true! He would not have been like that if he were only being kind to me…would he? I-I must find this out!' She walks to the front door, a bit more hurriedly than she intends to.
Keitaro and the rest of the group walk inside, all chatting happily while carrying the large supply of groceries. The young man looks forward, just in time to see Motoko coming towards him. “Oh hi Motoko,” he begins, “I thought you were training on the roof.”
“I was,” she replies, “but I came down here because I overheard some commotion.”
“Well that was the turtle-lady,” Kitsune buts in, dropping the bags she was carrying and rubbing her arms furiously to get the feeling back in them. “She passed out again and good ole Keitaro caught her before she hit the ground.” She pats the young man on the back as she turns around and begins to leave. “Sorry to run, but I just found a nice bottle of Haruka's vintage saké with my name on it! Give me a call when dinner's ready!”
Motoko walks over to the discarded bags and easily picks them up, knowing that she cannot confront the man she loves with so many present…especially innocent young Shinobu. `I must talk to him later,' she thinks, `I must know what…what it is that has formed between us…and what is leading us to.'
Naru slumps onto a random bench, sighing heavily as her body rests. “Why can't I tell him?” she mutters out loud, leaning forward and resting her face in her hands. `Ugh!' her mind screams in frustration. `Kitsune is right, and if I keep up avoiding Keitaro at this pace, he's gonna get tired of me pushing him away and he'll break up with me!' She feels her heart clench tightly in her chest at the thought. `I-I can't lose him. I love Keitaro, I love him more than anything else in the whole world. If he broke up with me…I don't know what I'd do.'
The young woman sniffs slightly, hot tears stinging her eyes. `I can't let that happen…but I'm too terrified to tell him the truth.' Her cheeks begin to burn a deep red. `I-I can't tell him that when we started to get intimate…that I got so…so hot that I just wanted to pounce on him and rip off his clothes and…' she trails off with a shudder of excitement, her blush getting so visible that it is now catching the eye of passerby's. `Each time I even get near him…I feel all turned on…and I want him so much…but I'm afraid of what I might do.'
Naru stands up from the bench, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I-I have to do it! I have to talk to Keitaro and tell him everything,” she suddenly wraps her arms around herself, a strangled look on her face, “even though I really, really don't want to!” She begins to storm away, heading straight for her home with a fierce determination in her eyes. “Get ready Keitaro, because tonight…um…er…tomorrow! Yeah! Tomorrow I'll tell you everything!”
A few hours have passed and everything has gone by exceptionally better than it has been recently. The main reason why is that Naru started to interact more when she was around Keitaro at dinner just a little bit ago. For the last few weeks, she distanced herself from the young man as much as she could during mealtimes, barely even looking up to converse with her friends around her.
Today when she came back downstairs after coming home, though, her entire demeanor changed. She literally bounced down the stairs, a happy smile on her face. Surprising everyone, she went back to resuming her normal spot next to Keitaro. Throughout the meal, she acted more alive and back to the normal Naru. Though she didn't really converse with her boyfriend much, the shy looks and gentle smiles sent towards him were reassurance enough that there still is hope for their relationship.
Currently, Keitaro is in Motoko's room, helping the young swordswoman study for her upcoming Tokyo University entrance exams. Naru's actions earlier made his heart feel a great swell of relief that she still cares for him, but it also feels great confusion, torn in between the multiple women he greatly cares for. Just a few hours ago, the young Urashima male felt his heart open up for Motoko and it doesn't want to let her go so easily, as well as his feelings for Mutsumi. True, he never admitted to being in love with the beautiful Okiniwan, but that does not mean that the very precious spot in his heart she holds a firm grip on has loosened in any way.
Keitaro puts down the answer booklet he is holding, his head throbbing immensely with images of the three lovely young women twirling around madly inside. With a deep sigh he reaches up and rubs his temples, desperate for an answer to come…but of course he knows that there isn't an easy solution to his dilemma.
Motoko takes notice of his frustrated sigh and confused look on his face. She scoots closer to him, their arms now touching lightly. “Are you alright Keitaro?”
The young man looks up and smiles at her, liking how she now calls him by his first name…at least while in private. He feels comfortable and calm while this close to her, not all flustered and panicky like he used to be, showing that a great change has already begun to occur inside of him. “I'm okay I guess,” he responds, rubbing the back of his head. “I'm just…really confused.”
