Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A woman yelped in surprise as a shadow suddenly slammed itself into the river she looking at, and sprayed her with water. After a moment of shock, she realized that she shadow was actually a man who had fallen from the sky, and that man was swimming towards the bank.

“Oh, Kami-sama. Hey! Grab my hand!” she said as she offered her hand. The man looked at her for a moment, and smiled contentedly, his tears flowing like a waterfall.

“Oh… thank you, thank you,” the man said. He sighed as he began to pull himself up. The bank was far too steep for him to climb up all alone, and he was half glad the girl didn’t run in fright. He had experience in those sorts of things… falling from the sky, landing in trees, swimming pools… hell, one day, he'd crashed through a window, and interrupted a couple getting busy. He'd ended up running a couple of miles, chased by the man who'd taken offense at his intrusion.

In heavy thought, he didn’t notice the small stone in his path. He tripped, and landed on the girl who was helping him, his head between her breasts. His eyes widened as he smelled her perfume, and feeling those two mounds around his ears.

“GAH!” he pushed himself away from her at once, and automatically began to prostrate and bow in front of her. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to… it was an accident! Don’t hit me!”

The woman stood up, and looked at the man incredulously. “I’m not going to hit you,” she said with a frown. “What gave you that idea?”

Keitaro looked at the young woman who had helped him, and his eyes briefly teared up again, but desisted when she seemed to be a bit apprehensible, probably either thinking she had done him some wrong, or he was crazy. Lots of people chose the former.

“Sorry,” Keitaro straightened himself up. “A habit I think I’m getting.”

“From what? You know what, never mind,” she stated. Grabbing his arm, she began to drag him. “You should go to a hospital.”

Keitaro swallowed. Taking his arm back, he shook his head. “Oh, no, thanks. I’m okay. Just a little beat up, and a little wet. I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

“What do you mean?” the woman asked. “You fell from the sky! How you’re still walking and talking is a mystery, but you could be suffering from internal injuries or Kami knows what else. Come on.”

Keitaro sweated a bit. It felt nice that the woman was concerned for his well being… even if she was a total stranger. But still, he wasn’t injured, and he didn’t want to face an incoming barrage of questions that would rouse suspicions. He bowed a bit again, “I’m sorry, but I have to go,” he said before running away from the startled woman.

He left a cloud of dust in his wake, and she looked at him with a rather bemused smile. “Odd man,” she whispered. Without another word, she walked away from the bank.

Keitaro was still wet when he boarded the streetcar going towards Hinata-sou. He'd been punted quite a long way away, and he briefly wondered how he was going to apologize to Naru for this. He hadn’t meant to trip and grab her well formed buttocks. Motoko had seen the scene as well, and they'd both done a on him.

As the streetcar moved, a small wind made Keitaro shiver. He frowned, and hoped that he wouldn’t catch a cold.


The long walk up the Hinata-sou stairs was probably one of Keitaro's few moments of regular exercise, with himbeing constantly busy studying for Tokyo University. His last failure hadn't been a total one in his opinion… he had gotten to know Naru a wee bit better. That had to count for something. Not to mention meeting the Otohime woman…

Keitaro whistled a bit as she remembered her. But then did a double take as Naru’s raged expression butted in on his thoughts, and he instinctively ducked and began to babble about not doing anything perverted. Belatedly, he realized that he was alone, and he sheepishly stood up again.

He finally arrived in the grounds, and walked in the door. Entering, he called out, “I’m back, no worries!” but didn’t get a reply. He blinked. Normally, Su would come out, or Kitsune, who then would ask him what happened. If his luck was bad, he’d have to face Naru or Motoko again, and even worse, they still wouldn't have calmed down, and punt him away again.

But then, that was more familiar to him than the silence of the room. It seemed to sneer at him as he walked in, his footsteps making a slight echo on the wooden floor and walls. He walked towards the living room, and spotted a piece of paper. Unfolding it, he read:

Out on a walk with everyone. –Naru

Straight, short and to the point. She was still mad at Keitaro. Sighing, the manager made his way to the stairs, and then realized that he had to change his clothes, and take a bath to keep himself from getting sick. And with the girls gone, he might finally enjoy some alone time with the hot springs.

He removed his clothing, and grabbed a towel, and entered the hot springs with a small smile. He opened the sliding door, and was about to remove his towel and dive towards the springs when he saw Motoko’s naked back to him. His jaw dropped.

Blinking a few times, he began to sweat. Without a sound, he slowly took a few tentative steps back, only to step on a bar of soap that appeared out of nowhere, and he let out a yelp as he fell on his back.

The world spun, and his back ached. Keitaro muttered a few words that were synonymous to ‘ouch’. It wasn’t until he head the unmistakable sound of a sword leaving it’s sheath did he realize that he had to get out of there.

Unfortunately, if he tried to stand, the blade that was pointed at his neck would probably skewer him. The shadow of Motoko fell over him, her face covered by the steam, holding her sword at his throat. His jaw began to move, automatically spouting apologies and the like, when her eyes started glowing, staring at him, glaring, and probably planning to take him to hell.

