Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Uncontrolled Passions ❯ Staking Claims ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Love Hina
Disclaimer: This episode of Love Hina is of my own creation. I do not own any portion of Love Hina. “Love Hina” and all related characters, names, etc. are ©1999-2004 Ken Akamatsu/Mixx Entertainment Inc. Love Hina is a trademark of TOKYOPOP®. All rights reserved.
Note: This series takes after the “Love Hina” manga and takes place during volume 14, only with some changed events here and there. Read to find out.
Uncontrolled Passions
Chapter 4:
Staking Claims
Both the young landlord and the beautiful woman on top of him freeze in their actions as they hear the light whisper behind them. Two pair of surprised and very hesitant eyes turns towards the source of the voice, widening even more as they see the small party that has caught them in the act, especially Naru. Keitaro opens his mouth to begin sprouting out the normal apologies for what he's done, but unfortunately nothing comes out, his shock getting the better of him.
Kitsune rubs the back of her head, an unreadable expression on her face. “Boy, I didn't know exactly what I was expecting on seeing when I got up here, but I sure as hell never expected to see this!” Her poor attempt at a joke goes by unnoticed. A large sweatdrop appears on the side of her head. “Guess I should just stay quiet and see what happens,” she mutters out loud.
“Keitaro, how…how could you?” Naru asks, taking another step forward. Tears streak down her cheeks as she feels all her hope for getting her Keitaro back slipping through her fingers. `No,' her mind cries out, `I was just starting to get back with him. I can't lose him now. Not today, not like this.'
Kanako watches on, unsure of what to think or do. `I knew that my chances with oniichan were very slim,' she thinks, `but I did always have my hopes. I personally do think that Motoko would be more suitable for him, for she has always been honest and forward with me, though it still pains my heart so much to see another woman besides myself in oniichan's arms.' Although she does want to lash out at the samurai girl for what she was just doing with her beloved oniichan, Kanako is a smart young woman and knows much better than to rush blindly into a battle when the exact cause of it is uncertain. `I will let her explain her side, then I will deal out some proper punishment,' she thinks with a small nod to herself.
Motoko gets up off of Keitaro, although her body screams at her not to since the young man's bare skin felt amazingly good against her own, and faces the three young woman that have just gathered. Her right arm is covering up her breasts, not out of modesty, but to keep them warm in the cool night air. “You should not blame Keitaro for his actions,” she begins in a firm voice, “for he did not initiate this intimate encounter of ours…I did.” She looks aside guiltily as three sets of jaws hit the floor. “He was only acting out on his own instincts, please do not blame him.”
Keitaro sits up and is about to mouth a protest to protect both Motoko and her good name when she turns around to face him, her eyes clearly telling him not to say anything. With a heavy heart, the landlord nods slightly, now feeling as if he has just betrayed a friend.
“You?!” Naru snarls, her anger and rage suddenly making a delayed appearance. “You started this?!” She cracks her knuckles menacingly as she walks up to the younger woman. “What gives you the right to be trying anything with him? I thought you were better than that! Where's your so-called `honor' right now?”
The swordswoman feels a sharp sting in her pride at Naru's words, but she remains standing tall and proud. “My honor is still with me, for I have done no dishonorable deeds.”
Both Kitsune and Kanako look at each other, confused and disbelieving looks on both of their faces. Naru, however, chuckles slightly and shakes her head from side to side. “You must be going crazy Motoko. Stealing someone's boyfriend is not what I'd call honorable!”
“True, but can you really call Keitaro your boyfriend? I don't.”
“What?” the Tokyo U student questions, her voice dangerously low as both young woman by her back up away from her, not wanting to be in the damage zone when she blows, which looks like it isn't too far off from happening. “What did you just say?”
Motoko folds her other arm under her chest, a somewhat annoyed expression replacing her stoic one. “I have been observing over you for the last few weeks Narusegawa,” she begins, “and I have seen how you have treated Keitaro. Constantly pushing someone away and rubbing them off is not how someone who has a boyfriend and is in love with them would act, your recent actions are from someone who is not interested anymore and possibly wants to break up.”
“Touché,” Kanako mutters, quite surprised at Motoko's very logical explanation, seeing as how the swordswoman has a severe lacking of knowledge about relationships and the like.