The swordswoman nods while gently reaching over and taking Keitaro's hand in both of hers, hoping to help comfort him…and herself as well. `I was hoping to discuss us and our possible future' she thinks, `but I can sense a great conflict is brewing inside of him. It must be because of Naru's change in attitude at dinner' She internally growls in frustration. `Damn you Narusegawa! Why did you have to do that today of all days?'
Keitaro feels warm sensations course through him when Motoko takes his hand. `She's really a lot nicer than I thought,' he thinks in awe. `I guess she probably always has been, she just hides it.' He squeezes her hands back lightly. “Hey,” he begins, “I know you want to talk, so maybe we can a bit about us…if you want to that is!” he adds hastily, backing up and waving his free hand around.
`He is still a silly fool,' Motoko thinks while shaking her head. “Yes, I would like to discuss us. I was unsure of whether or not you wanted to talk or not. I could sense a troubled and confused aura about you.” Her mind shifts to what Kanako said earlier and her thoughts afterwards. `I must know his feelings for me. I must know if there is something more, more than an `act of kindness' or some other rubbish like that.'
“Yeah,” he admits, sighing deeply. “There's so much going on in my head…I just have no idea what to do.” His eyes widen a bit as she releases his hand and place both of hers on his face, gently caressing it. “M-Motoko?”
“What am I?” she begins, a sad smile now on her face. “What am I to you?”
Keitaro places his hands on top of the samurai girl's and keeps them there. “Motoko, I-I'm really not too sure,” he answers truthfully. “I do think of you as more than a friend…but I don't know how much more. I-I mean, you're real pretty and smart and you're dedicated…and I really respect that about you…it's just that…well I mean…”
“Narusegawa.” The young woman finishes for him, her eyes downcast and her face drooping. `Damn it not again,' her mind weakly replies. `I gave him up once, I cannot bear to do it again.'
The Tokyo U student takes his right hand off of Motoko's and reaches over and places it under her chin, lifting her head up so they are looking each other eye-to-eye again. “I'm sorry, really, really sorry Motoko. It's just…I can't just forget about my feelings for Naru. I love her. When she was pushing me away just a little bit ago…it hurt a lot. Each day got worse and worse…I didn't know what to do. When I saw you earlier,” he adds in, rubbing her cheek with his thumb, “I…I forgot about Naru. I felt something open up inside…I felt like maybe…maybe…I don't know,” he sighs and shakes his head.
Motoko leans in closer, so now their noses are practically touching. “What?” she softly asks. “What did you feel? Please…tell me.”
“I felt…well I know that I can't replace Naru, I never could…but…well I thought that maybe I could put her in the past…you know…try to move on…” he pauses, gazing deep into the samurai girl's eyes, “…with you.”
The swordswoman exhales the breath she didn't even know she was holding. Her mind thinks, `He does care,' with suppressed joy. She closes the small distance between them, catching his lips in a light kiss. Moving a bit, she adjusts her position to where she is now on his lap, straddling him. Motoko wraps her arms around Keitaro's neck, while he slowly, cautiously moves his down, resting on her waist. “Would you like to stay here?” she asks. “I mean…do you want to…stay in my room tonight…with me?”
Keitaro's brain momentarily shuts down at her words. His mouth opens and closes several times like a fish out of water. His body wants nothing more than to agree and tackle her onto the floor…and a part of his heart wouldn't mind going with that choice either. Unfortunately the other part, as well as the logical side of his brain knows that in this large former inn turned all girls dormitory, privacy is something to be greatly desired. That and what of the other tenants? What would they say…or do? A large figurative sweatdrop forms on the landlord's mind as all of the possible outcomes of the girl's finding him like this with Motoko appear, all of which end quite painfully. “Motoko,” he begins, carefully trying to think out his words, “I would really like to stay with you tonight, I really would…but I'm worried about what the others will think and say…and do to me,” he adds with a wince.
Although she would like nothing more than to ignore him, she knows that what he speaks is true. `I know how the others, myself included, tend to overreact at his actions at times. If they were to catch us sleeping together…' her mind drifts off as a deep mental shiver runs down her spine. `Even he would not survive what they would do to him.' With a sigh, she begins, “You are…correct Keitaro, though I am reluctant to admit it.” She moves off of the young man and takes her place back next to him. “Forgive me for pushing myself onto you like that. It was…unwise and very unbecoming of me.” She turns her head away in shame, tears stinging her eyes.