“Manager-san?” the figure suddenly called.

Keitaro blinked, and realized that the voice was not Motoko’s. And judging by the height and build, the figure he'd thought was his tenant was someone else. Casting caution to the wind, he replied in a rather small and meek voice, “Yes…?”

The face finally revealed itself from the fog. And Keitaro’s cheeks flushed a bit at her seemingly overwhelming beauty. Her sword was sheathed almost at once, as she seemed to not view him as a threat.

“I’m Tsuruko Aoyama…” she then offered her hand, to help him up. Once that was done, Keitaro looked at the woman more closely. She wrapped herself in a towel, but the hair and face definitely reminded him of Motoko.

Then it struck him. “Aoyama…?”

“Yes,” she responded with a small benign smile. “I’m Motoko’s older sister.”


Well, the surprise hasn’t worn off, Keitaro reminded himself as he sat across from Tsuruko in the living room. He was studying her face, noting many similarities with Motoko. Long flowing black hair, the eyes of a warrior, the facial structures… the only thing that seemed to differentiate both was her bangs and the way she carried herself.

Keitaro was an artist. He knew to distinguish the difference features of different people and point the similarities. Motoko’s bangs were more or less even on her forehead, while Tsuruko’s had a slight triangular shape, covering hers. And while Motoko may be confident, she at times presented a sort of timidness and unsureness; her sister didn't. She carried herself with a poise of a woman of high class, giving off an aura of maturity and wisdom.

He must have been staring intently at her because she suddenly seemed to smirk at him with narrowed eyes. “It’s nice to know I can still attract people,” she said with a soft chuckle.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare…” Keitaro blushed, moving his head down.

“I shall take it as a compliment, Manager-san,” Tsuruko smiled.

Keitaro laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. “Please… call me Keitaro,” he said. “What brings you here then, Aoyama-san?”

“Call me Tsuruko,” she gave him another benign smile. “I have come to visit my sister. I noticed no one was in when I arrived. I apologize for intruding, by the way. I heard there was a hot spring here from my sister’s letters, so I couldn’t resist.”

Keitaro’s blush became more pronounced when Tsuruko’s face suddenly became… well… cute, for the lack of a better term. She had her eyes closed, and a small smile, giving an impression of a younger girl excited over finally receiving candy she had been wanting for a week.

“Its okay, Aoyama-san,” Keitaro replied, still notcomfortable calling her by her first name. She was still Motoko’s older sister. “But I don’t think you caught them earlier. I got a message that they went out.”

“Oh my…” Tsuruko frowned. Taking a moment to think, she seemed to resign a bit. “Oh well. I shall await for them here, if you don’t mind.”

“Oh, no, please stay,” Keitaro said with a smile. He started to stand up. “I shall get tea and… WHOA!” and with a yelp, he fell down as his feet seemed to trip on themselves.

Tsuruko giggled a bit, covering her mouth with her hand. “Keitaro-san, maybe it’s better if I get the tea.” Keitaro was about to protest, when she silenced him with a finger to his lips, her face close to his. He could literally feel her breathe as she spoke with a smile, “I insist.”

He swallowed the lump on his throat as she left him in a daze. Not really knowing what to do, as his mind was still in a daze, he didn’t notice Tsuruko returning with a tray.

“Here you go, Keitaro-san,” she said with a small smile, handing him a cup of tea. Keitaro nodded and took a sip.

It was… sweet. And the temperature was just right. He found himself drinking the whole cup. Tsuruko’s smile widened as she began to pour more. After he drank again, he stated his thanks.

“No need for thanks, Keitaro-san,” Tsuruko replied. “You know… my sister has mentioned you in a lot of her letters.”

Keitaro almost coughed his tea out. “Oh…?” he asked nervously. Whatever Motoko wrote about him was bound not to be particularly good for his health. “I didn’t know she held me of importance…”

‘Okay, that was a rather stupid sentence,’ Keitaro had thought with a small mental frown.

“She claims a new male manager has replaced Hinata-san, and that you spend the day mostly molesting your tenants, or trying to at least,” Tsuruko took a sip at her tea.

Keitaro’s jaw dropped, but he closed it almost at once. “It’s… a misunderstanding,” he said with a nervous laugh. He continued to drink his tea silently. When his cup was empty, he filled it up himself. “Most of them are accidents… really!” He emphasized his end word when she looked at him with narrowed eyes and a small smirk. It was starting to creep him out.

“You can tell me, Keitaro-san. I know men like you have urges,” she said calmly. “Being married myself, I can quite understand.”

“You’re married?” Keitaro asked, surprised.

“Was… my ex-husband has filed a divorce,” Tsuruko smiled at him. A cold shiver passed through his spine. “It’s my fault, I guess.”

Keitaro’s began sweat, and his vision began to blur. “Uh… why would you… say that…?” Keitaro’s surprise was now evident as his grip on thecup began to slip. He put it down before he could drop it.

“I was more than he expected,” she said with a wide and evil smirk, her eyes narrowing again looking at him. “Something wrong, Keitaro-san? Feeling slightly… lightheaded?”