Naru opens her mouth to protest, but cannot find a suitable response. `She's right,' her mind tells her. `You definitely haven't been Girlfriend of the Year material.' The young woman jumps slightly as a hand rests on her shoulder. She turns to see her best friend Kitsune looking directly at her, a serious look on her face.
“You know Motoko does bring up a good point,” she begins, her eyebrows raising up ever so slightly. “I asked you not too long ago about you avoiding Keitaro and you ran off before you could give me a straight answer, but now I want answers girl!”
The young woman backs off, holding her hands in front of her and unsure of what to do. “B-But this isn't about me!” she shouts. Naru points over at Keitaro and Motoko. “This is about them!”
“Wrong,” Kanako replies, waving a finger around dismissively. “You're involved in this too Naru. Think of it as cause and effect. Their actions are the effect of what you've been doing, so explain yourself now,” she pauses for a moment to move in uncomfortably close, “or do I have to pry the information out of you the fun way?”
Naru backs up even more, her nervousness at the situation quickly rising. “I…I don't know,” she hesitantly responds. “I can't say anything…in front of him,” she meekly adds, looking over at Keitaro with a heavily flushed face.
The aforementioned young man shakily stands up, his `excitement' from his encounter with Motoko finally settling down to a more modest and less humiliating level. He scratches the back of his head, an unsure look on his face. “If you want me to leave…then I guess I'll go down to my room. I would like to be a little more dressed,” he adds in an undertone to himself. The landlord begins to walk away when Motoko holds up her free hand, stopping him in his tracks.
“No Keitaro. This entire ordeal concerns you, so you should stay right here.” The swordswoman turns back to the small group in front of her, still clad in only her panties. “Keitaro has done nothing but loved you and been a great man to you Narusegawa, the least you could do for him is tell him the truth.”
The auburn haired woman's lower lips trembles ever so slightly, not wanting to tell the true cause of her backing away from Keitaro. So looks around to her friends, but she only receives expectant glares, meaning that she has no other choice but to reveal whet she has diligently kept a secret for the past couple of months. With a sigh of resignation, she begins. “Well…uh…you see when Keitaro and I were…well when we were kissing and getting all close…” she stops for a moment as her blush deeps a shade, “…well I felt…I mean I was…umm it was…”
“Damn it girl spit it out!” Kitsune shouts, startling everyone in the vicinity.
“Okay! Okay! He was making me really horny! Okay?!” Naru yells out, her entire body freezing up after these words leave her lips, her eyes widening in complete shock. `Oh no…what did I just say?'
This, of course, was not the expected answer, and it completely stuns the small group on the roof. Suddenly, as if on a special reflex action, Keitaro begins to start choking. On what? I don't know…air? Naru snaps out of her frozen state to rush to Keitaro's side to see if he is all right, but unfortunately for her, Motoko beats her to the punch. Completely ignoring the fact that she isn't wearing a top, the young swordswoman places one hand on the landlord's shoulder while the other goes to his back, rubbing it in a nice, caring manner. “Are you okay Keitaro?” she asks, the concern clearly noticeable in her eyes.
“Y-Yeah,” he coughs out. “I was just a little…surprised by what Naru just said.”
A loud growling diverts their attentions from one another and towards the source, which is none other than Naru, who is now in her classic `pervert bashing' stance with her slightly bent knees, balled up fists, extremely angry expression on her face and her hair flowing out on an unseen wind. “Keep your slutty hands off MY KEITARO!” she shouts as the young woman charges towards Motoko, her right hand raised and prepared to strike.
Motoko's years of training have honed her skills and she easily side steps the oncoming blow. The same can't be said for Keitaro, who was standing behind her. Time seems to slow down again as he watches the fist close the distance to his face. His mind takes in Naru's expression of pure venom changing into one of absolute horror as she realizes who it is she is about to hit. He looks behind her to Kitsune and Kanako, the younger of the two already starting to rush in to save her brother, but it is too late. Keitaro's eyes widen in surprise as he feels her knuckles dig into his cheekbone, this punch being just as powerful, if not more, then the blow he took for his sister not too long ago. His body is lifted off of the ground and he begins to fly away.