Keitaro moves so he is sitting in front of the samurai girl and places his hands on her shoulder. “Hey now, don't act like that! That's not the Motoko I know! You're supposed to be a strong and proud warrior! So come on!” he says, standing up and waving his arms around wildly. Why? We'll never know. “Get mad at me! Yell at me! Call me a `vile, lecherous male' and chase me around with your sword! Do something!”
Motoko watches his foolish actions. `And in some other ways, he has not matured at all.' She stands up, getting the landlord to stop wailing around. Her sword mysteriously appears in her hands, making Keitaro instantly nervous. She closes her eyes and smiles lightly. “If you wish for that to be the case,” she unsheathes the Hina Blade, a demonic glint in her eyes, “then prepare yourself!” She suddenly charges forward, shouting, “Boulder Cutting Blade!” The Urashima male shouts out as his body is hit with the blow, sending him crashing through her door and skidding out into the hallway. The swordswoman sheathes the blade, shaking her head slightly. She sits back down at her table and resumes her studying, thinking, `That did help to relieve myself of some aggression, though I am sure Keitaro and myself could've done something more entertaining to have taken care of that.' She suddenly looks up as she realizes what she just thought. “Ah!” she screams out loud, “what the hell was that?!” The young woman raps herself on the head sharply. “Bad Motoko! Bad!”
Some time later, all of the lights have been turned off and the Hinata House has become silent, the residents relaxing into a blissful slumber for the night. Outside the landlord's room, a young woman hold up a handheld mirror, looking over her appearance again and again, making sure she looks perfect. She puts the mirror away and breathes in and out deeply, trying to calm her extreme bout of nervousness. “Okay,” she breathes, “you can do this.” She slides the door open silently, aware how some of the girls that live here are light sleepers. Tip-toeing her way over, she kneels down next to the sleeping figure, smiling lovingly at him. The young woman places a hand on his cheek, rubbing it lightly. “Oni…Kei-Keitaro,” she softly begins correcting herself, “wake up.” Her thumb grazes across his lips, feeling his warm breath as he exhales.
Keitaro groans sleepily as he begins to awaken. He slowly opens his eyes, his arms stretching out as a deep yawn escapes him. It takes the young man a few moments, but he eventually notices that someone is kneeling down next to him and has a hand placed on his face. He turns his head to look at who snuck in his room. Though the young man's room is quite dark and he doesn't have his glasses on, he can still make out the indistinguishable figure that is kneeling down next to him. “Naru?” he groggily asks. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to talk to you silly,” she responds, rubbing his cheek again. She suddenly pulls her hand off of him and looks away. “Look, I'm real sorry for pushing you away like I've been, it was a terrible thing for me to do…and I don't blame you if you hate me.” She starts to stand and walk away, but Keitaro firmly, yet gently grabs her arm, stopping her.
He pulls her onto his lap, wrapping an arm around her waist. She is thankful at the moment for the dark, since the glorious blush that has spread across her face is unnoticeable. “Naru,” he starts, running his free hand through her long, light brown hair, “how could you ever think that? I could never hate you…I love you!” He leans in to hug her, but is surprised as the young woman instead quickly catches his lips with hers. His shock is soon replaced by elation that his first love still loves him back and he starts to return the kiss in full.
Kana…I mean Naru moans happily, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling her body closer to him. She licks the outside of his lips, begging for entrance. He opens his mouth, and her tongue quickly darts inside, a deep moan escaping her as she tastes him. `He tastes even better than I could've ever imagined,' she thinks in bliss. `So this is what it feels like to be in paradise.'
`Oh man, this is even better than I remembered!' Keitaro thinks happily. `I don't ever remember Naru being this…into kissing me. I guess she missed being with me as much as I did with her.' He manages to hold in a gasp as she suddenly reaches down and quickly pulls his shirt off, tossing it aside before she moves her hands back to his chest, rubbing up and down, her fingers bringing exquisite sensations to the young man, some of which he felt earlier with a certain swordswoman. He does feel bad about starting something off with Naru after what he did earlier with Motoko, but his body has decided to take over at the moment, rendering his brain useless. `Whoa…this feels…amazing!'