Keitaro didn’t answer anymore as his body stiffened. In his petrified state, he watched as Tsuruko’s blurry hands grabbed him before he could fall flat on his face. The last thing he saw through the blur was her face, looking at his. Then, darkness overcame him.


The first thing Keitaro saw was the ceiling to his room. Keitaro blinked a few times to clear his vision and groaned. He felt that his jaw was slack, open, and when he tried to close it, he felt a ball stuck inside his mouth.

‘Huh?’ he mumbled, and tried to remove the ball with his hand, only to feel his arms bound. His eyes widened even more when he felt that his feet were the same way, except spread open. Between his legs stood Tsuruko, who was looking at him with a smirk.

He then noted the coldness of the air. His eyes looked to his chest, and realized the cold draft he’d been feeling was because he didn’t have any clothes on. After a moment, he began to panic, trying to get loose from his bounds.

“It is useless, my little Taro-kun,” Tsuruko said with the same smirk. Without another word, she began to slowly remove her hakama, undressing in front of Keitaro’s widened eyes. “I’ve had training in tying bonds.”

Keitaro’s eyes closed the moment her breasts came into full view. Even for that split second, it was seared on his memory, and it would probably stay there until he died. Two full, beautiful breasts and her pale pink nipples erect. He shook his head. This was not what he wanted now. He had to get out…

Keitaro yelped as he felt sharp steel on his throat. He opened his eyes to see a sword slowly crossing his neck. She smiled at him. “Don’t close your eyes, my little Taro-kun. I want you to see every part of me… every inch, every curve. I want my image in your head… at all times, at all levels. You are mine, Taro-kun.”

She placed her sword gently on his side, as a reminder of what could happen to him if he refused to listen to her orders. He swallowed, and obeyed. His mind was aflame, and his blood was pumping in his veins as she then slowly lowered her naked body towards him.

The first touch was the worst… her hair with his skin. It sent a wave of electrical impulses over his body he felt himself spasm. She then slowly but surely moved her way along his body, her skin against his skin, making Keitaro groan and moan. He felt himself harden, but she made no clue of noticing. She lowered her lips to his stomach, and slowly began to kiss, lick, and at times breathe on him as she moved.

‘Kami-sama… please…’ Keitaro’s thought, as his legs began to shake at her touch. She was teasing him, tormenting him; just enough to send him to the edge, but not enough to actually push him over. He moaned when he felt his hardened shaft brush on her crotch, and he almost came there and then.

She then moved her tongue along his nipples, and began to lick in circular motions. He moaned louder this time, his brain seemingly getting fried at this point. “Enjoying it, my little Taro-kun?” Tsuruko taunted with her narrowed eyes and evil smirk.

Keitaro couldn’t reply… half of him wanted it to stop, the other half was now screaming for more. He could only groan in response

“It’s not over yet…” Tsuruko crawled all fours, and she exposed her womanhood to him, smiling at him before she slowly lowered herself to his face. Keitaro saw the enclosing darkness, and the musky smell of her femininity and sexuality lingered as her slit touched his nose. She then began to move, her crotch moving even closer to his mouth , nearly cutting off his air supply. He didn’t now what she was up to. All he could see was the darkness… all he could smell was her. He couldn’t take too much more.

A hand grabbed his hardened cock, and slowly began to stroke. He groaned, his saliva now dripping out of the gag he had in his mouth. His eyes were looking up, he was stiffening now. He felt that he was just tip-toeing in the edge.

‘Kami-sama… Kami-sama… Kami-sama…’ his mind began to chant repeatedly.

All it took was a little wind to blow him away… All it took was a slight touch of what seemed to her tongue on the head of his shaft… and with that, his whole world exploded. His moan was muffled not only by the gag, but also by her crotch, now moistened, her juices slowly flowing on his gag. He felt his whole being contracting into one small ball and then it exploded out again.

He felt her slowly release his soon to be flaccid member, her legs now letting go of his head. She slowly stood up, showing him a different view of her body. She was smiling at him, licking off his essence from her hand.

“That was it?” she asked with a hint of frost in her voice. Keitaro swallowed. “Well… I guess it should be expected from a virgin.”

She slowly squatted, her crotch slowly going to his face once again. He felt his blood starting to pump once again. Without another word, she removed the gag ball she placed in him.

Keitaro closed his mouth, and moved his tongue inside her. Looking up, he slowly whimpered, “I’m sorry, Aoyama-san… I didn’t mean to…”

She placed a finger on his lips again, silencing him. “You will address your new mistress as Tsuruko-sama,” she said with her dark grin. “And…” she stood up, and walked over his legs. She knelt down, and began to blow a bit on his cock. He shivered, and he felt himself beginning to harden again. “If you want to really apologize to me, my little slave, then know this… we aren’t done yet. And this time, you’ll only come when I say you do… unless you want to be… punished.”

Keitaro shook his head fearfully as her grin turned feral with the word punishment. When her fingers slowly began to carress his shaft, he moaned, briefly wondering what he'd gotten himself into.

To be continued… I think.

Thanks to Hawker_748 for his proof-reading this one. ^-^