The four young women watch helplessly as their manager flies off into the distance, the young man never once making a single sound. For a few moments, they remain perfectly still. Motoko breaks the chilling silence as she calmly walks over to Naru, staring her dead in the eyes. Before the older woman can say a word, she slaps her hard on the left cheek. Motoko then turns around without saying a word and picks up her now button less nightshirt and pajama bottoms. The swordswoman quickly slips them on and then leaps off of the roof, jumping from treetop to treetop, going in the direction Keitaro was sent sailing.
As Naru gains her senses, she rushes to the edge of the balcony, shouting, “Hey! Get back here Motoko! I'm gonna go find Keitaro! Not you!” As she hops over the railing a few things suddenly come to mind for her. One is that she isn't as trained as the young swordswoman and her jumps are definitely not as far. Another is that she forgot that this whole encounter was on the roof, four floors above the ground. Another important fact is that the women's open air bath is directly below where she just leapt from. “Oh crap!” *Splash!*
Keitaro makes a crash landing into the thick trunk of an old pine tree. His head rips into the tree, where a squirrel has made its nest. The tiny creature gives the young man several scratches on the face before he is able to pull his head out. As he lands onto the ground, an acorn flies out of the newly made hole, bonking him in between the eyes. He sighs deeply while standing up, albeit a little shakily due to the very fresh bruise on his cheek that is making his head throb in pain. “Well at least Motoko didn't get hurt,” he murmurs out loud. The young man dusts himself off and begins to make the long trek back home, shivering deeply in the cool night air, being clad in only his boxers.
He walks about a few yards when the sound of trees rustling overhead catches his attention. He looks up a bit and sees a figure rushing towards his direction, shouting, “Keitaro!”
The landlord instantly recognizes the owner of that voice. “Motoko?” he calls out. “I'm down here!”
The slim figure suddenly drops down from the treetops, landing silently in front of the Tokyo U student. She has put her pajama pants back on as well as her nightshirt, which is tied together in the front to keep it from flying off and giving her a chill. Motoko quickly rushes over to the young man, inspecting him for any signs of injury and extracting some twigs and leaves from his hair. Despite the minor scratches on his face and the new large bruise on his cheek, Keitaro is completely unscathed. After a few moments, she is satisfied and backs up, now looking slightly nervous. “I…I am sorry for all the trouble I've put you through,” she apologizes. “And I know that you'll probably go through a lot more now that we've been discovered.” Her head hangs down in shame.
Though he knows her words are quite true, especially the part about being in even more trouble, Keitaro lets out his patented warm and caring smile, letting Motoko know that he doesn't mind and that he doesn't blame her in one bit, which of course he never would. “Don't worry Motoko, we'll get through this somehow. I'll tell the rest of the girls that it was actually me who started all this between us, and that you were only protecting me, or something. Whatever they do to me, I can take it, even if it means giving up my title as landlord and moving out, as long as nothing bad happens to you.”
The swordswoman has a mixture of reactions at this. She feels her heart melt at his smile, the smile that she fell in love with, and also his caring and amazingly brave words, but she also feels revulsion at herself for actually considering his offer and standing by while he takes all the blame for something she had an equal blame on. Motoko lowers her head even more, her bangs now covering her eyes as her shoulders begin to tremble slightly. Her body stiffens as Keitaro walks up to her and embraces her in a comforting manner, his hand gently going through her hair while he whispers, “Don't worry Motoko, I'll straighten everything out so nobody will be upset or angry at you.”
This comment only helps to make her feel worse and the tears begins to fall as she digs her face into his neck, clutching onto him tightly and not wanting to let go. She sharply pulls away, looking the young man eye-to-eye. “Why do you have to be so kind to me when I've done nothing but hurt you in return?” she whispers, sniffing back some tears.
Keitaro reaches over and wipes the tears off of her. “Because…” he slowly begins, “…because I don't deserve to even be anywhere near you…and you deserve to have the entire world and so much more.” He looks away, a shameful look in his eyes. “And I could never be able to give you those things, even though I want to try so much.”
Motoko feels her heartbeat increase as a soft flush adorns her lovely face. Without warning, she grabs his face and pulls him in for a furious and desperate kiss. Her tongue pries his mouth open and darts inside, relishing in the taste of him and the feeling of her own tongue against his. She moans deeply as a familiar, and quite welcome warmth begins to form again down in her lower abdomen, her body definitely wanting to pursue this even further.