Naru squeals out in surprise as the man she loves lowers his hands until they are cupping her rear. He then gives it a firm squeeze, getting her to giggle a bit. `Oh oniichan,' her mind moans in pleasure, `I might not be who you think I am right now…but I can prove to you that I can love you more than that psycho girl…that you should love me and only me!' She removes her hands from his chest and places them on top of his, taking his hands off of her rear and sliding them up her body, resting under her nightshirt on her bare breasts, her nipples instantly hardening at his touch.
Keitaro pulls back, breathing heavily and his face flushed. Because of his earlier…activities with Motoko, he hasn't had a single bloody nose, which definitely would have been the case right now. “N-Naru…are you sure about this? I-I mean…I know it's been a while since we've been around each other…but I-I don't think we should be doing this, it feels to sudden. I don't want to rush things with you.”
The young woman responds by smiling slightly. She leans back in and kisses Keitaro gently on the lips, the smile never leaving her face. She begins to push him onto his back, whispering, “Don't worry O…Keitaro. I'm ready, I have been for a long time now and I want you right now…so please, take me.”
The young Urashima male sighs in content and he allows Naru to lay him back down onto his futon. He closes his eyes with a smile as she places feather light kisses on his neck and jaw line. His body tenses as he feels her hands slide down his chest, working their way lower. `She's really forward!' he inwardly thinks. `Motoko was too,' it adds as he mentally frowns. `Maybe Naru found out…but she would've killed me, she wouldn't be doing this!' it adds with a squeak as she grips him tightly through his boxers, shivers of pleasure running through him. Her hand slowly moves up and down, pleasuring him in a soft, loving way. Keitaro feels his friend downstairs harden up even more at Naru's touch, getting a pleased look from the young woman. All brain function comes to a screeching halt as Naru lowers her head, now kissing her way down his chest, and still going further south.
Keitaro suddenly frowns as his danger sense mysteriously flares up to it's fullest, something that usually happens just as he accidentally falls onto one of the girls in an awkward position or when he walks in on one or all of them while they are either changing or bathing on the open air bath. He feels Naru stop, just as a shuffling is heard overhead, followed by the wooden plank covering the hole in between their rooms moving aside, something he foolishly, and now probably life threateningly, didn't notice earlier. As a light clicks on and the real Naru looks inside, Keitaro feels a deep lurching feeling in his stomach. He leaps away from the imposter Naru, who now has a guilty smile on her face…her fake face that has become loosened slightly during their…encounter, now giving him a real good idea who it is he was becoming intimate with.
The young landlord's currently numb mind takes one look at the fake Naru, then up to the real one, whose face has a jumble of emotions splashed across it, none of them being very good…or healthy for him at that matter. Only two words are able to escape him, which, in the current situation, seems like quite an intelligible thing to say, “Oh shit.”
To be continued…
Author's notes: Well now, this one didn't have as much steamy scenes as the first chapter but it did have more explanations and such. For a while I thought I was never going to finish this. I had to keep going back and either changing or adding parts into some of the conversations.
Now I know that some of you didn't really agree with some of the character's actions in the first chapter. I can try to explain at least some of what I did and didn't explain in this fanfic. For Motoko, well she's been repressing these feelings her entire life and although she is strong and proud, the source of most of her problems in love and such is living with her and that isn't quite helpful. And for those of you who disagree with her giving into temptations, did you ever read the manga? In volume 13, she was having all kinds of fantasies about him and writing a trashy romance novel and kissed Keitaro twice (he was unconscious both times). I wouldn't exactly call that holding it in well…or honorable in a warrior's eyes.
As for Keitaro…well you try to have a girlfriend who she says she's ready, and then changes her mind at the last minute and pushes you away. For guys, that is maddening! The cruelest torture imaginable! That and he was heartbroken, and seeing Motoko like that in his room made him question his own feelings for the young swordswoman, like does he feel for her more than in just a friendly way?
Naru is pretty self-explanatory. She was getting very hot and bothered around Keitaro and it freaked her out at how much she wanted him…and wanted to do to him.
Well I hope that clears up some of your problems. In the next chapter there's gonna be a little confrontation between Naru, Kanako, and a horrified Keitaro. I mean, who wouldn't be horrified? He was about to screw his sister! *shudder* -- lighthawkdemon
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