Loveless Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Passion ❯ Confession ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I apologize for the long wait. There was school and everything in between. I would really appreciate reviews, so that I can know what everyone thinks.
Also I would like to post this chapter in honor of BlooDy-MaY who helped me finish writing this chapter. Thanks so much!!!
Midnight Passion Chapter 2
Yayoi had always considered himself to be a normal decent guy. When he woke up in the morning he showered and brushed his teeth before pulling his uniform on and sliding his bag over his shoulder and leaving for school; that had been his routine for the past seventeen years. At school he had always been considered a brain, excelling in all academics, while still acquiring many friends along the way.
Five years ago however, a boy had entered his school, changing everything he considered normal into a world unknown. Aoyagi Ritsuka had changed everything, his uncaring attitude and glaring eyes had drawn everyone to him. Yuiko was the first to see the mystery that was an Aoyagi, and she had loved Ritsuka for it. Yayoi had never liked Ritsuka, to him the other boy was just another hurtle preventing him from achieving his goal. Yuiko.
Then another man had appeared. Agatsuma Soubi was tall, mysterious, bold and caring. The perfect man for anyone, with his eyes only focused on his target Aoyagi Ritsuka.
In the beginning Ritsuka and Soubi's relationship had disgusted him, and even in some cases he refused to be anywhere near the couple. Yayoi could see that although unwilling to be touched or caressed, Ritsuka longed for Soubi's touch, for his words. Perhaps that was when things actually began to change. Slowly he had become used to the idea of a gay relationship. Although Ritsuka had often strongly protested to the wording his eyes always remained only for Soubi. Perhaps it was then, that Yuiko also began to see the light.
They had entered High school, and had all changed so much. No longer did they linger together after school in the afternoons, while Soubi made a decadent dish of some sort, or sit around playing video games till late in the evening. Now their days were filled with term papers, science fair projects, and exit level exams. They were no longer children, no longer young teens who had no concept of their futures, but soon to be adults who would one day make a difference.
It had become a common occurrence, to see a new boy or girl enter the classroom each day baring the mark of their journey into adulthood; their ears and tail. For Yayoi however things had not been as simple, as a whisper here or there, but an onslaught of whispers and murmurs as the boy everyone considered to be the brains of the class sat in his seat, with his head bowed away from the prying eyes.
Yayoi had never considered himself to be gay, and he had never considered the possibility. He was fine with watching Ritsuka and Soubi flirt with one another, but had never seen himself doing the same with another boy or man. Thinking back to that morning Yayoi remembered waking up in a bed that wasn't his own, in an apartment that did not look anything like his home, and to breakfast he never would have experienced had he been at home. It was true, that even though Yayoi's parents loved him a lot, they were never home and instead only left money and gifts as compensation for lost time.
The only thing left in the apartment when Yayoi woke, was a note, that read

It wasn't the absence of Kio that had confused Yayoi, or even the eerie silence of the apartment. It was the note. Wasn't this supposed to be some sort of one night stand?
Thinking back to the previous night Yayoi could still feel the passion. He had never wanted to get close to anyone. Yuiko had been his first and only crush, but Yayoi had always kept everyone at an arms distance. When Yayoi was very young, he had been diagnosed with acute asthma, and as such had always been sheltered away from anything stressful or strenuous that could cause him to have an attack. He was weak, and could never let anyone see him in pain or hurt those around him.
When Yayoi had come to school, he could feel the stares, and hear the whispers as he walked down the hall. After all who would think Yayoi one of the smartest students in the school would come to school without his ears and tail? That was how he ended up here, all alone at lunch staring out the window as his classmates mingled outside in the sun.
Hearing the classroom door open Yayoi turned to see Ritsuka entering the room.
“I know how you are feeling about now. You feel like its wrong, like there is no room in your life for any type of relationship that may hinder you in the future.” Ritsuka said pulling a desk up to sit right next to Yayoi.
“Five years ago I never would have thought I would have to be the one to tell you this. There is nothing to fear about being different, or even learning to love. Life is all about chance and luck. We both just happen to have had some rough spots in our lives, but that's how we have grown. Think about it will you. Love only comes around once in a while, and maybe not even that.” Ritsuka said getting up and walking to the door.
“Ritsuka…I'm scared…he's just so different, and I never meant for it to happen. Yayoi said grabbing a hold of Ritsuka's sleeve.
“We don't mean for a lot of things to happen. All I know is this, I have known Kio a little over four years, he's loud, he's crude, and he's obnoxious, but through it all he is a loyal friend. He has stuck by both Soubi and I through think and thin. So trust me when I say, he will not hurt you.” Ritsuka said leaving Yayoi to think about the his words.
Please Review, they are greatly appreciated.
I had art class this morning. I will see you after school.