The landlord's surprise at Motoko's sudden actions quickly wears away as her returns the kiss in full. His hands lower themselves to her waist and pull her in closer. He feels the deep warmth that is coming from her lower region and a certain part of his anatomy springs into life, now very interested in the encounter. Motoko gasps into his mouth as she feels that part of him poking her upper thigh. She disentangles her right hand from the back of his head and slowly lowers it down his chest, feeling a certain satisfaction as she hears his breathing begins to increase. As her hand finally touches him through his boxers, his entire body stiffens in anticipation. Moving slowly and hesitantly, though Keitaro would rather call it a torturous, teasing way, she slides her hand down him, noticing as his body starts to tremble ever so slightly. She pauses as she goes down all the way, then begins to pull her hand back up, stopping around the middle and her hand clasping around it. `Oh…Oh my word!' she thinks to herself, her entire face reddening, `it is…much larger than I would have ever presumed!'
If Motoko didn't have her other arm around him, holing him up, Keitaro would have most like collapsed from how badly his knees are buckling. `This is killing me!' he thinks as he closes his eyes and lets in a ragged breath. `I don't know how much more of this I can take.'
The young woman breaks off the kiss and leans in towards his ear. “Do you want to go somewhere more private?” she breathes deeply into it, getting him to bite his lip slightly.
“W-Where could we go?” Keitaro asks shakily.
Motoko takes a quick look around the forested area, her eyes lighting up in remembrance of an old memory. “I know just the place,” she answers with a smile.
Kitsune sighs as she wrings out a washcloth and places it on her best friend's head. “Honestly Naru,” she begins in a playful scolding tone, “you should know better than to jump into a hot spring so late at night at this time of year!”
“Oh shut … *sniff* up,” the younger woman replies from under several covers on her futon. “I wish I remembered where I was at before I jumped,” she mutters under her breath, coughing a few times afterwards.
“You and me both,” Kanako nonchalantly replies from her spot in Kitsune's doorway. “If you hadn't of fallen on your own, I would've happily tossed you in for hurting my poor oniichan…” she trails off as all three women go disquietingly still at the mention of Keitaro. Kanako suddenly walks out of the fox eyed woman's room and quickly makes her way downstairs. `I know oniichan will be all right,' she thinks to herself, `but with Motoko out there too and her little confession about coming onto him…' several provocative images appear into her head, hastening her depart outside, `…I have to find him!'
Naru tries to sit up, but Kistune places both of her hands on her friend's shoulders and pushes her back down. “Damn it Kitsune! Let me go out and find Keitaro!”
“Not in your condition girl,” She replies, putting a hand on Naru's forehead and shaking her head. “You're pretty warm, and I don't want you getting even worse by trying to bring Keitaro back home. Think how bad he'd feel if he knew that you only made yourself worse while looking for him.”
The younger woman opens her mouth to protest, but quickly shuts it, knowing that she is right. “B-But I don't like the idea of him being out there somewhere with Motoko after him,” she begins, her eyes welling up with tears. “You saw what they were doing up on the roof. What if they try it again? I won't be there to stop them and I wanted to be his fir…” Naru trails off as she realizes that she has divulged a little too much information for her likes.
Kitsune shakes her head, a small smirk on her face. “Don't try to start denying your feelings for him again Naru, it won't work this time. I still remember your little outburst on the roof.” Her smile widens as the long haired young woman begins to slide down under her covers, only her burning red forehead and the top of her head now visible. “Oh don't be such a baby over it girl! You were bound to start getting all those nice tingly feelings for him sooner or later!” Her smile quickly fades as she thinks, `And I think you just flushed your relationship with Keitaro straight down the toilet with all the crap you've been puttin' him through for the last couple of months. I actually wasn't that surprised that someone else decided to stake their claim on him while you were actin' all distant.' She grabs a small sake bottle nearby and downs the entire thing in one large chug. `I just hope that everything isn't too messed up to where I can't try to fix it back up to normal.'
Keitaro and Motoko suddenly enter a small clearing, where an old wooden cabin stands. “Hey, I remember this place!” the young man says. “This is where you went out to train and Sarah, Su, Tama-chan and me followed you here!”
“Yes,” she replies, opening the front door. “I discovered this old cabin a long time ago while I was out on a training journey. I find it perfectly suitable since it is far from any signs of civilization and the surrounding forest and nearby waterfall make it a perfect place to meditate and feel absolutely free.”
The two walk inside and Keitaro walks over to a large cabinet and opens it, pulling out several candles, matches and a small portable heater. After several failed attempts and some slightly burned fingers, he has the candles lit and places them down on a table, illuminating the room with their soft glow. He turns on the heater and also puts in on the table, smiling as he feels it slowly heat up the room. Motoko suddenly appears next to him, carrying two sleeping bags, one of the two having a large tear going straight down the middle. The landlord rubs the back of his head with a sheepish smile. “I guess I'll take the torn one.”
“What do you mean Keitaro?” Motoko asks while unzipping it the entire way and laying it flat onto the floor. She unzips the other one as well and places it on top of the other one, creating a large makeshift futon. “What made you think we were going to sleep separately?” She closes the distance between then and gives the young man a chaste kiss on the lips. She kisses him again and he responds by returning it and pulling her close to him. As the heat in between them begins to rise, Motoko pulls back slightly looking Keitaro dead in the eyes. “I wish to continue what we were doing upon the roof before we were interrupted,” she begins, untying her nightshirt and shrugging it off of her shoulders. The Tokyo U student watches in awed silence as she then proceeds to untie her pajama pants and slip them down her long shapely legs. She steps out of them and walks back to Keitaro, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately, which he is quick to return.
Keitaro's hands slide up and down Motoko's side and bare back, her skin feeling amazingly soft and smooth to the touch. He pauses as his fingers graze across her sides and her entire body freezes up as a soft gasp escapes her. Curious, he starts to gently move his fingers across her side some more, now getting a light giggle in response. Motoko quickly removes her arms from around his neck and places them over his hands, stopping them from moving anymore. “Please do not,” she quietly says, “I am…er…rather ticklish on my sides.”
“Oh,” the young man responds, moving his hands away. Suddenly, they dart back, tickling the swordswoman mercilessly.
“Ah…no!” She gasps between laughs, squirming her body to try to escape him. “Please…stop!” She tries to move forward and her lower region suddenly is pushed hard onto his reawakened friend, causing both of them to stop suddenly in surprise. Motoko's breathing begins to increase as she lets go of Keitaro's hands and pulls him back in for a fierce kiss, slowly lowering both her and the young man onto their makeshift futon. As they both lay down, their hands begin to roam around each other's bodies, getting soft gasps or pleasant moans in response. The young woman suddenly pushes him up, her face flushed from all the activity. “Keitaro…” she begins nervously, “would you…would you finish undressing me?”
All functions in the young man's brain come to a screeching halt for a brief moment. Nodding dumbly, he readjusts his position to where he is sitting up slightly. His thumbs hook up under the sides of her panties, not daring to move. He takes one look at Motoko, who is breathing quite heavily, her lovely body looking even more spectacular at this current moment. She nods to him once in saying that he can continue. He slowly pulls her panties off, watching as they slide of her most private area and slowly make its way down her legs and finally off of her feet. As Keitaro drops them onto the floor, his eyes soak in Motoko's nude body under the soft glow of the candlelight. He feels a slight dribble of blood come from his nose, but that is it. “My God,” he whispers, “you are beautiful.”
Motoko feels her heart flutter at his words. She leans forward and pulls him on top of her, bringing the second sleeping bag over them, covering their bodies like a blanket. “I…I love you Keitaro,” she says to him before kissing him gently, “now make love to me.”
The landlord's boxers quickly find a place next to the swordswoman's panties as he fulfils her request, their two hearts finally joining into one.
To be continued…
Author's notes: Jeeze, at this rate, I'm gonna be writing a full blown lemon story. I really didn't want to, since I promised myself before I started writing this story that I would keep it as clean as possible, but if that's where it is leading, then I have no choice but to follow. Be forewarned, I'm not gonna be making some super hardcore stuff! It will be romantic and passionate and very, very good to read so be patient and I will get it up eventually - lighthawkdemon

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